public Device_Management_System() { InitializeComponent(); label1.Text = Account_n; DBHelper db = new DBHelper(); string SqlText = "select * from Admin where Account='" + Account_n + "';"; DataSet data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); if (data.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { db = new DBHelper(); SqlText = "select * from Users where Account='" + Account_n + "';"; data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); char Scope = Convert.ToChar(data.Tables[0].Rows[0][2]); switch (Scope) { case 'A': Refresh_SqlText = "select * from Borrow_Device_Input_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_CellPhoneTablet_List where Return_data is NUll"; TableArr = new string [] { "Borrow_Device_Input_List", "Borrow_Device_CellPhoneTablet_List" }; break; case 'B': Refresh_SqlText = "select * from Borrow_Device_FlashStorage_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_ODD_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Device_Others_List where Return_data is NUll"; TableArr = new string[] { "Borrow_Device_FlashStorage_List", "Borrow_Device_ODD_List", "Device_Others_List" }; break; case 'C': Refresh_SqlText = "select * from Borrow_Device_CardReader_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_HUB_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_Adapter_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_MediaCard_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_DongleCable_List where Return_data is NUll"; TableArr = new string[] { "Borrow_Device_CardReader_List", "Borrow_Device_HUB_List", "Borrow_Device_Adapter_List", "Borrow_Device_MediaCard_List", "Borrow_Device_DongleCable_List" }; break; case 'D': Refresh_SqlText = "select * from Borrow_Device_DisplayTV_List where Return_data is NUll"; TableArr = new string[] { "Borrow_Device_DisplayTV_List" }; break; case 'E': Refresh_SqlText = "select * from Borrow_Device_Audio_List where Return_data is NUll"; TableArr = new string[] { "Borrow_Device_Audio_List" }; break; case 'F': Refresh_SqlText = "select * from Borrow_Device_PrinterScanner_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_AccessPointStation_List where Return_data is NUll union all select * from Borrow_Device_Switch_List where Return_data is NUll"; TableArr = new string[] { "Borrow_Device_PrinterScanner_List", "Borrow_Device_AccessPointStation_List", "Borrow_Device_Switch_List" }; break; } DGVset.Refresh(this); DGVset.Set(this); } else { Borrow_button.Enabled = false; Return_button.Enabled = false; Not_Returned_button.Enabled = false; Returned_log_button.Enabled = false; Add_User_linkLabel.Visible = true; } }
private void CardReader_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBHelper db = new DBHelper(); string SqlText = "select Identifier,Category,Type,Size,DET_info,Status,Qty_Inventory,Remake from Device_CardReader_List"; DataSet data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); dataGridView1.DataSource = data.Tables[0]; DGVset.Set(this); }
private void Return_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Identifier = Identifier_r_textBox.Text; string Return_data = Returen_datatextBox.Text; string Into_table_Name = "Log_Borrow_" + Account_n; if (Identifier == "" || Return_data == "") { MessageBox.Show("Identifier and Return_data can not be empty!"); return; } string Id_f = Identifier.Substring(0, 1); char Id_need = Convert.ToChar(Id_f); string Table = ""; if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "SP") { Table = "Borrow_Device_Audio_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "IP") { Table = "Borrow_Device_CellPhoneTablet_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "MC") { Table = "Borrow_Device_MediaCard_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "CA") { Table = "Borrow_Device_DongleCable_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "TV") { Table = "Borrow_Device_DisplayTV_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "SW") { Table = "Borrow_Device_Switch_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "CD") { Table = "Borrow_Device_Others_List"; goto Testc; } switch (Id_need) { case 'K': Table = "Borrow_Device_Input_List"; break; case 'M': Table = "Borrow_Device_Input_List"; break; case 'G': Table = "Borrow_Device_Input_List"; break; case 'F': Table = "Borrow_Device_FlashStorage_List"; break; case 'S': Table = "Borrow_Device_FlashStorage_List"; break; case 'O': Table = "Borrow_Device_ODD_List"; break; case 'C': Table = "Borrow_Device_CardReader_List"; break; case 'P': Table = "Borrow_Device_PrinterScanner_List"; break; case 'H': Table = "Borrow_Device_HUB_List"; break; case 'W': Table = "Borrow_Device_AccessPointStation_List"; break; case 'A': Table = "Borrow_Device_Adapter_List"; break; default: Table = "Borrow_Device_Others_List"; break; } Testc: DBHelper db = new DBHelper(); string Test_Table = Table.Remove(0, 7); string SqlText = "select * from " + Test_Table + " where Identifier = '" + Identifier + "'"; DataSet data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); if (data.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("This device does not exist.", "Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } db = new DBHelper(); SqlText = "select * from " + Table + " where Identifier = '" + Identifier + "'"; data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); if (data.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("The device has returned or does not exist.", "Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } db = new DBHelper(); SqlText = "update " + Table + " set Return_data=N'" + Return_data + "' where Identifier = N'" + Identifier + "'"; data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); SqlText = "insert into " + Into_table_Name + "(Identifier,Borrower,Extension,Date_of_borrowing,Return_data,Remake) select * from " + Table + " where Identifier = '" + Identifier + "'"; db.DBselect(SqlText, null); SqlText = "Delete from " + Table + " where Identifier='" + Identifier + "'"; db.DBselect(SqlText, null); DGVset.Refresh(this); DGVset.Set(this); }
private void Borrow_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Identifier = Identifier_textBox.Text; string Borrower = Borrower_textBox.Text; string Extension = Extension_textBox.Text; string Date_of_borrowing = Date_of_borrowing_textBox.Text; string Remake = Remake_textBox.Text; if (Identifier == "" || Borrower == "" || Date_of_borrowing == "") { MessageBox.Show("Identifier, Borrower, Date_of_borrowing and Return_data can not be empty!", "Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string Id_f = Identifier.Substring(0, 1); char Id_need = Convert.ToChar(Id_f); string Table = ""; if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "SP") { Table = "Borrow_Device_Audio_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "IP") { Table = "Borrow_Device_CellPhoneTablet_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "MC") { Table = "Borrow_Device_MediaCard_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "CA") { Table = "Borrow_Device_DongleCable_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "TV") { Table = "Borrow_Device_DisplayTV_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "SW") { Table = "Borrow_Device_Switch_List"; goto Testc; } if (Identifier.Substring(0, 2) == "CD") { Table = "Borrow_Device_Others_List"; goto Testc; } switch (Id_need) { case 'K': Table = "Borrow_Device_Input_List"; break; case 'M': Table = "Borrow_Device_Input_List"; break; case 'G': Table = "Borrow_Device_Input_List"; break; case 'F': Table = "Borrow_Device_FlashStorage_List"; break; case 'S': Table = "Borrow_Device_FlashStorage_List"; break; case 'O': Table = "Borrow_Device_ODD_List"; break; case 'C': Table = "Borrow_Device_CardReader_List"; break; case 'P': Table = "Borrow_Device_PrinterScanner_List"; break; case 'H': Table = "Borrow_Device_HUB_List"; break; case 'W': Table = "Borrow_Device_AccessPointStation_List"; break; case 'A': Table = "Borrow_Device_Adapter_List"; break; default: Table = "Borrow_Device_Others_List"; break; } Testc: DBHelper db = new DBHelper(); string SqlText = "select * from " + Table + " where Identifier = '" + Identifier + "'"; DataSet data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); if (data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("The device has been borrowed.", "Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } bool exists = ((IList)TableArr).Contains(Table); if (!exists) { MessageBox.Show("This device does not belong to " + Account_n + " management.", "Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } db = new DBHelper(); string Test_Table = Table.Remove(0, 7); SqlText = "select * from " + Test_Table + " where Identifier = '" + Identifier + "'"; data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); if (data.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("This device does not exist.", "Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } //label1.Text = Table; db = new DBHelper(); SqlText = "insert into " + Table + " values(N\'" + Identifier + "\',N\'" + Borrower + "',N\'" + Extension + "\',N\'" + Date_of_borrowing + "\',null,N\'" + Remake + "')"; data = db.DBselect(SqlText, null); DGVset.Refresh(this); DGVset.Set(this); }