protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DFISYS.BO.SearchHelper objhelp = new DFISYS.BO.SearchHelper();
            string keyword = txtKeyword.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "");

            string[] strKeys   = keyword.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
            string   strKey    = objhelp.getAndCond("News_Title,News_Source", strKeys);
            string   strCat    = cboCategory.SelectedValue;
            string   strAndCat = "";

            if (strCat != "0")
                CategoryRow objCat = CategoryHelper.getCatInfoAsCategoryRow(Convert.ToInt32(strCat));
                if (objCat.Cat_ParentID == 0)
                    strCat = CategoryHelper.GetChildCatIdByCatParentId(Convert.ToInt32(strCat));
                    if (strCat.Trim() != "")
                        strCat += "," + cboCategory.SelectedValue;
                        strCat = cboCategory.SelectedValue;
                strAndCat = " AND Category.Cat_ID IN (" + strCat + ")";

            objListNewsSource.SelectParameters[0].DefaultValue = " News_Status=3 AND " + strKey + strAndCat;
예제 #2
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Reset cac gia tri cua  Filter
            txtFromDate.Text = "";
            txtToDate.Text   = "";
            // ddlChuyenmuc.SelectedValue = "0";
            // Session.Remove("ddlChuyenmuc");
            // End Reset
            DFISYS.BO.SearchHelper objhelp = new DFISYS.BO.SearchHelper();
            string strcpmode  = Request.QueryString["cpmode"].ToString();
            string strKeyword = txtKeyword.Text.Trim().Replace("'", " ");

            strKeyword = strKeyword.Replace('"', ' ');
            string[] strKeys  = strKeyword.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string   strWhere = objhelp.getAndCond("News_Title", strKeys);

            if (strWhere.Trim() != "")
                strWhere = " And " + strWhere;

            string strCat = ddlChuyenmuc.SelectedValue;

            if (strCat == "0")
                strCat = CategoryHelper.Treebuild(ddlChuyenmuc);

            excutive(strcpmode, strCat, strWhere);
            // Luu cac gia tri TimKiem
            Session["txtKeyword"] = txtKeyword.Text.Trim();

            grdListNews.SelectedIndex = -1;
            grdListNews.PageIndex     = 0;