예제 #1
        internal async Task <Document> DeleteHelperAsync(Key key, DeleteItemOperationConfig config, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var currentConfig = config ?? new DeleteItemOperationConfig();

            var req = new DeleteItemRequest
                TableName = TableName,
                Key       = key

            this.AddRequestHandler(req, isAsync: true);

            if (currentConfig.ReturnValues == ReturnValues.AllOldAttributes)
                req.ReturnValues = EnumMapper.Convert(currentConfig.ReturnValues);


            if (currentConfig.Expected != null)
                req.Expected = this.ToExpectedAttributeMap(currentConfig.Expected);
            else if (currentConfig.ExpectedState != null &&
                     currentConfig.ExpectedState.ExpectedValues != null &&
                     currentConfig.ExpectedState.ExpectedValues.Count > 0)
                req.Expected = currentConfig.ExpectedState.ToExpectedAttributeMap(this);
                if (req.Expected.Count > 1)
                    req.ConditionalOperator = EnumMapper.Convert(currentConfig.ExpectedState.ConditionalOperator);
            else if (currentConfig.ConditionalExpression != null && currentConfig.ConditionalExpression.IsSet)
                currentConfig.ConditionalExpression.ApplyExpression(req, this);

            var attributes = (await DDBClient.DeleteItemAsync(req, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).Attributes;

            Document ret = null;

            if (currentConfig.ReturnValues == ReturnValues.AllOldAttributes)
                ret = this.FromAttributeMap(attributes);
예제 #2
        public async Task <APIGatewayProxyResponse> OnDisconnectHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest request, ILambdaContext context)
                var connectionId = request.RequestContext.ConnectionId;
                context.Logger.LogLine($"ConnectionId: {connectionId}");

                var ddbRequest = new DeleteItemRequest
                    TableName = ConnectionMappingTable,
                    Key       = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                        { ConnectionIdField, new AttributeValue {
                              S = connectionId
                          } }

                await DDBClient.DeleteItemAsync(ddbRequest);

                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                    StatusCode = 200,
                    Body = "Disconnected."
            catch (Exception e)
                context.Logger.LogLine("Error disconnecting: " + e.Message);
                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                    StatusCode = 500,
                    Body = $"Failed to disconnect: {e.Message}"
예제 #3
        public async Task <APIGatewayProxyResponse> SendMessageHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest request, ILambdaContext context)
                // Construct the API Gateway endpoint that incoming message will be broadcasted to.
                var domainName = request.RequestContext.DomainName;
                var stage      = request.RequestContext.Stage;
                var endpoint   = $"https://{domainName}/{stage}";
                context.Logger.LogLine($"API Gateway management endpoint: {endpoint}");

                // The body will look something like this: {"message":"sendmessage", "data":"What are you doing?"}
                JsonDocument message = JsonDocument.Parse(request.Body);

                // Grab the data from the JSON body which is the message to broadcasted.
                JsonElement dataProperty;
                if (!message.RootElement.TryGetProperty("data", out dataProperty))
                    context.Logger.LogLine("Failed to find data element in JSON document");
                    return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                        StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest

                var data   = dataProperty.GetString();
                var stream = new MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));

                // List all of the current connections. In a more advanced use case the table could be used to grab a group of connection ids for a chat group.
                var scanRequest = new ScanRequest
                    TableName            = ConnectionMappingTable,
                    ProjectionExpression = ConnectionIdField

                var scanResponse = await DDBClient.ScanAsync(scanRequest);

                // Construct the IAmazonApiGatewayManagementApi which will be used to send the message to.
                var apiClient = ApiGatewayManagementApiClientFactory(endpoint);

                // Loop through all of the connections and broadcast the message out to the connections.
                var count = 0;
                foreach (var item in scanResponse.Items)
                    var postConnectionRequest = new PostToConnectionRequest
                        ConnectionId = item[ConnectionIdField].S,
                        Data         = stream

                        context.Logger.LogLine($"Post to connection {count}: {postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId}");
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        await apiClient.PostToConnectionAsync(postConnectionRequest);

                    catch (AmazonServiceException e)
                        // API Gateway returns a status of 410 GONE then the connection is no
                        // longer available. If this happens, delete the identifier
                        // from our DynamoDB table.
                        if (e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Gone)
                            var ddbDeleteRequest = new DeleteItemRequest
                                TableName = ConnectionMappingTable,
                                Key       = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                                    { ConnectionIdField, new AttributeValue {
                                          S = postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId
                                      } }

                            context.Logger.LogLine($"Deleting gone connection: {postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId}");
                            await DDBClient.DeleteItemAsync(ddbDeleteRequest);
                            context.Logger.LogLine($"Error posting message to {postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId}: {e.Message}");

                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Body = "Data sent to " + count + " connection" + (count == 1 ? "" : "s")
            catch (Exception e)
                context.Logger.LogLine("Error disconnecting: " + e.Message);
                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                    Body = $"Failed to send message: {e.Message}"
예제 #4
        public async Task <APIGatewayProxyResponse> SendMessageHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest request, ILambdaContext context)
                // Construct the API Gateway endpoint that incoming message will be broadcasted to.
                var domainName   = request.RequestContext.DomainName;
                var stage        = request.RequestContext.Stage;
                var endpoint     = $"https://{domainName}/{stage}";
                var connectionId = request.RequestContext.ConnectionId;
                context.Logger.LogLine($"API Gateway management endpoint: {endpoint}");

                JsonDocument message = JsonDocument.Parse(request.Body);

                // Grab the data from the JSON body which is the message to broadcasted.
                JsonElement dataProperty;
                if (!message.RootElement.TryGetProperty("data", out dataProperty))
                    context.Logger.LogLine("Failed to find data element in JSON document");
                    return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                        StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest
                var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
                    PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
                ChatMessageRequest messageRequest = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ChatMessageRequest>(dataProperty.ToString(), options);
                string             date           = (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds.ToString();
                await DDBUtils.PutMessage(messageRequest.Message, messageRequest.RoomID, messageRequest.UserID, date);

                ChatMessageResponse chatMsg = new ChatMessageResponse
                    Success = true,
                    Message = messageRequest.Message,
                    Date    = date,
                    Author  = messageRequest.UserID,
                    RoomId  = messageRequest.RoomID

                string data   = JsonSerializer.Serialize(chatMsg);
                var    stream = new MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));

                var queryRequest = new QueryRequest
                    TableName = RoomsConnectionsTable,
                    KeyConditionExpression    = "RoomId = :ri",
                    ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> {
                        { ":ri", new AttributeValue {
                              S = messageRequest.RoomID
                          } }
                    ProjectionExpression = "RoomId, ConnectionId"

                var queryResponse = await DDBClient.QueryAsync(queryRequest);

                // Construct the IAmazonApiGatewayManagementApi which will be used to send the message to.
                var apiClient = ApiGatewayManagementApiClientFactory(endpoint);

                // Loop through all of the connections and broadcast the message out to the connections.
                var count = 0;
                foreach (var item in queryResponse.Items)
                    var postConnectionRequest = new PostToConnectionRequest
                        ConnectionId = item["ConnectionId"].S,
                        Data         = stream

                        context.Logger.LogLine($"Post to connection {count}: {postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId}");
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        await apiClient.PostToConnectionAsync(postConnectionRequest);

                    catch (AmazonServiceException e)
                        // API Gateway returns a status of 410 GONE then the connection is no
                        // longer available. If this happens, delete the identifier
                        // from our DynamoDB table.
                        if (e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Gone)
                            var ddbDeleteRequest = new DeleteItemRequest
                                TableName = RoomsConnectionsTable,
                                Key       = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>
                                    { "RoomId", new AttributeValue {
                                          S = item["RoomId"].S
                                      } },
                                    { "ConnectionId", new AttributeValue {
                                          S = postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId
                                      } }

                            context.Logger.LogLine($"Deleting gone connection: {postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId}");
                            await DDBClient.DeleteItemAsync(ddbDeleteRequest);
                            context.Logger.LogLine($"Error posting message to {postConnectionRequest.ConnectionId}: {e.Message}");

                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Body = "Data sent to " + count + " connection" + (count == 1 ? "" : "s")
            catch (Exception e)
                context.Logger.LogLine("Error sending message: " + e.Message);
                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                    Body = $"Failed to send message: {e.Message}"