예제 #1
        public async Task AddReminderAsync(string title, [Remainder] string interval)
            string[] arrayOfTime = interval.Split(" ");
            int      time = 0;
            int      hours = 0, mins = 0;
            string   temp = "";

            foreach (var item in arrayOfTime)
                if (!(item.Contains("H") || item.Contains("h") || item.Contains("M") || item.Contains("m")))
                    await ReplyAsync("That's not gonna work! Make sure to format your response like ``~remindme \"to water the plants\" 2H 42M`` or ``~remindme homework 23h 55m``!");

                if (item.Contains("H") || item.Contains("h"))
                    temp  = item.Trim(new char[] { 'H', 'h' });
                    hours = int.Parse(temp);
                    time  = time + (hours * 60);
                else if (item.Contains("M") || item.Contains("m"))
                    temp = item.Trim(new char[] { 'M', 'm' });
                    mins = int.Parse(temp);
                    time = time + mins;
            if (time < 1)
                await ReplyAsync("Sorry, your reminder has to be longer than 1 minute at least! I'm not a time traveler.");
                    DBTransaction.AddReminder(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id, title, time, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd.HH:mm:ss"));
                    await ReplyAsync("I'll remind you in " + hours + " hour(s) and " + mins + " minute(s)!");
                catch (SQLiteException ex)
                    int errID = DBTransaction.getErrorID(ex.Message);
                    switch (errID)
                    //if its a foreign key problem, server is not in the Servers Table, so add it and then try again
                    case 0:
                        Console.WriteLine("Foreign key failure when adding Reminder!");
                        await ReplyAsync("Sorry, something went wrong! Contact Hoovier!");


                    //if its a duplicate problem,
                    case 1:
                        Console.WriteLine("Attempted to add Reminder, user already had one Reminder with that name! Server: " + Context.Guild.Name);
                        await ReplyAsync("You already have a Reminder with that title in this server!");


                    //unknown error, spit out an error for me. 69 for obvious reasons.
                    case 69:
                        Console.WriteLine("SQL Error: " + ex.Message + "\nErrorNum:" + ex.ErrorCode);
                        await ReplyAsync("Something went wrong, contact Hoovier with error code: " + ex.ErrorCode);
