string GetSql(DBTable table, ConnectionProviderSql sqlDataStore, DBColumn column) { return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "alter table {0} alter column {1} {2}", sqlDataStore.FormatTableSafe(table), sqlDataStore.FormatColumnSafe(column.Name), sqlDataStore.GetSqlCreateColumnFullAttributes(table, column)); }
private void UpdateColumnSize(DBTable[] tables) { // HACK: (FN) This is a temporary solution for foreach (var table in tables) { DBTable actualTable = null; foreach (var column in from col in table.Columns where col.ColumnType == DBColumnType.String select col) { if (actualTable == null) { actualTable = new DBTable(table.Name); GetTableSchema(actualTable, false, false); } DBColumn dbColumn = column; var actualColumn = actualTable.Columns.Find(col => string.Compare(col.Name, ComposeSafeColumnName(dbColumn.Name), true) == 0); if ((actualColumn != null) && (actualColumn.ColumnType == DBColumnType.String) && (actualColumn.Size != column.Size) && (column.DBTypeName != string.Format("varchar({0})", actualColumn.Size))) { if ((actualColumn.Size < column.Size) || (column.Size == DevExpress.Xpo.SizeAttribute.Unlimited)) { ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("Column", column.Name, table.Name, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "alter table {0} alter column {1} {2}", FormatTableSafe(table), FormatColumnSafe(column.Name), GetSqlCreateColumnFullAttributes(table, column))); } else System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("The size of a DB column will not be decreased." + " So changing the SizeAttribute of a column to have a smaller size than previously specified will have no effect."); } } } }
public MemberAttributeGenerator(MemberGeneratorInfo memberGeneratorInfo, ClassGeneratorInfo classGeneratorInfo) { _objectSpace = XPObjectSpace.FindObjectSpaceByObject(memberGeneratorInfo.PersistentMemberInfo); _persistentMemberInfo = memberGeneratorInfo.PersistentMemberInfo; _column = memberGeneratorInfo.DbColumn; _isPrimaryKey = CalculatePrimaryKey(memberGeneratorInfo, classGeneratorInfo); _dbTable = classGeneratorInfo.DbTable; }
string GetSql(DBTable table, ConnectionProviderSql sqlDataStore, DBColumn column) { return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "alter table {0} {3} {1} {2}", sqlDataStore.FormatTableSafe(table), sqlDataStore.FormatColumnSafe(column.Name), sqlDataStore.GetSqlCreateColumnFullAttributes(table, column), (sqlDataStore is BaseOracleConnectionProvider || sqlDataStore is MySqlConnectionProvider) ? "modify" : "alter column"); }
public static DBTable CreateDbTable(string table, params ColumnInfo[] columnInfos) { var dbTable = new DBTable(table); if (columnInfos != null) foreach (var columnInfo in columnInfos) { dbTable.AddColumn(new DBColumn { Name = columnInfo.Name, ColumnType = columnInfo.ColumnType }); } return dbTable; }
public void _Connects_To_Sample_Db() { _model = new DBTable(_connectionStringName, _testTableName, _tablePkColumn); var cn = _model.OpenConnection(); Assert.True(cn != null && cn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open); cn.Close(); cn.Dispose(); }
public static DBTable GetTable(string tableName) { if (!DBTables.ContainsKey(tableName)) { DBTables[tableName] = new DBTable(tableName); } return DBTables[tableName]; }
public override void GetTableSchema(DBTable table, bool checkIndexes, bool checkForeignKeys) { base.GetTableSchema(table, checkIndexes, checkForeignKeys); table.Columns.Clear(); GetColumns(table); this.CallMethod("GetPrimaryKey",table); if (checkIndexes) this.CallMethod("GetIndexes", table); if (checkForeignKeys) this.CallMethod("GetForeignKeys", table); }
void GetColumns(DBTable table) { string schema = ComposeSafeSchemaName(table.Name); Query query = schema == string.Empty ? new Query("select COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = @p1", new QueryParameterCollection(new OperandValue(ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name))), new[] { "@p1" }) : new Query("select COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = @p1 and TABLE_SCHEMA = @p2", new QueryParameterCollection(new OperandValue(ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name)), new OperandValue(schema)), new[] { "@p1", "@p2" }); foreach (SelectStatementResultRow row in SelectData(query).Rows) { int size = row.Values[2] != DBNull.Value ? ((IConvertible)row.Values[2]).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 0; DBColumnType type = GetTypeFromString((string)row.Values[1], size); table.AddColumn(new DBColumn((string)row.Values[0], false, String.Empty, type == DBColumnType.String ? size : 0, type)); } }
void CreateTransctionTable() { string sql = "" + "CREATE TABLE Transactions " + "(TransactionId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, " + "Amount Money NOT NULL, " + "Comment Text NOT NULL, " + "Identifier Text NOT NULL)"; var Model = new DBTable(CONNECTION_STRING_NAME); Model.Execute(sql); }
public bool TransactionTableExists() { bool exists = false; string sql = "" + "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES " + "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' " + "AND TABLE_NAME = 'Transactions'"; var Model = new DBTable(CONNECTION_STRING_NAME); var query = Model.Query(sql); if (query.Count() > 0) { exists = true; } return exists; }
void GetColumns(DBTable table) { string schema = ComposeSafeSchemaName(table.Name); string safeTableName = ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name); Query query = schema == string.Empty ? new Query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE from USER_TAB_COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = :p0", new QueryParameterCollection(new OperandValue(safeTableName)), new[] { ":p0" }) : new Query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS where OWNER = :p0 and TABLE_NAME = :p1", new QueryParameterCollection(new OperandValue(schema), new OperandValue(safeTableName)), new[] { ":p0", ":p1" }); foreach (SelectStatementResultRow row in SelectData(query).Rows) { int size = row.Values[2] != DBNull.Value ? ((IConvertible)row.Values[2]).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 0; int precision = row.Values[3] != DBNull.Value ? ((IConvertible)row.Values[3]).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 0; int scale = row.Values[4] != DBNull.Value ? ((IConvertible)row.Values[4]).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : 0; DBColumnType type = GetTypeFromString((string)row.Values[1], size, precision, scale); table.AddColumn(new DBColumn((string)row.Values[0], false, String.Empty, type == DBColumnType.String ? size : 0, type)); } }
public void _Deletes_Typed_Record() { _setup.CheckSetUp(); var model = new DBTable(_connectionStringName, _testTableName, _tablePkColumn); var newRecord = new Transaction() { Amount = 100, Comment = "I Overspent!", Identifier = "XXX" }; model.Insert(newRecord); int recordPk = newRecord.TransactionId; newRecord = model.Find<Transaction>(recordPk); int deleted = model.Delete(newRecord.TransactionId); newRecord = model.Find(recordPk); Assert.True(deleted > 0 && newRecord == null); }
private void UpdateColumnSize(IEnumerable<DBTable> tables, ConnectionProviderSql sqlDataStore) { foreach (var table in tables) { DBTable actualTable = null; foreach (var column in table.Columns.Where(col => col.ColumnType == DBColumnType.String)) { if (actualTable == null) { actualTable = new DBTable(table.Name); sqlDataStore.GetTableSchema(actualTable, false, false); } DBColumn dbColumn = column; var actualColumn = actualTable.Columns.Find(col => string.Compare(col.Name, sqlDataStore.ComposeSafeColumnName(dbColumn.Name), true) == 0); if (NeedsAltering(column, actualColumn)) { if ((actualColumn.Size < column.Size) || (column.Size == DevExpress.Xpo.SizeAttribute.Unlimited)) { var sql = GetSql(table, sqlDataStore, column); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf(new System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch("XPO", "").TraceInfo, sql); sqlDataStore.ExecSql(new Query(sql)); } } } } }
public void _Deletes_Anonymous_Record() { _setup.CheckSetUp(); var model = new DBTable(_connectionStringName, _testTableName, _tablePkColumn); var newRecord = new { Amount = 100, Comment = "I Anonymously Overspent!", Identifier = "YYZ" // Bah da-bah-bah-bah da bah-bah-bah-bah }; var result = model.Insert(newRecord); int recordPk = result.TransactionId; // Retrieve the updated item from the Db: var recordToDelete = model.Find(recordPk); int deleted = model.Delete(recordToDelete.TransactionId); recordToDelete = model.Find(recordPk); Assert.True(deleted > 0 && recordToDelete == null); }
void GetColumns(DBTable table) { foreach (SelectStatementResultRow row in SelectData(new Query(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "show columns from `{0}`", ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name)))).Rows) { int size; string rowValue1, rowValue5, rowValue0; if (row.Values[1].GetType() == typeof(Byte[])) { rowValue1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString((byte[])row.Values[1]); rowValue5 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString((byte[])row.Values[5]); rowValue0 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString((byte[])row.Values[0]); } else { rowValue1 = (string)row.Values[1]; rowValue5 = (string)row.Values[5]; rowValue0 = (string)row.Values[0]; } DBColumnType type = GetTypeFromString(rowValue1, out size); bool isAutoIncrement = false; string extraValue = rowValue5; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraValue) && extraValue.Contains("auto_increment")) isAutoIncrement = true; var column = new DBColumn(rowValue0, false, String.Empty, type == DBColumnType.String ? size : 0, type) {IsIdentity = isAutoIncrement}; table.AddColumn(column); } }
/// <summary> /// Создание ссылки на другую таблицу /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица со ссылкой</param> /// <param name="fk">Ссылка на другую таблицу</param> public override void CreateForeignKey(DBTable table, DBForeignKey fk) { // Если ссылка на таблицу с настраиваемой модификацией, то пропускаем DBTableEx foreignTableEx = XPDictionaryInformer.Schema.GetTable(fk.PrimaryKeyTable); if (foreignTableEx.IsCustom) return; // Если ссылка на таблицу из другой схемы, то необходимо дать разрешение string tableSchema = FormatRealSchemaName(table.Name); string foreignSchema = FormatRealSchemaName(fk.PrimaryKeyTable); if (tableSchema != foreignSchema) { string foreignTable = FormatTable(foreignSchema, ComposeSafeTableName(fk.PrimaryKeyTable)); ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("ForeignKey", GetForeignKeyName(fk, table), table.Name, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "grant references on {0} to {1}", foreignTable, tableSchema)); } base.CreateForeignKey(table, fk); }
private void frmPartnersEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool bResult = true; oPartner.ID = nPartnerID; // классификаторы bResult = cboZone_Restore() && cboPermitLevel_Restore(); /*&& cboPartnerRoot_Restore();*/ if (bResult) { cboPartnerRoot.SelectedIndex = cboZone.SelectedIndex = cboPermitLevel.SelectedIndex = -1; if (nPartnerID.HasValue && (int)nPartnerID != 0) { // существующий клиент bResult = oPartner.ReFillOne((int)nPartnerID) && (oPartner.ErrorNumber == 0); if (bResult) { Text += " (код " + nPartnerID.ToString() + ")"; txtNаme.Text = oPartner.Name; chkActual.Checked = oPartner.Actual; chkIsCustomer.Checked = oPartner.IsCustomer; chkIsSupplier.Checked = oPartner.IsSupplier; chkIsTransport.Checked = oPartner.IsTransport; chkIsOwner.Checked = oPartner.IsOwner; chkSeparatePicking.Checked = oPartner.SeparatePicking; chkIsOwner_CheckedChanged(null, null); txtContactsInfo.Text = oPartner.ContactsInfo; if (oPartner.PartnerRootID.HasValue) { cboPartnerRoot.SelectedValue = oPartner.PartnerRootID; } if (oPartner.ZoneID.HasValue) { cboZone.SelectedValue = oPartner.ZoneID; } if (oPartner.PermitLevelID.HasValue) { cboPermitLevel.SelectedValue = oPartner.PermitLevelID; } txtDeliveryAddress.Text = oPartner.DeliveryAddress; txtDeliveryPassage.Text = oPartner.DeliveryPassage; txtDeliveryRestriction.Text = oPartner.DeliveryRestriction; txtGravity.Text = oPartner.Gravity; txtNote.Text = oPartner.Note; // CoordinatesX, CoordinatesY txtLatitude.Text = (oPartner.Latitude.HasValue ? oPartner.Latitude.ToString() : ""); txtLongitude.Text = (oPartner.Longitude.HasValue ? oPartner.Longitude.ToString() : ""); numDistance.Value = oPartner.Distance; chkPassengerCarOnly.Checked = oPartner.PassengerCarOnly; chkPosternOnly.Checked = oPartner.PosternOnly; chkLoadLiftOnly.Checked = oPartner.LoadLiftOnly; // покажем верхнюю запись из PartnersDetail oPartner.FillTablePartnersDetails((int)oPartner.ID); if (oPartner.TablePartnersDetails.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow p = oPartner.TablePartnersDetails.Rows[0]; txtLegalName.Text = p["LegalName"].ToString(); txtLegalAddress.Text = p["LegalAddress"].ToString(); txtFactName.Text = p["FactName"].ToString(); txtFactAddress.Text = p["FactAddress"].ToString(); txtPhone.Text = p["Phone"].ToString(); txtInn.Text = p["Inn"].ToString(); txtKpp.Text = p["Kpp"].ToString(); txtContractNumber.Text = p["ContractNumber"].ToString(); if (!Convert.IsDBNull(p["ContractDate"])) { dtpContractDate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(p["ContractDate"]); } else { dtpContractDate.HideControl(false); } txtBankName.Text = p["BankName"].ToString(); txtBankAddress.Text = p["BankAddress"].ToString(); txtPAccount.Text = p["PAccount"].ToString(); txtCAccount.Text = p["CAccount"].ToString(); txtBik.Text = p["Bik"].ToString(); txtOkonh.Text = p["Okonh"].ToString(); txtOkpo.Text = p["Okpo"].ToString(); txtJobTitleDirector.Text = p["JobTitleDirector"].ToString(); txtFioDirector.Text = p["FioDirector"].ToString(); txtJobTitleAccountant.Text = p["JobTitleAccountant"].ToString(); txtFioAccountant.Text = p["FioAccountant"].ToString(); } // // стр.Дополнительно chkDateValidControl.Checked = oPartner.DateValidControl; chkPalletsAgreement.Checked = oPartner.PalletsAgreement; chkFactPaymentOnly.Checked = oPartner.FactPaymentOnly; txtTimeWork.Text = oPartner.TimeWork; txtTimeReceipt.Text = oPartner.TimeReceipt; txtTimePay.Text = oPartner.TimePay; txtTimeRest.Text = oPartner.TimeRest; numStayMinutes.Value = oPartner.StayMinutes; // стр.Шаблоны if (oPartner.PF_BillName != null && oPartner.PF_BillName.Length > 0) { txtPF_BillName.Text = oPartner.PF_BillName; } numPF_BillCopiesCount.Value = oPartner.PF_BillCopiesCount; chkPF_Bill.Checked = txtPF_BillName.Text.Trim().Length > 0 || numPF_BillCopiesCount.Value > 0; if (oPartner.PF_FactureName != null && oPartner.PF_FactureName.Length > 0) { txtPF_FactureName.Text = oPartner.PF_FactureName; } numPF_FactureCopiesCount.Value = oPartner.PF_FactureCopiesCount; chkPF_Facture.Checked = txtPF_FactureName.Text.Trim().Length > 0 || numPF_FactureCopiesCount.Value > 0; if (oPartner.PF_PayBillName != null && oPartner.PF_PayBillName.Length > 0) { txtPF_PayBillName.Text = oPartner.PF_PayBillName; } numPF_PayBillCopiesCount.Value = oPartner.PF_PayBillCopiesCount; chkPF_PayBill.Checked = txtPF_PayBillName.Text.Trim().Length > 0 || numPF_PayBillCopiesCount.Value > 0; txtShopCode.Text = oPartner.ShopCode; // стр.Ветеринария txtVeterinaryPartnerName.Text = oPartner.VeterinaryPartnerName; txtVeterinaryPermission.Text = oPartner.VeterinaryPermission; // not used /* * chkFactureNeed.Checked = oPartner.FactureNeed; * chkWarrantNeed.Checked = oPartner.WarrantNeed; * chkPaymentOrderNeed.Checked = oPartner.PaymentOrderNeed; * chkOtherDocumentsNeed.Checked = oPartner.OtherDocumentsNeed; * chkQualityLicenceNeed.Checked = oPartner.QualityLicenceNeed; * chkVeterinaryLicenceNeed.Checked = oPartner.VeterinaryLicenceNeed; */ } if (oPartner.DrivingScheme != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(oPartner.DrivingScheme)) { byte[] bsPhoto = oPartner.DrivingScheme; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bsPhoto); try { picDrivingScheme.Image = new Bitmap(ms); } catch (Exception ex) { RFMMessage.MessageBoxError("Ошибка загрузки схемы проезда: " + ex.Message); } } } else { // новый клиент chkActual.Checked = true; } // только просмотр if (bNoEdit) { RFMPanelGlass pnlGlass = new RFMPanelGlass(); pnlGlass.Top = pnlData.Top; pnlGlass.Left = pnlData.Left; pnlGlass.Width = pnlData.Width; pnlGlass.Height = pnlData.Height; Controls.Add(pnlGlass); pnlGlass.BringToFront(); btnSave.Select(); btnSave.Enabled = false; Text += " - просмотр"; } else { // доступность полей DBTable dbTable = new DBTable(); foreach (Control oControlTemp in Controls) { ControlEnable(dbTable, oControlTemp); } } chkPF_Bill_CheckedChanged(null, null); chkPF_Facture_CheckedChanged(null, null); chkPF_PayBill_CheckedChanged(null, null); } if (!bResult) { Dispose(); } bLoaded = true; }
public static void Delete <T>(Expression <Func <T, bool> > predicate, DBTable collectionName) { db.GetCollection <T>(collectionName.ToString()).DeleteMany(predicate); }
protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType) { if (TypeHelper.IsBaseType(objectType, typeof(DBItem))) { var table = DBTable.GetTable(objectType); if (table != null) { var result = new JsonObjectContract(objectType) { Converter = DBItemConverter }; foreach (var column in table.Columns.Where(p => TypeHelper.IsBaseType(p.PropertyInfo?.DeclaringType, objectType))) // && (p.Attribute.Keys & DBColumnKeys.System) != DBColumnKeys.System { if (column.PropertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(AccessValue)) { var accessProperty = new JsonProperty { DeclaringType = objectType, DefaultValue = null, Order = column.Order, PropertyName = column.Property, PropertyType = typeof(AccessType?), ValueProvider = column.PropertyInvoker, Ignored = true }; result.Properties.Add(accessProperty); continue; } var jsonProperty = new JsonProperty { DeclaringType = objectType, DefaultValue = column.DefaultValues != null && column.DefaultValues.TryGetValue(objectType, out var defaultValue) ? defaultValue : null, Order = column.Order, PropertyName = column.Property, PropertyType = column.PropertyInfo.PropertyType, ValueProvider = column.PropertyInvoker, Ignored = column.ColumnType != DBColumnTypes.Default || (column.Keys & DBColumnKeys.Access) == DBColumnKeys.Access }; result.Properties.Add(jsonProperty); if (column.ReferencePropertyInfo != null) { jsonProperty = base.CreateProperty(column.ReferencePropertyInfo, MemberSerialization.OptIn); jsonProperty.IsReference = true; jsonProperty.ValueProvider = column.ReferencePropertyInvoker; jsonProperty.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore; result.Properties.Add(jsonProperty); } } return(result); } } var contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType); if (objectType.IsEnum) { contract.Converter = StringConverter; } return(contract); } }
public Dictionary<IDataStore, List<DBTable>> GetDataStores(DBTable[] dbTables){ var dictionary = _simpleDataLayers.Select(pair => pair.Value.ConnectionProvider).ToDictionary(dataStore => dataStore, dataStore => new List<DBTable>()); foreach (var dbTable in dbTables) { if (dbTable.Name == "XPObjectType") foreach (var simpleDataLayer in _simpleDataLayers) { dictionary[simpleDataLayer.Value.ConnectionProvider].Add(dbTable); } else try { dictionary[_simpleDataLayers[GetKey(dbTable.Name)].ConnectionProvider].Add(dbTable); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } return dictionary; }
/// <summary> /// Создает указанную таблицу /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица</param> public override void CreateTable(DBTable table) { ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("Table", table.Name, string.Empty, new OracleTemplater(this, table).CreateTableCommand(col => GetSqlCreateColumnFullAttributes(table, col))); }
private void TestTable(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestTable:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { String name = table.TableName; bool result = runner.TableExists(executer, conn, name); Output("Table " + name + " exists: " + result + " / False"); Output(""); Output("Create table " + name); Stmt_CreateTable stmtCreate = new Stmt_CreateTable(table); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtCreate)); runner.CreateTable(executer, conn, stmtCreate); Output("Table created"); Output(""); result = runner.TableExists(executer, conn, name); Output("Table " + name + " exists: " + result + " / True"); Output(""); if (result) { Output("Drop table " + name); Stmt_DropTable stmtDrop = new Stmt_DropTable(table); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtDrop)); runner.DropTable(executer, conn, stmtDrop); Output("Table dropped"); Output(""); result = runner.TableExists(executer, conn, name); Output("Table " + name + " exists: " + result + " / False"); } } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestTable failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
private void TestThread(ManualResetEvent exitEvent, Object userData) { try { ISQL builder; ISQLExecuter executer; IConnectionInfo connInfo; switch ((int)userData) { // VistaDB case 0: { String path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); path = Path.Combine(path, "VistaDB"); if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } builder = new VistaDB_SQL(); executer = new VistaDB_SQLExecuter((VistaDB_SQL)builder, path); connInfo = new VistaDB_ConnectionInfo(true); break; } // DB2 case 1: { builder = new DB2_SQL(); executer = new DB2_SQLExecuter((DB2_SQL)builder); connInfo = new DB2_ConnectionInfo("sei-backend", "testdb", "eisst", "EISSTEISST"); break; } default: return; } // Create and start the runner DBRunner runner = new DBRunner(); try { // Show provider IProvider prov = executer.Provider; Output("Provider: " + prov.Name + " - Version: " + prov.Version); Output(""); // Create the database and test tables DBDatabase db = new DBDatabase("DBTest.MyTest"); DBTable table1 = db.AddTable("Table1"); table1.AddColumn("uiNoegle", ColumnType.Guid, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); table1.AddColumn("txTekst", ColumnType.String, 20, ColumnFlag.None); table1.AddColumn("iTal", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); table1.AddColumn("dtDato", ColumnType.DateTime, ColumnFlag.IndexAsc); table1.AddColumn("sLilleTal", ColumnType.Small, ColumnFlag.None); table1.AddColumn("lStortTal", ColumnType.Long, ColumnFlag.NotNull); table1.AddColumn("txStorTekst", ColumnType.Clob, 32 * 1024, ColumnFlag.None); table1.AddColumn("bValg", ColumnType.Boolean, ColumnFlag.NotNull); table1.AddColumn("biBillede", ColumnType.Blob, 10 * 1024 * 1024, ColumnFlag.Compressed); table1.AddColumn("iAutoTaeller", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.NotNull | ColumnFlag.Identity); DBTable table2 = db.AddTable("Table2"); table2.AddColumn("uiNoegle", ColumnType.Guid, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); table2.AddColumn("txTekst", ColumnType.String, 20, ColumnFlag.None); table2.AddColumn("iTal", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); table2.AddColumn("dtDato", ColumnType.DateTime, ColumnFlag.IndexAsc); table2.AddColumn("sLilleTal", ColumnType.Small, ColumnFlag.None); table2.AddColumn("lStortTal", ColumnType.Long, ColumnFlag.NotNull); table2.AddColumn("txStorTekst", ColumnType.Clob, 32 * 1024, ColumnFlag.None); table2.AddColumn("bValg", ColumnType.Boolean, ColumnFlag.NotNull); table2.AddColumn("biBillede", ColumnType.Blob, 10 * 1024 * 1024, ColumnFlag.Compressed); TestDatabase(runner, executer, db); TestConnection(runner, executer, db, connInfo); TestTable(runner, executer, builder, db, table2, connInfo); { Output("Create table again for other tests"); DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Stmt_CreateTable stmtCreate = new Stmt_CreateTable(table1); runner.CreateTable(executer, conn, stmtCreate); stmtCreate = new Stmt_CreateTable(table2); runner.CreateTable(executer, conn, stmtCreate); } finally { conn.Close(); Output(""); } } TestTable2(runner, executer, db, "Table1", connInfo); TestSmallInsert(runner, executer, builder, db, table1, connInfo); TestSmallSelect(runner, executer, builder, db, table1, connInfo); TestSmallDelete(runner, executer, builder, db, table1, connInfo); TestTransactions(runner, executer, db, table2, connInfo); TestUpdate(runner, executer, builder, db, table2, connInfo); TestFunctions(runner, executer, builder, db, table2, connInfo); TestUnion(runner, executer, builder, db, table1, table2, connInfo); TestSQLBuild(builder, db, table1); { Output("Dropping testing tables"); DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Stmt_DropTable stmtDrop = new Stmt_DropTable(table1); runner.DropTable(executer, conn, stmtDrop); stmtDrop = new Stmt_DropTable(table2); runner.DropTable(executer, conn, stmtDrop); } finally { conn.Close(); Output("Done"); } } } finally { runner.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("Whole test failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } }
public override void InnerRun(Dictionary <string, object> vars, Dictionary <string, object> outputVars, Dictionary <string, object> invertedVars, Message message) { // init DBConnection db = COREobject.i.Entitron; bool searchInShared = vars.ContainsKey("SearchInShared") ? (bool)vars["SearchInShared"] : false; if (!vars.ContainsKey("TableName")) { throw new Exception("Tapestry action JSON 2 DBItemList: TableName is required"); } if (!vars.ContainsKey("BaseName")) { throw new Exception("Tapestry action JSON 2 DBItemList: BaseName is required"); } if (!vars.ContainsKey("Data")) { throw new Exception("Tapestry action JSON 2 DBItemList: Data is required"); } JToken data = (JToken)vars["Data"]; string tableName = (string)vars["TableName"]; string baseName = (string)vars["BaseName"]; string itemName = vars.ContainsKey("ItemName") ? (string)vars["ItemName"] : "item"; /**************************************************************************************** ** MOCKUP DATA ** ***************************************************************************************** * string jsonText; * try { * XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); * xml.Load("c:/users/mnvk8/Downloads/response.xml"); * jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(xml); * } * catch (Exception e) { * if (e is ArgumentNullException || e is XmlException) { * jsonText = "";// JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response); * } * else { * throw e; * } * } * JToken data = JToken.Parse(jsonText); ****************************************************************************************/ DBTable table = db.Table(tableName, searchInShared); Dictionary <string, DBColumn> columnExists = new Dictionary <string, DBColumn>(); Dictionary <string, DbType> columnType = new Dictionary <string, DbType>(); var items = data.SelectToken($"$..{baseName}.{itemName}"); foreach (JToken item in items) { DBItem entity = new DBItem(db, table); foreach (JProperty pair in item) { // Zjistíme, jestli ten slupec v tabulce vůbec existuje string columnName = pair.Name.ToLowerInvariant(); if (!columnExists.ContainsKey(columnName)) { DBColumn column = table.Columns.Where(c => c.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == columnName).FirstOrDefault(); columnExists.Add(columnName, column); if (column != null) { columnType.Add(columnName, column.Type); } } if (columnExists[columnName] != null) { var columnInfo = columnExists[columnName]; entity[columnInfo.Name] = DataType.ConvertTo(columnType[columnName], pair); } } table.Add(entity); } db.SaveChanges(); // return outputVars["Result"] = true; }
public DbTable(DBTable table, IDbDataStore store) : base(store) { DBTable = table; }
private void generateChart() { DataTable[] rawDataTables; double?yMin = null, yMax = null, y2Min = null, y2Max = null; imageMapAreas = new StringBuilder(); preSetup(); if (_rcp.Datasources.Length == 0) { drawMessage(_noDatasourcesMessage); finalizeChart(); return; } if (_start == _end) { drawMessage("There is no data available for selected options."); finalizeChart(); return; } //Get the data from the database rawDataTables = retrieveData(_rcp.Datasources, _start, _end); //Set the scale to be measured in days //Remove the auto-generated labels _chart.xAxis().setLinearScale(Chart.CTime(_timeZone.ToLocalTime(_start).Date), Chart.CTime(_timeZone.ToLocalTime(_end).Date.AddDays(1)), null); addTimestampLabels(_start, _end); for (int i = 0; i < rawDataTables.Length; i++) { DBTable tableHelper; DateTime[] timestamps; double[] values; string[] tooltips; DisplayDatasourceItem currDataItem; ConfiguredDatasource currConfiguredDatasource; Color currLineColor; string currDataName; currDataItem = _rcp.Datasources[i]; currConfiguredDatasource = _db.ORManager.Get <ConfiguredDatasource>(currDataItem.ConfiguredDatasourceId); //If the datasource doesn't exist, don't process it if (currConfiguredDatasource == null) { continue; } currDataName = currConfiguredDatasource.Name; if (rawDataTables[i].ExtendedProperties.Contains("SubTypeId")) { DatasourceSubType currSubType; int subTypeId; subTypeId = (int)rawDataTables[i].ExtendedProperties["SubTypeId"]; currSubType = _db.ORManager.Get <DatasourceSubType>(subTypeId); currDataName += " - " + currSubType.Name; } tableHelper = new DBTable(rawDataTables[i]); timestamps = tableHelper.getColAsDateTime(0); values = tableHelper.getCol(1); //Adjust the timestamps for the users time zone for (int j = 0; j < timestamps.Length; j++) { timestamps[j] = _timeZone.ToLocalTime(timestamps[j]); } //Create an array of strings that represent the tooltips tooltips = new string[timestamps.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < timestamps.Length; j++) { tooltips[j] = getDatapointTooltip(currConfiguredDatasource, timestamps[j], values[j]); } //Determine the color to use if (currDataItem.Color == null) { currLineColor = AutoLineColors[i % AutoLineColors.Length]; } else { currLineColor = (Color)currDataItem.Color; } bool useYAxis2; useYAxis2 = (rawDataTables.Length == 2 && i == 1); //Hide the axis labels when displaying 3 or more data sources if (rawDataTables.Length > 2) { _chart.yAxis().setLabelFormat(""); } Axis axis = null; //If there are more than 2 data sources, display them on different axis if (rawDataTables.Length > 2) { axis = _chart.addAxis(Chart.Left, 0); axis.setLabelFormat(""); } //Keep a running tab of the overall min and max values if (rawDataTables.Length <= 2) { if (!useYAxis2) { double?currYMin, currYMax; ChartMath.GetDataBounds(values, out currYMin, out currYMax); if (yMin == null && currYMin != null) { yMin = currYMin; } else if (currYMin != null) { yMin = Math.Min(currYMin.Value, yMin.Value); } if (yMax == null && currYMax != null) { yMax = currYMax; } else if (currYMax != null) { yMax = Math.Min(currYMax.Value, yMax.Value); } } else { double?currYMin, currYMax; ChartMath.GetDataBounds(values, out currYMin, out currYMax); if (y2Min == null && currYMin != null) { y2Min = currYMin; } else if (currYMin != null) { y2Min = Math.Min(currYMin.Value, y2Min.Value); } if (y2Max == null && currYMax != null) { y2Max = currYMax; } else if (currYMax != null) { y2Max = Math.Min(currYMax.Value, y2Max.Value); } } } if (currDataItem.ShowRaw) { LineLayer lineLayer; lineLayer = _chart.addLineLayer2(); lineLayer.addDataSet(values, Chart.CColor(currLineColor), fixLayerNameWidth(currDataName)).setDataSymbol( Chart.DiamondSymbol, 4, 0xffff80); lineLayer.setXData(timestamps); lineLayer.addExtraField(tooltips); //field0 lineLayer.setLineWidth(currDataItem.LineThickness); if (axis == null) { lineLayer.setUseYAxis2(useYAxis2); } else { lineLayer.setUseYAxis(axis); } } if (currDataItem.ShowTrendLine) { TrendLayer tl; tl = _chart.addTrendLayer(values, _chart.dashLineColor(Chart.CColor(currLineColor), Chart.DashLine), fixLayerNameWidth(currConfiguredDatasource.Name + " Trend")); tl.setLineWidth(currDataItem.LineThickness + 1); tl.setXData(timestamps); tl.addExtraField(new string[timestamps.Length]); //field0 if (axis == null) { tl.setUseYAxis2(useYAxis2); } else { tl.setUseYAxis(axis); } } if (currDataItem.ShowLowess) { SplineLayer sl; sl = _chart.addSplineLayer(new ArrayMath(values).lowess().result(), _chart.dashLineColor(Chart.CColor(currLineColor), Chart.DashLine), fixLayerNameWidth(currDataName)); sl.setLineWidth(currDataItem.LineThickness + 1); sl.setXData(timestamps); sl.addExtraField(new string[timestamps.Length]); //field0 if (axis == null) { sl.setUseYAxis2(useYAxis2); } else { sl.setUseYAxis(axis); } } } optimizePlotArea(yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max); //Calculate the scale of the chart based on the plotted data, //this needs to be called before drawEvents, so the tool tip //locations for the events can be calculated. _chart.layout(); drawEvents(); drawLegend(); }
public override void InnerRun(Dictionary <string, object> vars, Dictionary <string, object> outputVars, Dictionary <string, object> InvertedInputVars, Message message) { COREobject core = COREobject.i; db = core.Entitron; object diffObject = vars["Diff"]; string tableNames = vars.ContainsKey("TablesNames") ? (string)vars["TablesNames"] : ""; extIdColumnName = vars.ContainsKey("ExtIdColumnName") ? (string)vars["ExtIdColumnName"] : "ext_id"; diffIdColumnName = vars.ContainsKey("DiffIdColumnName") ? (string)vars["DiffIdColumnName"] : "id"; isDeletedColumnName = vars.ContainsKey("IsDeletedColumnName") ? (string)vars["IsDeletedColumnName"] : ""; if (diffObject == null) { throw new Exception($"{Name}: Diff must not be null"); } if (!(diffObject is string) && !(diffObject is JToken)) { throw new Exception($"{Name}: Diff must be string or JToken"); } try { JToken diff = diffObject is JToken ? (JToken)diffObject : JToken.Parse((string)diffObject); List <string> tableNamesList = tableNames.Split(new char[] { ',', ';' }).ToList(); string tableName = (string)diff["table"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableNames) || tableNamesList.Contains(tableName)) // Zjistíme, jestli synchronizujeme všechny tabulky, nebo jen vybrané { table = db.Table(tableName); if (table == null) { throw new Exception($"{Name}: table {tableName} was not found"); } RethinkDiffType changeType = GetDiffType(diff["old_val"], diff["new_val"]); // Zjistíme typ změny switch (changeType) { case RethinkDiffType.INSERT: Insert(diff["new_val"]); break; case RethinkDiffType.UPDATE: Update(diff["old_val"], diff["new_val"]); break; case RethinkDiffType.DELETE: Delete(diff["old_val"]); break; } try { db.SaveChanges(); outputVars["Result"] = 1; outputVars["Error"] = ""; } catch (Exception e) { outputVars["Result"] = 0; outputVars["Error"] = e.Message; } } else // Pokud synchronizujeme jen vybrané tabulky a tato v nich není, vracíme -1 = ignorovaná tabulka { outputVars["Result"] = -1; outputVars["Error"] = ""; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception($"{Name}: Fatal error occured ({e.Message})"); } }
public void StatementCreatorOrderTest() { DBTable table = new DBTable("dbo", "TestTable"); DBColumn col1 = new DBColumn(table, "TestCol1", true, DBDatatype.integer); DBColumn col2 = new DBColumn(table, "TestCol2", false, DBDatatype.nvarchar); DBColumn col3 = new DBColumn(table, "TestCol3", false, DBDatatype.integer); table.Columns = new List <DBColumn>() { col1, col2, col3 }; Database db = new Database("TestDB", new List <DBTable>() { table }); TableMapping sourceTablemapping = new TableMapping(new DBTable("dbo", "TestTable2"), TableMappingImportType.Insert, null); ColumnMapping colMap1 = new TableColumnMapping(sourceTablemapping, col1, col1, ColumnUse.Where); ColumnMapping colMap2 = new LiteralColumnMapping("2", LiteralType.String, col2, ColumnUse.Where); ColumnMapping colMap3 = new LiteralColumnMapping("3", LiteralType.String, col2, ColumnUse.Set); TableMapping tableMapping = new TableMapping(table, TableMappingImportType.Update, new ColumnMapping[] { colMap1, colMap2, colMap3 }); ErrorHandling errorHandling = new ErrorHandling(); ImportConfiguration config = new ImportConfiguration(new TableMapping[] { tableMapping }, null, "TestDB", errorHandling); SourceDataEntry[] entries = new SourceDataEntry[] { SourceDataEntry.CreateDataEntry("", DataType.String, "") }; SourceDataRow[] rows = new SourceDataRow[] { new SourceDataRow(entries, "0") }; SourceDataTable dt = new SourceDataTable(rows, new string[] { "" }); SQLServerStatementCreator statementCreator = new SQLServerStatementCreator(config, dt); ImportStatement statement = statementCreator.CreateStatement(0); ImportStatement[] statements = statementCreator.CreateStatements(); Assert.AreEqual(1, statements.Length); Assert.AreEqual(statement.RowReference, statements[0].RowReference); Assert.AreEqual(statement.SqlStatement, statements[0].SqlStatement); string[] lines = statement.SqlStatement .Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(s => s.Length > 0).ToArray(); StatementSetupPart setupPart = new StatementSetupPart(config); Assert.AreEqual(setupPart.GetDatabasePart(), lines[0]); Assert.AreEqual(setupPart.GetWarningsPart(), lines[1]); StatementTransactionPart transPart = new StatementTransactionPart(config); string[] transStartPart = transPart.GetTransactionStartPart() .Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(s => s.Length > 0).ToArray();; Assert.AreEqual(2, transStartPart.Length); Assert.AreEqual(transStartPart[0], lines[2]); Assert.AreEqual(transStartPart[1], lines[3]); StatementTableMappingPart tmParts = new StatementTableMappingPart(tableMapping, dt.GetDataRow(0)); string variablePart = tmParts.GetTableVariablePart().Replace("\n", ""); Assert.AreEqual(variablePart, lines[4]); string[] bodyParts = tmParts.GetStatementBodyPart() .Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(s => s.Length > 0).ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(4, bodyParts.Length); Assert.AreEqual(bodyParts[0], lines[5]); Assert.AreEqual(bodyParts[1], lines[6]); Assert.AreEqual(bodyParts[2], lines[7]); Assert.AreEqual(bodyParts[3], lines[8]); string[] transEndPart = transPart.GetTransactionEndPart() .Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Where(s => s.Length > 0).ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(12, transEndPart.Length); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[0], lines[9]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[1], lines[10]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[2], lines[11]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[3], lines[12]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[4], lines[13]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[5], lines[14]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[6], lines[15]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[7], lines[16]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[8], lines[17]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[9], lines[18]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[10], lines[19]); Assert.AreEqual(transEndPart[11], lines[20]); }
/// <summary> /// Создание или пересоздание пакета процедур на основе указанной таблицы /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица, на основе которой создается пакет процедур</param> public virtual void CreateOrReplacePackage(DBTable table) { string package = FormatPackage(table); string script = new OracleTemplater(this, table).CreateStandartPackageCommand(package, col => GetSqlProcedureParameterType(table, col)); // Проверка изменений bool skip = false; if ((updateOptions & UpdateSchemaOptions.CheckSafeContent) == UpdateSchemaOptions.CheckSafeContent) { string body = null; foreach (string command in ParseScript(script)) if (command != null && command.ToUpper().Contains("PACKAGE BODY")) { body = command; break; } skip = CompareSafeContent(body, GetPackageBody(table), true); } // Выполнение скрипта if (!skip) { if (scriptMode) ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("Package", package, table.Name, script); else foreach (string command in ParseScript(script)) ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("Package and procedures", package, table.Name, command); } }
/// <summary> /// Создание первичного ключа для указанной таблицы /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица, для которой создается первичный ключ</param> public override void CreatePrimaryKey(DBTable table) { if (table.PrimaryKey == null) return; base.CreatePrimaryKey(table); }
private void TestSmallInsert(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestSmallInsert:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Output("Insert single row"); Stmt_Insert stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table); stmtInsert.AddColumns("uiNoegle", "iTal", "lStortTal", "dtDato", "bValg"); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), 87, (long)2394287487, DateTime.Now, false); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtInsert)); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); Output("Row inserted"); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestSmallInsert failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
/// <summary>Получить название представления для sql-запроса для указанной таблицы</summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица</param> /// <returns>Название представления таблицы <paramref name="table"/> в формате sql-запроса</returns> public string FormatView(DBTable table) { return FormatView(ComposeSafeSchemaName(table.Name), ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name)); }
private void TestSmallDelete(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestSmallDelete:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Output("Delete all rows"); Stmt_Delete stmtDelete = new Stmt_Delete(table); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtDelete)); runner.Delete(executer, conn, stmtDelete); Output("Rows deleted"); Stmt_Select stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count()); long result = runner.SelectWithSingleAggregate(executer, conn, stmtSelect); Output("Count: " + result + " / 0"); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestSmallDelete failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
public static CriteriaOperator Transform(CriteriaOperator criteria, DBTable table, string alias) { return(new SimpleDataStoreCriteriaVisitor(table, alias).Process(criteria)); }
private void TestTransactions(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, DBDatabase db, DBTable table, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestTransactions:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Stmt_Insert stmtInsert; Stmt_Select stmtSelect; long result; Output("Begin transaction"); DBTransaction trans = runner.CreateTransaction(executer); trans.Begin(conn); try { Output("Insert row"); stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table); stmtInsert.AddColumns("uiNoegle", "iTal", "lStortTal", "dtDato", "bValg"); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), 87, (long)2394287487, DateTime.Now, false); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count()); result = runner.SelectWithSingleAggregate(executer, conn, stmtSelect); Output("Count: " + result + " / 1"); Output("Rollback"); trans.RollbackAll(); } catch (Exception) { trans.RollbackAll(); throw; } stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count()); result = runner.SelectWithSingleAggregate(executer, conn, stmtSelect); Output("Count: " + result + " / 0"); Output(""); Output("Begin new transaction"); trans = runner.CreateTransaction(executer); trans.Begin(conn); try { Output("Insert row"); stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table); stmtInsert.AddColumns("uiNoegle", "iTal", "lStortTal", "dtDato", "bValg"); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), 87, (long)2394287487, DateTime.Now, false); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count()); result = runner.SelectWithSingleAggregate(executer, conn, stmtSelect); Output("Count: " + result + " / 1"); Output("Commit"); trans.CommitAll(); } catch (Exception) { trans.RollbackAll(); throw; } stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count()); result = runner.SelectWithSingleAggregate(executer, conn, stmtSelect); Output("Count: " + result + " / 1"); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestTransactions failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
public ClassGeneratorInfo(IPersistentClassInfo persistentClassInfo, DBTable dbTable) : this() { PersistentClassInfo = persistentClassInfo; DbTable = dbTable; }
private void ShowContents(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, DBConnection conn, DBTable table) { Output("Display contents of table " + table.TableName); Stmt_Select stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); ShowContents(stmtSelect, runner, executer, conn); }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает функциональное тело триггера для таблицы. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected internal virtual string GetBody(DBTable table) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
private void TestUpdate(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestUpdate:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Output("Insert more rows"); Stmt_Insert stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table); stmtInsert.AddAllColumns(); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), "Dette er en tekst", 42, DateTime.Now, null, 6576547634); stmtInsert.AddParameter("MEGET STOR TEKST"); stmtInsert.AddValue(true); stmtInsert.AddParameter(new byte[432]); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtInsert)); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); Output("Rows inserted"); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table); Output(""); Output("Update 1"); Stmt_Update stmtUpdate = new Stmt_Update(table); stmtUpdate.AddColumns("txTekst", "iTal"); stmtUpdate.AddValues("En ny tekst", 534); stmtUpdate.AddCriteria(new Crit_Match(table, "iTal", MatchType.Equal, 42)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtUpdate)); runner.Update(executer, conn, stmtUpdate); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table); Output(""); Output("Update 2"); stmtUpdate = new Stmt_Update(table); stmtUpdate.AddColumn("txStorTekst"); stmtUpdate.AddParameter("DETTE STÅR MED STORT!"); stmtUpdate.AddCriteria(new Crit_Match(table, "txStorTekst", MatchType.IsNull)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtUpdate)); runner.Update(executer, conn, stmtUpdate); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table); Output(""); Stmt_Select stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddFunction(new Func_SubString(table, "txTekst", 3, 8)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); ShowContents(stmtSelect, runner, executer, conn); Output(""); Output("Delete"); Stmt_Delete stmtDelete = new Stmt_Delete(table); stmtDelete.AddCriteria(new Crit_Match(table, "bValg", MatchType.Equal, false)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtDelete)); runner.Delete(executer, conn, stmtDelete); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestUpdate failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает функциональное тело триггера для таблицы основных данных. /// </summary> /// <param name="principalTable">Таблица основных данных.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected internal virtual string GetBody(DBPrincipalTable principalTable) { DBTable baseTable = principalTable; return(this.GetBody(baseTable)); }
private void TestFunctions(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestFunctions:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Output("Insert single row"); Stmt_Insert stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table); stmtInsert.AddColumns("uiNoegle", "iTal", "lStortTal", "dtDato", "bValg"); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), 87, (long)2394287487, DateTime.Now, false); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtInsert)); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table); stmtInsert.AddColumns("uiNoegle", "txTekst", "iTal", "lStortTal", "dtDato", "bValg"); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), "Blåbærgrød", 87, (long)2394287487, DateTime.Now, false); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtInsert)); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); Output("Rows inserted"); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table); Output(""); Stmt_Select stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); IFunction func = new Func_SubString(table, "txTekst", 3, 8); stmtSelect.AddFunction(new Func_SubString(func, 0, 2)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); ShowContents(stmtSelect, runner, executer, conn); Output(""); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddFunction(new Func_ToLower(table, "txTekst")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); ShowContents(stmtSelect, runner, executer, conn); Output(""); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddFunction(new Func_ToUpper(table, "txTekst")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); ShowContents(stmtSelect, runner, executer, conn); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestUpdate failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
public MemberGenerator(DBTable dbTable, Dictionary <string, ClassGeneratorInfo> classInfos) { _dbTable = dbTable; _classInfos = classInfos; _objectSpace = XPObjectSpace.FindObjectSpaceByObject(classInfos[classInfos.Keys.First()].PersistentClassInfo); }
private void TestUnion(DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table1, DBTable table2, IConnectionInfo connInfo) { Output("TestUnion:"); Output(""); try { DBConnection conn = runner.OpenConnection(executer, db, connInfo); try { Output("Insert more test rows"); Stmt_Insert stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(table1); stmtInsert.AddColumns("uiNoegle", "txTekst", "iTal", "lStortTal", "dtDato", "bValg"); stmtInsert.AddValues(Guid.NewGuid(), "Giv mig en bog!", 123, (long)213142566, DateTime.Now, true); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtInsert)); runner.Insert(executer, conn, stmtInsert); Output("Rows inserted"); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table1); Output(""); ShowContents(runner, executer, conn, table2); Output(""); Stmt_Select stmtSelect1 = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect1.AddColumns(table1, "uiNoegle", "txTekst", "iTal", "lStortTal"); Stmt_Select stmtSelect2 = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect2.AddColumns(table2, "uiNoegle", "txTekst", "iTal", "lStortTal"); Stmt_Select stmtUnion = new Stmt_Select(); stmtUnion.AddColumns(table1, "uiNoegle", "txTekst", "iTal", "lStortTal"); stmtUnion.AddUnion(stmtSelect1); stmtUnion.AddUnion(stmtSelect2); stmtUnion.AddSort(table1, "iTal", Order.Ascending); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtUnion)); ShowContents(stmtUnion, runner, executer, conn); } finally { conn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestUpdate failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
/// <summary> /// Создание индекса для таблицы /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица, для которой создается индекс</param> /// <param name="index">Создаваемый индекс</param> public override void CreateIndex(DBTable table, DBIndex index) { StringBuilder indexColumns = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string indexColumn in index.Columns) { if (indexColumns.Length > 0) indexColumns.Append(", "); indexColumns.Append(FormatColumnSafe(indexColumn)); } string schemaName = ComposeSafeSchemaName(table.Name); string tableFullName = FormatTableSafe(table); string indexName = GetIndexName(index, table); string indexFullName = ComposeSafeConstraintName(indexName); indexFullName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName) ? indexFullName : string.Concat(schemaName, ".", indexFullName)).ToLowerInvariant(); ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("Index", indexName, table.Name, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CreateIndexTemplate, index.IsUnique ? "unique" : string.Empty, indexFullName, tableFullName, indexColumns, string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexTablespace) ? string.Empty : "tablespace " + indexTablespace)); }
void DropTransctionTable() { string sql = "" + "DROP TABLE Transactions "; var Model = new DBTable(_connectionString); Model.Execute(sql); }
/// <summary> /// Создание или пересоздание представления на основе указанной таблицы /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица, на основе которой создается представление</param> public virtual void CreateOrReplaceView(DBTable table) { string view = FormatView(table); string script = new OracleTemplater(this, table).CreateViewCommand(); // Проверка изменений bool skip = false; if ((updateOptions & UpdateSchemaOptions.CheckSafeContent) == UpdateSchemaOptions.CheckSafeContent) skip = CompareSafeContent(script, GetViewText(table), false); // Выполнение скрипта if (!skip) ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("View", view, table.Name, script); }
public MemberMapper(DBTable dbTable) { _dbTable = dbTable; }
/// <summary> /// Создание последовательности для первичного ключа указанной таблицы /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица, для которой создается последовательность</param> public virtual void CreateSequence(DBTable table) { DBColumn key = GetTableSequenceColumn(table); if (key != null && !GetSequence(table)) { string sequence = GetSeqName(table.Name); ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("Sequence", sequence, table.Name, new OracleTemplater(this, table).CreateSequenceCommand(sequence)); } }
public static ILiteQueryable <T> Query <T>(DBTable collectionName) { return(db.GetCollection <T>(collectionName.ToString()).Query()); }
/// <summary> /// Удаление колонки /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица</param> /// <param name="column">Колонка таблицы, которая подлежит удалению</param> public virtual void DeleteColumn(DBTable table, DBColumn column) { string command = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "alter table {0} drop column {1};", FormatTableSafe(table), FormatColumnSafe(column.Name)); UnsafeSchemaUpdate("Old column", column.Name, table.Name, command); }
private static void FixMailBox(Guid pluginID, Guid groupID, DBTable gruppePostkasseTable, DBTable side1Table, DBTable side2Table, DBRunner runner, ISQLExecuter executer, DBConnection connection) { SQL_SelectStatement sqlSelect = new SQL_SelectStatement(); sqlSelect.AddColumns(gruppePostkasseTable, "uiBrevID", "uiSkemaID", "txCPRNr", "txBesked"); sqlSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_MatchCriteria(gruppePostkasseTable, "uiGruppeID", MatchType.Equal, groupID)); sqlSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_MatchCriteria(gruppePostkasseTable, "uiPluginID", MatchType.Equal, pluginID)); using (DBReader reader = runner.GetReader(executer, connection, sqlSelect)) { DBRow row; int count = 0; try { while ((row = reader.GetNextRow()) != null) { Guid documentID = (Guid)row["uiSkemaID"]; bool deleteIt = false; int option = 0; if (HasID(side1Table, documentID, runner, executer, connection)) { if (HasID(side2Table, documentID, runner, executer, connection)) { option = 1; deleteIt = true; } else if (OnlyOnePage((String)row["txBesked"])) { option = 2; deleteIt = true; } if (deleteIt) { // Delete the document Output(option + "," + row["txCPRNr"] + "," + documentID.ToString("B").ToUpper()); SQL_DeleteStatement sqlDelete = new SQL_DeleteStatement(gruppePostkasseTable); sqlDelete.AddCriteria(new Crit_MatchCriteria(gruppePostkasseTable, "uiBrevID", MatchType.Equal, row["uiBrevID"])); runner.Delete(executer, connection, sqlDelete); count++; } } } } finally { Output("Deleted " + count + " documents"); } } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override string GetSqlCreateColumnFullAttributes(DBTable table, DBColumn column) { string result = GetSqlCreateColumnType(table, column); bool notNull = table is DBTableEx ? ((DBTableEx)table).ColumnIsNotNull(column) : column.IsKey; return notNull ? string.Concat(result, OracleTemplater.Space, OracleTemplater.NotNull) : result; }
private IEnumerable <DBData> GetData(SqlConnection connection, DBTable table) { var sqlCommandStr = $"SELECT {string.Join(", ", table.Columns.Select(x => string.Format($"[{x.Name}]")))} FROM {table.Schema}.{table.Name}"; var data = new List <DBData>(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommandStr, connection)) { using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var tempData = new DBData(); tempData.NameValue = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tempData.TableName = table.Name; tempData.TableSchema = table.Schema; int counter = 0; foreach (var column in table.Columns) { if (reader[counter] is DBNull) { tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, "NULL"); continue; } switch (column.DataType) { case "binary": case "varbinary": case "image": case "rowversion": case "timestamp": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'0x{BitConverter.ToString((byte[])reader[counter]).Replace("-", string.Empty)}'"); break; case "bigint": case "bit": case "float": case "int": case "real": case "smallint": case "smallmoney": case "tinyint": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, reader[counter].ToString()); break; case "decimal": case "money": case "numeric": var result = (reader[counter] as decimal?)?.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, result); break; case "nchar": case "ntext": case "nvarchar": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"N'{reader[counter].ToString()}'"); break; case "char": case "text": case "varchar": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader[counter].ToString()}'"); break; case "date": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader.GetDateTime(counter).ToShortDateString()}'"); break; case "datetime": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader.GetDateTime(counter).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}'"); break; case "datetime2": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader.GetDateTime(counter).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss.fffffff")}'"); break; case "datetimeoffset": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader.GetDateTime(counter).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff zzz")}'"); break; case "time": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader.GetTimeSpan(counter)}'"); break; case "uniqueidentifier": tempData.NameValue.Add(column.Name, $"'{reader.GetGuid(counter).ToString()}'"); break; default: break; } counter++; } data.Add(tempData); } } } return(data); }
private void SendData() { while (!runEvent.WaitOne(timer)) { try { if (buffer.Count == 0) { continue; } var list = new NotifyMessageItem[buffer.Count > 200 ? 200 : buffer.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { if (buffer.TryTake(out var item)) { list[i] = item; } } Array.Sort(list, (x, y) => { var res = x.Table.CompareTo(y.Table); //res = res != 0 ? res : string.Compare(x.Item.GetType().Name, y.Item.GetType().Name, StringComparison.Ordinal); res = res != 0 ? res : ListHelper.Compare(x.ItemId, y.ItemId, null, false); return(res != 0 ? res : x.Type.CompareTo(y.Type)); }); var stream = new MemoryStream(); using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { DBTable table = null; object id = null; foreach (var log in list) { if (log.Table != table) { id = null; table = log.Table; writer.Write((char)1); writer.Write(table.Name); } if (!log.ItemId.Equals(id)) { id = log.ItemId; writer.Write((char)2); writer.Write((int)log.Type); writer.Write((int)log.UserId); Helper.WriteBinary(writer, id, true); } } writer.Flush(); Send(stream.ToArray()); } OnSendChanges(list); } catch (Exception e) { Helper.OnException(e); } } }
public SimpleDataStoreCriteriaVisitor(DBTable table, string alias) { this.table = table; this.alias = alias; }
public DictionaryMapper(DBTable[] dbTables) { _dbTables = dbTables; }
private void TableClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Table = ((ToolMenuItem)sender).Tag as DBTable; }
private void TestSQLBuild(ISQL builder, DBDatabase db, DBTable table) { Output("TestSQLBuild:"); Output(""); try { Output("Criterias:"); ICriteria crit1 = new Crit_Match(table, "lStortTal", MatchType.Equal, 6576547634); ICriteria crit2 = new Crit_Match(table, "txTekst", MatchType.Different, "Bent"); ICriteria crit3 = new Crit_Match(table, "sLilleTal", MatchType.IsNull); Stmt_Select stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(crit1); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(crit2); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(crit3); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_Or(crit1, crit2)); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(crit3); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); ICriteria tempCrit = new Crit_And(crit2, crit3); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_Or(crit1, tempCrit)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_Or(new Crit_Or(crit1, crit2), crit3)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(crit1); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(crit2); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_In(table, "iTal", true, 3, 5, 254, 31)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); Stmt_Select stmtSelect1 = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect1.AddColumn(table, "iTal"); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_SubQuery(table, "iTal", stmtSelect1)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(table); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_SubQuery(table, "iTal", true, stmtSelect1)); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); Output(""); Output("Aggregates:"); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddColumn(table, "iTal"); stmtSelect.Distinct = true; Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count()); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Count(table, "iTal")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Max(table, "iTal")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddTable(table); stmtSelect.AddAggregate(new Aggre_Min(table, "iTal")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); Output(""); Output("Create tables:"); DBTable employees = db.AddTable("Employees"); employees.AddColumn("Employee_ID", ColumnType.String, 2, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); employees.AddColumn("Name", ColumnType.String, 50, ColumnFlag.NotNull); DBTable orders = db.AddTable("Orders"); orders.AddColumn("Prod_ID", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); orders.AddColumn("Product", ColumnType.String, 50, ColumnFlag.NotNull | ColumnFlag.IndexUnique); orders.AddColumn("Employee_ID", ColumnType.String, 2, ColumnFlag.NotNull); DBTable storage = db.AddTable("Storage"); storage.AddColumn("Storage_ID", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); storage.AddColumn("Prod_ID", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.NotNull); storage.AddColumn("Count", ColumnType.Int, ColumnFlag.NotNull | ColumnFlag.IndexDesc); Stmt_CreateTable stmtCreate = new Stmt_CreateTable(employees); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtCreate)); stmtCreate = new Stmt_CreateTable(orders); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtCreate)); stmtCreate = new Stmt_CreateTable(storage); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtCreate)); Output(""); Output("Joins:"); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddColumn(employees, "Name"); stmtSelect.AddColumn(orders, "Product"); stmtSelect.AddJoin(new Join_Inner(employees, "Employee_ID", orders, "Employee_ID")); stmtSelect.AddColumn(storage, "Count"); stmtSelect.AddJoin(new Join_Inner(orders, "Prod_ID", storage, "Prod_ID")); stmtSelect.AddCriteria(new Crit_Match(storage, "Count", MatchType.Bigger, 10)); stmtSelect.AddSort(employees, "Name", Order.Ascending); stmtSelect.AddSort(orders, "Product", Order.Descending); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddColumn(employees, "Name"); stmtSelect.AddColumn(orders, "Product"); stmtSelect.AddJoin(new Join_Left(employees, "Employee_ID", orders, "Employee_ID")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddColumn(employees, "Name"); stmtSelect.AddColumn(orders, "Product"); stmtSelect.AddJoin(new Join_Right(employees, "Employee_ID", orders, "Employee_ID")); Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtSelect)); Output(""); Output("Misc"); DBTable employees1 = db.AddTable("Employees1"); employees1.AddColumn("Employee_ID", ColumnType.String, 2, ColumnFlag.PrimaryKey | ColumnFlag.NotNull); employees1.AddColumn("Name", ColumnType.String, 50, ColumnFlag.NotNull); stmtSelect = new Stmt_Select(); stmtSelect.AddAllColumns(employees); Stmt_Insert stmtInsert = new Stmt_Insert(employees1); stmtInsert.InsertFromSelect = stmtSelect; Output(builder.ToSQL(stmtInsert)); } catch (Exception ex) { Output("TestSQLBuild failed with an exception:"); Output(ex); } finally { Output(""); Output(""); } }
public static List <T> GetCollectionList <T>(DBTable collectionName) { return(db.GetCollection <T>(collectionName.ToString()).FindAll().ToList()); }