public void HandleChargingKi(Player player) { bool isCharging = false; DBTPlayer modPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>(); finalChargeLimit = chargeLimit + modPlayer.ChargeLimitAdd; // stop channeling if the player is out of ki /*if (modPlayer.IsKiDepleted()) * { * = false; * }*/ // keep alive routine. if (projectile.timeLeft < 4) { projectile.timeLeft = 10; } // charge the ball if the proper keys are held. // increment the charge timer if channeling and apply slowdown effect if (modPlayer.MouseLeftHeld /*&& !IsFired*/) { // the player can hold the charge all they like once it's fully charged up. Currently this doesn't incur a movespeed debuff either. if (ChargeLevel < finalChargeLimit && modPlayer.HasKi(ChargeKiDrainRate())) { isCharging = true; // drain ki from the player when charging /*if (DBTMod.IsTickRateElapsed(CHARGE_KI_DRAIN_WINDOW)) * { * modPlayer.ModifyKi(Definition.Characteristics.ChargeCharacteristics.GetChargeKiDrainForChargeLevel(modPlayer)); * }*/ // increase the charge ChargeLevel = Math.Min(finalChargeLimit, ChargeRate() + ChargeLevel); // slow down the player while charging. player.ApplyChannelingSlowdown(); } /*else * { * if (ChargeLevel == 0f) * { * projectile.Kill(); * } * }*/ } // play the sound if the player just started charging and the audio is "off cooldown" if (!_wasCharging && isCharging && ChargeSoundCooldown == 0f) { if (!Main.dedServ) { chargeSoundSlotId = SoundHelper.PlayCustomSound(chargeSoundKey, projectile.Center, chargeSoundVolume); } ChargeSoundCooldown = chargeSoundDelay; } else { ChargeSoundCooldown = Math.Max(0f, ChargeSoundCooldown - 1); } // set the wasCharging flag for proper tracking _wasCharging = isCharging; }