public Dictionary <string, object> Save(pim_groupm Record) { Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; Boolean retvalue = false; DataTable dt_parent = null; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); if (Record.grp_name.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "name Cannot Be Empty"); } if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid(Record)) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if (Record.rec_type == "ROOT") { Record.grp_level = 1; Record.grp_parent_id = ""; } else { sql = "select * from pim_groupm where grp_pkid = '" + Record.grp_parent_id + "'"; dt_parent = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (dt_parent.Rows.Count <= 0) { if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception("Invalid Parent"); } } Record.grp_level = Lib.Conv2Integer(dt_parent.Rows[0]["grp_level"].ToString()) + 1; Record.grp_parent_id = dt_parent.Rows[0]["grp_pkid"].ToString(); } if (Record.grp_level <= 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid group level"); } sql = "select max(grp_name) as grp_name from pim_groupm where "; sql += " rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; sql += " and grp_name = '" + Record.grp_name.ToString().ToLower() + "'"; sql += " and grp_table_name = '" + Record.grp_table_name.ToString().ToLower() + "'"; if (Record.grp_parent_id == "") { sql += " and grp_parent_id is null "; } else { sql += " and grp_parent_id = '" + Record.grp_parent_id + "'"; } if (Con_Oracle.IsRowExists(sql)) { throw new Exception("Dupliate name not allowed "); } sql = "select nvl(max(grp_level_slno), 100000) + 1 as slno from pim_groupm where "; if (Con_Oracle.DB == "SQL") { sql = "select isnull(max(grp_level_slno), 100000) + 1 as slno from pim_groupm where "; } sql += " rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; sql += " and grp_table_name = '" + Record.grp_table_name + "'"; if (Record.grp_parent_id == "") { sql += " and grp_parent_id is null "; } else { sql += " and grp_parent_id = '" + Record.grp_parent_id + "'"; } int iSlno = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()); if (iSlno <= 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid SL#"); } if (Record.rec_type == "ROOT") { Record.grp_level_id = iSlno.ToString(); Record.grp_level_name = Record.grp_name; } else { Record.grp_level_id = dt_parent.Rows[0]["grp_level_id"].ToString() + "-" + iSlno.ToString(); Record.grp_level_name = dt_parent.Rows[0]["grp_level_name"].ToString() + "\\" + Record.grp_name; } DBRecord Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("pim_groupm", Record.rec_mode, "grp_pkid", Record.grp_pkid); Rec.InsertString("grp_name", Record.grp_name, "L"); Rec.InsertString("grp_parent_id", Record.grp_parent_id); Rec.InsertNumeric("grp_level", Record.grp_level.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("grp_level_slno", iSlno.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("grp_level_id", Record.grp_level_id); Rec.InsertString("grp_level_name", Record.grp_level_name, "L"); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { Rec.InsertString("grp_table_name", Record.grp_table_name); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_hidden", "N"); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()"); } } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); retvalue = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } retvalue = false; throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue); RetData.Add("grp_level_id", Record.grp_level_id); RetData.Add("grp_level_name", Record.grp_level_name); return(RetData); }
public Dictionary <string, object> Save(Campaign Record) { Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); if (Record.cam_name.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Name Cannot Be Empty"); } if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid(Record)) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } DBRecord Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("campaign", Record.rec_mode, "cam_pkid", Record.cam_pkid); Rec.InsertString("cam_name", Record.cam_name); Rec.InsertString("cam_tab_id", Record.cam_tab_id); Rec.InsertString("cam_store", Record.cam_store, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_product_name", Record.cam_product_name, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_product_name_values", Record.cam_product_name_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_size", Record.cam_size, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_size_values", Record.cam_size_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_aep", Record.cam_aep, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_aep_values", Record.cam_aep_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_output", Record.cam_output, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_output_values", Record.cam_output_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_approver", Record.cam_approver, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_receiver", Record.cam_receiver, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_logo", Record.cam_logo, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_image1", Record.cam_image1, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_image2", Record.cam_image2, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_image3", Record.cam_image3, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_image4", Record.cam_image4, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_image5", Record.cam_image5, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text1", Record.cam_text1, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text1_values", Record.cam_text1_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text2", Record.cam_text2, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text2_values", Record.cam_text2_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text3", Record.cam_text3, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text3_values", Record.cam_text3_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text4", Record.cam_text4, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text4_values", Record.cam_text4_values, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text5", Record.cam_text5, "Z"); Rec.InsertString("cam_text5_values", Record.cam_text5_values, "Z"); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()"); } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()"); } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); return(RetData); }
public Dictionary <string, object> Save(pim_docm Record, tablesd [] Records, string ServerImageUrl) { DataTable Dt_Tablesm = new DataTable(); Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; Boolean retvalue = false; DBRecord Rec = null; Boolean is_campaign_table = false; int iSlno = 0; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); sql = "select * from tablesm where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "' and tab_table_name = '" + Record.doc_table_name + "'"; Dt_Tablesm = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (Dt_Tablesm.Rows.Count > 0) { is_campaign_table = (Dt_Tablesm.Rows[0]["tab_campaign_table"].ToString() == "Y") ? true : false; } if (Dt_Tablesm.Rows.Count <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Entity Not Found"); } //if (Record.doc_name.Trim().Length <= 0) // Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "name Cannot Be Empty"); if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid(Record, Dt_Tablesm.Rows[0])) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { sql = "select nvl(max(doc_slno), 1000) + 1 as slno from pim_docm "; if (Con_Oracle.DB == "SQL") { sql = "select isnull(max(doc_slno), 1000) + 1 as slno from pim_docm "; } sql += " where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "' and doc_table_name ='" + Record.doc_table_name + "'"; //sql += " and doc_table_name = '" + Record.doc_table_name + "'"; iSlno = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()); Record.doc_slno = iSlno; if (iSlno <= 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid SL#"); } } else { iSlno = Record.doc_slno; } sql = ""; string sql1 = ""; Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("pim_docm", Record.rec_mode, "doc_pkid", Record.doc_pkid); Rec.InsertString("doc_name", Record.doc_name, "P"); Rec.InsertString("doc_file_name", Record.doc_file_name, "P"); Rec.InsertString("doc_store_id", Record.doc_store_id); Rec.InsertString("doc_grp_id", Record.doc_grp_id); if (Record.doc_file_name.Trim().Trim().Length <= 0) { Rec.InsertString("doc_thumbnail", ""); } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { Rec.InsertString("doc_slno", Record.doc_slno.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("doc_table_name", Record.doc_table_name); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()"); } } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow(Record.doc_table_name, Record.rec_mode, "doc_parent_id", Record.doc_pkid); foreach (tablesd mRow in Records) { if (mRow.tabd_col_type == "DATE") { Rec.InsertDate("COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name, mRow.tabd_col_value); } else if (mRow.tabd_col_type == "LIST") { Rec.InsertString("COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name, mRow.tabd_col_id, "P"); } else { Rec.InsertString("COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name, mRow.tabd_col_value, "P"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()"); } } sql1 = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); try { if (is_campaign_table == false) { google_uploader g = new google_uploader(); g.bSingle = true; g.comp_code = Record._globalvariables.comp_code; g.user_id = Record._globalvariables.user_pkid; string str = g.Process(Record.doc_table_name, "name"); if (str != "") { g.UploadData(Record.doc_pkid); } } } catch (Exception) { } retvalue = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } retvalue = false; throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue); RetData.Add("slno", iSlno); string server = Lib.getPath(ServerImageUrl, Record._globalvariables.comp_code, Record.doc_table_name, Record.doc_slno.ToString(), false); RetData.Add("server", server); RetData.Add("thumbnail", Record.doc_thumbnail); return(RetData); }
public Dictionary <string, object> Save(pim_spot Record) { Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; Boolean retvalue = false; int iSlno = 0; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); if (Record.spot_date.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Date Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.spot_store_id.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Store Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.spot_vendor_id.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Vendor Cannot Be Empty"); } if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid(Record)) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { sql = "select isnull(max(spot_slno), 1) + 1 as slno from pim_spotm where "; sql += " rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; iSlno = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()); } else { iSlno = Record.spot_slno; } if (iSlno <= 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid CF#"); } DBRecord Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("pim_spotm", Record.rec_mode, "spot_pkid", Record.spot_pkid); Rec.InsertDate("spot_date", Record.spot_date); Rec.InsertString("spot_store_id", Record.spot_store_id); Rec.InsertString("spot_vendor_id", Record.spot_vendor_id); Rec.InsertString("spot_job_remarks", Record.spot_job_remarks); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { Rec.InsertNumeric("spot_slno", iSlno.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("spot_executive_name", Record._globalvariables.user_name); Rec.InsertString("spot_store_contact_name", Record.spot_store_contact_name); Rec.InsertString("spot_store_contact_tel", Record.spot_store_contact_tel); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()"); } } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); retvalue = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } retvalue = false; throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue); RetData.Add("slno", iSlno); return(RetData); }
public Dictionary <string, object> SaveDet(pim_spotd Record) { Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; Boolean retvalue = false; DataTable dt_param = null; int iSlno = 0; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); if (Record.spotd_name.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Spot Name Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.spotd_uom.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Unit Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Lib.Conv2Decimal(Record.spotd_wd.ToString()) <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Width Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Lib.Conv2Decimal(Record.spotd_ht.ToString()) <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Height Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.spotd_artwork_id.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "ArtWork Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.spotd_product_id.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Product Cannot Be Empty"); } if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if ((ErrorMessage = AllValidDet(Record)) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } //sql = " select param_slno,param_file_name from param where param_pkid = '" + Record.spot_artwork_id + "'"; //dt_param = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { sql = "select isnull(max(spotd_slno), 0) + 1 as slno from pim_spotd where "; sql += " spotd_parent_id = '" + Record.spotd_parent_id + "'"; iSlno = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()); } else { iSlno = Record.spotd_slno; } if (iSlno <= 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid SL#"); } DBRecord Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("pim_spotd", Record.rec_mode, "spotd_pkid", Record.spotd_pkid); Rec.InsertString("spotd_name", Record.spotd_name); Rec.InsertString("spotd_uom", Record.spotd_uom); Rec.InsertNumeric("spotd_wd", Record.spotd_wd.ToString()); Rec.InsertNumeric("spotd_ht", Record.spotd_ht.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("spotd_artwork_id", Record.spotd_artwork_id); Rec.InsertString("spotd_product_id", Record.spotd_product_id); Rec.InsertString("spotd_close_view", Record.spotd_close_view); Rec.InsertString("spotd_long_view", Record.spotd_long_view); Rec.InsertString("spotd_final_view", Record.spotd_final_view); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { Rec.InsertString("spotd_parent_id", Record.spotd_parent_id); Rec.InsertNumeric("spotd_slno", iSlno.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()"); } } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); retvalue = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } retvalue = false; throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue); RetData.Add("slno", iSlno); return(RetData); }
public Dictionary <string, object> SaveDetail(tablesd Record) { Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; Boolean retvalue = false; string sql1 = ""; DBRecord Rec = null; string flag = ""; int iOrder = 0; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); if (Record.tabd_col_name.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Column Name Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.tabd_col_caption.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Column Caption Cannot Be Empty"); } if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } Record.tabd_col_name = Record.tabd_col_name.ToUpper().Replace(" ", ""); if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid2(Record)) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD" && Record.tabd_col_order <= 0) { sql = "select nvl(max(tabd_col_order),10) + 10 from tablesd where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; if (Con_Oracle.DB == "SQL") { sql = "select isnull(max(tabd_col_order),10) + 10 from tablesd where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; } sql += " and tabd_parent_id ='" + Record.tabd_parent_id + "'"; iOrder = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()); } Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("tablesd", Record.rec_mode, "tabd_pkid", Record.tabd_pkid); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_caption", Record.tabd_col_caption, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_type", Record.tabd_col_type, "U"); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_case", Record.tabd_col_case, "U"); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_mandatory", Record.tabd_col_mandatory, "U"); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_id", Record.tabd_col_id, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_value", Record.tabd_col_value, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_list", Record.tabd_col_list, "P"); Rec.InsertNumeric("tabd_col_rows", Record.tabd_col_rows.ToString()); Rec.InsertNumeric("tabd_col_len", Record.tabd_col_len.ToString()); Rec.InsertNumeric("tabd_col_dec", Record.tabd_col_dec.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("rec_deleted", (Record.rec_deleted) ? "Y" : "N"); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { if (Record.tabd_col_order > 0) { Rec.InsertNumeric("tabd_col_order", Record.tabd_col_order.ToString()); } else { Rec.InsertNumeric("tabd_col_order", iOrder.ToString()); } Rec.InsertString("tabd_parent_id", Record.tabd_parent_id); Rec.InsertString("tabd_col_name", Record.tabd_col_name, "U"); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "getdate()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertNumeric("tabd_col_order", Record.tabd_col_order.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "getdate()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { flag = " ADD "; } if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { flag = " MODIFY "; } } else { if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { flag = " ALTER COLUMN "; } } sql1 = ""; if (Record.tabd_col_type == "TEXT" || Record.tabd_col_type == "MEMO") { if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " nvarchar2(" + Record.tabd_col_len + ")"; } else { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " nvarchar(" + Record.tabd_col_len + ")"; } } if (Record.tabd_col_type == "NUMBER") { if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " number(" + Record.tabd_col_len + "," + Record.tabd_col_dec + ")"; } else { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " numeric(" + Record.tabd_col_len + "," + Record.tabd_col_dec + ")"; } } if (Record.tabd_col_type == "DATE") { if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " DATE"; } else { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " DATETIME"; } } if (Record.tabd_col_type == "LIST") { if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " nvarchar2(40)"; } else { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " nvarchar(40)"; } } if (Record.tabd_col_type == "FILE") { if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " nvarchar2(100)"; } else { sql1 += "COL_" + Record.tabd_col_name + " nvarchar(100)"; } } if (sql1 != "") { sql1 = " ALTER TABLE " + Record.tabd_table_name.ToUpper() + " " + flag + " " + sql1; } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); if (sql1 != "") { Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); } Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); retvalue = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } retvalue = false; throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue); RetData.Add("col_name", Record.tabd_col_name); RetData.Add("iorder", iOrder); return(RetData); }
public Dictionary <string, object> Save(tablesm Record) { Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; Boolean retvalue = false; string sql1 = ""; DBRecord Rec = null; int iOrder = 0; try { Con_Oracle = new DBConnection(); if (Record.tab_name.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Table Name Cannot Be Empty"); } if (Record.tab_caption.Trim().Length <= 0) { Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Caption Cannot Be Empty"); } if (ErrorMessage != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid(Record)) != "") { throw new Exception(ErrorMessage); } Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("tablesm", Record.rec_mode, "tab_pkid", Record.tab_pkid); Rec.InsertString("tab_caption", Record.tab_caption, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tab_id", Record.tab_id, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tab_store", Record.tab_store, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tab_group", Record.tab_group, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tab_sku", Record.tab_sku, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tab_file", Record.tab_file, "P"); Rec.InsertString("tab_sku_duplication", Record.tab_sku_duplication ? "Y" : "N"); Rec.InsertString("tab_store_duplication", Record.tab_store_duplication ? "Y" : "N"); Rec.InsertString("tab_campaign_table", Record.tab_campaign_table ? "Y" : "N"); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { // Table Creation Record.tab_table_name = "TBL_" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "_" + Record.tab_name.ToUpper(); Rec.InsertString("tab_name", Record.tab_name, "U"); Rec.InsertString("tab_table_name", Record.tab_table_name, "U"); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "getdate()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT") { Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code); if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE"); } else { Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "getdate()"); } } if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { sql1 = ""; if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE") { sql1 += " CREATE TABLE " + Record.tab_table_name; sql1 += " ( "; //sql1 += " DOC_PKID NVARCHAR2(40), "; sql1 += " DOC_PARENT_ID NVARCHAR2(40), "; //sql1 += " DOC_SLNO NUMBER(15), "; //sql1 += " DOC_TABLE_NAME NVARCHAR2(60), "; //sql1 += " DOC_NAME NVARCHAR2(100), "; //sql1 += " DOC_FILE_NAME NVARCHAR2(100), "; sql1 += " REC_COMPANY_CODE NVARCHAR2(10), "; sql1 += " REC_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR2(15), "; sql1 += " REC_CREATED_DATE DATE, "; sql1 += " REC_EDITED_BY NVARCHAR2(15), "; sql1 += " REC_EDITED_DATE DATE "; sql1 += " ) "; } else { sql1 += " CREATE TABLE " + Record.tab_table_name; sql1 += " ( "; //sql1 += " DOC_PKID NVARCHAR(40), "; sql1 += " DOC_PARENT_ID NVARCHAR(40), "; //sql1 += " DOC_SLNO NUMERIC(15), "; //sql1 += " DOC_TABLE_NAME NVARCHAR(60), "; //sql1 += " DOC_NAME NVARCHAR(100), "; //sql1 += " DOC_FILE_NAME NVARCHAR(100), "; sql1 += " REC_COMPANY_CODE NVARCHAR(10), "; sql1 += " REC_CREATED_BY NVARCHAR(15), "; sql1 += " REC_CREATED_DATE DATETIME, "; sql1 += " REC_EDITED_BY NVARCHAR(15), "; sql1 += " REC_EDITED_DATE DATETIME "; sql1 += " ) "; } } sql = Rec.UpdateRow(); Rec = new DBRecord(); Rec.CreateRow("menum", Record.rec_mode, "menu_pkid", Record.tab_pkid); Rec.InsertString("menu_code", "~PIM~" + Record.tab_name.ToUpper()); Rec.InsertString("menu_name", Record.tab_caption, "P"); Rec.InsertString("menu_route1", "pim/pim", "P"); string str = "urlid" + ":" + "PIM" + "menuid" + ":" + "PIM" + "," + "type" + ":" + "TBL_VTC_PRODUCT"; str = "{ \"urlid\":\"{PIM}\",\"menuid\":\"{PIM}\",\"type\":\"{TBL}\"}"; str = str.Replace("{PIM}", "~PIM~" + Record.tab_name.ToUpper()); str = str.Replace("{TBL}", Record.tab_table_name.ToUpper()); Rec.InsertString("menu_route2", str, "P"); Rec.InsertString("menu_type", "AEDP"); Rec.InsertString("menu_displayed", "Y"); if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD") { string sql10 = "select nvl(max(menu_order),10) + 10 from menum where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; if (Con_Oracle.DB == "SQL") { sql10 = "select isnull(max(menu_order),10) + 10 from menum where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "'"; } iOrder = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql10).ToString()); Rec.InsertString("menu_order", iOrder.ToString()); Rec.InsertString("menu_module_id", "3C784E47-4EC4-AF88-60F0-8555036656FA"); Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code); } string sql2 = Rec.UpdateRow(); Con_Oracle.BeginTransaction(); if (sql1 != "") { Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql1); } Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); Con_Oracle.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2); Con_Oracle.CommitTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); retvalue = true; } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Con_Oracle != null) { Con_Oracle.RollbackTransaction(); Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); } retvalue = false; throw Ex; } Con_Oracle.CloseConnection(); RetData.Add("table_name", Record.tab_table_name); RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue); return(RetData); }