//提交 BG_STATE:1为已提交,2为一级审核通过,3为二级审核通过,4为三级审核通过,5为驳回 protected void btn_tj_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> listtj = new List <string>(); for (int r = 0; r < rptProNumCost.Items.Count; r++) { string ptctj = (rptProNumCost.Items[r].FindControl("Aptcode") as System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox).Text; string sqltj = "update TBPC_BG set BG_STATE='1' where BG_PTC='" + ptctj + "' and BG_PH='" + ph + "'"; listtj.Add(sqltj); } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(listtj); //邮件提醒 string sprid = ""; string sptitle = ""; string spcontent = ""; sptitle = "物料减少审批"; spcontent = "有物料减少需要您审批,请登录查看!"; string sqlgetshraname = "select BG_SHRA from TBPC_BG where BG_PH='" + ph + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dtgetshraname = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sqlgetshraname); if (dtgetshraname.Rows.Count > 0) { string sqlgetstid = "select ST_ID from TBDS_STAFFINFO where ST_NAME='" + dtgetshraname.Rows[0]["BG_SHRA"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dtgetstid = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sqlgetstid); if (dtgetstid.Rows.Count > 0) { sprid = dtgetstid.Rows[0]["ST_ID"].ToString().Trim(); } DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(sprid), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), sptitle, spcontent); } Response.Redirect("PC_TBPC_Purchaseplan_start.aspx"); }
protected void btnqueren_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbreason.Text.Trim() == "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('请填写修改原因!')", true); return; } //2017.5.12修改,修改发给部长,没部长发给人本人通知 string str = "select ST_ID from TBDS_STAFFINFO where ST_POSITION='0501' and ST_PD='0'"; System.Data.DataTable leader = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(str); string lead = ""; if (leader.Rows.Count > 0) { lead = leader.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead)) { string content = "订单号:" + LabelCode.Text.Trim() + ",修改原因及内容:" + tbreason.Text.Trim() + "。"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(lead), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "订单数据修改", content); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('采购部暂时无部长,请及时与负责人沟通!');", true); return; } }
protected void btnIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); List <string> sql = new List <string>(); foreach (RepeaterItem rptItem in Repeater1.Items) { CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)rptItem.FindControl("chk"); if (chk.Checked) { list.Add(((Label)rptItem.FindControl("CM_ID")).Text); string sql1 = "select * from TBCM_CUSTOMER where CM_ID='" + ((Label)rptItem.FindControl("CM_ID")).Text + "'"; DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql1); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID("174"), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产已入库", "项目为" + dr["CM_PJNAME"].ToString() + "请登录系统进行查看。");//刘学的ST_ID } } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { string sqlTxt = "update TBCM_CUSTOMER set CM_BTIN='1' where CM_ID='" + list[i] + "'"; sql.Add(sqlTxt); } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(sql); bindGrid(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString("ssffff"), "sTable()", true); }
protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uprice; string tprice; string rowid; List <string> list_sql = new List <string>(); if (price != '0') { for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { GridViewRow gr = GridView1.Rows[i]; uprice = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtUprice")).Text.ToString(); tprice = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtTprice")).Text.ToString(); rowid = ((Label)gr.FindControl("lblid")).Text.ToString(); sqltext = "update TBOM_GDZCPCAPPLY set [UPRICE]='" + uprice + "',[TPRICE]='" + tprice + "',[SHRID]='" + shrid.Value + "',[SHR]='" + txtshr.Text + "',[STATE]=1 where [ID]='" + rowid + "'"; list_sql.Add(sqltext); } sqltext = "update TBOM_GDZCRVW set CARRVWA='" + txtshr.Text.Trim() + "',CARRVWAID='" + shrid.Value.Trim() + "',STATUS='1' where CODE='" + lblCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; list_sql.Add(sqltext); DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list_sql); string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(firstid.Value); string _body = "固定资产采购审批任务:" + "\r\n单号:" + lblCode.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string _subject = "您有新的【固定资产采购】需要审批,请及时处理:" + lblCode.Text.ToString().Trim(); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('提交成功,请等待审批!');window.location.href='OM_GdzcPcPlan.aspx'", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('请填写金额!!!');", true); } }
private void SendEmail() { if (action == "cancel") { string sql = " select * from TBCM_PLAN where ID='" + id + "'"; DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql); foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList0.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } //jishubu foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList1.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } //zhiliangbu foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList6.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList2.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList3.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList4.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxList5.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消通知", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审中查看”"); } } DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID("47"), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "经营计划单取消审批", "合同号为“" + dt.Rows[0]["CM_CONTR"].ToString() + "”存在取消的部分,请登录系统“市场管理”模块中的“取消评审”审批"); } }
//审核2 protected void btnsh2_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rblsecond.SelectedValue == "0") { string sql2 = "update TBPC_BG set BG_STATE='3',RESULT='审核中',BG_SHRB='" + name + "',BG_SHRIDB='" + userid + "',BG_SHYJB='" + second_opinion.Text.ToString() + "',BG_SHDATEB='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "' where BG_PH='" + ph + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql2); //邮件提醒 string sprid = ""; string sptitle = ""; string spcontent = ""; sptitle = "物料减少审批"; spcontent = "有物料减少需要您审批,请登录查看!"; string sqlgetstid = "select ST_ID from TBDS_STAFFINFO where ST_NAME='" + rblthird.Text.Trim() + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dtgetstid = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sqlgetstid); if (dtgetstid.Rows.Count > 0) { sprid = dtgetstid.Rows[0]["ST_ID"].ToString().Trim(); } DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(sprid), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), sptitle, spcontent); } if (rblsecond.SelectedValue == "1") { string sqltext2 = "update TBPC_BG set BG_STATE='7',RESULT='已驳回',BG_SHRB='" + name + "',BG_SHRIDB='" + userid + "',BG_SHYJB='" + second_opinion.Text.ToString() + "',BG_SHDATEB='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "' where BG_PH='" + ph + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sqltext2); btnsh2.Visible = false; } binddata(); zxztbind(); kjifvisible(); Response.Redirect("PC_TBPC_Purchange_new.aspx"); }
//提交 protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> list = new List <string>(); string sql001 = ""; spbh = Request.QueryString["spid"].ToString().Trim(); string sqltext = "select * from OM_CanBuYDSP where SPBH='" + spbh.ToString().Trim() + "'"; DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sqltext); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["SQR_ID"].ToString().Trim() == Session["UserID"].ToString().Trim()) { if (txt_first.Text.Trim() == "" || firstid.Value.Trim() == "") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('请选择审批人!');", true); return; } else { sql001 = "update OM_CanBuYDSP set TotalState='1',SQR_Note='" + txtfqryj.Text.Trim() + "',SPR_ID='" + firstid.Value.Trim() + "',SPR_Name='" + txt_first.Text.Trim() + "' where SPBH='" + spbh.ToString().Trim() + "'"; list.Add(sql001); //邮件提醒 string sprid = ""; string sptitle = ""; string spcontent = ""; sprid = firstid.Value.Trim(); sptitle = "餐补异动审批"; spcontent = lb_title.Text.Trim() + "的餐补异动需要您审批,请登录查看!"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(sprid), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), sptitle, spcontent); } } if (dt.Rows[0]["SPR_ID"].ToString().Trim() == Session["UserID"].ToString().Trim()) { if (rblfirst.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "1") { sql001 = "update OM_CanBuYDSP set SPR_State='" + rblfirst.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "',TotalState='2',SP_Time='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").Trim() + "',SPR_Note='" + opinion1.Text.Trim() + "' where SPBH='" + spbh.ToString().Trim() + "'"; list.Add(sql001); updatecbsj(spbh); } else if (rblfirst.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "2") { sql001 = "update OM_CanBuYDSP set SPR_State='" + rblfirst.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "',TotalState='3',SP_Time='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").Trim() + "',SPR_Note='" + opinion1.Text.Trim() + "' where SPBH='" + spbh.ToString().Trim() + "'"; list.Add(sql001); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('请选择审核意见!');", true); return; } } } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list); Response.Redirect("OM_CanBuYDSPdetail.aspx?spid=" + spbh); }
private void SendEmail() { string csr = HidCSR.Value; string[] str = csr.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(str[i]), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "您有发货通知需要查看", "编号为 " + CM_BIANHAO.Text + ",顾客名称为 " + CM_CUSNAME.Text + " 的发货通知已审批通过,请登录系统查看。"); } }
private void SendEmailTo(string p) { string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(p); string _body = "开票管理审批任务:" + "\r\n编 号:" + KP_CODE.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制 单:" + KP_ZDRNM.Text.Trim() + ""; string _subject = "您有新的【增值税发票申请单】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); }
private void writedata() { List <string> list_sql = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < Repeater1.Items.Count; i++) { if (((TextBox)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("txt_shuliang")).Text != "") { mingchen = ((Label)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("lblbh")).Text; guige = ((Label)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("lblName")).Text;; danjia = ((Label)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("lbldanjia")).Text; danwei = ((Label)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("lbdanwei")).Text; shuliang = ((TextBox)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("txt_shuliang")).Text; double dj = CommonFun.ComTryDouble(danjia); double sl = CommonFun.ComTryDouble(shuliang); //比较库存数量与出库数量大小 string sql = "select * from OM_CARKUCUN where KC_MC='" + mingchen + "' and KC_GG='" + guige + "'and KC_DJ='" + dj + "'"; DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql); string kc_sl = dt.Rows[0]["KC_SL"].ToString(); double kcsl = CommonFun.ComTryDouble(kc_sl); if (kcsl >= sl) { double zongjia = dj * sl; string zj = zongjia.ToString(); //string sqltext = "insert into OM_CARKUCUN(KC_MC,KC_GG,KC_SL,KC_DJ,KC_ZJ,KC_SJ)"; //sqltext += "values('" + mingchen + "','" + guige + "','" + shuliang + "','" + danjia + "','" + zongjia + "','" + lblInDate.Text + "')"; //list_sql.Add(sqltext); string sqltext1 = string.Format("insert into OM_CARCK_SP (SP_MC,SP_GG,SP_SL,ZDR,ZDRID,ZDR_SJ,ZDR_JY,SPR1,SPR1_ID,SPR1_JL,SPR1_JY,SPR2,SPR2_ID,SPR2_JL,SPR2_JY,SP_DJ,SP_DANWEI,SPJB,SPZT,SP_ZJ) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}')", mingchen, guige, shuliang, txtZDR.Text.Trim(), hidZDRID.Value, lbZDR_SJ.Text, txtZDR_JY.Text.Trim(), txtSPR1.Text.Trim(), hidSPR1_ID.Value, "", "", txtSPR2.Text.Trim(), hidSPR2_ID.Value, "", "", danjia, danwei, rblSPJB.SelectedValue, "0", zj); list_sql.Add(sqltext1); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('库存数量不足,请查看正确数量!!!')</script>"); Response.Redirect("OM_CarKuCun.aspx"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择“名称、数量”再提交!!!')</script>"); } } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list_sql); string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR1_ID.Value); string _body = "车品出库审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lbl_creater.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblInDate.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【车品出库】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); }
protected void btn_submit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (asd.action == "add") { List <string> list = addlist(); try { DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list); string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR1ID.Value); string _body = "非固定资产转移审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + txtZDR.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lbZDR_SJ.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【非固定资产转移】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加转移成功');</script>"); return; } Response.Redirect("OM_FGdzcTransSum.aspx"); } else if (asd.action == "check") { List <string> list = checklist(); try { DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('审批语句出现问题,请与管理员联系!!!');</script>"); return; } list.Clear(); string sql = string.Format("select * from TBOM_GDZCTRANSFER as a left join OM_SP as b on a.DH=b.SPFATHERID where TRANSFTYPE='1' and SPFATHERID ='{0}'", asd.id); DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql); if (dt.Rows[0]["SPZT"].ToString() == "y") { list = zylist(); try { DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('转移语句出现问题,请与管理员联系!!!');</script>"); return; } } Response.Redirect("OM_FGDZCZY_SP.aspx"); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件 /// </summary> /// <param name="emailto">收件人ID</param> /// <param name="theme">操作主题</param> /// <param name="operation">操作类型</param> /// <param name="code">单号</param> /// <param name="maker">制单人</param> /// <param name="time">制单日期</param> private void SendMail(string emailto, string theme, string operation, string code, string maker, string time) { string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(emailto); string _body = theme + operation + "任务:" + "\r\n单号:" + code + "\r\n制单人:" + maker + "\r\n制单日期:" + time; string _subject = "您有新的【" + theme + "】需要" + operation + ",请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); }
private void writedata() { List <string> list_sql = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { GridViewRow gr = GridView1.Rows[i]; if (((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_Name")).Text != "") { code = ((DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddl_code")).SelectedValue; bianhao = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_bianhao")).Text; nx = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_nx")).Text; jiazhi = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_jiazhi")).Text; name = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_Name")).Text; model = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_Model")).Text; note = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_Note")).Text; DropDownList ss = (DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddl_user"); bumen = ((DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddl_bumen")).SelectedItem.Text; place = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_place")).Text; syrid = ((HtmlInputHidden)gr.FindControl("hidSyrId")).Value; string bumenid = ((DropDownList)gr.FindControl("ddl_bumen")).SelectedValue; syr = ((HtmlInputHidden)gr.FindControl("hidSyr")).Value; string type = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtType")).Text; string type2 = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txtType2")).Text; //if (innum == 0.0) //{ // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('提示:无法保存!!!没有入库数据!!!');", true); // return; //} //else //{ sqltext = "insert into TBOM_GDZCIN(INCODE,CODE,NAME,MODEL,PLACE,BIANHAO,SYBUMEN,SYBUMENID,SYR,SYRID,CREATER,CREATERID,INDATE,NOTE,JLR,JLRID,SYDATE,NX,JIAZHI,INTYPE,TYPE,TYPE2)"; sqltext += "values('" + lblInCode.Text + "','" + code + "','" + name + "','" + model + "','" + place + "','" + bianhao + "','" + bumen + "','" + bumenid + "','" + syr + "','" + syrid + "','" + lbl_creater.Text + "','" + Session["UserID"].ToString() + "','" + lblInDate.Text + "','" + note + "','" + txtshr.Text + "','" + shrid.Value + "','" + lblInDate.Text + "','" + nx + "','" + jiazhi + "','0','" + type + "','" + type2 + "')"; list_sql.Add(sqltext); //sqltext = "update TBOM_GDZCSTORE set NUMSTORE=" + numstore + " where NAME='" + name + "'and MODEL='" + model + "'"; //list_sql.Add(sqltext); //} } } sqltext = string.Format("insert into OM_SP (SPFATHERID,SPLX,SPJB,ZDR,ZDRID,ZDR_SJ,ZDR_JY,SPR1,SPR1ID,SPR1_JL,SPR1_SJ,SPR1_JY,SPR2,SPR2ID,SPR2_JL,SPR2_SJ,SPR2_JY,SPR3,SPR3ID,SPR3_JL,SPR3_SJ,SPR3_JY,SPZT) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}','{20}','{21}','{22}')", lblInCode.Text, "GDZC", rblSPJB.SelectedValue, txtZDR.Text.Trim(), hidZDRID.Value, lbZDR_SJ.Text, txtZDR_JY.Text.Trim(), txtSPR1.Text.Trim(), hidSPR1ID.Value, "", "", "", txtSPR2.Text.Trim(), hidSPR2ID.Value, "", "", "", txtSPR3.Text.Trim(), hidSPR3ID.Value, "", "", "", "0"); list_sql.Add(sqltext); DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list_sql); string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR1ID.Value); string _body = "固定资产入库审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lbl_creater.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblInDate.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【固定资产入库】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); }
private void SendEmailToSHR(string ID) { //邮件提醒 string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(ID); string _body = "办公用品汇总审批任务:" + "\r\n编 号:" + LabelCode.Text + "\r\n制单人:" + LabelDoc.Text + "\r\n制单日期:" + TextBoxDate.Text + "\r\n总额: " + lbljine.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【办公用品汇总】需要审批,请及时处理:" + LabelCode.Text; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); }
//审批 protected void btnAudit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Checked()) { string sql = ""; if (hidAction.Value == "add") { List <string> list = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < hidConext.Value.Trim('|').Split('|').Length; i++) { if (ddl_zipstate.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "1" && rblSHJS.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() != "0") { sql = "update TBDS_KaoHeList set Kh_state='2',Kh_shtoltalstate='1' where kh_Context='" + hidConext.Value.Split('|')[i].ToString() + "'"; } else if (ddl_zipstate.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "0" && rblSHJS.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() != "0") { sql = "update TBDS_KaoHeList set Kh_state='1',Kh_shtoltalstate='1' where kh_Context='" + hidConext.Value.Split('|')[i].ToString() + "'"; } else if (ddl_zipstate.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "1" && rblSHJS.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "0") { sql = "update TBDS_KaoHeList set Kh_state='2',Kh_shtoltalstate='2' where kh_Context='" + hidConext.Value.Split('|')[i].ToString() + "'"; } else if (ddl_zipstate.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "0" && rblSHJS.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() == "0") { sql = "update TBDS_KaoHeList set Kh_state='1',Kh_shtoltalstate='2' where kh_Context='" + hidConext.Value.Split('|')[i].ToString() + "'"; } else { sql = "update TBDS_KaoHeList set Kh_state='1',Kh_shtoltalstate='1' where kh_Context='" + hidConext.Value.Split('|')[i].ToString() + "'"; } list.Add(sql); } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list); //邮件提醒 string sprid = ""; string sptitle = ""; string spcontent = ""; sprid = firstid.Value.Trim(); sptitle = "考核人评价项审批"; spcontent = "有" + txtKhNianYue.Text.Trim() + "的" + lbtitle.Text.Trim() + "需要您审批,请登录查看!"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(sprid), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), sptitle, spcontent); Response.Write("<script>alert('保存成功!');window.location.href='OM_KaoHeList.aspx';</script>"); } } }
protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string part = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < CM_CLPART.Items.Count; i++) { if (CM_CLPART.Items[i].Selected) { part += "," + CM_CLPART.Items[i].Value;//这里是选中的项 } } if (part != "") { part = part.Substring(1); } string sql = ""; if (Session["UserID"].ToString() == market) { string review1 = bmspnr.Text + "△" + bmsprq.Text; if (bmsp.SelectedValue == "2") { sql = string.Format("update TBCM_APPLICA set CM_COMMAND='{0}',CM_BUMENYJ='{1}',CM_CLPART='{2}',CM_YJ11='2' where CM_ID='{3}'", CM_COMMAND.Text, review1, part, id); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(leader), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客联系单申请审批", "您有顾客服务联系单需要审批,请登录系统进行查看。"); } else if (bmsp.SelectedValue == "3") { sql = string.Format("update TBCM_APPLICA set CM_COMMAND='{0}',CM_BUMENYJ='{1}',CM_YJ11='3',CM_STATE='3' where CM_ID='{2}'", CM_COMMAND.Text, review1, id); } } else if (Session["UserID"].ToString() == leader) { string review2 = ldspnr.Text + "△" + lzsprq.Text; if (ldsp.SelectedValue == "2") { sql = string.Format("update TBCM_APPLICA set CM_COMMAND='{0}',CM_LEADYJ='{1}',CM_CLPART='{2}',CM_YJ2='2',CM_STATE='2' where CM_ID='{3}'", CM_COMMAND.Text, review2, part, id); } else if (ldsp.SelectedValue == "3") { sql = string.Format("update TBCM_APPLICA set CM_COMMAND='{0}',CM_LEADYJ='{1}',CM_CLPART='{2}',CM_YJ2='3',CM_STATE='3' where CM_ID='{3}'", CM_COMMAND.Text, review2, part, id); } } if (sql != "") { DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('审批成功!');window.opener.location.reload();window.opener=null;window.open('','_self');window.close();", true); }
private void SendEmail() { if (action == "add") { string UserID = GetUserID(txtTZD_SPR1.Text.Trim()); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(UserID), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "生产代用通知", "您有生产代用通知“" + lbTZD_PH.Text.Trim() + "”需要审批,请登录系统,进入技术管理模块的“生产通知审批”进行查看。"); } if (action == "check") { string UserID = GetUserID(txtTZD_SPR2.Text.Trim()); if (username == dts.Rows[0]["TZD_SPR1"].ToString() && rblTZD_SPR1_JL.SelectedValue == "1") { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(UserID), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "生产代用通知", "您有生产代用通知“" + dts.Rows[0]["TZD_PH"].ToString() + "”需要审批,请登录系统,进入技术管理模块的“生产通知审批”进行查看。"); } } }
protected void btnedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "update TBCM_CUSTOMER set CM_ZDYJ='" + CM_ZDYJ.Text + "',CM_SFHG='" + CM_SFHG.SelectedValue + "' where CM_ID='" + Request.QueryString["CM_ID"] + "'"; if (CM_SFHG.SelectedValue == "1") { if (psr.Value != "") { string[] strs = psr.Value.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(strs[i]), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产继续使用", "项目为 " + CM_PJNAME.Text + ",入库内容为 " + CM_INCONT.Text + ",已由市场部改为合格,可继续使用,请登录系统查看"); } } } DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('信息修改成功!');window.opener=null;window.open('','_self');window.close();", true); }
private void writedata() { List <string> list_sql = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { GridViewRow gr = GridView1.Rows[i]; if (((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_mingchen")).Text != "" && ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_shuliang")).Text != "") { mingchen = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_mingchen")).Text; guige = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_guige")).Text; shuliang = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_shuliang")).Text; danjia = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_danjia")).Text; danwei = ((TextBox)gr.FindControl("txt_danwei")).Text; double dj = CommonFun.ComTryDouble(danjia); double sl = CommonFun.ComTryDouble(shuliang); double zongjia = dj * sl; string zj = zongjia.ToString(); //string sqltext = "insert into OM_CARKUCUN(KC_MC,KC_GG,KC_SL,KC_DJ,KC_ZJ,KC_SJ)"; //sqltext += "values('" + mingchen + "','" + guige + "','" + shuliang + "','" + danjia + "','" + zongjia + "','" + lblInDate.Text + "')"; //list_sql.Add(sqltext); string sqltext1 = string.Format("insert into OM_CARRK_SP (SP_MC,SP_GG,SP_SL,ZDR,ZDRID,ZDR_SJ,ZDR_JY,SPR1,SPR1_ID,SPR1_JL,SPR1_JY,SPR2,SPR2_ID,SPR2_JL,SPR2_JY,SP_DJ,SP_DANWEI,SPJB,SPZT,SP_ZJ) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}','{16}','{17}','{18}','{19}')", mingchen, guige, shuliang, txtZDR.Text.Trim(), hidZDRID.Value, lbZDR_SJ.Text, txtZDR_JY.Text.Trim(), txtSPR1.Text.Trim(), hidSPR1_ID.Value, "", "", txtSPR2.Text.Trim(), hidSPR2_ID.Value, "", "", danjia, danwei, rblSPJB.SelectedValue, "0", zj); list_sql.Add(sqltext1); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择“名称、数量”再提交!!!')</script>"); } } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list_sql); string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR1_ID.Value); string _body = "车品入库审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lbl_creater.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblInDate.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【车品入库】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); }
protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Check()) { BindReviewer();//读出评审人员 List <string> str_sql = new List <string>(); string sql = ""; string code = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); //删除信息 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(psId)) { sql = "delete from TBDS_DETAIL where ST_ID='" + psId + "'"; str_sql.Add(sql); sql = "delete from TBDS_VIEW where ST_ID='" + psId + "'"; str_sql.Add(sql); } //信息总表 sql = string.Format("insert into TBDS_PSDETAIL(ST_ID,ST_PER,ST_CONT,ST_REMARK,ST_ZDR,ST_ZDSJ,ST_TYPE) values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','0')", code, Id, ST_ZHENG.Text, ST_REMARK.Text, Session["UserID"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); str_sql.Add(sql); //合同评审信息详细表(TBDS_PSVIEW) sql = "insert into TBDS_PSVIEW values('" + code + "','" + Session["UserID"].ToString() + "','2','" + txt_zdrYJ.Text + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + Session["UserDeptID"].ToString() + "','0')"; str_sql.Add(sql); //制单人意见 for (int i = 0; i < reviewer.Count; i++) { /******************通过键来找值******************************************************/ /**为了兼容领导同时为部门负责人的情况,评审人部门编号要以评审人员设置表中为准,而不以当前登录人部门编号为依据**/ string sql_dep = "select dep_id from TBCM_HT_SETTING where per_id='" + reviewer.Values.ElementAt(i) + "' and per_sfjy=0 and per_type='3'"; DataTable dt_dep = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql_dep); if (dt_dep.Rows.Count > 0) { sql = "insert into TBDS_PSVIEW(ST_ID,ST_PID,ST_DEP,ST_PIDTYPE) values('" + code + "','" + reviewer.Values.ElementAt(i) + "','" + dt_dep.Rows[0]["dep_id"].ToString().Substring(0, 2) + "','1')"; str_sql.Add(sql);//其他人 if (dt_dep.Rows[0]["dep_id"].ToString().Substring(0, 2) != "01") { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(reviewer.Values.ElementAt(i)), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "转正审批", "您有转正信息需要审批,请登录系统进行查看。"); } } } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(str_sql); ////Response.Write("<script>window.opener.location.reload();window.close();</script>");//刷新 Response.Write("<script>alert('添加审批成功!');window.close();</script>"); } }
//审批 protected void btnAudit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = ""; string state = ""; if (hidAction.Value == "add" || hidAction.Value == "edit") { sql = "update TBDS_KaoheDeaprtMonth set state='1' where Context='" + hidConext.Value + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); //邮件提醒 string sprid = ""; string sptitle = ""; string spcontent = ""; sprid = firstid.Value.Trim(); sptitle = "组织绩效月度成绩审批"; spcontent = txtKhNianYue.Text.Trim() + "的组织绩效月度成绩需要您审批,请登录查看!"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(sprid), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), sptitle, spcontent); Response.Write("<script>alert('保存成功!');window.location.href='OM_KaoHeList_DepartMonth.aspx';</script>"); } else if (action == "audit") { if (rblResult1.SelectedIndex == -1) { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择审核结果!')</script>"); return; } else { if (rblResult1.SelectedValue == "0") { state = "2"; } else if (rblResult1.SelectedValue == "1") { state = "3"; } sql = "update TBDS_KaoheDeaprtMonth set state='" + state + "',RESULTA='" + rblResult1.SelectedValue + "',TIMEA='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "',OPTIONA='" + first_opinion.Text.Trim() + "' where Context='" + hidConext.Value + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); Response.Write("<script>alert('保存成功!');window.location.href='OM_KaoHeList_DepartMonth.aspx';</script>"); } } }
// } //protected void tb_pj_Textchanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // string Cname = ""; // if (tb_pj.Text.ToString().Contains("|")) // { // Cname = tb_pj.Text.Substring(0, tb_pj.Text.ToString().IndexOf("|")); // tb_pj.Text = Cname.Trim(); // } // else if (tb_pj.Text == "") // { // } //} //protected void tb_eng_Textchanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // string Cname = ""; // if (tb_eng.Text.ToString().Contains("|")) // { // Cname = tb_eng.Text.Substring(0, tb_eng.Text.ToString().IndexOf("|")); // tb_eng.Text = Cname.Trim(); // } // else if (tb_eng.Text == "") // { // } //} protected void btn_email_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //邮件提醒 string sprid = ""; string sptitle = ""; string spcontent = ""; string sqltext = "select * from TBDS_STAFFINFO where EMAIL is not null and EMAIL!=''"; System.Data.DataTable dt = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sqltext); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sprid = dt.Rows[i]["ST_ID"].ToString().Trim(); sptitle = "关于ERP程序修改"; spcontent = "在提交申请选择审批人时,因为ERP程序上的修改,需要将浏览器缓存清理一下,才能正常选人,所以请大家将浏览器缓存清理一下,给大家带来不便敬请谅解!"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(sprid), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), sptitle, spcontent); } } }
protected void btntijiao_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string part = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < CM_CLPART.Items.Count; i++) { if (CM_CLPART.Items[i].Selected) { part += "," + CM_CLPART.Items[i].Value;//这里是选中的项 } } if (part != "") { part = part.Substring(1); } string sql = string.Format("update TBCM_APPLICA set CM_COMMAND='{0}',CM_BUMEN='{1}',CM_LEADER='{2}',CM_CLPART='{3}',CM_YJ11='1',CM_YJ2='1',CM_STATE='1' where CM_ID='{4}'", CM_COMMAND.Text, market, leader, part, id); DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(market), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客联系单申请审批", "您有顾客服务联系单需要审批,请登录系统进行查看。"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('提交成功!');window.opener.location.reload();window.opener=null;window.open('','_self');window.close();", true); }
protected void btnFYTJ_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string CLD_ID = ""; string CLD_SPZT = ""; string CLD_BH = ""; for (int i = 0, length = rptSHFWCLD.Items.Count; i < length; i++) { CheckBox cbx = (CheckBox)rptSHFWCLD.Items[i].FindControl("cbxXuHao"); if (cbx.Checked) { CLD_ID = ((HtmlInputHidden)rptSHFWCLD.Items[i].FindControl("CLD_ID")).Value; CLD_SPZT = ((HtmlInputHidden)rptSHFWCLD.Items[i].FindControl("CLD_SPZT")).Value; CLD_BH = ((Label)rptSHFWCLD.Items[i].FindControl("CLD_BH")).Text.Trim(); break; } } if (CLD_ID == "") { Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('请勾选一条进行修改!!!')</script>"); return; } else { if (CLD_SPZT == "cljg_y") { string sql = "update CM_SHCLD set CLD_FWFY_TJR='" + hidTXR.Value.Trim() + "',"; sql += "CLD_FWFY_FGR='" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "'"; sql += " where CLD_ID='" + CLD_ID + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('您已成功将任务分给了“" + hidTXR.Value + "”!!!')</script>"); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(GetST_ID(hidTXR.Value)), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "售后质量问题处理通知", "您有售后质量问题处理单“" + CLD_BH + "”需要填写“费用统计”,请登录系统,进入市场管理模块的“售后质量问题处理单页面”进行填写。"); } else { Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('处理结果填写后您才能分工!!!')</script>"); return; } } }
protected void btnLoad_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> list_sql = new List <string>(); if (Request.QueryString["action"] == "review") { if (firstid.Value == Session["UserID"].ToString() && lbl_state.Text == "1") { string sql = "update TBOM_GDZCRVW set CARRVWAADVC='" + first_opinion.Text.ToString() + "',CARRVWATIME='" + first_time.Text.ToString() + "',CARRVWB='" + txt_second.Text.ToString() + "',CARRVWBID='" + secondid.Value.Trim() + "',STATUS='" + rblfirst.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' WHERE CODE='" + lblCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; list_sql.Add(sql); DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list_sql); if (rblfirst.SelectedValue.ToString() == "2") { string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(secondid.Value); string _body = "固定资产采购审批任务:" + "\r\n单号:" + lblCode.Text.ToString().Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblAddtime.Text.ToString().Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【固定资产采购】需要审批,请及时处理:" + lblCode.Text.ToString().Trim(); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('审核成功,提交下一级!');window.location.href='OM_GdzcPcPlan.aspx'", true); } if (secondid.Value == Session["UserID"].ToString() && lbl_state.Text == "2") { string sql = "update TBOM_GDZCRVW set CARRVWBADVC='" + second_opinion.Text.ToString() + "',CARRVWBTIME='" + second_time.Text.ToString() + "',STATUS='" + rblsecond.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' WHERE CODE='" + lblCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; list_sql.Add(sql); if (rblsecond.SelectedValue == "4") { sql = "update TBOM_GDZCRVW set STATUS='6' WHERE CODE='" + lblCode.Text.Trim() + "'"; list_sql.Add(sql); } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list_sql); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('审核成功,申请通过!');window.location.href='OM_GdzcPcPlan.aspx'", true); } //Response.Redirect("OM_GdzcPcPlan.aspx"); } }
protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)//********************提交******************* { string sql = "update EQU_GXHT set HT_SPZT='1' where HT_HTBH='" + txt_HT_HTBH.Text.Trim() + "'"; try { DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hid_HT_SHR1ID.Value); string _body = "设备购销合同审批任务:" + "\r\n合同编号:" + txt_HT_HTBH.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单人:" + lb_HT_ZDR.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string _subject = "您有新的【设备购销合同】需要审批,请及时处理:" + txt_HT_HTBH.Text.Trim(); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('提交审批时数据操作错误,请与管理员联系!')</script>"); return; } Response.Redirect("EQU_GXHT_GL.aspx"); }
protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql1; string sql2; List <string> list = new List <string>(); if (CM_CHECK.SelectedValue != "2") { sql1 = "update TBCM_CUSTOMER set CM_CHECK='" + CM_CHECK.SelectedValue + "',CM_SFHG='" + CM_CHECK.SelectedValue + "',CM_TEST='" + CM_TEST.SelectedValue + "',CM_RESULT='" + Hid_ZJ.Value + "',CM_ZJDATE='" + CM_ZJDATE.Text + "' where CM_ID='" + Request.QueryString["CM_ID"] + "'"; list.Add(sql1); if (CM_CHECK.SelectedValue == "1") { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(zdr.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产质检通过", "项目为 " + CM_PJNAME.Text + ",入库内容为 " + CM_INCONT.Text + ",已质检通过,请登录系统查看"); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hdkg.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产质检通过", "项目为 " + CM_PJNAME.Text + ",入库内容为 " + CM_INCONT.Text + ",已质检通过,请登录系统查看"); if (psr.Value != "") { string[] strs = psr.Value.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strs.Length; i++) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(strs[i]), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产质检通过", "项目为 " + CM_PJNAME.Text + ",入库内容为 " + CM_INCONT.Text + ",已质检通过,请登录系统查看"); } } } else if (CM_CHECK.SelectedValue == "0") { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(zdr.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产质检未通过", "项目为 " + CM_PJNAME.Text + ",入库内容为 " + CM_INCONT.Text + ",未通过质检,请登录系统查看"); } } if (CM_BTIN.Checked) { sql2 = "update TBCM_CUSTOMER set CM_BTIN='1',CM_RKYJ='" + CM_RKYJ.Text + "' where CM_ID='" + Request.QueryString["CM_ID"] + "'"; list.Add(sql2); DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(zdr.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产已入库", "项目为 " + CM_PJNAME.Text + ",入库内容为 " + CM_INCONT.Text + ",已入库通过,请登录系统查看"); } DBCallCommon.ExecuteTrans(list); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "alert('信息修改成功!');window.opener=null;window.open('','_self');window.close();", true); }
private void SendEmail() { foreach (ListItem item in cbxCS.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "顾客财产质检", "您有合同号为" + CM_CONTR.Text.Trim() + ",项目名称为" + CM_PJNAME.Text.Trim() + ",顾客为" + CM_COSTERM.Text.Trim() + "的顾客财产需要质检,请登录系统查看。"); } } foreach (ListItem item in cbxTH.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "新增顾客财产查看", "合同号为" + CM_CONTR.Text.Trim() + ",项目名称为" + CM_PJNAME.Text.Trim() + ",顾客为" + CM_COSTERM.Text.Trim() + "的顾客财产下推至质检,请登录系统查看。"); } } foreach (ListItem item in cbxPD.Items) { if (item.Selected) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(item.Value), new List <string>(), new List <string>(), "新增顾客财产查看", "合同号为" + CM_CONTR.Text.Trim() + ",项目名称为" + CM_PJNAME.Text.Trim() + ",顾客为" + CM_COSTERM.Text.Trim() + "的顾客财产下推至质检,请登录系统查看。"); } } }
private List <string> checklist() { List <string> list = new List <string>(); string sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPR1_JL='{0}',SPR1_SJ='{1}',SPR1_JY='{2}',SPR2_JL='{3}',SPR2_SJ='{4}',SPR2_JY='{5}',SPR3_JL='{6}',SPR3_SJ='{7}',SPR3_JY='{8}' where SPFATHERID='{9}'", rblSPR1_JL.SelectedValue, lbSPR1_SJ.Text, txtSPR1_JY.Text.Trim(), rblSPR2_JL.SelectedValue, lbSPR2_SJ.Text, txtSPR2_JY.Text.Trim(), rblSPR3_JL.SelectedValue, lbSPR3_SJ.Text, txtSPR3_JY.Text, id); list.Add(sql); if (asd.dts.Rows[0]["SPJB"].ToString() == "1") { if (rblSPR1_JL.SelectedValue == "y") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='y' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); } } else if (asd.dts.Rows[0]["SPJB"].ToString() == "2") { if (rblSPR1_JL.SelectedValue == "y") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='1y' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); if (asd.userid == hidSPR1ID.Value) { string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR2ID.Value); string _body = "固定资产入库审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lbl_creater.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblInDate.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【固定资产入库】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } } if (rblSPR2_JL.SelectedValue == "y") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='y' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); } } else if (asd.dts.Rows[0]["SPJB"].ToString() == "3") { if (rblSPR1_JL.SelectedValue == "y") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='1y' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); if (asd.userid == hidSPR1ID.Value) { string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR2ID.Value); string _body = "固定资产入库审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lbl_creater.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblInDate.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【固定资产入库】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } } if (rblSPR2_JL.SelectedValue == "y") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='2y' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); if (asd.userid == hidSPR2ID.Value) { string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(hidSPR3ID.Value); string _body = "固定资产入库审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lbl_creater.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + lblInDate.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【固定资产入库】需要审批,请及时处理"; DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } } if (rblSPR3_JL.SelectedValue == "y") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='y' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); } } if (rblSPR1_JL.SelectedValue == "n" || rblSPR2_JL.SelectedValue == "n" || rblSPR3_JL.SelectedValue == "n") { sql = string.Format("update OM_SP set SPZT='n' where SPFATHERID='{0}'", id); list.Add(sql); } return(list); }
//审批 protected void btnAudit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = ""; string state = hidState.Value; string level = rblSHJS.SelectedValue; if (hidAction.Value == "add" || hidAction.Value == "edit") //添加和编辑 { sql = "update OM_COMPUTERLIST set state='1' where Context='" + hidConext.Value + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); //邮件提醒 string _emailto1 = ""; string _emailto2 = ""; string _emailto3 = ""; //不需要进行审核 if (rblSHJS.SelectedValue == "0") { //检索维修类型:网络设备 or 其他 foreach (RepeaterItem item in Det_Repeater.Items) { string type = ((DropDownList)item.FindControl("ddlType")).SelectedValue; if (type.Contains("0")) { string sql1 = "select * from TBDS_STAFFINFO where ST_DEPID='02' and R_NAME like '%信息%' and ST_PD='0'"; DataTable sqltable = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql1); if (sqltable.Rows.Count > 0) { string id = sqltable.Rows[0]["ST_ID"].ToString(); _emailto1 = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(id); } } else { string sql1 = "select * from TBDS_STAFFINFO where ST_DEPID='04' and R_NAME like '%设备%' and ST_PD='0'"; DataTable sqltable = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql1); if (sqltable.Rows.Count > 0) { string id = sqltable.Rows[0]["ST_ID"].ToString(); _emailto2 = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(id); } } } sql = "update OM_COMPUTERLIST set state='3' where Context='" + hidConext.Value + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); } else { _emailto3 = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(firstid.Value); //一级审核人 } //发送邮件 string _body = "办公设备报修审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lb1.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + txtTime.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【办公设备报修】需要审批,请及时处理"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_emailto1)) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto1, null, null, _subject, _body); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_emailto2)) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto2, null, null, _subject, _body); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_emailto3)) { DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto3, null, null, _subject, _body); } Response.Write("<script>alert('保存成功!');window.location.href='OM_ComputerLIst.aspx';</script>"); } else if (action == "audit") { if (state == "1") { if (rblResult1.SelectedIndex == -1) { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择审核结果!')</script>"); return; } } if (state == "2") { if (rblResult2.SelectedIndex == -1) { Response.Write("<script>alert('请选择审核结果!')</script>"); return; } } //0初始化,1审批中,2一级通过,3全部通过,4驳回 if (level == "1") { if (rblResult1.SelectedValue == "0") { state = "3"; } else { state = "4"; } } else if (level == "2") { if (state == "1") { if (rblResult1.SelectedValue == "0") { state = "2"; } else { state = "4"; } } else if (state == "2") { if (rblResult2.SelectedValue == "0") { state = "3"; } else { state = "4"; } } } sql = "update OM_COMPUTERLIST set state='" + state + "',SPRESULTA='" + rblResult1.SelectedValue + "',SPTIMEA='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "',SPNOTEA='" + first_opinion.Text.Trim() + "',SPRESULTB='" + rblResult2.SelectedValue + "',SPTIMEB='" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "',SPNOTEB='" + second_opinion.Text.Trim() + "' where Context='" + hidConext.Value + "'"; DBCallCommon.ExeSqlText(sql); //邮件提醒 string sqladd = "select state,GZR,SPRIDB from OM_COMPUTERLIST where (state='2'or state='3')and Context='" + hidConext.Value + "'"; DataTable dtadd = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sqladd); if (dtadd.Rows.Count > 0) { string id_emailto = ""; if (dtadd.Rows[0]["state"].ToString() == "2") { id_emailto = dtadd.Rows[0]["SPRIDB"].ToString(); } else { id_emailto = dtadd.Rows[0]["GZR"].ToString(); } string _emailto = DBCallCommon.GetEmailAddressByUserID(id_emailto); string _body = "办公设备报修审批任务:" + "\r\n制单人:" + lb1.Text.Trim() + "\r\n制单日期:" + txtTime.Text.Trim(); string _subject = "您有新的【办公设备报修】需要审批,请及时处理"; if (dtadd.Rows[0]["state"].ToString() == "3") { _subject = "您有新的【办公设备报修】需要确认,请及时处理"; } DBCallCommon.SendEmail(_emailto, null, null, _subject, _body); } Response.Write("<script>alert('保存成功!');window.location.href='OM_ComputerLIst.aspx';</script>"); } }