예제 #1
        // End JSTree

        /// <summary>
        /// get the items for the main PreMapping grid
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="abc"></param>
        /// <param name="collapsed"></param>
        /// <param name="IDList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetItems(GridParams g, int[] abc, bool collapsed, string IDList, string search)
            search = (search ?? "").ToLower();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IDList))
                Entities            db  = new Entities();
                DATA.MicaRepository ado = new DATA.MicaRepository();
                IDList = IDList.Replace("[", "");
                IDList = IDList.Replace("]", "");
                IDList = IDList.Replace("\"", "");

                //List<string> nodes = IDList.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                String[] nodearray = IDList.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray();

                // the last item was most recently selected-- find its children and add to the list
                //  ********

                Dictionary <string, string> GroupedIds = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string lastgroup = null;

                foreach (string item in nodearray)
                    if (item.Contains('_'))  // skip top level item, it does not have a node id
                        string[] i = item.Split('_');
                        if (i[0] != lastgroup)
                            // ned to build something like this:   (a.tids REGEXP '^243|_243' or a.tids REGEXP '^244|_244')
                                GroupedIds.Add(i[0], "a.tids REGEXP " + "'^" + i[1] + "|_" + i[1] + "'");
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                string cur;
                                // remove the current item that is already in the dictionary; group items into a single string and Add back
                                GroupedIds.TryGetValue(i[0], out cur);
                                GroupedIds.Add(i[0], cur + " or a.tids REGEXP " + "'^" + i[1] + "|_" + i[1] + "'");

                //passing 2 Functions MakeFooter and MakeHeader to customize header and add footer
                    // add this selection to Session
                    Session["PreMap_GroupedIds"] = GroupedIds;
                    Session["PreMap_search"]     = search;

                    //var dt = db.variable_vw.ToList().Where(o => nodes.Contains(o.nid.ToString()));
                    var dt = ado.GetVariable_vw(GroupedIds).Where(o => o.study_name.ToLower().Contains(search));

                    int cnt = dt.Count();
                    ViewBag.CNT = cnt;

                    //var builder = new GridModelBuilder<variable_vw>(db.variable_vw.AsQueryable(), g)
                    var builder = new GridModelBuilder <variable_vw>(dt.AsQueryable(), g)
                        Key = "nid",
                        //Map = o => new { o.Id, o.Person, o.Food, o.Date, o.Price, o.Location, ChefName = o.Chef.FirstName + " " + o.Chef.LastName },
                        MakeFooter = MakeFooter,
                        MakeHeader = gr =>
                            //get first item in the group
                            var first = gr.Items.First();

                            //get the grouped column value(s) for the first item
                            var val = string.Join(" ", AweUtil.GetColumnValue(gr.Column, first).Select(ToStr));

                            string content_str = null;
                            if (gr.Column == "field_label_value")
                                content_str = " <font color='darkslateblue'><b>{0} ({2})</b> : {1} <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Item Description</b>: {3} </font> )";
                                content_str = " <font color='darkslateblue'><b>{0} ({2})</b> : {1} </font>";

                            return(new GroupHeader
                                //Content = string.Format(" <font color='darkslateblue'><b>{0}</b> : {1} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Count</b> = {2} <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Item Description</b> = {3} </font> )",
                                Content = string.Format(content_str,
                                                        gr.Items.Max(o => o.body_value)
                                                        //gr.Items.Max(o => o.delta)
                                Collapsed = collapsed

                    var j = builder.Build();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = ex.Message;