public IList <TB_CHILDBASE> GetListByCheckHs(string checkday, string isjiuzhen, string hospital, int cd_id) { string sqls = "select distinct b.* from tb_childcheck a left join TB_CHILDBASE b on where ((a.checkday='" + checkday + "'" + " and'" + hospital + "'"; if (isjiuzhen == "未就诊") { sqls += " and (a.zhenduan is null or a.zhenduan ='')"; } else { sqls += " and a.zhenduan is not null and a.zhenduan !=''"; } sqls += " ) or" + cd_id + ") order by b.childname"; return(DALStatic.GetListBySql <TB_CHILDBASE>(sqls, "")); }
public IList <TB_CHILDBASE> GetListByCheckDoc(string checkday, string isjiuzhen, int cd_id) { string sqls = "select distinct b.* from tb_childcheck a left join TB_CHILDBASE b on where ((a.checkday='" + checkday + "'"; if (isjiuzhen == "未就诊") { sqls += " and (a.zhenduan is null or a.zhenduan ='')"; } else { sqls += " and a.zhenduan is not null and a.zhenduan !=''"; } sqls += " ) or" + cd_id + ") and (a.ck_fz='" + globalInfoClass.UserName + "' or a.ck_fz='" + globalInfoClass.Zhicheng + "' or a.doctorname='" + globalInfoClass.UserName + "') order by b.childname"; return(DALStatic.GetListBySql <TB_CHILDBASE>(sqls, "")); }
public IList <SYS_MENUS> GetListBySql(string menu_type, string role_code) { if (role_code == "-1") { return(GetList(menu_type)); } else { string sqls = " select b.* from sys_role_menu a " + " left join SYS_MENUS b on a.menu_code=b.menu_code " + " where a.role_code='" + role_code + "' and b.menu_type='" + menu_type + "' and is_enable='1' " + " order by b.menu_code "; var list = DALStatic.GetListBySql <SYS_MENUS>(sqls); return(list); } }
public IList <yy_asd_tabCount> GetList(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string pz_lx) { var list = new List <yy_asd_tabCount>(); while (startTime.Date <= endTime.Date) { var sql = @"SELECT @yy_rq yy_rq , pz_xm , pzDetails.time time , ( SELECT COUNT(1) FROM dbo.YY_ASD_TAB WHERE yy_xm = pz.pz_xm AND yy_sjd = pzDetails.time AND yy_rq = @yy_rq ) count , pzDetails.countPerTime totalCount FROM [dbo].[yy_pz_tab] pz LEFT JOIN dbo.YY_PZ_DETAILS_TAB pzDetails ON pzDetails.pzid = WHERE pz.pz_lx = @pz_lx AND pz.pz_xq LIKE ( '%' + CAST(( DATEPART(dw, @yy_rq) - 1 ) AS VARCHAR(1)) + '%' ) ORDER BY;"; var prms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@pz_lx", pz_lx), new SqlParameter("@yy_rq", startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), }; list.AddRange(DALStatic.GetListBySql <yy_asd_tabCount>(sql, prms)); startTime = startTime.AddDays(1); } return(list); }
public IList <TB_CHILDBASE> GetListBySqlCheckTime(string checkTime) { string sqls = "select distinct a.* from TB_CHILDBASE a where EXISTS (select 1 from tb_childcheck where = childid AND checkday='" + checkTime + "')"; return(DALStatic.GetListBySql <TB_CHILDBASE>(sqls, "")); }
public IList <TB_CHILDBASE> GetListByCheckDoc(string checkday, string isjiuzhen, int cd_id, IList <SYS_MENUS> list) { string sqls = ""; if (globalInfoClass.Ward_name.Trim().Equals("儿保室")) { sqls = "select distinct b.* from tb_childcheck a left join TB_CHILDBASE b on where ((a.checkday='" + checkday + "'"; if (isjiuzhen == "未就诊") { sqls += " and (a.zhenduan is null or a.zhenduan ='')"; } else { sqls += " and a.zhenduan is not null and a.zhenduan !=''"; } sqls += " ) or" + cd_id + ") and (a.ck_fz='" + globalInfoClass.UserName + "' or a.ck_fz='" + globalInfoClass.Zhicheng + "' or a.ck_fz='' or a.doctorname='" + globalInfoClass.UserName + "') order by b.childname"; } else if (globalInfoClass.Ward_name.Trim().Equals("测评室") || globalInfoClass.Ward_name.Trim().Equals("护士站")) { sqls = ""; if (isjiuzhen == "未就诊") { } else { sqls = "select distinct c.* from ( select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a where 1 = 2 "; foreach (SYS_MENUS obj in list) { /* * ADHD报告 * ADOS1报告 * ADOS2报告 * ADOS3报告 * ADOS4报告 * ASD报告(4岁以下) * ASD报告(4岁及以上) * Gesell评价表 * SM评价表 * 大韦氏评价表 * 小韦氏评价表 * 语言筛查<3岁3月 * 语言筛查>3岁3月 * 能力测试<6岁 * 注意力测验 * DDST * 图片词汇测试 * DST测试 */ if (obj.MENU_URL == null || obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("基本信息") || obj.MENU_URL.Trim().Equals("")) { continue; } if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ADHD报告")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_adhd_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ADOS1报告")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_ados1_tab b on = b.child_id where b.pgrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ADOS2报告")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_ados2_tab b on = b.child_id where b.pgrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ADOS3报告")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_ados3_tab b on = b.child_id where b.pgrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ADOS4报告")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_ados4_tab b on = b.child_id where b.pgrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ASD报告(4岁以下)")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_asd1_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("ASD报告(4岁及以上)")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_asd2_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("Gesell评价表")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_gesell_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("SM评价表")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_sm_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("大韦氏评价表")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_wisc_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("小韦氏评价表")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_wycsi_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("语言筛查<3岁3月")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_zqyyfyjc_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_cdi_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("语言筛查>3岁3月")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_cdi1_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("能力测试<6岁")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_ppvt_tab b on = b.child_id where b.cyrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("注意力测验")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_zylcy_tab b on = b.child_id where b.cyrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("DDST")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_ddst_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("图片词汇测试")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_tpch_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } else if (obj.MENU_NAME.Trim().Equals("DST测试")) { sqls += "union all select a.* from dbo.TB_CHILDBASE a inner join dbo.cp_dst_tab b on = b.child_id where b.csrq = " + "'" + checkday + "' "; } } sqls += ") as c"; } } else if (globalInfoClass.Ward_name.Trim().Equals("训练室")) { sqls = ""; if (isjiuzhen == "未就诊") { } else { } } if (sqls.Trim().Equals("")) { return(null); } return(DALStatic.GetListBySql <TB_CHILDBASE>(sqls, "")); }
/// <summary> /// 执行sql语句查询数据 /// 实体类属性名与数据表字段名匹配 /// </summary> /// <param name="sql">sql</param> /// <param name="parameters">参数</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList <T2> GetListBySql <T2>(string sql, params object[] parameters) { return(DALStatic.GetListBySql <T2>(sql, parameters)); }