private void GetMsgPageList() { int CurrentPage = ReInt("CurrentPage", 1); string col = ReStr("col", "*"); int PageSize = ReInt("PageSize", 20); string Order = ReStr("Order", " MsgStatusId, MsgId DESC "); DAL.MsgDAL dal = new DAL.MsgDAL(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); string DeviceId = ReStr("DeviceId", ""); if (DeviceId == "") { throw new Exception("用户编号不能为空!"); } s.Append(" 1=1 "); s.Append(" and TargetDeviceId='" + DeviceId + "' "); DataSet ds = dal.GetPageList(s.ToString(), Order, CurrentPage, PageSize, col); RePage2(ds); }
public void SaveMsg(Model.MsgModel model) { DAL.MsgDAL dal = new DAL.MsgDAL(); dal.DeleteList(" SendDeviceId='" + model.SendDeviceId + "' and TargetDeviceId='" + model.TargetDeviceId + "' and MsgTextId='" + model.MsgTextId + "' "); dal.Add(model); }
public void SendMsgToDevice(List <string> DeviceList, Model.MsgTextModel MsgTextModel, string SendDeviceId, decimal MerId) { Dictionary <string, string> MerConfig = BLL.StaticBLL.MerConfigCache(MerId, 2000); DAL.MsgTextDAL dal = new DAL.MsgTextDAL(); if (MsgTextModel.MsgClassId == 0) { throw new Exception("消息类型(MsgClassId)不能为0"); } dal.Add(MsgTextModel); Model.MsgModel model = new Model.MsgModel(); model.MsgTextId = MsgTextModel.MsgTextId; model.SendDeviceId = SendDeviceId; model.ZoneId = "1"; model.MsgStatusId = 10; string reJson = ""; DAL.MsgDAL MsgDal = new DAL.MsgDAL(); foreach (string DeviceId in DeviceList) { model.TargetDeviceId = DeviceId; SaveMsg(model); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append(" DECLARE @MsgNum AS INT = (SELECT COUNT(0) FROM DBMSG.dbo.Msg WHERE TargetDeviceId='" + DeviceId + "' AND MsgStatusId=10) "); s.Append(" DECLARE @MsgTypeName AS VARCHAR(50) =(SELECT MsgTypeName FROM DBMSG.dbo.MsgType WHERE MsgTypeId='" + MsgTextModel.MsgType + "') "); s.Append(" UPDATE DBMSG.dbo.Device SET MsgNum=@MsgNum where DeviceId='" + DeviceId + "' "); s.Append(" SELECT @MsgNum as MsgNum, @MsgTypeName as MsgTypeName "); JObject Extra = new JObject(); try { Extra = JObject.Parse(MsgTextModel.Extra); } catch (Exception) { } finally { DataSet ds = CountMsg(DeviceId); //统计消息数量 DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; Extra["MsgTypeId"] = MsgTextModel.MsgType; Extra["MsgNum"] = int.Parse(dr["MsgNum"].ToString()); // Extra["MsgTypeName"] = dr["MsgTypeName"].ToString(); } reJson = RongCloudServer.PublishMessage(MerConfig["RongAppKey"], MerConfig["RongAppSecret"], SendDeviceId, DeviceId, "RC:TxtMsg", //消息类型 " {\"content\":\"" + MsgTextModel.MsgTitle + "\",\"extra\":" + Extra.ToString() + "}" //消息内容 , ""); } //BLL.WxBLL wxBll = new WxBLL(); //try //{ // wxBll.SendQyTextMsg(DeviceList, MsgTextModel.MsgTitle, 7); //这个地方, 以后必须改为配置,这个7是写死的数字 //} //catch (Exception) //{ // //如果微信推送不成功就算完吧.可能因为网络问题 //} }