예제 #1
        public static void Scan(PlayerSettings settings, bool forceUpdateIfAlreadyExists)
            using (DAL.DALManager mgr = new DAL.DALManager(settings.DatabasePath))
                foreach (var relPath in GetAllFiles(settings.RootDirectory, "").Reverse())
                    string absolutePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(settings.RootDirectory, relPath);

                    var  track = mgr.GetTrackByFilename(relPath);
                    bool isNew = false;
                    if (track == null)
                        isNew = true;
                        track = new Objects.Track()
                            Filename      = relPath,
                            AddedOn       = DateTime.Now,
                            LikeStatus    = LikeStatus.None,
                            NrPlayed      = 0,
                            NrPlayedToEnd = 0,
                            LastPlayed    = DateTime.MinValue

                    if (isNew || forceUpdateIfAlreadyExists)
                        UpdateTrackFromMP3Tag(absolutePath, track);

                        var albumName = track.Album + "";
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(relPath)))
                            // mp3s in the root, don't use album for these
                            albumName = "";
                            if (albumName == "")
                                albumName = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(relPath).Parent.Name;

                        var album = mgr.GetAlbumByName(albumName);
                        if (album == null)
                            album = new Album()
                                Name = albumName,
                                // do not save art for empty album names
                                SmallCoverId = albumName == "" ? 0 : SaveSmallCoverForAlbum(settings.CoverDatabasePath, absolutePath)
                            mgr.Set <Album>(album);
                        track.AlbumId = album.Id;

                        Console.WriteLine($"Adding {relPath}");
                        mgr.Set <Track>(track);

                // determine the artists of each album and update it
                var albums = mgr.GetAll <Album>();
                foreach (var album in albums)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(album.Name))
                        var tracksOfAlbum = mgr.FindTracks("", Domain.Objects.Playlist.ALL_ID, album.Id, 0, int.MaxValue);

                        if (tracksOfAlbum.Count > 0)
                            var occurringArtists  = tracksOfAlbum.GroupBy(t => t.Artists + "").ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
                            var top3MostOccurring = occurringArtists.OrderByDescending(p => p.Value).Take(3).ToList();

                            // take the most occurring artist
                            if (top3MostOccurring[0].Key != album.Artists)
                                album.Artists = top3MostOccurring[0].Key;
예제 #2
        public GetPlaylistsResult GetPlaylists(GetPlaylistsRequest request)
                List <Domain.Objects.Playlist> playlists;
                int        forItemSize;
                List <int> playlistIds;

                using (DAL.DALManager mgr = new DAL.DALManager(settings.Value.DatabasePath))
                    playlists = mgr.GetAll <Domain.Objects.Playlist>();

                    playlists.Insert(0, new Domain.Objects.Playlist()
                        Id = Domain.Objects.Playlist.LIKED_ID, Name = "[Liked]", NrOfTracks = mgr.GetLikedTrackCount()

                    if (!request.AsSelector)  // only show [all] when it's not listed for adding a track to the playlist
                        playlists.Insert(0, new Domain.Objects.Playlist()
                            Id = Domain.Objects.Playlist.ALL_ID, Name = "[All]", NrOfTracks = mgr.GetTrackCount()

                    if (request.ForItemIsTrack)
                        playlistIds = new List <int>(mgr.GetPlaylistIdsForTrack(request.ForItemId));
                        forItemSize = 1;
                        playlistIds = new List <int>(mgr.GetPlaylistIdsForAlbum(request.ForItemId));
                        forItemSize = mgr.FindTracks("", Domain.Objects.Playlist.ALL_ID, request.ForItemId, 0, int.MaxValue).Count;

                if (request.AsSelector)
                    return(new GetPlaylistsResult()
                        Success = true,
                        Playlists = playlists.Select(p =>
                            var itm = new PlaylistForAddingItem()
                                Id = p.Id + "",
                                IsCurrent = Player.Instance.CurrentPlaylist.Id == p.Id,
                                Name = p.Name,
                                NrOfTracks = p.NrOfTracks,

                                AlreadyOnPlaylistCount = playlistIds.Count(id => p.Id == id),
                                ForItemSize = forItemSize

                            return itm;
                    return(new GetPlaylistsResult()
                        Success = true,
                        Playlists = playlists.Select(p => new Playlist()
                            Id = p.Id + "",
                            IsCurrent = Player.Instance.CurrentPlaylist.Id == p.Id,
                            Name = p.Name,
                            NrOfTracks = p.NrOfTracks
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(GetErrorResultFromException <GetPlaylistsResult>(ex));