예제 #1
        static void Main()
            const int   tsteps     = 1;     // time steps
            const float physlength = 10.0f; // phys length
            const int   xsteps     = 40;    // space nodes quantity for BGK
            const int   nvlc       = 60;    // velocity nodes quantity for BGK

            //--hybrid Left and Right BGK segments
            float[,] fleft  = new float[xsteps, nvlc];
            float[,] fright = new float[xsteps, nvlc];
            const float Kn      = 1.0f;
            const float vw      = 0.024f; // distance between velocities
            float       totmass = 0f;     // total mass

            // initial boundary conditions
            float u1   = 0.08f;
            float T1   = 0.64f;
            float rho1 = 1.0f / BGK_1d._n_eq_check_dens(T1, u1, vw, nvlc);

            float u2   = -0.055f;
            float T2   = 0.64f;
            float rho2 = 1.0f / BGK_1d._n_eq_check_dens(T2, u2, vw, nvlc);

            //--BGK boundaries, time = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < nvlc; ++k)
                fleft[0, k]           = BGK_1d._n_eq(T1, rho1, u1, vw, nvlc, k);
                fright[xsteps - 1, k] = BGK_1d._n_eq(T2, rho2, u2, vw, nvlc, k);

            const int nlattice = 161; // space nodes quantity for lattice

            float[,] flattice = new float[nlattice, 6];

            //--hybrid declaration
            BGK_1d bgk_left, bgk_right;
            D1Q6   lattice;

            float m0 = 0, m1 = 0, m2 = 0;

            const float w0 = 0.3234f;
            const float w1 = 0.1463f;
            const float w2 = 0.0303f;

             * {{0.3234 * 1,0.1463 * 1,0.0303 * 1},
             * {0.3234 * 0.5,0.1463 * 1,0.0303 * 3},
             * {0.3234 * 0.25,0.1463 * 1,0.0303 * 9}}^-1 =
             * {{7.42115, -9.89487, 2.47372},
             * {-10.2529, 23.9234, -6.83527},
             * {3.30033, -9.90099, 6.60066}}
             * wolframalpha.com */

            const float a11 = 7.42115f;
            const float a12 = -9.89487f;
            const float a13 = 2.47372f;
            const float a21 = -10.2529f;
            const float a22 = 23.9234f;
            const float a23 = -6.83527f;
            const float a31 = 3.30033f;
            const float a32 = -9.90099f;
            const float a33 = 6.60066f;

            for (int i = 1; i < nlattice - 1; ++i)
                flattice[i, 0] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u1, 0);
                flattice[i, 1] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u1, 1);
                flattice[i, 2] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u1, 2);
                flattice[i, 3] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u1, 3);
                flattice[i, 4] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u1, 4);
                flattice[i, 5] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u1, 5);

            for (int time = 0; time < tsteps; ++time)
                bgk_left  = new BGK_1d(fleft, Kn, vw, physlength);
                bgk_right = new BGK_1d(fright, Kn, vw, physlength);

                //--hybrid, solve BGK for t = 1.0
                fleft  = bgk_left.Solve(1.0f);
                fright = bgk_right.Solve(1.0f);

                m0 = m1 = m2 = 0;
                for (int i = nvlc / 2; i < nvlc; ++i)
                    m0 += fleft[xsteps - 1, i];
                    m1 += fleft[xsteps - 1, i] * (vw * (i - (nvlc - 1.0f) / 2.0f));
                    m2 += fleft[xsteps - 1, i] * (vw * (i - (nvlc - 1.0f) / 2.0f))
                          * (vw * (i - (nvlc - 1.0f) / 2.0f));
                // m0 *= 1.0f; m1 *= vw; m2 *= vw;

                //--TODO: set LBE condition (flattice[,] = F(flattice, fleft, fright) )
                flattice[0, 3] = a11 * m0 + a12 * m1 + a13 * m2;
                flattice[0, 4] = a21 * m0 + a22 * m1 + a23 * m2;
                flattice[0, 5] = a31 * m0 + a32 * m1 + a33 * m2;

                m0 = m1 = m2 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < nvlc / 2; ++i)
                    m0 += fright[0, i];
                    m1 -= fright[0, i] * (vw * (i - (nvlc - 1.0f) / 2.0f));
                    m2 += fright[0, i] * (vw * (i - (nvlc - 1.0f) / 2.0f))
                          * (vw * (i - (nvlc - 1.0f) / 2.0f));
                // m0 *= 1.0; m1 *= vw; m2 *= vw;

                //--TODO: set LBE condition (flattice[,] = F(flattice, fleft, fright) )
                flattice[nlattice - 1, 2] = a11 * m0 + a12 * m1 + a13 * m2;
                flattice[nlattice - 1, 1] = a21 * m0 + a22 * m1 + a23 * m2;
                flattice[nlattice - 1, 0] = a31 * m0 + a32 * m1 + a33 * m2;

                lattice  = new D1Q6(flattice, 1.0f);
                flattice = lattice.Solve();

                //--TODO: set new BGK internal boundary data fleft, fright = g(fleft(right), flattice)

                //--левая точка сращивания
                m0 = w0 * 1.0f * flattice[0, 2] + w1 * flattice[0, 1] + w2 * 1.0f * flattice[0, 0];
                m1 = -w0 * 0.5f * flattice[0, 2] - w1 * flattice[0, 1] - w2 * 3.0f * flattice[0, 0];
                m2 = w0 * 0.25f * flattice[0, 2] + w1 * flattice[0, 1] + w2 * 9.0f * flattice[0, 0];
                for (int i = 0; i < nvlc / 2; ++i)
                    fleft[xsteps - 1, i] = vw * 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI * 1.0f)
                                           * (float)Math.Exp(-
                                                             ((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) *
                                                             ((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) / (2.0))
                                           * (float)(m0 + m1 * (i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw +
                                                     (m1 - m0) *
                                                     (((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) *
                                                      ((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) - 1.0)

                //--правая точка сращивания
                m0 = w0 * 1.0f * flattice[nlattice - 1, 3] + w1 * flattice[nlattice - 1, 4] + w2 * 1.0f * flattice[nlattice - 1, 5];
                m1 = w0 * 0.5f * flattice[nlattice - 1, 3] + w1 * flattice[nlattice - 1, 4] + w2 * 3.0f * flattice[nlattice - 1, 5];
                m2 = w0 * 0.25f * flattice[nlattice - 1, 3] + w1 * flattice[nlattice - 1, 4] + w2 * 9.0f * flattice[nlattice - 1, 5];
                for (int i = nvlc / 2; i < nvlc; ++i)
                    fright[0, i] = vw * 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI * 1.0f)
                                   * (float)Math.Exp(-
                                                     ((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) *
                                                     ((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) / (2.0))
                                   * (float)(m0 + m1 * (i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw +
                                             (m1 - m0) *
                                             (((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) *
                                              ((i - (nvlc - 1.0) / 2.0) * vw) - 1.0)

            bgk_left  = new BGK_1d(fleft, Kn, vw, physlength);
            bgk_right = new BGK_1d(fright, Kn, vw, physlength);
            float[] P = bgk_left.P();
            float[] U = bgk_left.U();
            float[] T = bgk_left.Temperatures();

            totmass = 0; //--diagnostics of the left BGK area
            for (int i = 0; i < xsteps; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(i / (xsteps - 1.0f) + " " + P[i] + " " + U[i] + " " + T[i] + " " + P[i] * U[i]);
                totmass = totmass + P[i];

            //--diagnostics lattice
            for (int i = 0; i < nlattice; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(flattice[i, 0] + " " + flattice[i, 1] + " " + flattice[i, 2] +
                                  " " + flattice[i, 3] + " " + flattice[i, 4] + " " + flattice[i, 5] + " x" + i * 0.5);

            Console.WriteLine("mass=" + totmass);

            //   Application.EnableVisualStyles();
            //   Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
            //   Application.Run(new Form1());
예제 #2
        static void Main()
            const int tsteps = 10000;  // time steps

            // internal condition
            float u0 = 0.48f;

            // initial boundary conditions, Temperature = 1.
            float u1   = 0.35f;
            float rho1 = 1.0f;

            float u2   = -0.28f;
            float rho2 = 1.0f;

            const int nlattice = 161; // space nodes quantity for lattice

            float[,] flattice = new float[nlattice, 6];

            //--hybrid declaration
            D1Q6 lattice;

            for (int i = 1; i < nlattice - 1; ++i)
                flattice[i, 0] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u0, 0);
                flattice[i, 1] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u0, 1);
                flattice[i, 2] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u0, 2);
                flattice[i, 3] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u0, 3);
                flattice[i, 4] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u0, 4);
                flattice[i, 5] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(1.0f, u0, 5);

            for (int time = 0; time < tsteps; ++time)
                //--TODO: set LBE condition (flattice[,] = F(flattice, fleft, fright) )
                flattice[0, 3] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(rho1, u1, 3);
                flattice[0, 4] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(rho1, u1, 4);
                flattice[0, 5] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(rho1, u1, 5);

                flattice[nlattice - 1, 2] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(rho2, u2, 2);
                flattice[nlattice - 1, 1] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(rho2, u2, 1);
                flattice[nlattice - 1, 0] = D1Q6._n_eq_k(rho2, u2, 0);

                lattice  = new D1Q6(flattice, 1.0f);
                flattice = lattice.Solve();


            //--diagnostics lattice
            for (int i = 0; i < nlattice; i++)
                float vrho = flattice[i, 4] - flattice[i, 1]
                             + 0.5f * (flattice[i, 3] - flattice[i, 2])
                             + 3.0f * (flattice[i, 5] - flattice[i, 0]);

                float _rho = flattice[i, 0] + flattice[i, 1] +
                             flattice[i, 2] + flattice[i, 3] +
                             flattice[i, 4] + flattice[i, 5];

                Console.WriteLine(flattice[i, 0] + " " + flattice[i, 1] + " " + flattice[i, 2] +
                                  " " + flattice[i, 3] + " " + flattice[i, 4] + " " + flattice[i, 5] + " x" + i * 0.5
                                  + " v =" + vrho / _rho);
