예제 #1
        public SelectGame_Screen()

            CycleCollection<Uri> collection = new CycleCollection<Uri>();

            var maps = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Maps", "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
                .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".png") || s.EndsWith(".jpg"));

            foreach(string map in maps)
                collection.Add(new Uri(map, UriKind.Relative));
            CarouselMenu.ItemsSources = collection;
예제 #2
        public void Load(string[] bindings)
            m_pDefaultBindings = new CycleCollection <string>();
            foreach (var remoteRule in m_pRemoteRules)

            foreach (string binding in bindings)
                var    items = binding.Split(":", true, true, "[]");
                string addr  = items[0].TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']');
                string port  = items[1];

                var ip = IPAddress.Parse(addr);
                if (ip.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork)

                foreach (var localRule in m_pLocalRules)
                    if (!localRule.LocalRule.Contains(ip))

                    if (localRule.IsDefaultRule)

                    foreach (var remoteRule in localRule.RemoteRules)
예제 #3
파일: Plan.cs 프로젝트: gault00/ATSPMlite
        private void GetGreenYellowRedCycle(DateTime start_time, DateTime end_time, List <SignalPhaseEventsUDOT> cycleEvents, List <DetectorEventsUDOT> detectorEvents, List <SignalPhaseEventsUDOT> preemptEvents)
            Cycle pcd;

            pcd = null /* TODO Change to default(_) if this is not a reference type */;

            // use a counter to help determine when we are on the last row
            int counter = 0;

            foreach (SignalPhaseEventsUDOT row in cycleEvents)
                // use a counter to help determine when we are on the last row
                counter += 1;
                if ((row.TimeStamp >= start_time & row.TimeStamp <= end_time))
                    // if this is the first PCD group we need to handle a special case
                    // where the PCD starts at the start of the requested period to
                    // make sure we include all data
                    if (pcd != null)
                        // make the first group start on the exact start of the requested period
                        pcd = new Cycle(start_time);
                        // add a green event if the first event is yellow
                        if (GetEventType(row.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow)
                            pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen, start_time.AddMilliseconds(1));
                        else if (GetEventType(row.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed)
                            pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen, start_time.AddMilliseconds(1));
                            pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow, start_time.AddMilliseconds(2));

                    // check to see if the event is a change to red
                    // the 64 event is for overlaps
                    if (row.EventCode == 10 | row.EventCode == 64)
                        // if it is red and the pcd group is empty create a new one
                        if (pcd != null)
                            pcd = new Cycle(row.TimeStamp);
                            pcd.NextEvent(GetEventType(row.EventCode), row.TimeStamp);
                            // if the next event response is complete add it and start the next group
                            if (pcd.Status == Cycle.NextEventResponse.GroupComplete)
                                pcd = new Cycle(row.TimeStamp);
                    else if (pcd != null)
                        // if the event is not red and the group is not empty
                        // add the event and set the next event
                        pcd.NextEvent(GetEventType(row.EventCode), row.TimeStamp);
                        if (pcd.Status == Cycle.NextEventResponse.GroupComplete)
                            pcd = new Cycle(row.TimeStamp);

                    if (pcd != null & pcd.Status == Cycle.NextEventResponse.GroupMissingData)
                        pcd = null /* TODO Change to default(_) if this is not a reference type */;
                else if (counter == cycleEvents.Count & pcd != null)
                    // if the last event is red create a new group to consume the remaining time in the period
                    if (GetEventType(row.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed)
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen, end_time.AddMilliseconds(-2));
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow, end_time.AddMilliseconds(-1));
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed, end_time);
                    else if (GetEventType(row.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen)
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow, end_time.AddMilliseconds(-1));
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed, end_time);
                    else if (GetEventType(row.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow)
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed, end_time);

                    if (pcd.Status != Cycle.NextEventResponse.GroupMissingData)

            // if there are no records at all for the selected time, then the line and counts don't show.
            // this next bit fixes that
            if ((CycleCollection.Count == 0 & start_time != end_time))
                // then we need to make a dummy PCD group
                // then PCD assumes it starts on red
                pcd = new Cycle(start_time);

                // and find out what phase state the controller was in by looking for the next phase event
                // after the end of the plan
                List <SignalPhaseEventsUDOT> eventTable         = new List <SignalPhaseEventsUDOT>();
                SignalPhaseEventsUDOT        eventBeforePattern = new SignalPhaseEventsUDOT();
                eventBeforePattern = null /* TODO Change to default(_) if this is not a reference type */;

                IEnumerable <ControllerEvent> TempEvents;
                DateTime yesterday;
                yesterday  = start_time.AddDays(-1);
                TempEvents = Globals.UDOTEventLog.Where(a => a.SignalID == SignalID & a.TimeStamp >= yesterday & a.TimeStamp <= start_time & a.EventParam == PhaseNumber & (a.EventCode == 1 | a.EventCode == 8 | a.EventCode == 10)).OrderByDescending(a => a.TimeStamp);

                foreach (ControllerEvent x in TempEvents)
                    SignalPhaseEventsUDOT tempRow = new SignalPhaseEventsUDOT();
                    tempRow.EventCode  = (byte)x.EventCode;
                    tempRow.EventParam = (byte)x.EventParam;
                    tempRow.TimeStamp  = x.TimeStamp;

                eventTable.OrderByDescending(a => a.TimeStamp);
                eventBeforePattern = eventTable.FirstOrDefault();

                if (eventBeforePattern != null)
                    if (GetEventType(eventBeforePattern.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed)
                        // let it dwell in red (we don't have to do anything)

                        // then add a green phase, a yellow phase and a red phase at the end to complete the cycle
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen, end_time.AddMilliseconds(-2));
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow, end_time.AddMilliseconds(-1));
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed, end_time);
                    else if (GetEventType(eventBeforePattern.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow)
                        // we were in yellow, though this will probably never happen
                        // we have to add a green to our dummy phase
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen, start_time.AddMilliseconds(1));
                        // then make it dwell in yellow
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow, start_time.AddMilliseconds(2));
                        // then add a red phase at the end to complete the cycle
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed, end_time);
                    else if (GetEventType(eventBeforePattern.EventCode) == Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen)
                        // make it dwell in green
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToGreen, start_time.AddMilliseconds(1));

                        // then add a yellow phase and a red phase at the end to complete the cycle
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToYellow, end_time.AddMilliseconds(-1));
                        pcd.NextEvent(Cycle.EventType.ChangeToRed, end_time);

                if (pcd.Status == Cycle.NextEventResponse.GroupComplete)
                    // If pcd.EndTime = DateTime.MinValue Then pcd.EndTime = Me.EndTime

예제 #4
파일: UDP_Server.cs 프로젝트: weikety/ECode
        private void StartListen()
                // Dispose all old receivers.
                foreach (var receiver in m_pDataReceivers.ToArray())
                    { receiver.Dispose(); }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { OnError(ex); }

                // Dispose all old sockets.
                foreach (var socket in m_pSockets.ToArray())
                    { socket.Dispose(); }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { OnError(ex); }

                // We must replace IPAddress.Any to all available IPs, otherwise it's impossible to send
                // reply back to UDP packet sender on same local EP where packet received.
                // This is very important when clients are behind NAT.
                var listeningEPs = new List <IPEndPoint>();
                foreach (var ep in m_pBindings)
                    if (ep.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Any))
                        // Add localhost.
                        var localEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, ep.Port);
                        if (!listeningEPs.Contains(localEP))

                        foreach (var ip in NetworkUtil.GetIPAddresses())
                            if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                                localEP = new IPEndPoint(ip, ep.Port);
                                if (!listeningEPs.Contains(localEP))
                    else if (ep.Address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Any))
                        foreach (var ip in NetworkUtil.GetIPAddresses())
                            if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                                IPEndPoint localEP = new IPEndPoint(ip, ep.Port);
                                if (!listeningEPs.Contains(localEP))
                        if (!listeningEPs.Contains(ep))

                // Create sockets.
                m_pSockets     = new List <Socket>();
                m_pBindSockets = new Dictionary <string, Socket>();
                foreach (var ep in listeningEPs)
                        var socket = NetworkUtil.CreateSocket(ep, ProtocolType.Udp);

                        if (!ep.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback))
                            m_pBindSockets[ep.ToString()] = socket;

                        // Create UDP data receivers.
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_ReceiversPerSocket; i++)
                            var receiver = new UDP_DataReceiver(socket, m_MTU);
                            receiver.PacketReceived += (sender, e) =>
                                { ProcessUdpPacket(e); }
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                { OnError(ex); }

                            receiver.Error += (sender, e) =>

                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { OnError(ex); }

                // Create round-robin send sockets.
                // NOTE: We must skip localhost, it can't be used for sending out of server.
                m_pSocketsIPv4 = new CycleCollection <Socket>();
                m_pSocketsIPv6 = new CycleCollection <Socket>();
                foreach (Socket socket in m_pSockets)
                    if (((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                        if (!((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).Address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback))
                    else if (((IPEndPoint)socket.LocalEndPoint).AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)

                if (m_pBindSelector != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
            { OnError(ex); }