USB_Command2(int delay, CyHidDevice whichDev) { int i; byte sum = 0; if (whichDev != null) { whichDev.Features.DataBuf[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { sum += cmd[i]; whichDev.Features.DataBuf[i + 1] = cmd[i]; } whichDev.Features.DataBuf[8] = (byte)(1 + ~sum); if (!whichDev.SetFeature(whichDev.Features.ID)) { debugMessage("failed:Command"); return(false); } debugMessage("passed:Command"); // Now wait for the response to see if the command completed. if (delay == 0) { return(true); } // Always delay before getting status Thread.Sleep(delay); // Try 3 times to get command status for (i = 3; i > 0; --i) { GetFeatureReport2(status, whichDev); if (status[0] != 0) { return(true); } Thread.Sleep(delay); } if (status[0] == 0) { Output.Text += "!!! Command failed to complete\r\n"; scroll(); } } else { message("No unit attached!"); } return(false); }
GetInputReport2(byte[] dout, int count, byte xor, CyHidDevice whichDev) { bool status; if (whichDev != null) { status = whichDev.GetInput(whichDev.Inputs.ID); debugStatus("GetInputReport:failed", status); for (int i = 0; i < 8 && i < count; ++i) { dout[i] = (byte)(xor ^ whichDev.Inputs.DataBuf[i + 1]); } return(status); } return(false); }
public void GetHidDevice() { CyHidDevice device = usbHIDDevices[VID, PID] as CyHidDevice; if (device != null) { channel = new HIDCommunicationsChannel(device); host = new LokiBootloaderHost(channel); host.EnterBootloader(); this.UseWaitCursor = true; readEEPROMWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { OnDetach(); } }
GetFeatureReport2(byte[] status, CyHidDevice whichDev) { bool s; if (whichDev != null) { s = whichDev.GetFeature(0); if (s) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { status[i] = whichDev.Features.DataBuf[i + 1]; } } } else { Output.Text += "No USB device\r\n"; } }
SetOutputReport2(byte[] din, int count, CyHidDevice whichDev) { int tsize, j; if (whichDev == null) { message("No unit attached!"); return; } j = 0; while (count > 0) { whichDev.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = 0; if (count > 8) { tsize = 8; } else { tsize = count; } for (byte i = 0; i < tsize; ++i) { whichDev.Outputs.DataBuf[i + 1] = din[j++]; } if (!whichDev.SetOutput(whichDev.Outputs.ID)) { debugMessage("failed:Output"); return; } count -= tsize; } debugMessage("passed:Output"); }
public static void BlockingBLUSBManager(string fullPathCyacd, BackgroundWorker BLCommThread) { CyHidDevice myHidDevice_BLMgr = null; // Handle of USB device USBDeviceList usbDevices_BLMgr = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_HID); // Pointer to list of USB devices uint JTAGIDMgr, JTAGIDfileMgr, BLVERMgr; byte DEVREVMgr; string[] CYACDLinesMgr; BLCommThread.WorkerReportsProgress = true; myHidDevice_BLMgr = usbDevices_BLMgr[Vendor_ID, Product_ID_BL] as CyHidDevice; if (myHidDevice_BLMgr != null) { myHidDevice_BLMgr = usbDevices_BLMgr[Vendor_ID, Product_ID_BL] as CyHidDevice; } else { return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare and Send #region // --Enter Bootloader Command List <byte> cmdBuffer = new List <byte>(); List <byte> rspBuffer = new List <byte>(); // Build Enter Bootloader Packet CreateEnterBootLoaderCmd(ref cmdBuffer); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load 64 bytes of data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); // Read from HID input buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.ReadInput(); // Parse the response rspBuffer.Clear(); foreach (byte b in myHidDevice_BLMgr.Inputs.DataBuf) { rspBuffer.Add(b); } if (rspBuffer.Count != 0 && rspBuffer[2] == 0x00) { BLCommThread.ReportProgress(0); JTAGIDMgr = rspBuffer[5]; JTAGIDMgr |= (uint)rspBuffer[6] << 8; JTAGIDMgr |= (uint)rspBuffer[7] << 16; JTAGIDMgr |= (uint)rspBuffer[8] << 24; DEVREVMgr = rspBuffer[9]; BLVERMgr = rspBuffer[10]; BLVERMgr |= (uint)rspBuffer[11] << 8; BLVERMgr |= (uint)rspBuffer[12] << 16; CYACDLinesMgr = File.ReadAllLines(fullPathCyacd); JTAGIDfileMgr = uint.Parse(CYACDLinesMgr[0].Substring(0, 8), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare and Send // --Programming Actions if (JTAGIDMgr == JTAGIDfileMgr) { byte ArrayID = 0; ushort RowNum = 0; ushort DataLen = 0; byte rowChkSum = 0; byte rowChkSumVerify = 0; int rowCnt = 0; // Row Data - Data Length bytes - 2*datalength ascii chars List <byte[]> RowDataBytes = new List <byte[]>(); List <string> CyacdLines = CYACDLinesMgr.ToList(); CyacdLines.RemoveAt(0); foreach (string line in CyacdLines) { #region // parse // Array ID - 1 byte - 2 ascii chars ArrayID = byte.Parse(line.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); // Row Number - 2 bytes - 4 ascii chars RowNum = ushort.Parse(line.Substring(3, 4), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); // Data Length - 2 bytes- 4 ascii chars DataLen = ushort.Parse(line.Substring(7, 4), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); // Row Data - Data Length bytes - 2*datalength ascii chars RowDataBytes.Clear(); RowDataBytes = ASCIIHexByteArray2Bytes(line.Substring(11, 2 * DataLen)); // Row Checksum rowChkSum = byte.Parse(line.Substring(11 + 2 * DataLen, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); #endregion #region // erase // Build Erase Row Packet CreateEraseRowCmd(ref cmdBuffer, ArrayID, RowNum); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load 64 bytes of data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); // Read from HID input buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.ReadInput(); // Parse the response rspBuffer.Clear(); foreach (byte b in myHidDevice_BLMgr.Inputs.DataBuf) { rspBuffer.Add(b); } if (rspBuffer.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Erase Row Command - no response bytes"); break; } if (rspBuffer[2] != 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Erase Row Command - " + rspBuffer[2].ToString("X2")); break; } #endregion #region // send data // Buffer Row on Master PSoC foreach (byte[] rowDat in RowDataBytes) { // Build Send Data Packet CreateSendDataCmd(ref cmdBuffer, rowDat); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); // Read from HID input buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.ReadInput(); // Parse the response rspBuffer.Clear(); foreach (byte b in myHidDevice_BLMgr.Inputs.DataBuf) { rspBuffer.Add(b); } if (rspBuffer.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Send Data Commands - no response bytes"); break; } if (rspBuffer[2] != 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Send Data Commands - " + rspBuffer[2].ToString("X2")); break; } } if (rspBuffer.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Send Data Commands Detected - no response bytes"); break; } if (rspBuffer[2] != 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Send Data Commands Detected- " + rspBuffer[2].ToString("X2")); break; } #endregion + new System.Collections.Generic.Mscorlib_CollectionDebugView<byte[]>(RowDataBytes).Items[8] {byte[0x00000020]} byte[] #region // program // Build Program Row Packet CreateProgramRowCmd(ref cmdBuffer, ArrayID, RowNum); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load 64 bytes of data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); // Read from HID input buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.ReadInput(); // Parse the response rspBuffer.Clear(); foreach (byte b in myHidDevice_BLMgr.Inputs.DataBuf) { rspBuffer.Add(b); } if (rspBuffer.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Program Row Command - no response bytes"); break; } if (rspBuffer[2] != 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Program Row Command - " + rspBuffer[2].ToString("X2")); break; } #endregion #region // verify rowChkSumVerify = (byte)(rowChkSum + ArrayID + RowNum + (RowNum >> 8) + DataLen + (DataLen >> 8)); // Build Verify Row Packet CreateVerifyRowCmd(ref cmdBuffer, ArrayID, RowNum, rowChkSumVerify); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load 64 bytes of data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); // Read from HID input buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.ReadInput(); // Parse the response rspBuffer.Clear(); foreach (byte b in myHidDevice_BLMgr.Inputs.DataBuf) { rspBuffer.Add(b); } if (rspBuffer[2] != 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Verify Row CheckSum Command - " + rspBuffer[2].ToString("X2")); break; } if (rspBuffer[5] != rowChkSumVerify) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Verify Row CheckSum Command - Failed CheckSum\nExpecting " + rowChkSumVerify.ToString("X") + " Received " + rspBuffer[5].ToString("X") + "\nArrayID: " + ArrayID.ToString("X") + " RowNum: " + RowNum.ToString("X")); break; } //else //{ MessageBox.Show("Verify Row CheckSum - Passed CheckSum\nExpecting " + rowChkSumVerify.ToString("X") + " Received " + rspBuffer[5].ToString("X") + "\nArrayID: " + ArrayID.ToString("X") + " RowNum: " + RowNum.ToString("X")); } #endregion BLCommThread.ReportProgress((int)(((rowCnt * 1.0f) / CyacdLines.Count) * 100)); rowCnt++; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare and Send #region // -- Verify Application Checksum // Build Verify Application Packet CreateVerifyApplicationCmd(ref cmdBuffer); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load 64 bytes of data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); // Read from HID input buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.ReadInput(); // Parse the response rspBuffer.Clear(); foreach (byte b in myHidDevice_BLMgr.Inputs.DataBuf) { rspBuffer.Add(b); } if (rspBuffer[2] != 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Verify Application CheckSum Command - " + rspBuffer[2].ToString("X2")); } if (rspBuffer[5] == 0x00) { MessageBox.Show("Failure of Verify Application CheckSum Command - Failed CheckSum"); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prepare and Send #region // --Exit the bootloader // Build Exit Bootloader Packet CreateExitBootLoaderCmd(ref cmdBuffer); // ____----____----Send the packet //First Byte in buffer holds the Report ID myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[0] = myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.ID; //Load 64 bytes of data for (int i = 1; i <= cmdBuffer.Count; i++) { myHidDevice_BLMgr.Outputs.DataBuf[i] = cmdBuffer[i - 1]; } // Write to HID output buffer myHidDevice_BLMgr.WriteOutput(); MessageBox.Show(" - Remember to Disconnect the USB cable from the POC; then,\n\n -- Please disconnect and reconnect power to the FS Comfort to complete the programming process.\n\n", "Boot Load Operation Exited!"); #endregion } } #endregion }
public HIDCommunicationsChannel(CyHidDevice device) { this._device = device; }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); // Create a list of CYUSB devices oUSBDeviceList = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_HID); oCyHidDevice = null; this.Text = "No device"; foreach (CyHidDevice oCyHidDeviceTemp in oUSBDeviceList) { if ((oCyHidDeviceTemp.VendorID == 0x0483) && (oCyHidDeviceTemp.ProductID == 0x5750)) { oCyHidDevice = oCyHidDeviceTemp; this.Text = oCyHidDevice.Product + " by " + oCyHidDevice.Manufacturer + " - Connected"; // this.Text = "DFDFD"; break; } } oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[1] = 0; oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[2] = 0; oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[3] = 0; //oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[4] = 4; // oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[5] = 5; // oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[6] = 6; this.Show(); bool bResult; Stopwatch time10kOperations = Stopwatch.StartNew(); UInt16 iPort = 0x2FF8; time10kOperations.Stop(); Freq.Text = Stopwatch.Frequency.ToString() + " per second"; while (true) { Application.DoEvents(); if (!doit) { continue; } ; bResult = oCyHidDevice.ReadInput(); time10kOperations.Stop(); t = oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[7]; t = (t << 8) + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[6]; t = (t << 8) + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[5]; t = (t << 8) + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[4]; s = oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[11]; s = (s << 8) + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[10]; s = (s << 8) + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[9]; s = (s << 8) + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[8]; array1[idx++] = s; if (idx == 4990) { idx = 9; } // continue; int tt = (int)oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[2] + (oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[3] << 8); //DB.AppendText(oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[2].ToString() + " - " + oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[3].ToString() + " - " + (time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString() + "\r\n"); DB.AppendText(tt.ToString() + " - " + (time10kOperations.ElapsedTicks).ToString() + " " + (time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString() + " - " + t + " - " + s.ToString() + "\r\n"); if (0 != c) { c--; } if (0 == c) { if (time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0) { over++; Over.Text = over.ToString(); } if (time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1) { over2++; Over2.Text = over2.ToString(); } if (time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5) { over5++; Over5.Text = over5.ToString(); } } time10kOperations.Reset(); time10kOperations.Start(); continue; oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[1] = (byte)time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[1] > 3) { oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[2]++; } if (oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[1] > 6) { oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[3]++; } oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[1] = 0x73; try { oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[2] = Convert.ToByte(textBox1.Text); oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[3] = Convert.ToByte(textBox2.Text); } catch { textBox1.Text = "255"; textBox2.Text = "255"; oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[2] = Convert.ToByte(textBox1.Text); oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[3] = Convert.ToByte(textBox2.Text); } //oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[4] = 0x0D; // oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[5] = 0x0A; //oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[6]++; time10kOperations.Reset(); time10kOperations.Start(); bResult = oCyHidDevice.WriteOutput(); //Out32((short)iPort, (short)0xFF); time10kOperations.Stop(); // DB.AppendText(time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "\r\n") ; DB.AppendText(time10kOperations.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); } //oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[2] = (byte)(oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[1] + 1); //oCyHidDevice.Outputs.DataBuf[3] = (byte)(oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[1] + 2); // if (bResult) // { // bResult = oCyHidDevice.ReadInput(); // DB.AppendText(oCyHidDevice.Inputs.DataBuf[1].ToString() + "\r\n"); // } }