예제 #1
        public override void RobotInit()
            int status = 0;
            var ret    = HALThreads.HAL_SetCurrentThreadPriority(true, 25, ref status);

            Thread cameraThread = new Thread(() =>
                // Get the USB Camera from the camera server
                UsbCamera camera = CameraServer.Instance.StartAutomaticCapture();
                camera.SetResolution(640, 480);

                // Get a CvSink. This will capture Mats from the Camera
                CvSink cvSink = CameraServer.Instance.GetVideo();
                // Setup a CvSource. This will send images back to the dashboard
                CvSource outputStream = CameraServer.Instance.PutVideo("Rectangle", 640, 480);

                // Mats are very expensive. Let's reuse this Mat.

                Mat mat = new Mat();

                while (true)
                    // Tell the CvSink to grab a frame from the camera and put it
                    // in the source mat.  If there is an error notify the output.
                    if (cvSink.GrabFrame(mat) == 0)
                        // Send the output the error.
                        // skip the rest of the current iteration
                    // Put a rectangle on the image
                    Cv2.Rectangle(mat, new Point(100, 100), new Point(400, 400),
                                  new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 5);
                    // Give the output stream a new image to display

            cameraThread.IsBackground = true;

            servo = new Servo(0);

            joystick = new Joystick(0);
            gyro     = new AnalogGyro(0);
예제 #2
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: dlin2028/Tanks
        static void Main(string[] args)
            UdpClient   client = new UdpClient();
            List <byte> data   = new List <byte>();

            int x2 = 0;
            int y2 = 0;
            int a2 = 0;

            HttpCamera skyCam = new HttpCamera("HTTPCam", "");

            MjpegServer mjpeg = new MjpegServer("MjpegServer", 9000);

            mjpeg.Source = skyCam;

            CvSink skySink = new CvSink("Sky");

            skySink.Source  = mjpeg.Source;
            skySink.Enabled = true;

            CvSource    cvSource1     = new CvSource("Source 1", PixelFormat.Mjpeg, 1920, 1080, 30);
            MjpegServer source1Server = new MjpegServer("Source 1 server", 9001);

            source1Server.Source = cvSource1;

            CvSource    cvSource2     = new CvSource("Source 2", PixelFormat.Mjpeg, 1920, 1080, 30);
            MjpegServer inRangeServer = new MjpegServer("Source 2 server", 9002);

            inRangeServer.Source = cvSource2;

            cvSource2.CreateProperty("HLow", PropertyKind.Integer, 0, 180, 1, 75, 75);
            cvSource2.CreateProperty("HHigh", PropertyKind.Integer, 0, 180, 1, 80, 80);

            cvSource2.CreateProperty("SLow", PropertyKind.Integer, 0, 255, 1, 21, 21);
            cvSource2.CreateProperty("SHigh", PropertyKind.Integer, 0, 255, 1, 255, 255);

            cvSource2.CreateProperty("VLow", PropertyKind.Integer, 0, 255, 1, 131, 131);
            cvSource2.CreateProperty("VHigh", PropertyKind.Integer, 0, 255, 1, 255, 255);

            //IPEndPoint EP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
            //UdpClient reciever = new UdpClient(9003, AddressFamily.InterNetwork);

            //while (true)
            //    byte[] received = reciever.Receive(ref EP);
            //    Console.Write("{ ");
            //    for (int i = 0; i < received.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        Console.Write($"{received[i]}{(i < received.Length - 1 ? "," : "")}");
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine($" }} (from: {EP})");

            Mat input       = new Mat();
            Mat hsv         = new Mat();
            Mat inRange     = new Mat();
            Mat inRangeCopy = new Mat();

            double angle1 = 0;
            double angle2 = 0;

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            while (true)
                if (skySink.GrabFrame(input) == 0)

                //Cv2.Resize(input, input, new Size(640, 360));

                Cv2.CvtColor(input, hsv, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2HSV);

                int hlow  = cvSource2.GetProperty("HLow").Get();
                int hhigh = cvSource2.GetProperty("HHigh").Get();
                int slow  = cvSource2.GetProperty("SLow").Get();
                int shigh = cvSource2.GetProperty("SHigh").Get();
                int vlow  = cvSource2.GetProperty("VLow").Get();
                int vhigh = cvSource2.GetProperty("VHigh").Get();

                Cv2.InRange(hsv, new Scalar(hlow, slow, vlow), new Scalar(hhigh, shigh, vhigh), inRange);

                Point[][]      contours   = Cv2.FindContoursAsArray(inRangeCopy, RetrievalModes.List, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxTC89KCOS);
                List <int>     averages   = new List <int>();
                List <Point[]> polyPoints = new List <Point[]>();

                foreach (var contour in contours)
                    Point[] hull = Cv2.ConvexHull(contour);

                    Point[] poly = Cv2.ApproxPolyDP(hull, 5, true);
                    if (poly.Length == 3)
                        if (Cv2.ContourArea(hull) < 580)
                            #region OtherTriangle
                            if (Cv2.ContourArea(hull) < 520)
                            double yAv = 0;
                            double xAv = 0;
                            int    ct  = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < poly.Length; i++)
                                xAv += poly[i].X;
                                yAv += poly[i].Y;

                            double zO = poly[0].DistanceTo(poly[1]);
                            double oT = poly[1].DistanceTo(poly[2]);
                            double tZ = poly[2].DistanceTo(poly[0]);

                            double op  = 0;
                            double adj = 0;
                            bool   rQ  = false;

                            if (zO < oT && zO < tZ)
                                Point p = new Point((poly[0].X + poly[1].X) / 2, (poly[0].Y + poly[1].Y) / 2);
                                input.Line(p, poly[2], Scalar.White, 2);
                                op  = poly[2].Y - p.Y;
                                adj = poly[2].X - p.X;
                                if (adj >= 0)
                                    rQ = true;
                            else if (oT < zO && oT < tZ)
                                Point p = new Point((poly[1].X + poly[2].X) / 2, (poly[1].Y + poly[2].Y) / 2);
                                input.Line(p, poly[0], Scalar.White, 2);
                                op  = poly[0].Y - p.Y;
                                adj = poly[0].X - p.X;
                                if (adj >= 0)
                                    rQ = true;
                                Point p = new Point((poly[2].X + poly[0].X) / 2, (poly[2].Y + poly[0].Y) / 2);
                                input.Line(p, poly[1], Scalar.White, 2);
                                op  = poly[1].Y - p.Y;
                                adj = poly[1].X - p.X;
                                if (adj >= 0)
                                    rQ = true;

                            xAv /= ct;
                            yAv /= ct;

                            x2 = (int)(xAv * 100);
                            y2 = (int)(yAv * 100);
                            a2 = (int)((Math.Atan(op / adj) * 180 / Math.PI));
                            if (rQ)
                                a2 = a2 + 270;
                                rQ = false;
                                a2 += 90;

                        double yAverage = 0;
                        double xAverage = 0;
                        int    count    = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < poly.Length; i++)
                            xAverage += poly[i].X;
                            yAverage += poly[i].Y;

                        double zeroOne = poly[0].DistanceTo(poly[1]);
                        double oneTwo  = poly[1].DistanceTo(poly[2]);
                        double twoZero = poly[2].DistanceTo(poly[0]);

                        double opposite       = 0;
                        double adjacent       = 0;
                        bool   rightQuadrants = false;

                        if (zeroOne < oneTwo && zeroOne < twoZero)
                            Point p = new Point((poly[0].X + poly[1].X) / 2, (poly[0].Y + poly[1].Y) / 2);
                            input.Line(p, poly[2], Scalar.White, 2);
                            opposite = poly[2].Y - p.Y;
                            adjacent = poly[2].X - p.X;
                            if (adjacent >= 0)
                                rightQuadrants = true;
                        else if (oneTwo < zeroOne && oneTwo < twoZero)
                            Point p = new Point((poly[1].X + poly[2].X) / 2, (poly[1].Y + poly[2].Y) / 2);
                            input.Line(p, poly[0], Scalar.White, 2);
                            opposite = poly[0].Y - p.Y;
                            adjacent = poly[0].X - p.X;
                            if (adjacent >= 0)
                                rightQuadrants = true;
                            Point p = new Point((poly[2].X + poly[0].X) / 2, (poly[2].Y + poly[0].Y) / 2);
                            input.Line(p, poly[1], Scalar.White, 2);
                            opposite = poly[1].Y - p.Y;
                            adjacent = poly[1].X - p.X;
                            if (adjacent >= 0)
                                rightQuadrants = true;

                        xAverage /= count;
                        yAverage /= count;

                        int x     = (int)(xAverage * 100);
                        int y     = (int)(yAverage * 100);
                        int angle = (int)((Math.Atan(opposite / adjacent) * 180 / Math.PI));
                        if (rightQuadrants)
                            angle          = angle + 270;
                            rightQuadrants = false;
                            angle += 90;
                        AddData(x, data);
                        AddData(y, data);
                        AddData(angle, data);
                    else if (poly.Length == 4)
                        if (Cv2.ContourArea(hull) < 300)
                        Rect  boundingRect = Cv2.BoundingRect(poly);
                        Point centerPoint  = new Point(boundingRect.X + boundingRect.Width / 2, boundingRect.Y + boundingRect.Height / 2);

                        if (boundingRect.X < 540)
                            Cv2.Circle(input, centerPoint, 10, Scalar.AliceBlue);
                            Point difference = centerPoint - new Point(421, 372);

                            angle1 = Math.Atan2(difference.X, difference.Y) * 180 / Math.PI;
                            Cv2.Circle(input, centerPoint, 10, Scalar.HotPink);
                            Point difference = centerPoint - new Point(876, 369);

                            angle2 = Math.Atan2(difference.X, difference.Y) * 180 / Math.PI;
                input.PutText("Angle1: " + angle1.ToString(), new Point(421, 400), HersheyFonts.HersheyComplex, 0.5f, Scalar.AliceBlue);

                input.PutText("Angle2: " + angle2.ToString(), new Point(876, 400), HersheyFonts.HersheyComplex, 0.5f, Scalar.HotPink);
                Cv2.Circle(input, new Point(421, 372), 1, Scalar.AliceBlue);
                Cv2.Circle(input, new Point(876, 369), 1, Scalar.AliceBlue);

                AddData((int)Math.Round(angle1, 0), data);
                AddData((int)Math.Round(angle2, 0), data);
                AddData(x2, data);
                AddData(y2, data);
                AddData(a2, data);

                input.DrawContours(polyPoints, -1, Scalar.Blue, -1);
                client.Send(data.ToArray(), data.Count, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 9003));