public static void test_detector(string datacfg, string cfgfile, string weightfile, string filename, float thresh) { var options = OptionList.read_data_cfg(datacfg); string nameList = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "names", "Data.Data/names.list"); string[] names = Data.Data.get_labels(nameList); Image[][] alphabet = LoadArgs.load_alphabet(); Network net = Parser.parse_network_cfg(cfgfile); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weightfile)) { Parser.load_weights(net, weightfile); } Network.set_batch_network(net, 1); Utils.Rand = new Random(2222222); var sw = new Stopwatch(); string input = ""; int j; float nms = .4f; while (true) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { input = filename; } else { Console.Write($"Enter Image Path: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { return; } input = input.TrimEnd(); } Image im = LoadArgs.load_image_color(input, 0, 0); Image sized = LoadArgs.resize_image(im, net.W, net.H); Layer l = net.Layers[net.N - 1]; Box[] boxes = new Box[l.W * l.H * l.N]; float[][] probs = new float[l.W * l.H * l.N][]; for (j = 0; j < l.W * l.H * l.N; ++j) { probs[j] = new float[l.Classes]; } float[] x = sized.Data; sw.Start(); Network.network_predict(net, x); sw.Stop(); Console.Write($"%s: Predicted ini %f seconds.\n", input, sw.Elapsed.Seconds); Layer.get_region_boxes(l, 1, 1, thresh, probs, boxes, false, new int[0]); if (nms != 0) { Box.do_nms_sort(boxes, probs, l.W * l.H * l.N, l.Classes, nms); } LoadArgs.draw_detections(im, l.W * l.H * l.N, thresh, boxes, probs, names, alphabet, l.Classes); LoadArgs.save_image(im, "predictions"); LoadArgs.show_image(im, "predictions"); CvInvoke.WaitKey(); CvInvoke.DestroyAllWindows(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { break; } } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // decode(); // buttonClick(); //以锐化效果显示图像 try { Bitmap oldBitmap = new Bitmap(@"D:\Desktop\DIYcode\微孔-识别\RT5911A9OMZ3000973.jpg"); oldBitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone); int Height = oldBitmap.Height; int Width = oldBitmap.Width; Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height); Color pixel; //拉普拉斯模板 //int[] Laplacian = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; //for (int x = 1; x < Width - 1; x++) // for (int y = 1; y < Height - 1; y++) // { // int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; // int Index = 0; // for (int col = -1; col <= 1; col++) // for (int row = -1; row <= 1; row++) // { // pixel = oldBitmap.GetPixel(x + row, y + col); r += pixel.R * Laplacian[Index]; // g += pixel.G * Laplacian[Index]; // b += pixel.B * Laplacian[Index]; // Index++; // } // //处理颜色值溢出 // r = r > 255 ? 255 : r; // r = r < 0 ? 0 : r; // g = g > 255 ? 255 : g; // g = g < 0 ? 0 : g; // b = b > 255 ? 255 : b; // b = b < 0 ? 0 : b; // newBitmap.SetPixel(x - 1, y - 1, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); // } // new GrayBitmapData(newBitmap).NewFilter(9); // newBitmap.Save(@"D:\Desktop\DIYcode\newBitmap.jpg"); Image <Gray, Byte> matimg = OtsuThreshold(oldBitmap); matimg.Save(@"D:\Desktop\DIYcode\matimg.jpg"); matimg = matimg.SmoothMedian(11); matimg.Save(@"D:\Desktop\DIYcode\SmoothMedian.jpg"); Image <Gray, Byte> edges = new Image <Gray, byte>(newBitmap.Width, newBitmap.Height); Image <Bgr, Byte> contoursimg = new Image <Bgr, byte>(oldBitmap); Mat hierarchy = new Mat(); // Image<Gray, Byte> hierarchy = new Image<Gray, byte>(matimg.Width, matimg.Height); VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint(); VectorOfVectorOfPointF VectorOfPointF = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF(); CvInvoke.Canny(matimg, edges, 0, 200); CvInvoke.FindContours(edges, contours, hierarchy, RetrType.Tree, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple); List <int> fater_contours = new List <int>(); int[,,] arraylist = ((int[, , ])(hierarchy.GetData())); for (int k = 0; k < contours.Size; k++) { int i = k; int c = 0; while (arraylist[0, i, 2] != -1) { i = arraylist[0, i, 2]; c = c + 1; if (c >= 5) { fater_contours.Add(k); } } } for (int j = 0; j < fater_contours.Count; j++) { RotatedRect rect = CvInvoke.MinAreaRect(contours[fater_contours[j]]); //minAreaRect PointF[] pf = CvInvoke.BoxPoints(rect); //BoxPoints(); // VectorOfPointF.Push(new VectorOfPointF(pf)); contoursimg.Draw(rect, new Bgr(255, 0, 0), 2); // CvInvoke.DrawContours(new Image<Bgr, Byte>(newBitmap), VectorOfPointF, -1, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LineType.AntiAlias); } var str = decode(matimg.ToBitmap()); ImgContorl.Source = ToBitmapsource(contoursimg.ToBitmap()); //CvInvoke.DrawContours(new Image<Bgr, Byte>(newBitmap), VectorOfPointF, -1 , new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LineType.AntiAlias); //double area = CvInvoke.ContourArea(contours[k]); //if (area > 20000 && area < 30000) //{ // CvInvoke.DrawContours(contoursimg, contours, k, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LineType.AntiAlias); // contoursimg.Save(@"D:\Desktop\DIYcode\contoursimg" + k.ToString() + ".jpg"); // vector.Push(ofPoint); //} //if (area > 3300 && area < 3800) //{ // CvInvoke.DrawContours(contoursimg, contours, k, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LineType.AntiAlias); // contoursimg.Save(@"D:\Desktop\DIYcode\werwer" + k.ToString() + ".jpg"); // vector.Push(ofPoint); //} //if (area>500) //{ // CvInvoke.DrawContours(contoursimg, contours, k, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LineType.AntiAlias); //} // CvInvoke.DrawContours(disp, contours, k, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LineType.AntiAlias, null, 1); // } //} } catch (Exception ex) { // return null; // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "信息提示"); } }
/// <summary> /// Release the blob trakcer /// </summary> protected override void DisposeObject() { CvInvoke.CvBlobTrackerRealease(ref _ptr); }
public static void Run(FaceParams MainFace, int SizeBufNum = 3, int BinaryValue = 143) { //Read the files as an 8-bit Bgr image long detectionTime; List <Rectangle> faces = new List <Rectangle>(); List <Rectangle> eyes = new List <Rectangle>(); Detect(MainFace.CurrentFrame, @"Haar\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml", @"Haar\haarcascade_eye.xml", faces, eyes, out detectionTime); if (faces.Count == 1) { if (Math.Abs(MainFace.PrevFaceSize.X - faces[0].X) < SizeBufNum && !MainFace.PrevFaceSize.IsEmpty) { faces[0] = MainFace.PrevFaceSize; } CvInvoke.Rectangle(MainFace.CurrentFrame, faces[0], new Bgr(Color.Red).MCvScalar, 2); MainFace.FaceImg = new Mat((Mat)MainFace.CurrentFrame, faces[0]); MainFace.PrevFaceSize = faces[0]; } if (eyes.Count == 2) { if (eyes[0].X < eyes[1].X) //0 - правый, 1- левый { eyes.Reverse(); } if (Math.Abs(MainFace.PrevRightEyeSize.X - eyes[0].X) < SizeBufNum && !MainFace.PrevRightEyeSize.IsEmpty) { eyes[0] = MainFace.PrevRightEyeSize; } if (Math.Abs(MainFace.PrevLeftEyeSize.X - eyes[1].X) < SizeBufNum && !MainFace.PrevLeftEyeSize.IsEmpty) { eyes[1] = MainFace.PrevLeftEyeSize; } MainFace.PrevRightEyeSize = eyes[0]; MainFace.PrevLeftEyeSize = eyes[1]; MainFace.RightEyeImg = new Mat((Mat)MainFace.CurrentFrame, eyes[0]); MainFace.LeftEyeImg = new Mat((Mat)MainFace.CurrentFrame, eyes[1]); CvInvoke.Rectangle(MainFace.CurrentFrame, eyes[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar, 2); CvInvoke.Rectangle(MainFace.CurrentFrame, eyes[1], new Bgr(Color.Green).MCvScalar, 2); VectorOfVectorOfPoint RightPupilAreas = PupilDetection.Detect(MainFace.RightEyeImg, BinaryValue, MainFace); VectorOfVectorOfPoint LeftPupilAreas = PupilDetection.Detect(MainFace.LeftEyeImg); for (int i = 0; i < RightPupilAreas.Size; i++) { CvInvoke.DrawContours(MainFace.RightEyeImg, RightPupilAreas, i, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < LeftPupilAreas.Size; i++) { CvInvoke.DrawContours(MainFace.LeftEyeImg, LeftPupilAreas, i, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0)); } } }
internal unsafe static void Main(string[] args) { try { int pixelsCount = 1 << 18; uint[] pixelsArray = new uint[65536]; using (DisposableHandle handle = DisposableHandle.Alloc(pixelsArray)) { NTInvoke.SetUnmanagedMemory(handle, 255, pixelsCount); } byte[] outputData = null; MCvScalar redColor = MCvScalarExtensions.FromColor(Colors.Red); MCvScalar greenColor = MCvScalarExtensions.FromColor(Colors.Green); using (PresentationImage prImage = new PresentationImage(256, 256)) { prImage.WritePixels(pixelsArray); FontFace[] faces = new FontFace[] { FontFace.HersheyComplex, FontFace.HersheyComplexSmall, FontFace.HersheyDuplex, FontFace.HersheyPlain, FontFace.HersheyScriptComplex, FontFace.HersheyScriptSimplex, FontFace.HersheySimplex, FontFace.HersheyTriplex }; Parallel.For(0, 8, (int index) => { Point drawPoint = new Point(10, 30 + 30 * index); FontFace drawFace = faces[index]; string outputText = Enum.GetName(typeof(FontFace), drawFace); CvInvoke.DrawText(prImage, outputText, drawPoint, drawFace, 1.0D, redColor, 1); }); outputData = CvInvoke.Imencode(prImage, ImageEncoding.Jpeg, new int[] { 95 }); } if (outputData != null && outputData.Length > 0) { using (MemoryStream dataStream = new MemoryStream(outputData)) { JpegBitmapDecoder decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(dataStream, BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad); BitmapFrame frame = decoder.Frames[0]; Window imageWindow = new Window() { Height = 300.0D, Width = 500.0D, Title = "Image window", ResizeMode = ResizeMode.CanResize, WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen }; imageWindow.Content = new Image() { Source = frame }; new Application().Run(imageWindow); } } } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.WriteLine("\tCatched exception: {0}\r\n{1}", exc.Message, exc); } finally { Debug.WriteLine("\tData released succesfully."); } }
//Thanks to Carl Vondrick // public Image <Bgr, Byte> hogVisualization(Image <Bgr, Byte> image, float[] descriptorValues, int cellSize) { int DIMX = image.Width; int DIMY = image.Height; float zoomFac = 3; Image <Bgr, Byte> result = image.Copy(); result = result.Resize((int)(result.Cols * zoomFac), (int)(result.Rows * zoomFac), Inter.Linear); int gradientBinSize = 9; float radRangeForOneBin = (float)(Math.PI / (float)gradientBinSize); // dividing 180 into 9 bins, how large (in rad) is one bin? int cells_in_x_dir = DIMX / cellSize; int cells_in_y_dir = DIMY / cellSize; // prepare data structure float[][][] gradientStrengths = new float[cells_in_y_dir][][]; int[][] cellUpdateCounter = new int[cells_in_y_dir][]; for (int y = 0; y < cells_in_y_dir; y++) { gradientStrengths[y] = new float[cells_in_x_dir][]; cellUpdateCounter[y] = new int[cells_in_x_dir]; for (int x = 0; x < cells_in_x_dir; x++) { gradientStrengths[y][x] = new float[gradientBinSize]; cellUpdateCounter[y][x] = 0; for (int bin = 0; bin < gradientBinSize; bin++) { gradientStrengths[y][x][bin] = 0.0f; } } } // nr of blocks = nr of cells - 1 // since there is a new block on each cell (overlapping blocks!) but the last one int blocks_in_x_dir = cells_in_x_dir - 1; int blocks_in_y_dir = cells_in_y_dir - 1; // compute gradient strengths per cell int descriptorDataIdx = 0; int cellx = 0; int celly = 0; for (int blockx = 0; blockx < blocks_in_x_dir; blockx++) { for (int blocky = 0; blocky < blocks_in_y_dir; blocky++) { // 4 cells per block ... for (int cellNr = 0; cellNr < 4; cellNr++) { // compute corresponding cell nr cellx = blockx; celly = blocky; if (cellNr == 1) { celly++; } if (cellNr == 2) { cellx++; } if (cellNr == 3) { cellx++; celly++; } for (int bin = 0; bin < gradientBinSize; bin++) { float gradientStrength = descriptorValues[descriptorDataIdx]; descriptorDataIdx++; gradientStrengths[celly][cellx][bin] += gradientStrength; } // for (all bins) // note: overlapping blocks lead to multiple updates of this sum! // we therefore keep track how often a cell was updated, // to compute average gradient strengths cellUpdateCounter[celly][cellx]++; } // for (all cells) } // for (all block x pos) } // for (all block y pos) // compute average gradient strengths for (celly = 0; celly < cells_in_y_dir; celly++) { for (cellx = 0; cellx < cells_in_x_dir; cellx++) { float NrUpdatesForThisCell = (float)cellUpdateCounter[celly][cellx]; // compute average gradient strenghts for each gradient bin direction for (int bin = 0; bin < gradientBinSize; bin++) { gradientStrengths[celly][cellx][bin] /= NrUpdatesForThisCell; } } } // draw cells for (celly = 0; celly < cells_in_y_dir; celly++) { for (cellx = 0; cellx < cells_in_x_dir; cellx++) { int drawX = cellx * cellSize; int drawY = celly * cellSize; int mx = drawX + cellSize / 2; int my = drawY + cellSize / 2; result.Draw( new Rectangle( new Point((int)(drawX * zoomFac), (int)(drawY * zoomFac)), new Size((int)(cellSize * zoomFac), (int)(cellSize * zoomFac))), new Bgr(Color.Gray), 3); // draw in each cell all 9 gradient strengths for (int bin = 0; bin < gradientBinSize; bin++) { float currentGradStrength = gradientStrengths[celly][cellx][bin]; // no line to draw? if (currentGradStrength == 0) { continue; } float currRad = bin * radRangeForOneBin + radRangeForOneBin / 2; float dirVecX = (float)Math.Cos(currRad); float dirVecY = (float)Math.Sin(currRad); float maxVecLen = (float)(cellSize / 2.0f); float scale = 2.5f; // just a visualization scale, to see the lines better // compute line coordinates float x1 = mx - dirVecX * currentGradStrength * maxVecLen * scale; float y1 = my - dirVecY * currentGradStrength * maxVecLen * scale; float x2 = mx + dirVecX * currentGradStrength * maxVecLen * scale; float y2 = my + dirVecY * currentGradStrength * maxVecLen * scale; CvInvoke.Line(result, new Point((int)(x1 * zoomFac), (int)(y1 * zoomFac)), new Point((int)(x2 * zoomFac), (int)(y2 * zoomFac)), new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 1); } // for (all bins) } // for (cellx) } // for (celly) return(result); }
public static IEnumerable <Rectangle> DetectSquares(Mat sourceImage) { Mat destinationImage = new Mat(); destinationImage.Create(sourceImage.Rows, sourceImage.Cols, sourceImage.Depth, 1); Mat greyscaleImage = new Mat(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(sourceImage, greyscaleImage, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); Mat detectedEdges = new Mat(); CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(greyscaleImage, detectedEdges, new Size(1, 1), 1); CvInvoke.Canny(detectedEdges, detectedEdges, Treshold, Treshold * 3); CvInvoke.Dilate(detectedEdges, detectedEdges, new Mat(), new Point(-1, -1), 3, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(255, 255, 255)); //ImageViewer.Show(detectedEdges); List <Rectangle> boxList = new List <Rectangle>(); //List<LineSegment2D> lines = new List<LineSegment2D>(); using (VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint()) { CvInvoke.FindContours(detectedEdges, contours, null, RetrType.List, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple); int count = contours.Size; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { using (VectorOfPoint approxContour = new VectorOfPoint()) using (VectorOfPoint approx = contours[i]) { CvInvoke.ApproxPolyDP(approx, approxContour, CvInvoke.ArcLength(approx, true) * 0.035, true); Point[] pts = approxContour.ToArray(); LineSegment2D[] edges = PointCollection.PolyLine(pts, true); //lines.AddRange(edges); double contourArea = CvInvoke.ContourArea(approxContour, true); if (contourArea >= 500 && contourArea <= detectedEdges.Width * detectedEdges.Height / 5) { if (approxContour.Size >= 2) { bool isRectangle = true; for (int j = 0; j < edges.Length; j++) { double angle = Math.Abs(edges[(j + 1) % edges.Length] .GetExteriorAngleDegree(edges[j])); if (angle < 85 || angle > 95) { isRectangle = false; break; } } if (isRectangle) { RotatedRect currentRectangle = CvInvoke.MinAreaRect(approxContour); Rectangle minRectangle = currentRectangle.MinAreaRect(); //int ninetyPercentWidth = minRectangle.Width - (int)(minRectangle.Width * 0.05); //int ninetyPercentHeight = minRectangle.Height - (int)(minRectangle.Height * 0.05); //minRectangle.Size = new Size(ninetyPercentWidth, ninetyPercentHeight); //minRectangle.Offset(5, 5); boxList.Add(minRectangle); } } } } } } return(boxList); }
/// <summary> /// Clears the train descriptor collections. /// </summary> public void Clear() { CvInvoke.cveDescriptorMatcherClear(_descriptorMatcherPtr); }
/// <summary> /// Trains a descriptor matcher (for example, the flann index). In all methods to match, the method /// train() is run every time before matching.Some descriptor matchers(for example, BruteForceMatcher) /// have an empty implementation of this method.Other matchers really train their inner structures (for /// example, FlannBasedMatcher trains flann::Index ). /// </summary> public void Train() { CvInvoke.cveDescriptorMatcherTrain(_descriptorMatcherPtr); }
/// <summary> /// Release the unmanaged resource associated with the BruteForceMatcher /// </summary> protected override void DisposeObject() { CvInvoke.CvBruteForceMatcherRelease(ref _ptr); }
/// <summary> /// Find the k-nearest match /// </summary> /// <param name="queryDescriptor">An n x m matrix of descriptors to be query for nearest neighbours. n is the number of descriptor and m is the size of the descriptor</param> /// <param name="trainIdx">The resulting n x <paramref name="k"/> matrix of descriptor index from the training descriptors</param> /// <param name="distance">The resulting n x <paramref name="k"/> matrix of distance value from the training descriptors</param> /// <param name="k">Number of nearest neighbors to search for</param> /// <param name="mask">Can be null if not needed. An n x 1 matrix. If 0, the query descriptor in the corresponding row will be ignored.</param> public void KnnMatch(Matrix <T> queryDescriptor, Matrix <int> trainIdx, Matrix <float> distance, int k, Matrix <Byte> mask) { CvInvoke.CvDescriptorMatcherKnnMatch(Ptr, queryDescriptor, trainIdx, distance, k, mask); }
/// <summary> /// Add the model descriptors /// </summary> /// <param name="modelDescriptors">The model discriptors</param> public void Add(Matrix <T> modelDescriptors) { CvInvoke.CvDescriptorMatcherAdd(_ptr, modelDescriptors); }
private static String GetText(Tesseract ocr, Mat image, OCRMode mode, Mat imageColor) { Bgr drawCharColor = new Bgr(Color.Red); if (image.NumberOfChannels == 1) { CvInvoke.CvtColor(image, imageColor, ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr); } else { image.CopyTo(imageColor); } if (mode == OCRMode.FullPage) { ocr.SetImage(imageColor); if (ocr.Recognize() != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to recognizer image"); } Tesseract.Character[] characters = ocr.GetCharacters(); //if (characters.Length == 0) //{ // Mat imgGrey = new Mat(); // CvInvoke.CvtColor(image, imgGrey, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); // Mat imgThresholded = new Mat(); // CvInvoke.Threshold(imgGrey, imgThresholded, 65, 255, ThresholdType.Binary); // ocr.SetImage(imgThresholded); // characters = ocr.GetCharacters(); // imageColor = imgThresholded; // if (characters.Length == 0) // { // CvInvoke.Threshold(image, imgThresholded, 190, 255, ThresholdType.Binary); // ocr.SetImage(imgThresholded); // characters = ocr.GetCharacters(); // imageColor = imgThresholded; // } //} foreach (Tesseract.Character c in characters) { CvInvoke.Rectangle(imageColor, c.Region, drawCharColor.MCvScalar); } return(ocr.GetUTF8Text()); } else { bool checkInvert = true; Rectangle[] regions; using ( ERFilterNM1 er1 = new ERFilterNM1("trained_classifierNM1.xml", 8, 0.00025f, 0.13f, 0.4f, true, 0.1f)) using (ERFilterNM2 er2 = new ERFilterNM2("trained_classifierNM2.xml", 0.3f)) { int channelCount = image.NumberOfChannels; UMat[] channels = new UMat[checkInvert ? channelCount * 2 : channelCount]; for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { UMat c = new UMat(); CvInvoke.ExtractChannel(image, c, i); channels[i] = c; } if (checkInvert) { for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { UMat c = new UMat(); CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(channels[i], c); channels[i + channelCount] = c; } } VectorOfERStat[] regionVecs = new VectorOfERStat[channels.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < regionVecs.Length; i++) { regionVecs[i] = new VectorOfERStat(); } try { for (int i = 0; i < channels.Length; i++) { er1.Run(channels[i], regionVecs[i]); er2.Run(channels[i], regionVecs[i]); } using (VectorOfUMat vm = new VectorOfUMat(channels)) { regions = ERFilter.ERGrouping(image, vm, regionVecs, ERFilter.GroupingMethod.OrientationHoriz, "trained_classifier_erGrouping.xml", 0.5f); } } finally { foreach (UMat tmp in channels) { if (tmp != null) { tmp.Dispose(); } } foreach (VectorOfERStat tmp in regionVecs) { if (tmp != null) { tmp.Dispose(); } } } Rectangle imageRegion = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, imageColor.Size); for (int i = 0; i < regions.Length; i++) { Rectangle r = ScaleRectangle(regions[i], 1.1); r.Intersect(imageRegion); regions[i] = r; } } List <Tesseract.Character> allChars = new List <Tesseract.Character>(); String allText = String.Empty; foreach (Rectangle rect in regions) { using (Mat region = new Mat(image, rect)) { ocr.SetImage(region); if (ocr.Recognize() != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to recognize image"); } Tesseract.Character[] characters = ocr.GetCharacters(); //convert the coordinates from the local region to global for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++) { Rectangle charRegion = characters[i].Region; charRegion.Offset(rect.Location); characters[i].Region = charRegion; } allChars.AddRange(characters); allText += ocr.GetUTF8Text() + Environment.NewLine; } } Bgr drawRegionColor = new Bgr(Color.Red); foreach (Rectangle rect in regions) { CvInvoke.Rectangle(imageColor, rect, drawRegionColor.MCvScalar); } foreach (Tesseract.Character c in allChars) { CvInvoke.Rectangle(imageColor, c.Region, drawCharColor.MCvScalar); } return(allText); } }
/// <summary> /// Create KAZE using the specific values /// </summary> public KAZE(bool extended = false, bool upright = false, float threshold = 0.001f, int octaves = 4, int sublevels = 4, Diffusivity diffusivity = Diffusivity.PmG2) { _ptr = CvInvoke.cveKAZEDetectorCreate( extended, upright, threshold, octaves, sublevels, diffusivity, ref _feature2D, ref _sharedPtr); }
static DpmInvoke() { CvInvoke.Init(); }
/// <summary> /// Add the model descriptors /// </summary> /// <param name="modelDescriptors">The model descriptors</param> public void Add(IInputArray modelDescriptors) { using (InputArray iaModelDescriptors = modelDescriptors.GetInputArray()) CvInvoke.cveDescriptorMatcherAdd(_descriptorMatcherPtr, iaModelDescriptors); }
static VectorOfOclPlatformInfo() { CvInvoke.CheckLibraryLoaded(); }
private async void ReadAllFrames() { Mat m = new Mat(); while (IsReadingFrame == true && FrameNo < TotalFrame) { FrameNo += Convert.ToInt16(numericUpDown1.Value); capture.SetCaptureProperty(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CapProp.PosFrames, FrameNo); capture.Read(m); CvInvoke.CvtColor(m, _grayFrame, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); //GrayScale(m.ToImage<Bgr, byte>(), out Image<Gray, byte> grayImage); // var bm = Emgu.CV.BitmapExtension.ToBitmap(m); CurrentImg = _grayFrame.ToImage <Gray, byte>(); // var bm = grayImage.ToBitmap(); //byte* ptr = (byte*)grayImg.MIplImage.ImageData; TransformFromImgCVToGrayImage(CurrentImg); m_Drawimg = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(iImage.GetBitmapAddress(GrayImg)); if (m_bRTMatch) { m_Drawbmp = new Bitmap(CurrentImg.Width, CurrentImg.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); m_Drawg = Graphics.FromImage(m_Drawbmp); m_Drawg.DrawImage(m_Drawimg, 0, 0, CurrentImg.Width, CurrentImg.Height); E_iVision_ERRORS err; int objnum = 0; iNCCFound objdata = new iNCCFound(); ResultPoint = new iDPoint(); iDPoint[] RegPoint = new iDPoint[4]; double[] Fang = new double[4]; int i; if (m_bColorSensor) { err = iMatch.MatchNCCModel(ColorImg, Matchmodel); } else { err = iMatch.MatchNCCModel(GrayImg, Matchmodel); } if (err != E_iVision_ERRORS.E_OK) { m_bRTMatch = false; } iMatch.iGetNCCMatchNum(Matchmodel, ref objnum); for (i = 0; i < objnum; i++) { iMatch.iGetNCCMatchResults(Matchmodel, i, ref objdata); ResultPoint.x = objdata.cp.x; ResultPoint.y = objdata.cp.y; SetTextCoordinates(textBox1, objdata.cp.x.ToString("0.00")); SetTextCoordinates(textBox2, objdata.cp.y.ToString("0.00")); SetTextCoordinates(textBox3, objdata.angle.ToString("0.00")); m_Drawg.DrawString("score:" + objdata.score.ToString("0.00"), drawfont, drawbrush, Convert.ToInt32(ResultPoint.x - 50), Convert.ToInt32(ResultPoint.y - 60)); m_Drawg.DrawString("angle:" + objdata.angle.ToString("0.00"), drawfont, drawbrush, Convert.ToInt32(ResultPoint.x - 50), Convert.ToInt32(ResultPoint.y - 40)); m_Drawg.DrawString("scale:" + objdata.scale.ToString("0.00"), drawfont, drawbrush, Convert.ToInt32(ResultPoint.x - 50), Convert.ToInt32(ResultPoint.y - 20)); } iMatch.iDrawiMatchResults(Matchmodel, m_Drawg.GetHdc(), 1); RefreshPictureImage(m_Drawbmp); m_Drawg.Dispose(); } else { RefreshPicturePtr(iImage.GetBitmapAddress(GrayImg)); await Task.Delay(1000 / Convert.ToInt16(30)); label1.Text = FrameNo.ToString() + "/" + TotalFrame.ToString(); } await Task.Delay(1000 / Convert.ToInt16(30)); label1.Text = FrameNo.ToString() + "/" + TotalFrame.ToString(); pixelSpeedX = ResultPoint.x - lastPositionX; pixelSpeedY = ResultPoint.y - lastPositionY; TBXSPEEDX.Text = pixelSpeedX.ToString("F2"); TBSSPEEDY.Text = pixelSpeedY.ToString("F2"); lastPositionX = (int)ResultPoint.x; lastPositionY = (int)ResultPoint.y; //DrawScale = (double)Convert.ToDouble(txb.Text); ///DrawScaledImage(bm, (float)DrawScale, out Bitmap l_Bitmap); //pictureBox1.Image = l_Bitmap; /* * pictureBox1.Image = _grayFrame.ToBitmap(); * await Task.Delay(1000 / Convert.ToInt16(30)); * label1.Text = FrameNo.ToString() + "/" + TotalFrame.ToString(); */ // bm.Dispose(); //l_Bitmap.Dispose(); } }
public static void Detect( Mat image, String faceFileName, String eyeFileName, List <Rectangle> faces, List <Rectangle> eyes, bool tryUseCuda, bool tryUseOpenCL, out long detectionTime) { Stopwatch watch; #if !(IOS || NETFX_CORE) if (tryUseCuda && CudaInvoke.HasCuda) { using (CudaCascadeClassifier face = new CudaCascadeClassifier(faceFileName)) using (CudaCascadeClassifier eye = new CudaCascadeClassifier(eyeFileName)) { face.ScaleFactor = 1.1; face.MinNeighbors = 10; face.MinObjectSize = Size.Empty; eye.ScaleFactor = 1.1; eye.MinNeighbors = 10; eye.MinObjectSize = Size.Empty; watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (CudaImage <Bgr, Byte> gpuImage = new CudaImage <Bgr, byte>(image)) using (CudaImage <Gray, Byte> gpuGray = gpuImage.Convert <Gray, Byte>()) using (GpuMat region = new GpuMat()) { face.DetectMultiScale(gpuGray, region); Rectangle[] faceRegion = face.Convert(region); faces.AddRange(faceRegion); foreach (Rectangle f in faceRegion) { using (CudaImage <Gray, Byte> faceImg = gpuGray.GetSubRect(f)) { //For some reason a clone is required. //Might be a bug of CudaCascadeClassifier in opencv using (CudaImage <Gray, Byte> clone = faceImg.Clone(null)) using (GpuMat eyeRegionMat = new GpuMat()) { eye.DetectMultiScale(clone, eyeRegionMat); Rectangle[] eyeRegion = eye.Convert(eyeRegionMat); foreach (Rectangle e in eyeRegion) { Rectangle eyeRect = e; eyeRect.Offset(f.X, f.Y); eyes.Add(eyeRect); } } } } } watch.Stop(); } } else #endif { //Many opencl functions require opencl compatible gpu devices. //As of opencv 3.0-alpha, opencv will crash if opencl is enable and only opencv compatible cpu device is presented //So we need to call CvInvoke.HaveOpenCLCompatibleGpuDevice instead of CvInvoke.HaveOpenCL (which also returns true on a system that only have cpu opencl devices). CvInvoke.UseOpenCL = tryUseOpenCL && CvInvoke.HaveOpenCLCompatibleGpuDevice; //Read the HaarCascade objects using (CascadeClassifier face = new CascadeClassifier(faceFileName)) using (CascadeClassifier eye = new CascadeClassifier(eyeFileName)) { watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (UMat ugray = new UMat()) { CvInvoke.CvtColor(image, ugray, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); //normalizes brightness and increases contrast of the image CvInvoke.EqualizeHist(ugray, ugray); //Detect the faces from the gray scale image and store the locations as rectangle //The first dimensional is the channel //The second dimension is the index of the rectangle in the specific channel Rectangle[] facesDetected = face.DetectMultiScale( ugray, 1.1, 10, new Size(20, 20)); faces.AddRange(facesDetected); foreach (Rectangle f in facesDetected) { //Get the region of interest on the faces using (UMat faceRegion = new UMat(ugray, f)) { Rectangle[] eyesDetected = eye.DetectMultiScale( faceRegion, 1.1, 10, new Size(20, 20)); foreach (Rectangle e in eyesDetected) { Rectangle eyeRect = e; eyeRect.Offset(f.X, f.Y); eyes.Add(eyeRect); } } } } watch.Stop(); } } detectionTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; }
public void OnTrackablesUpdated() { if (!m_RegisteredFormat) { if (CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(m_PixelFormat, true)) { m_RegisteredFormat = true; } } CameraDevice cam = CameraDevice.Instance; Image image = cam.GetCameraImage(m_PixelFormat); if (image == null) { Debug.Log("Image is not available yet"); } else { byte[] pixels = image.Pixels; GCHandle pixelHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { if (m_PixelFormat == Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGBA8888) { using ( Mat m = new Mat(new Size(image.Width, image.Height), DepthType.Cv8U, 4, pixelHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), image.Stride)) using (Mat alphaChannel = new Mat()) { //process the image (RGBA) here, replace the following with your code CvInvoke.ExtractChannel(m, alphaChannel, 3); //extract the alphaChannel CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(m, m); //simple inversion, invert all channels including alpha CvInvoke.InsertChannel(alphaChannel, m, 3); //put the alphaChannel back } } else if (m_PixelFormat == Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB888) { using ( Mat m = new Mat(new Size(image.Width, image.Height), DepthType.Cv8U, 3, pixelHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), image.Stride)) { //process the image (RGB) here, replace the following with your code. CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(m, m); } } else { string s = String.Format("Image type {0} is not supported\n", m_PixelFormat); s += " size: " + image.Width + "x" + image.Height + "\n"; s += " bufferSize: " + image.BufferWidth + "x" + image.BufferHeight + "\n"; s += " stride: " + image.Stride; Debug.Log(s); } } finally { pixelHandle.Free(); } } }
private void FindPlate( VectorOfVectorOfPoint cevreler, int[,] hiyerarsi, int idx, IInputArray gri, IInputArray cannykenar, List <IInputOutputArray> PlateGoruntuLisesi, List <IInputOutputArray> filtrelenmisPlateGoruntuListesi, List <RotatedRect> tespitEdilenPlateBolgesiListesi, List <String> licenses) { for (; idx >= 0; idx = hiyerarsi[idx, 0]) { int karaktersayisi = CharacterCount(hiyerarsi, idx); if (karaktersayisi == 0) { continue; } using (VectorOfPoint cevre = cevreler[idx]) { if (CvInvoke.ContourArea(cevre) > 400) { if (karaktersayisi < 3) { FindPlate(cevreler, hiyerarsi, hiyerarsi[idx, 2], gri, cannykenar, PlateGoruntuLisesi, filtrelenmisPlateGoruntuListesi, tespitEdilenPlateBolgesiListesi, licenses); continue; } RotatedRect kutu = CvInvoke.MinAreaRect(cevre); if (kutu.Angle < -45.0) { float tmp = kutu.Size.Width; kutu.Size.Width = kutu.Size.Height; kutu.Size.Height = tmp; kutu.Angle += 90.0f; } else if (kutu.Angle > 45.0) { float tmp = kutu.Size.Width; kutu.Size.Width = kutu.Size.Height; kutu.Size.Height = tmp; kutu.Angle -= 90.0f; } double enboyoran = (double)kutu.Size.Width / kutu.Size.Height; if (!(3.0 < enboyoran && enboyoran < 10.0)) { if (hiyerarsi[idx, 2] > 0) { FindPlate(cevreler, hiyerarsi, hiyerarsi[idx, 2], gri, cannykenar, PlateGoruntuLisesi, filtrelenmisPlateGoruntuListesi, tespitEdilenPlateBolgesiListesi, licenses); } continue; } using (UMat tmp1 = new UMat()) using (UMat tmp2 = new UMat()) { PointF[] kutuKoseNokta = kutu.GetVertices(); // kutunun köşe noktalarını alır PointF[] destCorners = new PointF[] { new PointF(0, kutu.Size.Height - 1), new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(kutu.Size.Width - 1, 0), new PointF(kutu.Size.Width - 1, kutu.Size.Height - 1) }; using (Mat rot = CvInvoke.GetAffineTransform(kutuKoseNokta, destCorners)) { CvInvoke.WarpAffine(gri, tmp1, rot, Size.Round(kutu.Size)); } Size yaklasikBoyut = new Size(240, 180); // yaklaşık boyut double olcek = Math.Min(yaklasikBoyut.Width / kutu.Size.Width, yaklasikBoyut.Height / kutu.Size.Height); Size newSize = new Size((int)Math.Round(kutu.Size.Width * olcek), (int)Math.Round(kutu.Size.Height * olcek)); CvInvoke.Resize(tmp1, tmp2, newSize, 0, 0, Inter.Cubic); int edgePixelSize = 2; Rectangle newRoi = new Rectangle(new Point(edgePixelSize, edgePixelSize), tmp2.Size - new Size(2 * edgePixelSize, 2 * edgePixelSize)); UMat Plate = new UMat(tmp2, newRoi); UMat filtrelenmisPlate = FilterPlate(Plate); Tesseract.Character[] words; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (UMat tmp = filtrelenmisPlate.Clone()) { OCR.Recognize(tmp); words = OCR.GetCharacters(); if (words.Length == 0) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { strBuilder.Append(words[i].Text); } } int sayac = 0; int bosluk = 0; for (int i = 0; i < strBuilder.Length; i++) { if (strBuilder[i].ToString() == "." || strBuilder[i].ToString() == "?" || strBuilder[i].ToString() == "*" || strBuilder[i].ToString() == "-") { sayac++; } if (strBuilder[i].ToString() == " ") { bosluk++; } } if (strBuilder[0].ToString() == "E" || strBuilder[0].ToString() == "F" || strBuilder[0].ToString() == "I" || strBuilder[0].ToString() == "T") { strBuilder.Remove(0, 1); } if (sayac == 0 && strBuilder.Length >= 9 && bosluk <= 2) { string[] parcalar; String asd = strBuilder.ToString(); parcalar = asd.Split(' '); if (parcalar.Length == 3) { CityCode = parcalar[0]; LetterGruop = parcalar[1]; NumberGroup = parcalar[2]; if (CityCode.Length == 3) { CityCode = CityCode.Remove(0, 1); } CityCode = CityCode.Replace('B', '8'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('D', '0'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('G', '6'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('I', '1'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('O', '0'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('S', '5'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('Z', '2'); CityCode = CityCode.Replace('L', '4'); LetterGruop = LetterGruop.Replace('2', 'Z'); LetterGruop = LetterGruop.Replace('0', 'D'); LetterGruop = LetterGruop.Replace('5', 'S'); LetterGruop = LetterGruop.Replace('6', 'G'); LetterGruop = LetterGruop.Replace('8', 'B'); LetterGruop = LetterGruop.Replace('1', 'I'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('B', '8'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('D', '0'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('G', '6'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('I', '1'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('O', '0'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('S', '5'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('Z', '2'); NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Replace('A', '4'); if (NumberGroup.Length == 5) { NumberGroup = NumberGroup.Remove(4, 1); } strBuilder.Remove(0, strBuilder.Length); strBuilder.Append(CityCode); strBuilder.Append(" "); strBuilder.Append(LetterGruop); strBuilder.Append(" "); strBuilder.Append(NumberGroup); } if (strBuilder.Length >= 7 && strBuilder.Length <= 10) { licenses.Add(strBuilder.ToString()); PlateGoruntuLisesi.Add(Plate); filtrelenmisPlateGoruntuListesi.Add(filtrelenmisPlate); tespitEdilenPlateBolgesiListesi.Add(kutu); } } } } } } }
private void FindStopSign(Mat img, List <Mat> stopSignList, List <Rectangle> boxList, VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours, int[,] hierachy, int idx) { for (; idx >= 0; idx = hierachy[idx, 0]) { using (VectorOfPoint c = contours[idx]) using (VectorOfPoint approx = new VectorOfPoint()) { CvInvoke.ApproxPolyDP(c, approx, CvInvoke.ArcLength(c, true) * 0.02, true); double area = CvInvoke.ContourArea(approx); if (area > 200) { double ratio = CvInvoke.MatchShapes(_octagon, approx, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ContoursMatchType.I3); if (ratio > 0.1) //not a good match of contour shape { //check children if (hierachy[idx, 2] >= 0) { FindStopSign(img, stopSignList, boxList, contours, hierachy, hierachy[idx, 2]); } continue; } Rectangle box = CvInvoke.BoundingRectangle(c); Mat candidate = new Mat(); using (Mat tmp = new Mat(img, box)) CvInvoke.CvtColor(tmp, candidate, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); //set the value of pixels not in the contour region to zero using (Mat mask = new Mat(candidate.Size.Height, candidate.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 1)) { mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(0)); CvInvoke.DrawContours(mask, contours, idx, new MCvScalar(255), -1, LineType.EightConnected, null, int.MaxValue, new Point(-box.X, -box.Y)); double mean = CvInvoke.Mean(candidate, mask).V0; CvInvoke.Threshold(candidate, candidate, mean, 255, ThresholdType.Binary); CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(candidate, candidate); CvInvoke.BitwiseNot(mask, mask); candidate.SetTo(new MCvScalar(0), mask); } int minMatchCount = 8; double uniquenessThreshold = 0.8; VectorOfKeyPoint _observeredKeypoint = new VectorOfKeyPoint(); Mat _observeredDescriptor = new Mat(); _detector.DetectAndCompute(candidate, null, _observeredKeypoint, _observeredDescriptor, false); if (_observeredKeypoint.Size >= minMatchCount) { int k = 2; Mat mask; using (VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch()) { _modelDescriptorMatcher.KnnMatch(_observeredDescriptor, matches, k, null); mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1); mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255)); Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask); } int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask); if (nonZeroCount >= minMatchCount) { boxList.Add(box); stopSignList.Add(candidate); } } } } } }
public static void Detect( IInputArray image, String faceFileName, String eyeFileName, List <Rectangle> faces, List <Rectangle> eyes, out long detectionTime) { Stopwatch watch; using (InputArray iaImage = image.GetInputArray()) { #if !(__IOS__ || NETFX_CORE) if (iaImage.Kind == InputArray.Type.CudaGpuMat && CudaInvoke.HasCuda) { using (CudaCascadeClassifier face = new CudaCascadeClassifier(faceFileName)) using (CudaCascadeClassifier eye = new CudaCascadeClassifier(eyeFileName)) { face.ScaleFactor = 1.1; face.MinNeighbors = 10; face.MinObjectSize = Size.Empty; eye.ScaleFactor = 1.1; eye.MinNeighbors = 10; eye.MinObjectSize = Size.Empty; watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (CudaImage <Bgr, Byte> gpuImage = new CudaImage <Bgr, byte>(image)) using (CudaImage <Gray, Byte> gpuGray = gpuImage.Convert <Gray, Byte>()) using (GpuMat region = new GpuMat()) { face.DetectMultiScale(gpuGray, region); Rectangle[] faceRegion = face.Convert(region); faces.AddRange(faceRegion); foreach (Rectangle f in faceRegion) { using (CudaImage <Gray, Byte> faceImg = gpuGray.GetSubRect(f)) { //For some reason a clone is required. //Might be a bug of CudaCascadeClassifier in opencv using (CudaImage <Gray, Byte> clone = faceImg.Clone(null)) using (GpuMat eyeRegionMat = new GpuMat()) { eye.DetectMultiScale(clone, eyeRegionMat); Rectangle[] eyeRegion = eye.Convert(eyeRegionMat); foreach (Rectangle e in eyeRegion) { Rectangle eyeRect = e; eyeRect.Offset(f.X, f.Y); eyes.Add(eyeRect); } } } } } watch.Stop(); } } else #endif { //Read the HaarCascade objects using (CascadeClassifier face = new CascadeClassifier(faceFileName)) using (CascadeClassifier eye = new CascadeClassifier(eyeFileName)) { watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (UMat ugray = new UMat()) { CvInvoke.CvtColor(image, ugray, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); //normalizes brightness and increases contrast of the image CvInvoke.EqualizeHist(ugray, ugray); //Detect the faces from the gray scale image and store the locations as rectangle //The first dimensional is the channel //The second dimension is the index of the rectangle in the specific channel Rectangle[] facesDetected = face.DetectMultiScale( ugray, 1.1, 10, new Size(200, 200)); faces.AddRange(facesDetected); foreach (Rectangle f in facesDetected) { //Get the region of interest on the faces using (UMat faceRegion = new UMat(ugray, f)) { Rectangle[] eyesDetected = eye.DetectMultiScale( faceRegion, 1.1, 10, new Size(20, 20)); foreach (Rectangle e in eyesDetected) { Rectangle eyeRect = e; eyeRect.Offset(f.X, f.Y); eyes.Add(eyeRect); } } } } watch.Stop(); } } detectionTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } }
public static (ShapeType, List <Point>) Check(List <Point> polygonPoints, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeigth) { if (!ClosedContour(polygonPoints)) { return(ShapeType.None, null); } CreateBitmap(canvasWidth, canvasHeigth, polygonPoints); Image <Bgr, byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(@"IMAGE.bmp"); Image <Gray, byte> processed = img .Convert <Gray, byte>() .SmoothGaussian(5) .Canny(240, 200); VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint(); Mat m = new Mat(); CvInvoke.FindContours( processed, contours, m, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RetrType.External, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple); if (contours.Size == 0) { return(ShapeType.None, null); } double perimeter = CvInvoke.ArcLength(contours[0], true); var polygon = new VectorOfPoint(); CvInvoke.ApproxPolyDP(contours[0], polygon, 0.02 * perimeter, true); if (!CvInvoke.IsContourConvex(polygon)) { return(ShapeType.None, null); } var moments = CvInvoke.Moments(contours[0]); int x = (int)(moments.M10 / moments.M00); int y = (int)(moments.M01 / moments.M00); Point center = new Point(x, y); List <Point> points = new List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Size; i++) { points.Add(new Point(polygon[i].X, polygon[i].Y)); } if (points.Count == 3) { return(ShapeType.Triangle, points); } else if (points.Count == 4) { return(RectangleOrSquare(center, perimeter, points)); } else if (points.Count > 4) { return(CircleOrEllipse(center, perimeter, points)); } return(ShapeType.None, null); }
private void FindLicensePlate( VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours, int[,] hierachy, int idx, IInputArray gray, IInputArray canny, List <IInputOutputArray> licensePlateImagesList, List <IInputOutputArray> filteredLicensePlateImagesList, List <RotatedRect> detectedLicensePlateRegionList, List <String> licenses, bool ocr_mode) { for (; idx >= 0; idx = hierachy[idx, 0]) { int numberOfChildren = GetNumberOfChildren(hierachy, idx); //if it does not contains any children (charactor), it is not a license plate region if (numberOfChildren == 0) { continue; } using (VectorOfPoint contour = contours[idx]) { if (CvInvoke.ContourArea(contour) > 400) { if (numberOfChildren < 3) { //If the contour has less than 3 children, it is not a license plate (assuming license plate has at least 3 charactor) //However we should search the children of this contour to see if any of them is a license plate FindLicensePlate(contours, hierachy, hierachy[idx, 2], gray, canny, licensePlateImagesList, filteredLicensePlateImagesList, detectedLicensePlateRegionList, licenses, ocr_mode); continue; } RotatedRect box = CvInvoke.MinAreaRect(contour); if (box.Angle < -45.0) { float tmp = box.Size.Width; box.Size.Width = box.Size.Height; box.Size.Height = tmp; box.Angle += 90.0f; } else if (box.Angle > 45.0) { float tmp = box.Size.Width; box.Size.Width = box.Size.Height; box.Size.Height = tmp; box.Angle -= 90.0f; } double whRatio = (double)box.Size.Width / box.Size.Height; if (!(3.0 < whRatio && whRatio < 10.0)) //if (!(1.0 < whRatio && whRatio < 2.0)) { //if the width height ratio is not in the specific range,it is not a license plate //However we should search the children of this contour to see if any of them is a license plate //Contour<Point> child = contours.VNext; if (hierachy[idx, 2] > 0) { FindLicensePlate(contours, hierachy, hierachy[idx, 2], gray, canny, licensePlateImagesList, filteredLicensePlateImagesList, detectedLicensePlateRegionList, licenses, ocr_mode); } continue; } using (UMat tmp1 = new UMat()) using (UMat tmp2 = new UMat()) { PointF[] srcCorners = box.GetVertices(); PointF[] destCorners = new PointF[] { new PointF(0, box.Size.Height - 1), new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(box.Size.Width - 1, 0), new PointF(box.Size.Width - 1, box.Size.Height - 1) }; using (Mat rot = CvInvoke.GetAffineTransform(srcCorners, destCorners)) { CvInvoke.WarpAffine(gray, tmp1, rot, Size.Round(box.Size)); } //resize the license plate such that the front is ~ 10-12. This size of front results in better accuracy from tesseract Size approxSize = new Size(240, 180); double scale = Math.Min(approxSize.Width / box.Size.Width, approxSize.Height / box.Size.Height); Size newSize = new Size((int)Math.Round(box.Size.Width * scale), (int)Math.Round(box.Size.Height * scale)); CvInvoke.Resize(tmp1, tmp2, newSize, 0, 0, Inter.Cubic); //removes some pixels from the edge int edgePixelSize = 3; Rectangle newRoi = new Rectangle(new Point(edgePixelSize, edgePixelSize), tmp2.Size - new Size(2 * edgePixelSize, 2 * edgePixelSize)); UMat plate = new UMat(tmp2, newRoi); UMat filteredPlate = FilterPlate(plate); StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (ocr_mode) { strBuilder = TesseractOCR(filteredPlate); } else { strBuilder = GoogleApiOCR(filteredPlate); } licenses.Add(strBuilder.ToString()); licensePlateImagesList.Add(plate); filteredLicensePlateImagesList.Add(filteredPlate); detectedLicensePlateRegionList.Add(box); } } } } }
private void OnDestroy() { CvInvoke.DestroyAllWindows(); }
/// <summary> /// Determina si un contorno es un circulo, verificando que tenga al menos 7 puntos y todos estén al mismo radio del centro /// </summary> /// <param name="MaxVariation"> Máxima desviacion permitida (0 a 1) </param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool isCircle(this VectorOfPoint contour, float MaxVariation = 0.2f) { bool result = false; if (contour.Size >= 7) { Moments Moments = CvInvoke.Moments(contour); Vector2 Center =; Center.x = (float)(Moments.M10 / Moments.M00); Center.y = (float)(Moments.M01 / Moments.M00); result = true; Vector2[] pts = contour.ToVector2(); float MaxRadius = (pts[0] - Center).magnitude; float MinRadius = MaxRadius; float MinLimit = 1 - MaxVariation; float MaxLimit = 1 + MaxVariation; //Verifica que el radio sea consistente for (int j = 1; j < pts.Length; j++) { float r = (pts[j] - Center).magnitude; if (r > MaxRadius) { MaxRadius = r; } if (r < MinRadius) { MinRadius = r; } } if (MinRadius / MaxRadius < MinLimit) { result = false; } //Verifica que el perímetro sea consistente if (result) { double perimetroReal = CvInvoke.ArcLength(contour, true); float Radio = (MaxRadius + MinRadius) * 0.5f; float perimetroIdeal = 6.28f * Radio; float factor = (float)(perimetroIdeal / perimetroReal); if ((factor < MinLimit) || (factor > MaxLimit)) { result = false; } } pts = null; } return(result); }
private void HandleUnitSelection() { Vector2 temp = endBoxPos - orgBoxPos; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)orgBoxPos.x, 480 - (int)(orgBoxPos.y), (int)(Mathf.Abs(temp.x)), (int)(Mathf.Abs(temp.y))); test = new Mat(frame, rect); Image <Bgr, Byte> imgBgr = test.ToImage <Bgr, byte>(); var moments = CvInvoke.Moments(imgBgr[0]); int cx = (int)(moments.M10 / moments.M00); int cy = (int)(moments.M01 / moments.M00); int b = 0, g = 0, r = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Point pts1 = new Point(cx + i, cy + i); Point pts2 = new Point(cx - i, cy - i); Point pts3 = new Point(cx - i, cy + i); Point pts4 = new Point(cx + i, cy - i); r += (int)imgBgr[pts1].Red; r += (int)imgBgr[pts2].Red; r += (int)imgBgr[pts3].Red; r += (int)imgBgr[pts4].Red; g += (int)imgBgr[pts1].Green; g += (int)imgBgr[pts2].Green; g += (int)imgBgr[pts3].Green; g += (int)imgBgr[pts4].Green; b += (int)imgBgr[pts1].Blue; b += (int)imgBgr[pts2].Blue; b += (int)imgBgr[pts3].Blue; b += (int)imgBgr[pts4].Blue; } r = r / 20; g = g / 20; b = b / 20; System.Drawing.Color c = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(r, g, b); Hsv hsv = new Hsv(c.GetHue(), c.GetSaturation(), c.GetBrightness()); hTarget = hsv.Hue / 2; sTarget = hsv.Satuation; vTarget = hsv.Value; Mat tata = test.Clone(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(test, tata, ColorConversion.Bgr2Hsv); Image <Hsv, byte> ImgHSV = tata.ToImage <Hsv, byte>(); Image <Gray, byte> tarace = ImgHSV.InRange(new Hsv(hTarget - intensity, 0, 0), new Hsv(hTarget + intensity, 255, 255)); Mat hierarchy = new Mat(); VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint(); CvInvoke.FindContours(tarace, contours, hierarchy, RetrType.List, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxNone); double biggestContourArea = 0; VectorOfPoint biggestContour = new VectorOfPoint(); int biggestContourIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contours.Size; i++) { if (CvInvoke.ContourArea(contours[i]) > biggestContourArea) { biggestContour = contours[i]; biggestContourIndex = i; biggestContourArea = CvInvoke.ContourArea(contours[i]); } } Mat biggestContourMat = new Mat(test, CvInvoke.BoundingRectangle(contours[biggestContourIndex])); CvInvoke.Mean() // colorDetect = true; }
/// <summary> /// Delete blob by its index /// </summary> /// <param name="blobIndex">The index of the blob</param> public void RemoveAt(int blobIndex) { CvInvoke.CvBlobTrackerDelBlob(_ptr, blobIndex); }
public ImageProcess(Mat image, bool mode) { //split 0 b 1 g 2 r mImage = new Image <Rgb, byte>(image.Size); rImage = new Image <Rgb, byte>(image.Size); gImage = new Image <Rgb, byte>(image.Size); bImage = new Image <Rgb, byte>(image.Size); grayImage = new Image <Gray, byte>(image.Size); redMat = new Mat(); greenMat = new Mat(); blueMat = new Mat(); grayMat = new Mat(); Debug.WriteLine(mode); processMode = mode; mImage = image.ToImage <Rgb, byte>(); VectorOfMat vectorOfMat = new VectorOfMat(); CvInvoke.Split(mImage, vectorOfMat); vectorOfMat[0].CopyTo(blueMat); vectorOfMat[1].CopyTo(greenMat); vectorOfMat[2].CopyTo(redMat); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); lsbR = new LsbProcess(redMat); lsbG = new LsbProcess(greenMat); lsbB = new LsbProcess(blueMat); stopwatch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("lsb time is : " + stopwatch.Elapsed); stopwatch.Start(); dftR = new DftProcess(redMat); dftG = new DftProcess(greenMat); dftB = new DftProcess(blueMat); stopwatch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("dft time is : " + stopwatch.Elapsed); stopwatch.Start(); dctR = new DctProcess(redMat); dctG = new DctProcess(greenMat); dctB = new DctProcess(blueMat); stopwatch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("dct time is : " + stopwatch.Elapsed); Mat fillMat = new Mat(image.Size, DepthType.Cv8U, 1); fillMat.SetTo(new MCvScalar(0)); Mat tmpMat = new Mat(); CvInvoke.Merge(new VectorOfMat(redMat.Clone(), fillMat.Clone(), fillMat.Clone()), tmpMat); rImage = tmpMat.ToImage <Rgb, byte>(); CvInvoke.Merge(new VectorOfMat(fillMat.Clone(), greenMat.Clone(), fillMat.Clone()), tmpMat); gImage = tmpMat.ToImage <Rgb, byte>(); CvInvoke.Merge(new VectorOfMat(fillMat.Clone(), fillMat.Clone(), blueMat.Clone()), tmpMat); bImage = tmpMat.ToImage <Rgb, byte>(); grayImage = image.ToImage <Gray, byte>(); grayImage.Mat.CopyTo(grayMat); lsbGray = new LsbProcess(grayMat); dftGray = new DftProcess(grayMat); dctGray = new DctProcess(grayMat); }