예제 #1
        public void LoadCaffeModel(String source)
            Mat img = Cv2.ImRead(source);

            using (var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel))
                Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));
                // Assert.Equal(1, net.GetLayerId(net.GetLayerNames()[0]));

                // Convert Mat to batch of images
                using (var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1.0, new Size(300, 300), new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false, false))
                    net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
                    using (var detection = net.Forward("detection_out"))
                        // find the best class
                        GetMaxClass(detection, out int classId, out double classProb);
                        Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} ", classId);
                        Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);
                        // Pause();
                        //Assert.Equal(812, classId);
예제 #2
        public override void RunTest()
            // Read sample image
            using var frame = Cv2.ImRead(image);
            int frameHeight = frame.Rows;
            int frameWidth  = frame.Cols;

            using var faceNet = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(configFile, faceModel);
            using var blob    = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(frame, 1.0, new Size(300, 300), new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false, false);
            faceNet.SetInput(blob, "data");

            using var detection    = faceNet.Forward("detection_out");
            using var detectionMat = new Mat(detection.Size(2), detection.Size(3), MatType.CV_32F,
            for (int i = 0; i < detectionMat.Rows; i++)
                float confidence = detectionMat.At <float>(i, 2);

                if (confidence > 0.7)
                    int x1 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 3) * frameWidth);
                    int y1 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 4) * frameHeight);
                    int x2 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 5) * frameWidth);
                    int y2 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 6) * frameHeight);

                    Cv2.Rectangle(frame, new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2), new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, LineTypes.Link4);

예제 #3
        public override void RunTest()
            const string protoTxt    = @"Data\Text\bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModel  = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords = @"Data\Text\synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames  = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                       .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())

            Console.Write("Downloading Caffe Model...");
            Console.WriteLine(" Done");

            using var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel);
            using var img = new Mat(@"Data\Image\space_shuttle.jpg");
            Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));

            // Convert Mat to batch of images
            using var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123));
            net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
            using var prob = net.Forward("prob");
            // find the best class
            GetMaxClass(prob, out int classId, out double classProb);
            Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
            Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
        //private Net Regogniser { get; set; }

        //private Net LabelEncoder { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public DnnCaffeFaceDetector(Double MinConfidence, String detectorPath, string protoFile, string detectorModelFile, string embeddingModelFile,
                                    string recogniserModelFile, string labelEncoderFile) : base(MinConfidence)
            this.DetectorPath        = detectorPath;
            this.ProtoFile           = protoFile;
            this.DetectorModelFile   = detectorModelFile;
            this.EmbeddingModelFile  = embeddingModelFile;
            this.RecogniserModelFile = recogniserModelFile;
            this.LabelEncoderFile    = labelEncoderFile;

                // read in the cafe DNN from disk
                this.ProtoPath = System.IO.Path.Join(this.DetectorPath, this.ProtoFile);
                this.ModelPath = System.IO.Path.Join(this.DetectorPath, this.DetectorModelFile);
                this.Detector  = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(this.ProtoPath, this.ModelPath);

                // load the serialised face embedding model from disk.
                //this.EmbedderPath = System.IO.Path.Join(this.DetectorPath, this.EmbeddingModelFile);
                //this.Embedder = CvDnn.ReadNetFromTorch(this.EmbedderPath);

                // todo: load facial recognition model and label encoder.
                //this.Regogniser = pickle.loads(open(self._recogniser_model_file, "rb").read())
                //this.LabelEncoder = pickle.loads(open(self._label_encoder_file, "rb").read())
            catch (Exception detail)
        protected override void InitializeModel(string pathModel, string pathConfig)
            //Initialize caffe model
            network = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(pathConfig, pathModel);

            this.Scale = 1;
예제 #6
        public void LoadCaffeModel()
            const string protoTxt      = @"_data/text/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModelUrl = "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1RUsoiLiXrKBQu9ibwsMqR3n_UkhnZLRR"; //"http://dl.caffe.berkeleyvision.org/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string caffeModel    = "_data/model/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords   = @"_data/text/synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames    = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                         .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())

            testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Downloading Caffe Model...");
            PrepareModel(caffeModelUrl, caffeModel);

            using var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel);
            //Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));
            var layerName = net.GetLayerNames()[0];

            Assert.Equal(1, net.GetLayerId(layerName !));

            // Convert Mat to batch of images
            using var img       = Image(@"space_shuttle.jpg");
            using var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123));
            net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
            using var prob = net.Forward("prob");
            // find the best class
            GetMaxClass(prob, out int classId, out double classProb);
            testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
            testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);

            Assert.Equal(812, classId);
예제 #7
        private string OpenCVDeepLearningDetector(string path)
            // uses emugu library
            string prototextPath  = @"./Dnn/deploy.prototxt";
            string caffeModelPath = @"./Dnn/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel";
            // load the model;
            var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt: prototextPath, caffeModel: caffeModelPath);

            // get the image
            OpenCvSharp.Mat image = Cv2.ImRead(path);

            // get the original image size
            OpenCvSharp.Size imageSize = image.Size();
            // the dnn detector works on a 300x300 image;
            // now resize the image for the Dnn dector;
            OpenCvSharp.Size size = new OpenCvSharp.Size(299, 299);
            image = image.Resize(size);

            // set the scalar property to RGB colors, don't know what these values represent.
            OpenCvSharp.Scalar mcvScalar = new OpenCvSharp.Scalar(104.0, 177.0, 123.0);
            var blob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(image: image, scaleFactor: 1, size: size, mean: mcvScalar, swapRB: true);

            OpenCvSharp.Mat detections = net.Forward();
            // convert the detected values to a faces object that we can use to
            // draw rectangles.
            List <ConfidenceRect> Faces = new List <ConfidenceRect>();

            //var rows = detections.SizeOfDimension[2];
            //Array ans = detections.GetData();
            //for (int n = 0; n < rows; n++)
            //    object confidence = ans.GetValue(0, 0, n, 2);
            //    object x1 = ans.GetValue(0, 0, n, 3);
            //    object y1 = ans.GetValue(0, 0, n, 4);
            //    object x2 = ans.GetValue(0, 0, n, 5);
            //    object y2 = ans.GetValue(0, 0, n, 6);
            //    ConfidenceRect cr = new ConfidenceRect(confidence, x1, y1, x2, y2, imageSize);
            //    if (cr.Confidence > 0)
            //    {
            //        Debug.WriteLine($"Confidence {cr.Confidence}");
            //    }
            //    if (cr.Confidence > Confidence)
            //    {
            //        Faces.Add(cr);
            //    }

            //// convert to a writeableBitmap
            //WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(ImageSource);

            //ImageSource = ConvertWriteableBitmapToBitmapImage(writeableBitmap);

            //DrawDnnOnImage?.Invoke(Faces, imageSize);
            //return Faces.Count.ToString();
예제 #8
        public CaffeDnnFaceDetector(string modelFile)
            var modelDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelFile) !;
            var configFile     = Path.Combine(modelDirectory, "deploy.prototxt");

            Net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(configFile, modelFile);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string prototext   = @"..\..\..\..\data\bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModel  = @"..\..\..\..\data\bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords = @"..\..\..\..\data\synset_words.txt";

            string[] classNames = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords).Select(l => l.Split(' ').Last()).ToArray();
            //Use stopwatch object fro timing of the operation
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            string imgPath = @"D:\DeepLearningOpenCV\images\DogBycleCar.jpg";

            using (var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototext, caffeModel))
                using (var img = Cv2.ImRead(imgPath))
                    //Just out of curiosity, I wanted to get the  Layer names of the NN Construct
                    // by calling GetLayerNames method of the Net object
                    string[] layerNames = net.GetLayerNames();
                    Console.WriteLine("Layer names : {0}", string.Join(", ", layerNames));

                    using (var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123), swapRB: true, crop: false))
                        net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
                        using (var prob = net.Forward("prob"))
                            Console.WriteLine($"Cost of calculating prob {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
                            int cols = prob.Cols;
                            int rows = prob.Rows;
                            Console.WriteLine("Cols: " + cols + ", Rows:" + rows);
                            // GetMaxProClass(prob, out int classId, out double classProb);
                            Cv2.MinMaxLoc(prob, out _, out double classProb, out _, out Point classNumberPoint);
                            int classId = classNumberPoint.X;

                            Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0}, '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);

                            Console.WriteLine("Probability:{0:P2}", classProb);
                            string txt = "Label: " + classNames[classId] + ", % " + (100 * classProb).ToString("0.####");
                            Cv2.PutText(img, txt, new Point(5, 25), HersheyFonts.HersheySimplex, 0.7, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
                            //Cv2.ImWrite("classification.jpg", img);
                            Cv2.ImShow("image", img);

            //  Console.Write("Downloading Caffe Model...");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
예제 #10
        public void initialize(string protoTxt, string caffeModel, string synsetWords)
            classNames = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords).Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last()).ToArray();

            net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel);
            Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));
            Console.WriteLine("Preparation complete");
예제 #11
        public CaffeDnnFaceDetector(string modelFile)
            var configFile = Path.ChangeExtension(modelFile, ".prototxt") !;

            Net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(configFile, modelFile);
예제 #12
        static void Main()
            var file     = "bali.jpg";
            var prototxt = "deploy.prototxt";
            var model    = "VGG_VOC0712Plus_SSD_512x512_ft_iter_160000.caffemodel";
            var colors   = Enumerable.Repeat(false, 21).Select(x => Scalar.RandomColor()).ToArray();
            //get image
            var org  = Cv2.ImRead(file);
            var blob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(org, 1, new Size(512, 512));
            //setup model
            var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt, model);

            net.SetInput(blob, "data");

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            //forward model
            var prob = net.Forward("detection_out");

            Console.WriteLine($"Runtime:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            //reshape from [1,1,200,7] to [200,7]
            var p = prob.Reshape(1, prob.Size(2));

            for (int i = 0; i < prob.Size(2); i++)
                var confidence = p.At <float>(i, 2);
                if (confidence > 0.4)
                    //get value what we need
                    var idx   = (int)p.At <float>(i, 1);
                    var w1    = (int)(org.Width * p.At <float>(i, 3));
                    var h1    = (int)(org.Width * p.At <float>(i, 4));
                    var w2    = (int)(org.Width * p.At <float>(i, 5));
                    var h2    = (int)(org.Width * p.At <float>(i, 6));
                    var label = $"{Labels[idx]} {confidence * 100:0.00}%";
                    //draw result
                    Cv2.Rectangle(org, new Rect(w1, h1, w2 - w1, h2 - h1), colors[idx], 2);
                    var textSize = Cv2.GetTextSize(label, HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 0.5, 1, out var baseline);
                    Cv2.Rectangle(org, new Rect(new Point(w1, h1 - textSize.Height),
                                                new Size(textSize.Width, textSize.Height + baseline)), colors[idx], Cv2.FILLED);
                    Cv2.PutText(org, label, new Point(w1, h1), HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 0.5, Scalar.Black);

            using (new Window("image", org))
예제 #13
        static void Main()
            //model can get from http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/vgg_face/
            var file = "jeremy-clarkson-v2.jpg";
            //var file = "john-cena.jpg";
            var prototxt = "VGG_FACE_deploy.prototxt";
            var model    = "VGG_FACE.caffemodel";
            var labeltxt = "names.txt";

            //read all names
            var labels = ReadLabels(labeltxt);
            var org    = Cv2.ImRead(file);
            var blob   = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(org, 1, new Size(224, 224));
            var net    = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt, model);

            net.SetInput(blob, "data");

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            //forward model
            var prob = net.Forward("prob");

            Console.WriteLine($"Runtime:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            //convert result to list
            var probList = new Dictionary <int, float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < prob.Width; i++)
                probList.Add(i, prob.At <float>(0, i));

            //get top 3
            var top3 = probList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(3).ToList();

            foreach (var result in top3)

            //draw result
            org.PutText($"{labels[top3.First().Key]}:{top3.First().Value * 100:0.00}%",
                        new Point(0, 25), HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 1, Scalar.OrangeRed);
            using (new Window("image", org))
예제 #14
        private CaffeData LoadCaffeModel()
            const string protoTxt      = @"_data/text/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModelUrl = "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1RUsoiLiXrKBQu9ibwsMqR3n_UkhnZLRR"; //"http://dl.caffe.berkeleyvision.org/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string caffeModel    = "_data/model/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords   = @"_data/text/synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames    = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                         .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())

            ModelDownloader.DownloadAndSave(new Uri(caffeModelUrl), caffeModel);

            var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel);

            return(new CaffeData(net !, classNames));
예제 #15
        public void Run()
            const string protoTxt    = @"Data/Text/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModel  = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords = @"Data/Text/synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames  = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                       .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())
            var capture = new VideoCapture(0);

            Console.Write("Downloading Caffe Model...");
            using (var img = new Mat())
                using (var window = new Window("capture"))
                    using (var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel))
                        while (true)
                            if (img.Empty())
                            Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));

                            // Convert Mat to batch of images
                            using (var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123)))
                                net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
                                using (var prob = net.Forward("prob"))
                                    // find the best class
                                    GetMaxClass(prob, out int classId, out double classProb);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);
                                    img.PutText(classNames[classId] + String.Format(" Probability: {0:P2}", classProb),
                                                new Point(0 + 10, img.Size().Height - 10), HersheyFonts.HersheyDuplex, 1, Scalar.Black);
예제 #16
        private Mat CNN(Mat src)
            const string configFile = "model/deploy.prototxt";
            const string faceModel  = "model/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel";

            // Read sample image
            int srcHeight = src.Rows;
            int srcWidth  = src.Cols;

            using (var faceNet = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(configFile, faceModel))
                using (var blob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(src, 1.0, new OpenCvSharp.Size(300, 300),
                                                      new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false, false))
                    faceNet.SetInput(blob, "data");

                    using (var detection = faceNet.Forward("detection_out"))
                        using (var detectionMat = new Mat(detection.Size(2), detection.Size(3), MatType.CV_32F,
                            for (int i = 0; i < detectionMat.Rows; i++)
                                float confidence = detectionMat.At <float>(i, 2);

                                if (confidence > 0.7)
                                    int x1 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 3) * srcWidth);
                                    int y1 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 4) * srcHeight);
                                    int x2 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 5) * srcWidth);
                                    int y2 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 6) * srcHeight);

                                    Cv2.Rectangle(src, new OpenCvSharp.Point(x1, y1), new OpenCvSharp.Point(x2, y2), new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2,

예제 #17
        public void Run()
            const string configFile  = "deploy.prototxt";
            const string faceModel   = "res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel";
            const string finalOutput = "DetectedFaces.jpg";
            const string image       = "faces.jpg";

            // Read sample image
            using var frame = Cv2.ImRead(image);
            int frameHeight = frame.Rows;
            int frameWidth  = frame.Cols;

            using var faceNet = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(configFile, faceModel);
            using var blob    = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(frame, 1.0, new Size(300, 300),
                                                    new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false, false);
            faceNet.SetInput(blob, "data");

            using var detection    = faceNet.Forward("detection_out");
            using var detectionMat = new Mat(detection.Size(2), detection.Size(3), MatType.CV_32F,
            for (int i = 0; i < detectionMat.Rows; i++)
                float confidence = detectionMat.At <float>(i, 2);

                if (confidence > 0.7)
                    int x1 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 3) * frameWidth);
                    int y1 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 4) * frameHeight);
                    int x2 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 5) * frameWidth);
                    int y2 = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 6) * frameHeight);

                    Cv2.Rectangle(frame, new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2), new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2,

            Cv2.ImWrite(finalOutput, frame);
예제 #18
        public async Task LoadCaffeModel()
            const string protoTxt    = @"_data\text\bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModel  = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords = @"_data\text\synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames  = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                       .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())

            Console.Write("Downloading Caffe Model...");
            await PrepareModel(caffeModel);

            Console.WriteLine(" Done");

            using (var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel))
                using (var img = Image(@"space_shuttle.jpg"))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));
                    Assert.Equal(1, net.GetLayerId(net.GetLayerNames()[0]));

                    // Convert Mat to batch of images
                    using (var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123)))
                        net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
                        using (var prob = net.Forward("prob"))
                            // find the best class
                            GetMaxClass(prob, out int classId, out double classProb);
                            Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
                            Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);

                            Assert.Equal(812, classId);
예제 #19
        public void Run()
            const string protoTxt    = @"Data/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModel  = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords = @"Data/synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames  = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                       .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())

            Console.Write("Downloading Caffe Model...");
            Console.WriteLine(" Done");

            using (var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel))
                using (var img = new Mat(@"Data/Birds.jpg"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Layer names: {0}", string.Join(", ", net.GetLayerNames()));

                    // Convert Mat to batch of images
                    using (var inputBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(img, 1, new Size(224, 224), new Scalar(104, 117, 123)))
                        net.SetInput(inputBlob, "data");
                        using (var prob = net.Forward("prob"))
                            // find the best class
                            //GetMaxClass(prob, out int classId, out double classProb);
                            // int classId;
                            double classProb;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);

                            using (Mat probMat = prob.Reshape(1, 1))
                                Cv2.MinMaxLoc(probMat, out _, out classProb, out _, out var classNumber);
                                int classId = classNumber.X;
                                Console.WriteLine("Best class: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
                                Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0:P2}", classProb);

                                Console.WriteLine("Columns Please: {0}", probMat.Cols);
                                Console.WriteLine("1. For the snowbird: {0}", probMat.Get <double>(13, 0));
                                Console.WriteLine("2. For the snowbird: {0:P2}", probMat.Get <double>(0, 13));

                                for (int i = 0; i < probMat.GetArray(0, 13).Length; i++)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Here we go: {0:P2}", probMat.GetArray(0, 13)[i]);

                                Console.WriteLine("3. For the snowbird: {0}", probMat.GetArray(0, 13)[0]);
                                for (int i = 0; i < probMat.Cols; i++)
                                    classId   = i;
                                    classProb = probMat.At <double>(0, i);
                                    double probInt = probMat.At <double>(i, 0);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Close classes: #{0} '{1}'", classId, classNames[classId]);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Prob Int: {0}", probInt);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Probability: {0} \n", classProb);
예제 #20
        private Rect[] GetDnnFaces(Mat frame, int maxFaces)
            //double ScaleFactor = 1.28;
            double Confidence = 0.9;

            //int Neighbors = 2;

            System.Drawing.Size imageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(frame.Width, frame.Height);
            string prototextPath          = @"./Dnn/deploy.prototxt";
            string caffeModelPath         = @"./Dnn/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel";

            if (!File.Exists(prototextPath) || !File.Exists(caffeModelPath))
            // load the model;
            //var net = DnnInvoke.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt: prototextPath, caffeModel: caffeModelPath);
            var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt: prototextPath, caffeModel: caffeModelPath);
            // get the image

            // the dnn detector works on a 300x300 image;
            int targetWidth  = 300;
            int targetHeight = 300;
            // now resize the image for the Dnn dector;

            Mat image = frame.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.Size(targetWidth, targetHeight), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Lanczos4);

            //    (targetWidth, targetHeight, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.Inter.Lanczos4);
            OpenCvSharp.Size size = new OpenCvSharp.Size(targetWidth, targetHeight);
            var blob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(image: image, scaleFactor: 1, size: size);

            //CvDnn.BlobFromImage(image: image, scaleFactor: ScaleFactor, size: size, mean: mcvScalar, swapRB: true);
            Mat detections = net.Forward();
            List <ConfidenceRect> faces = new List <ConfidenceRect>();

            for (int i = 0; i < detections.Rows; i++)
                float confidence = detections.At <float>(1, 2);
                if (confidence < Confidence)
                int x_left_bottom = (int)(detections.At <float>(i, 3));

                int y_left_bottom = (int)(detections.At <float>(i, 4));

                int x_right_top = (int)(detections.At <float>(i, 5));

                int y_right_top = (int)(detections.At <float>(i, 6));

                faces.Add(new ConfidenceRect(confidence, x_left_bottom,
                                             x_right_top - x_left_bottom,
                                             y_right_top - y_left_bottom,
            if (faces.Count > 0)
                System.Drawing.Rectangle ans = faces.OrderBy(n => n.Confidence).First().AsRectangle();
                return(new OpenCvSharp.Rect[] { new OpenCvSharp.Rect(ans.X, ans.Y, ans.Width, ans.Height) });
예제 #21
        public void Detect()
            Centroid ct      = new Centroid();
            var      objects = new Dictionary <int, (double x, double y)>();

            var prototxt = @".\model\deploy.prototxt";
            var model    = @".\model\res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel";
            var colors   = Enumerable.Repeat(false, 21).Select(x => Scalar.RandomColor()).ToArray();

            double fps       = 10;
            int    sleepTime = (int)Math.Round(1000 / fps);

            VideoCapture capture = new VideoCapture(0);

            //Console.WriteLine("Model is Loading");
            var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt, model);

            //using (Window window = new Window("capture"))
            using (Mat frame = new Mat())
                while (true)
                    if (frame.Empty())
                    Cv2.Resize(frame, frame, new Size(400, 300));
                    double H = frame.Height;
                    double W = frame.Width;

                    var meanC = new Scalar(104.0, 177.0, 123.0);
                    var blob  = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(frame, 1, new OpenCvSharp.Size(W, H), meanC, true, false);
                    net.SetInput(blob, "data");
                    var prob = net.Forward("detection_out");

                    List <List <double> > rects = new List <List <double> >();
                    List <double>         box   = new List <double>();

                    //var p = prob.Reshape(1, prob.Size(2));
                    for (int i = 0; i < prob.Size(2); i++)
                        var confidence = prob.At <float>(0, 0, i, 2);
                        if (confidence > 0.9)
                            //get value what we need
                            var idx = prob.At <float>(0, 0, i, 1);
                            var w1  = (W * prob.At <float>(0, 0, i, 3));
                            var h1  = (H * prob.At <float>(0, 0, i, 4));
                            var w2  = (W * prob.At <float>(0, 0, i, 5));
                            var h2  = (H * prob.At <float>(0, 0, i, 6));

                            rects.Add(new List <double> {
                                w1, h1, w2, h2
                            Cv2.Rectangle(frame, new Rect((int)w1, (int)h1, (int)w2 - (int)w1, (int)h2 - (int)h1), Scalar.Green, 2);

                    objects = ct.Update(rects);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Rect Count {rects.Count}");
                    foreach (var item in objects)
                        string text     = "ID:" + item.Key.ToString();
                        var    textSize = Cv2.GetTextSize(text, HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 0.2, 1, out var baseline);

                        Cv2.PutText(frame, text, new OpenCvSharp.Point(item.Value.x - 10, item.Value.y - 10), HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 0.75, Scalar.Green, 2);

                        Cv2.Circle(frame, (int)item.Value.x, (int)item.Value.y, 2, Scalar.Green, 1);

                    using (new Window("capture", frame))

예제 #22
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Face> > ProcessAsync(string inputFilename)
            if (!File.Exists(inputFilename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(nameof(inputFilename));

            // Read sample image
            using var frame = Cv2.ImRead(inputFilename);
            var frameHeight = frame.Rows;
            var frameWidth  = frame.Cols;

            using var faceNet = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(ConfigFile, FaceModel);
            using var blob    = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(
                      new Size(300, 300),
                      new Scalar(104, 117, 123),

            faceNet.SetInput(blob, "data");

            using var detection    = faceNet.Forward("detection_out");
            using var detectionMat = new Mat(detection.Size(2), detection.Size(3), MatType.CV_32F, detection.Ptr(0));

            var list = new List <ConfidenceBox>(detectionMat.Rows);

            for (var i = 0; i < detectionMat.Rows; i++)
                var confidence = detectionMat.At <float>(i, 2);
                var x1         = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 3) * frameWidth);
                var y1         = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 4) * frameHeight);
                var x2         = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 5) * frameWidth);
                var y2         = (int)(detectionMat.At <float>(i, 6) * frameHeight);

                list.Add(new ConfidenceBox(new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2), confidence));

            // var orderedFaces = list.OrderByDescending(x => x.Confidence).Where(x => x.Confidence > 0.3).ToList();
            // var origFilename = new FileInfo(inputFilename).Name;

            // var faces = orderedFaces;
            // foreach (var face in faces)
            // {
            //     FaceBoxer.Draw(frame, face.P1, face.P2, face.Confidence);
            // }

            // var outputFilename = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, $"{origFilename}_{Name}.jpg");
            // Cv2.ImWrite(outputFilename, frame);

            // for (var i = 0; i < orderedList.Count; i++)
            // {
            //     var box = orderedList[i];
            //     FaceBoxer.Draw(frame, box.P1, box.P2, box.Confidence);
            //     var outputFilename = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, $"{origFilename}_{Name}_{i+1}.jpg");
            //     Cv2.ImWrite(outputFilename, frame);
            // }

            await Task.Yield();

            return(list.Select(x => new Face
                Position = new RectangleDto
                    Top = x.P1.Y,
                    Right = x.P2.X,
                    Left = x.P1.X,
                    Bottom = x.P2.Y,
                Confidence = x.Confidence,
예제 #23
        async void PushImageStream()
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
                Console.WriteLine("run bash shell: 'sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2'");
                "sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2".Bash();
            CascadeClassifier cascadeClassifier = new CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");
            // Opens MP4 file (ffmpeg is probably needed)
            var capture = new VideoCapture(0);

            int sleepTime = (int)Math.Round(1000 / ((capture.Fps == 0) ? 60 : capture.Fps));
            var hog       = new HOGDescriptor();

            var recognizer = OpenCvSharp.Face.EigenFaceRecognizer.Create(2);
            var img1       = Cv2.ImRead(SamplesCore.FilePath.Image.Girl, ImreadModes.GrayScale);

            var img2 = Cv2.ImRead(SamplesCore.FilePath.Image.Lenna, ImreadModes.GrayScale);

            System.Console.WriteLine("img1 width: " + img1.Size().Width + " height:" + img1.Size().Height);
            System.Console.WriteLine("img2 width: " + img2.Size().Width + " height:" + img2.Size().Height);
            recognizer.Train(new List <Mat>()
                img1, img2
            }, new List <int>()
                1, 2
            System.Console.WriteLine("before predict");
            System.Console.WriteLine("img1 width: " + img1.Size().Width + " height:" + img1.Size().Height);
            System.Console.WriteLine("img2 width: " + img2.Size().Width + " height:" + img2.Size().Height);

            recognizer.Predict(InputArray.Create(img1), out int label, out double confidence);
            System.Console.WriteLine("label: " + label + " confidence: " + confidence);

            const string protoTxt    = @"Data/Text/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt";
            const string caffeModel  = "bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel";
            const string synsetWords = @"Data/Text/synset_words.txt";
            var          classNames  = File.ReadAllLines(synsetWords)
                                       .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Last())

            using (var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(protoTxt, caffeModel))
            //using (var window = new Window("capture"))
                // Frame image buffer
                Mat image = new Mat();

                Task.Run(() =>
                    while (true)
                        FaceProcessing(image, cascadeClassifier);

                Task.Run(() =>
                    while (true)
                        HogProcessing(image, hog);

                Task.Run(() =>
                    while (true)
                        CaffeProcessing(image, net, classNames);

                // When the movie playback reaches end, Mat.data becomes NULL.
                while (true)
                    capture.Read(image); // same as cvQueryFrame
                    if (image.Empty())

                    currentMat = image.Clone();

                    foreach (var rect in currentFaces)
                        Cv2.Rectangle(image, rect, Scalar.Red, 2);

                    foreach (var rect in currentBodies)
                        Cv2.Rectangle(image, rect, Scalar.Green, 2);

                    image.PutText(classNames[this.classId] + String.Format(" Probability: {0:P2}", this.classProb),
                                  new Point(0 + 10, image.Size().Height - 10), HersheyFonts.HersheyDuplex, 1, Scalar.White);

                    var bytes = image.ToMemoryStream().ToArray();
                    await this.socket.SendAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(bytes, 0, bytes.Length), WebSocketMessageType.Binary, true, CancellationToken.None);

                    //if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                    //    window.ShowImage(image);
                    //    Cv2.WaitKey(sleepTime);
예제 #24
        public override void RunTest()
            const string model       = "pose_iter_102000.caffemodel";
            const string modelTxt    = "pose_deploy.prototxt";
            const string sampleImage = "hand.jpg";
            const string outputLoc   = "Output_Hand.jpg";
            const int    nPoints     = 22;
            const double thresh      = 0.01;

            int[][] posePairs =
                new[] { 0,  1 }, new[] {  1,  2 }, new[] {  2,  3 }, new[] {  3,  4 }, //thumb
                new[] { 0,  5 }, new[] {  5,  6 }, new[] {  6,  7 }, new[] {  7,  8 }, //index
                new[] { 0,  9 }, new[] {  9, 10 }, new[] { 10, 11 }, new[] { 11, 12 }, //middle
                new[] { 0, 13 }, new[] { 13, 14 }, new[] { 14, 15 }, new[] { 15, 16 }, //ring
                new[] { 0, 17 }, new[] { 17, 18 }, new[] { 18, 19 }, new[] { 19, 20 }, //small

            using var frame     = Cv2.ImRead(sampleImage);
            using var frameCopy = frame.Clone();
            int frameWidth  = frame.Cols;
            int frameHeight = frame.Rows;

            float aspectRatio = frameWidth / (float)frameHeight;
            int   inHeight    = 368;
            int   inWidth     = ((int)(aspectRatio * inHeight) * 8) / 8;

            using var net     = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(modelTxt, model);
            using var inpBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(frame, 1.0 / 255, new Size(inWidth, inHeight),
                                                    new Scalar(0, 0, 0), false, false);


            using var output = net.Forward();
            int H = output.Size(2);
            int W = output.Size(3);

            var points = new List <Point>();

            for (int n = 0; n < nPoints; n++)
                // Probability map of corresponding body's part.
                using var probMap = new Mat(H, W, MatType.CV_32F, output.Ptr(0, n));
                Cv2.Resize(probMap, probMap, new Size(frameWidth, frameHeight));
                Cv2.MinMaxLoc(probMap, out _, out var maxVal, out _, out var maxLoc);

                if (maxVal > thresh)
                    Cv2.Circle(frameCopy, maxLoc.X, maxLoc.Y, 8, new Scalar(0, 255, 255), -1,
                    Cv2.PutText(frameCopy, Cv2.Format(n), new OpenCvSharp.Point(maxLoc.X, maxLoc.Y),
                                HersheyFonts.HersheyComplex, 1, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, LineTypes.AntiAlias);


            int nPairs = 20; //(POSE_PAIRS).Length / POSE_PAIRS[0].Length;

            for (int n = 0; n < nPairs; n++)
                // lookup 2 connected body/hand parts
                Point partA = points[posePairs[n][0]];
                Point partB = points[posePairs[n][1]];

                if (partA.X <= 0 || partA.Y <= 0 || partB.X <= 0 || partB.Y <= 0)

                Cv2.Line(frame, partA, partB, new Scalar(0, 255, 255), 8);
                Cv2.Circle(frame, partA.X, partA.Y, 8, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
                Cv2.Circle(frame, partB.X, partB.Y, 8, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);

            var finalOutput = outputLoc;

            Cv2.ImWrite(finalOutput, frame);
예제 #25
        public override void RunTest()
            const string model       = "pose_iter_160000.caffemodel";
            const string modelTxt    = "pose_deploy_linevec_faster_4_stages.prototxt";
            const string sampleImage = "single.jpeg";
            const string outputLoc   = "Output-Skeleton.jpg";
            const int    nPoints     = 15;
            const double thresh      = 0.1;

            int[][] posePairs =
                new[] { 0,  1 }, new[] {  1,  2 }, new[] {  2,  3 },
                new[] { 3,  4 }, new[] {  1,  5 }, new[] {  5,  6 },
                new[] { 6,  7 }, new[] {  1, 14 }, new[] { 14,  8 },new[]  {  8,  9 },
                new[] { 9, 10 }, new[] { 14, 11 }, new[] { 11, 12 },new[]  { 12, 13 },

            using var frame     = Cv2.ImRead(sampleImage);
            using var frameCopy = frame.Clone();
            int frameWidth  = frame.Cols;
            int frameHeight = frame.Rows;

            const int inWidth  = 368;
            const int inHeight = 368;

            using var net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(modelTxt, model);

            using var inpBlob = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(frame, 1.0 / 255, new Size(inWidth, inHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), false, false);


            using var output = net.Forward();
            int H = output.Size(2);
            int W = output.Size(3);

            var points = new List <Point>();

            for (int n = 0; n < nPoints; n++)
                // Probability map of corresponding body's part.
                using var probMap = new Mat(H, W, MatType.CV_32F, output.Ptr(0, n));
                var p = new Point2f(-1, -1);

                Cv2.MinMaxLoc(probMap, out _, out var maxVal, out _, out var maxLoc);

                var x = (frameWidth * maxLoc.X) / W;
                var y = (frameHeight * maxLoc.Y) / H;

                if (maxVal > thresh)
                    p    = maxLoc;
                    p.X *= (float)frameWidth / W;
                    p.Y *= (float)frameHeight / H;

                    Cv2.Circle(frameCopy, (int)p.X, (int)p.Y, 8, new Scalar(0, 255, 255), -1);
                    Cv2.PutText(frameCopy, Cv2.Format(n), new Point((int)p.X, (int)p.Y), HersheyFonts.HersheyComplex, 1, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

            int nPairs = 14; //(POSE_PAIRS).Length / POSE_PAIRS[0].Length;

            for (int n = 0; n < nPairs; n++)
                // lookup 2 connected body/hand parts
                Point partA = points[posePairs[n][0]];
                Point partB = points[posePairs[n][1]];

                if (partA.X <= 0 || partA.Y <= 0 || partB.X <= 0 || partB.Y <= 0)

                Cv2.Line(frame, partA, partB, new Scalar(0, 255, 255), 8);
                Cv2.Circle(frame, partA.X, partA.Y, 8, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
                Cv2.Circle(frame, partB.X, partB.Y, 8, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);

            var finalOutput = outputLoc;

            Cv2.ImWrite(finalOutput, frame);
예제 #26
        static void Main()
            var file = "best-supporting-actress.jpg";
            //var file = "oscars-2017.jpg";
            var prototxt = "VGG_FACE_deploy.prototxt";
            var model    = "VGG_FACE.caffemodel";
            var labeltxt = "names.txt";
            var cascade  = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml";
            var org      = Cv2.ImRead(file);

            //get face using haarcascades , https://github.com/opencv/opencv/tree/master/data/haarcascades
            var faceCascade = new CascadeClassifier();

            var faces    = faceCascade.DetectMultiScale(org, 1.1, 6, HaarDetectionType.DoRoughSearch, new Size(60, 60));
            var faceList = new List <Mat>();

            foreach (var rect in faces)
                Cv2.Rectangle(org, rect, Scalar.Red);

            //read all names
            var labels = ReadLabels(labeltxt);
            var blob   = CvDnn.BlobFromImages(faceList, 1, new Size(224, 224));
            var net    = CvDnn.ReadNetFromCaffe(prototxt, model);

            net.SetInput(blob, "data");

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            //forward model
            var prob = net.Forward("prob");

            Console.WriteLine($"Runtime:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            for (int n = 0; n < prob.Height; n++)
                //convert result to list
                var probList = new Dictionary <int, float>();
                for (int i = 0; i < prob.Width; i++)
                    probList.Add(i, prob.At <float>(n, i));

                //get top 1
                var top1  = probList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).First();
                var label = $"{labels[top1.Key]}:{top1.Value * 100:0.00}%";

                //show if confidence > 50%
                if (top1.Value > 0.5)
                    var textsize = Cv2.GetTextSize(label, HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 0.5, 1, out var baseline);
                    var y        = faces[n].TopLeft.Y - textsize.Height - baseline <= 0
                        ? faces[n].BottomRight.Y + textsize.Height + baseline : faces[n].TopLeft.Y - baseline;
                    //draw result
                    org.PutText(label, new Point(faces[n].TopLeft.X, y), HersheyFonts.HersheyTriplex, 0.5, Scalar.OrangeRed);
            using (new Window("image", org))