예제 #1
        private XDocument ProcessCustomerValidationRequestsAndGetResponse(List <CustomerValidationRequest> cvrequests)
            BettingSuiteDataContext           db                 = new BettingSuiteDataContext();
            List <CustomerValidationResponse> cvresponses        = new List <CustomerValidationResponse>(cvrequests.Count());
            List <CustomerValidationResponse> invalidcvresponses = new List <CustomerValidationResponse>(cvrequests.Count());

            foreach (CustomerValidationRequest cvr in cvrequests)
                int      refr     = int.Parse(cvr.getCustReference().Substring(1));
                customer customer = null;

                //check Type of customer
                if (cvr.getCustReference().StartsWith(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AGENT PREFIX"]))
                    shop shop = db.shops.SingleOrDefault(a => a.id == refr);
                    if (shop != null)
                        customer = new customer(shop);
                        if (customer.getReference() != refr)
                            customer = null;
                        customer = null;

                    if (customer != null)
                        // customer.setPaymentItem(cvr.getPaymentItemCode());
                        CustomerValidationResponse cr = new CustomerValidationResponse(customer, cvr.getMerchantReference());
                        customer = new customer(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1);
                        CustomerValidationResponse icr = new CustomerValidationResponse(customer, cvr.getMerchantReference());
                    // Implement Online Users Later
                    customer = new customer(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1);
                    // customer.setPrefix(cvr.getCustReference().ElementAt(0).ToString());
                    CustomerValidationResponse icr = new CustomerValidationResponse(customer, cvr.getMerchantReference());
            return(generateCustomerValidationResponse(cvresponses, invalidcvresponses));
예제 #2
        public async Task <CustomerValidationResponse> GetCustomers(int page)
            Debug.WriteLine($"Beginning {nameof(GetCustomers)} - Page {page}");
            Uri uri = new Uri($"https://backend-challenge-winter-2017.herokuapp.com/customers.json?page={page}", UriKind.Absolute);
            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, uri);

            Debug.WriteLine("Sending request ...");
            HttpResponseMessage response = await m_client.SendAsync(requestMessage);

            Debug.WriteLine("Request recieved");

            // If there was an error, return early with the error
            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Debug.WriteLine("The response status code is not valid");

            string responseAsString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var jsonObject = JObject.Parse(responseAsString);

            // Parse Validations
            var validationResults         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <JObject> >(jsonObject["validations"].ToString());
            List <Validation> validations = new List <Validation>();

            foreach (var item in validationResults)
                foreach (var property in item)
                    // Parse the Validation Constraints
                    ValidationConstraint constraint = new ValidationConstraint();

                    // Get the required if it exists
                    var requiredToken = property.Value.SelectToken("required");
                    if (requiredToken != null)
                        if (bool.TryParse(requiredToken.ToString(), out bool b))
                            constraint.Required = b;
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{property.Key} | {requiredToken.ToString()} | {b} | {constraint.Required}");

                    // Get the Type if it exists
                    var typeToken = property.Value.SelectToken("type");
                    if (typeToken != null)
                        constraint.Type = typeToken.ToString();

                    // Get the length if it exists
                    var lengthToken = property.Value.SelectToken("length");
                    if (lengthToken != null)
                        // Assume to be string
                        constraint.Type = "string";

                        // Get the Min Token
                        var minToken = lengthToken.SelectToken("min");
                        if (minToken != null)
                            if (int.TryParse(minToken.ToString(), out int min))
                                constraint.Length.Min = min;

                        // Get the Max Token
                        var maxToken = lengthToken.SelectToken("max");
                        if (maxToken != null)
                            if (int.TryParse(maxToken.ToString(), out int max))
                                constraint.Length.Max = max;

                    // Add the Validation to the list
                    validations.Add(new Validation(property.Key, constraint));

            // Parse Customers
            var             customerResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <JObject> >(jsonObject["customers"].ToString());
            List <Customer> customers       = new List <Customer>();

            foreach (var item in customerResults)
                Customer customer = new Customer();
                customer.id      = item.GetValue("id").ToObject <int>();
                customer.name    = item.GetValue("name").ToObject <string>();
                customer.email   = item.GetValue("email").ToObject <string>();
                customer.country = item.GetValue("country").ToObject <string>();

                // Get the age. Prevent Json.net from converting types
                if (item.GetValue("age").Type == JTokenType.Null)
                    customer.age = null;
                else if (item.GetValue("age").Type == JTokenType.String)
                    customer.age = -1;
                    customer.age = item.GetValue("age").ToObject <int?>();

                // Get newsletter. Prevent Json.net from converting types
                if (item.GetValue("newsletter").Type == JTokenType.Null)
                    customer.newsletter = null;
                else if (item.GetValue("newsletter").Type == JTokenType.String)
                    customer.newsletter = null;
                    customer.newsletter = item.GetValue("newsletter").ToObject <bool?>();


            // Parse Paginations
            var        paginationResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(jsonObject["pagination"].ToString());
            Pagination pagination        = new Pagination(paginationResults["current_page"].Value <int>(), paginationResults["per_page"].Value <int>(), paginationResults["total"].Value <int>());

            CustomerValidationResponse returnedResponse = new CustomerValidationResponse();

            returnedResponse.Validations = validations;
            returnedResponse.Customers   = customers;
            returnedResponse.Pagination  = pagination;