예제 #1
        //[AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 1)]

        public async Task StatistDatas()
            IDBHelper defaultdb = new MssqlHelper(JobConfig.ConnectionStrings["YiliscrmDb"]);
            var       accounts  = await defaultdb.FindToListAsync <MpAccountDto>("SELECT * FROM MpAccounts WHERE ISDELETED=0 ", null, false);

            foreach (var account in accounts)
                IDBHelper db        = new MssqlHelper(JobConfig.ConnectionStrings["Kf"]);
                var       now       = DateTime.Now;
                var       startTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 0, 0, 0);
                var       endTime   = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 23, 59, 59);
                string    msgSql    = $"SELECT * FROM CustomerServiceConversationMsgs WHERE CreationTime>='{startTime}' AND CreationTime<='{endTime}' AND Sender={(int)CustomerServiceMsgSender.customer} AND MpID={account.Id}";
                var       msgList   = await db.FindToListAsync <CustomerServiceConversationMsgDto>(msgSql, null, false);

                string conSql  = $"SELECT * FROM CustomerServiceConversations WHERE MpID={account.Id} AND CreationTime>='{startTime}' AND CreationTime<='{endTime}'";
                var    conList = await db.FindToListAsync <CustomerServiceConversationDto>(conSql, null, false);

                string inoutLogSql = $"SELECT * FROM CustomerInOutLogs WHERE CreationTime>='{startTime}' AND CreationTime<='{endTime}'";
                var    inoutList   = await db.FindToListAsync <LogInout>(inoutLogSql, null, false);

                var customers = await db.FindToListAsync <CustomerServiceOnlineDto>($"SELECT * FROM dbo.CustomerServiceOnlines WHERE KfType='{KFType.YL.ToString()}' AND IsDeleted=0 AND MpID={account.Id}", null, false);

                foreach (var customer in customers)
                    var cusMsgList   = msgList.Where(m => m.CustomerId == customer.Id).ToList();
                    var cusConList   = conList.Where(m => m.CustomerId == customer.Id).ToList();
                    var cusInoutList = inoutList.Where(m => m.CustomerId == customer.Id).OrderBy(m => m.CreationTime).ToList();

                    CustomerServiceReportDto model = new CustomerServiceReportDto();
                    model.ServiceMsgCount = cusMsgList.Count();
                    model.ServiceCount    = cusConList.Count();
                    model.ReceiveCount    = cusConList.Select(m => m.FanId).Distinct().Count();
                    var source = cusConList.Where(m => m.ConversationScore > -1).ToList();
                    if (source.Count > 0)
                        model.AvgScore = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(source.Average(m => m.ConversationScore)), 2);
                    model.MpID         = account.Id;
                    model.CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
                    model.NickName     = customer.KfNick;
                    model.ReportDate   = startTime;
                    model.CustomerId   = customer.Id;
                    model.ScoreCount   = source.Count();
                    model.TotalScore   = source.Sum(m => m.ConversationScore);
                    #region onlineTime
                    var      t       = 0;
                    var      start   = false;
                    var      minutes = 0.0;
                    DateTime?_sD     = null;
                    DateTime?_eD     = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < cusInoutList.Count; i++)
                        if (!start)
                            if (cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.Login || cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.online || cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.ReLogin)
                                start = true;
                                _sD   = cusInoutList[i].CreationTime;
                            if (_sD.HasValue)
                                if (cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.Logout || cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.leave || cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.quit)
                                    _eD = cusInoutList[i].CreationTime;
                                    TimeSpan sp = _eD.Value.Subtract(_sD.Value);
                                    minutes += sp.TotalMinutes;
                                    _sD      = null;
                                    _eD      = null;
                                if (cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.Login || cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.online || cusInoutList[i].InOutState == (int)InOutState.ReLogin)
                                    _sD = cusInoutList[i].CreationTime;
                    model.OnlineTime = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(minutes) / 60, 2);

                    var sql = model.GetInsertSql("CustomerServiceReports", "Id");
                    await db.ExcuteNonQueryAsync(sql, null, false);
예제 #2
 public CreateOrEditCustomerServiceReportViewModel(CustomerServiceReportDto output)