public void AddCustomer(string firstName, string lastName) { CustomerServiceClient customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); try { customerServiceClient.AddCustomer(new AddCustomerRequest { CustomerDto = new CustomerDto { FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName } }); } catch (Exception exception) { string message = string.Format("An error occured while in type :{0} , method :{1} ", "CustomerServiceManager", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); CommonLogManager.Log.Error(message, exception); throw; } finally { customerServiceClient.Close(); } }
private static void AddCustomer() { try { using (CustomerServiceClient client = new CustomerServiceClient()) { int index = client.AddCustomer(new Customer { CustomerId = 101, CustomerName = "Anish", City = "Kolkata", State = "West Bengal" }); Console.WriteLine("{0}", index); } } // == Using normal exception and Fault exception == //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; //} catch (FaultException <InvalidCustomerEntry> ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode, ex.Detail.ErrorMessage); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CustomerServiceClient proxy = new CustomerServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_CustomerService"); proxy.AddCustomer(txtCustomerId.Text, txtCompnayName.Text, txtAddress.Text, txtCity.Text); }
protected override void Configure() { container = new SimpleContainer(); var hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder().WithUrl( "http://localhost:5000/customerhub") .Build(); hubConnection.Closed += async e => { Console.WriteLine(e); await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(0, 5) * 1000); await hubConnection.StartAsync(); }; hubConnection.StartAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_ICustomerService"); container.Singleton <IWindowManager, WindowManager>(); container.Singleton <IEventAggregator, EventAggregator>(); container.RegisterInstance(typeof(ICustomerService), null, customerServiceClient); container.RegisterInstance(typeof(HubConnection), null, hubConnection); container.PerRequest <ShellViewModel>(); }
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (CustomerServiceClient serviceClient = new CustomerServiceClient()) { serviceClient.Open(); Customer customer = serviceClient.GetCustomer(int.Parse(this.txtId.Text)); this.txtName.Text = customer.Name; this.txtStartDate.Text = customer.StartDate.ToShortDateString(); this.txtCreditLimit.Text = customer.CreditLimit.ToString(); this.imgLogo.Source = ImageFromBuffer(customer.Logo); IExtensibleDataObject extendedCustomer = customer as IExtensibleDataObject; if (extendedCustomer != null) { //ES - ordinarily the data signature is hidden from the client, //and cannot be modified; access with reflection to display it: object dataSiganture = ExtensionDataHelper.GetExtensionDataMemberValue(extendedCustomer, "dataSignature"); this.lblDataSignature.Content = string.Format("Data Signature: {0}", dataSiganture); } this.CurrentCustomer = customer; serviceClient.Close(); } }
private async void bCreate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CustomerServiceClient customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); txtAddress.IsEnabled = false; txtEmail.IsEnabled = false; bCreate.IsEnabled = false; try { await customerServiceClient.CreateCustomerAsync(new CreateCustomerModel { Address = txtAddress.Text, EmailAddress = txtEmail.Text }); txtAddress.Text = string.Empty; txtEmail.Text = string.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { txtAddress.IsEnabled = true; txtEmail.IsEnabled = true; bCreate.IsEnabled = true; } }
public Customer GetCustomer(int customerId) { using (var customerClient = new CustomerServiceClient()) { return(customerClient.GetCustomer(customerId)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); //proxy.RegisterCustomer(new Customer { BillAmount = 560, BillDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-234), CustomerID = 111, CustomerName = "Phaniraj", CustomerPhone = 23434355 }); var tcpProxy = new InternalCustomerServiceClient(); tcpProxy.RegisterCustomer(new Customer { BillAmount = 650, BillDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-34), CustomerID = 112, CustomerName = "Tom Sawyer", CustomerPhone = 234244555 }); var data = proxy.GetAllCustomers(); foreach (var cst in data) { Console.WriteLine($"{cst.CustomerName} with {cst.CustomerPhone} billed on {cst.BillDate.ToShortDateString()}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public Customer() { InitializeComponent(); CustomerServiceClient client = new CustomerServiceClient(); String sessionId = (String)App.Current.Properties[App.sessionPropertyName]; CustomersDataGrid.ItemsSource = client.FindAll(sessionId); }
public ActionResult Register() { CustomerServiceClient territory = new CustomerServiceClient(); IEnumerable <kaspi.lab.CustomerService.TerritoryDTO> territories = territory.GetTerritories(); ViewBag.Terr = territories; return(View()); }
private static void GetCusotmer() { using (CustomerServiceClient client = new CustomerServiceClient()) { Customer cust = client.GetCustomer(102); Console.WriteLine("{0}", cust.CustomerName); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("https://localhost:5001"); var client = new CustomerServiceClient(channel); var response = client.GetAllCustomers(new Empty()); var firstCustomer = response.Customers.FirstOrDefault(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var AUTHKEY = ""; Int32 itr_count = 0; var customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Created Customer Client!\n"); var filename = @"Z:\SolidWasteManagement\AMCS\ExportCustomers\MostCustomers.csv"; //CustomerSiteLocationEntity[] customer_sites = customerServiceClient.GetCustomerSites(AUTHKEY, 100); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(customer_sites[0].Address5+"\n"); using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename)) { while (itr_count <150 ) { CustomerPartialEntity[] exported_customers = customerServiceClient.ExportCustomers(AUTHKEY, 100); if (exported_customers.Length <= 0) break; // CustomerSiteLocationEntity[] customer_sites = customerServiceClient.GetCustomerSites(AUTHKEY,100); IList<Guid> customerIds = new List<Guid>(); IList<Guid> customerSiteIds = new List<Guid>(); //filename = @"Z:\SolidWasteManagement\AMCS\ExportCustomers\Customers" + itr_count.ToString() + ".csv"; foreach (var customer in exported_customers) { customerIds.Add(customer.GUID.Value); foreach (var site in customer.CustomerSites) { customerSiteIds.Add(site.GUID.Value); String address = site.HouseNumber + " " + site.Address1 + ", " + site.Address3 + ", " + site.Address4+", "+site.Postcode; //+"|"+ site.UniqueReference file.WriteLine(customer.GUID.ToString() + "|" + customer.CustomerName + "|" + customer.CustomerStateId.ToString() + "|" + site.GUID.ToString() + "|" + address); } } if (customerIds.Count > 0) { customerServiceClient.ExportCustomers_Complete(AUTHKEY, customerIds.ToArray()); } if (customerSiteIds.Count > 0) { customerServiceClient.ExportCustomerSites_Complete(AUTHKEY, customerSiteIds.ToArray()); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Succesfully exported customers!\n"); itr_count++; } } customerServiceClient.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Client closed.\n"); } catch (FaultException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(string.Format("Failed to export customers. - {0}", ex.Message)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomerServiceClient client = new CustomerServiceClient(); var result = client.GetMonths(10); Console.WriteLine("Months:{0}", result); Console.ReadKey(); }
void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs args) { CustomerServiceClient proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); proxy.CountUsersCompleted += new EventHandler<CountUsersCompletedEventArgs>(proxy_CountUsersCompleted); proxy.CountUsersAsync(); proxy.GetUserCompleted += new EventHandler<GetUserCompletedEventArgs>(proxy_GetUserCompleted); proxy.GetUserAsync(1); }
private async void bObtainList_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CustomerServiceClient customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); IEnumerable<CustomerModel> customers = await customerServiceClient.AllCustomersAsync(); (DataContext as CustomerListViewModel).DataSource = customers.Select(c => new CustomerViewModel { Number = c.Number, Address = c.Address, Email = c.EmailAddress }); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); try { CustomersDropDownList.DataSource = proxy.GetCustomers(); CustomersDropDownList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception exp) { ShowAlert("Error fetching customers: " + exp.Message); } }
private void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); var cust = CustomersComboBox.SelectedItem as Customer; cust.ChangeTracker.State = ObjectState.Modified; proxy.SaveCustomerCompleted += (s, args) => { var opStatus = args.Result; string msg = (opStatus.Status) ? "Customer Updated!" : "Unable to update Customer: " + opStatus.Message; MessageBox.Show(msg); }; proxy.SaveCustomerAsync(cust); }
public bool UpdateRecord(MessageAction action, Customer customer) { string cardNumber = customer.CreditCardNumber; var encryptor = new CreditCardEncryption(); customer.CreditCardNumber = encryptor.Encrypt(cardNumber); try { using (var client = new CustomerServiceClient()) { client.Open(); return client.UpdateRecord(action, customer); } } finally { customer.CreditCardNumber = cardNumber; } }
public void GetCustomers(Action<GetCustomersResponse, Exception> callback) { CustomerServiceClient customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); try { customerServiceClient.GetCustomersCompleted += (s, e) => callback(e.Result, e.Error); customerServiceClient.GetCustomersAsync(); } catch (Exception exception) { string message = string.Format("An error occured while in type :{0} , method :{1} ", "CustomerServiceManager", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); CommonLogManager.Log.Error(message, exception); throw; } finally { customerServiceClient.Close(); } }
public Customer FindRecord(string customerNumber) { var encryptor = new CreditCardEncryption(); var customer = new Customer(); try { using (var client = new CustomerServiceClient()) { client.Open(); customer = client.FindRecord(customerNumber); return customer; } } finally { if (customer != null) customer.CreditCardNumber = encryptor.Decrypt(customer.CreditCardNumber); } }
private void CustomerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _Proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); try { _Proxy.GetCustomersCompleted += (s, args) => { var custs = args.Result; if (custs != null) SetBindings(custs); else ShowMessageBox("No customers found."); }; _Proxy.GetCustomersAsync(); } catch (Exception exp) { ShowMessageBox("Error fetching customers: " + exp.Message); } }
private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); var cust = CustomersComboBox.SelectedItem as Customer; cust.ChangeTracker.State = ObjectState.Deleted; proxy.SaveCustomerCompleted += (s, args) => { OperationStatus opStatus = args.Result; if (opStatus.Status) { ((ObservableCollection<Customer>)CustomersComboBox.ItemsSource).Remove(cust); MessageBox.Show("Customer deleted!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete Customer: " + opStatus.Message); } }; proxy.SaveCustomerAsync(cust); }
public void UpdateCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto) { CustomerServiceClient customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); try { customerServiceClient.UpdateCustomer(new UpdateCustomerRequest { CustomerDto = customerDto }); } catch (Exception exception) { string message = string.Format("An error occured while in type :{0} , method :{1} ", "CustomerServiceManager", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); CommonLogManager.Log.Error(message, exception); throw; } finally { customerServiceClient.Close(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var AUTHKEY = ""; //Create an list of Locations to be added List<CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity> locations = new List<CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity>(); //Partial Entity instead? //var customerID = //generate new guids for the new customer to be referenced when we create a new location entity var customerGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(customerSiteGuid + "\n"); var siteOrderGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteContainerGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteRouteAssignmentGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); /* //Create Location To Add var customerSiteLocation = new CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity { Address1 = "Main Street", Address2 = "", Address3 = "4234234.4234234.234234", Address4 = "South Bend", Address5 = "", AlternativeSearchReference = "", AnalysisCode = "", CompanyOutletGUID = Guid.NewGuid(), CompanyOutletId = 1234, Country = "United States", CustomerGUID = customerGuid, CustomerSiteId = 1234, CustomerSiteStateId = CustomerSiteStateEnum.Active, Email = "*****@*****.**", EPAId = "EPAId", FaxNo = "", GUID = customerSiteGuid, HouseNumber = "1234", LastChangeReasonId = 1, LocationCoordinates = new GeographyPointPartialEntity() { GUID = Guid.NewGuid(), LastChangeReasonId = 1, Lat = 123.45, Long = 1243.234, }, LocationId = 1234, LocationDescription = "Something about the location", MobileAlertNumber = "555-555-5555", Postcode = "46617", SalesRep = "Sales Rep", SiteName = "Some Name" //SiteOrders = new SiteOrderPartialEntity[1] //{ // new SiteOrderPartialEntity // { // a // } //} }; locations.Add(customerSiteLocation */ var customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Created Customer Client!\n"); var hasErrors = false; // guid = customerServiceClient.SaveCustomerSites(ak, locations.ToArray(), null); if (hasErrors == false){ System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Successfully added location.\n"); } var location = customerServiceClient.GetCustomerSites(AUTHKEY, 2134); foreach ( CustomerSiteLocationEntity l in location) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Customer Location:\n"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Site Name:" + l.SiteName + "\n"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Address1:" + l.Address1 + "\n"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("MobileAlertNumber:" + l.MobileAlertNumber + "\n"); } customerServiceClient.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Successfully closed client connection.\n"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var AUTHKEY = ""; List<CustomerPartialEntity> customers = new List<CustomerPartialEntity>(); //create new customer service data Guid actionGuid = new Guid("9C42C9F6-BAEF-E311-B2BF-2016D8955EB5"); Guid dayOfWeekGuid = new Guid("43BF01F0-BAEF-E311-B2BF-2016D8955EB5"); Guid pickupIntervalGuid = new Guid("0C44C9F6-BAEF-E311-B2BF-2016D8955EB5"); //generate new guids for the new customer to be referenced when we create a new customer entity var customerGuid1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteGuid1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerGuid2 = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteGuid2 = Guid.NewGuid(); var siteOrderGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteContainerGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var customerSiteRouteAssignmentGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("PreCustomer!\n"); //new customer instance with associated site, order, container, & route var customerEntity1 = new CustomerPartialEntity() { GUID = customerGuid1, CustomerName = "John Doe One", CustomerId = 123456789, ARAccountCode = "7654321", HqLocationId = 1234, CompanyId = 1, //required LastChangeReasonId = 1234, CustomerStateId = CustomerStateEnum.Closed, //ExtensionData = CustomerSites = new CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity[1] { new CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity() { CustomerSiteStateId = CustomerSiteStateEnum.Closed, GUID = customerSiteGuid1, SiteName = "Home", Address1 = "1234 Test Drive, South Bend IN", TelNo = "574-123-4567", CompanyOutletId = 1234, CompanyOutletGUID = new Guid("0C44C9F6-BAEF-E311-B2BF-2016D8955EB5"), LocationId = 1234, LastChangeReasonId = 1234, ZoneId =1234/*, SiteOrders = new SiteOrderPartialEntity[1] { new SiteOrderPartialEntity() { CustomerSiteContainers = new CustomerSiteContainerPartialEntity[] { new CustomerSiteContainerPartialEntity { ContainerTypeId = 1234, } } CompanyOutletId = 3, GUID = siteOrderGuid, ServiceId = 1234, DestinationLocationId = 1234, //ItemTimeStamp = new DateTime(), LastChangeReasonId = 1234, MaterialId = 1234, PriorityId = 1234, //ProcessFrom = new DateTime(), //ExtensionData = new System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject { }, SiteOrderItems = new SiteOrderItemEntity[] { new SiteOrderItemEntity { //GUID, //ContainerTypeId, //LastChangeReasonId, //ContainerId, //ExtensionData Container = new ContainerPartialEntity() { ARAccountCode = "123123", ContainerId = 1234, CustomerSiteId = 1233, //ExtensionData LastChangeReasonId = 1234, Lat = 123.4, Long = -123.4, Material = "material", MaterialId = 1234, Size = 123, Tag = "tag" } } } } }*/ } } }; var customerEntity2 = new CustomerPartialEntity() { GUID = customerGuid2, CustomerName = "John Doe Two", CustomerId = 99999999, ARAccountCode = "7654321", HqLocationId = 1234, CompanyId = 1, //required LastChangeReasonId = 1234, CustomerStateId = CustomerStateEnum.Closed, //ExtensionData = CustomerSites = new CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity[1] { new CustomerSiteLocationPartialEntity() { Address1 = "Main Street", Address2 = "", Address3 = "4234234.4234234.234234", Address4 = "South Bend", Address5 = "", AlternativeSearchReference = "", AnalysisCode = "", CompanyOutletGUID = Guid.NewGuid(), CompanyOutletId = 1234, Country = "United States", CustomerGUID = customerGuid2, CustomerSiteId = 1234, CustomerSiteStateId = CustomerSiteStateEnum.Active, Email = "*****@*****.**", EPAId = "EPAId", FaxNo = "", GUID = customerSiteGuid2, HouseNumber = "1234", LastChangeReasonId = 1, LocationCoordinates = new GeographyPointPartialEntity() { GUID = Guid.NewGuid(), LastChangeReasonId = 1, Lat = 123.45, Long = 1243.234, }, LocationId = 12345, LocationDescription = "Something about the location", MobileAlertNumber = "555-555-5555", Postcode = "46617", SalesRep = "Sales Rep", SiteName = "Some Name" } } }; customers.Add(customerEntity1); customers.Add(customerEntity2); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Post Customers!\n"); //create the client var customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Created Customer Client!\n"); //save the customer var hasErrors = false; //var guid = customerServiceClient.Save(AUTHKEY, customerEntity, null,hasErrors); var guids = customerServiceClient.SaveCustomers(AUTHKEY, customers.ToArray(), null, hasErrors); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(hasErrors + "\n"); if (guids.Count() == customers.Count) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Successfully created customers.\n"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(guids.Count() + "\n"); } //Added two customers, now switch their locations aka CustomerSites var customer1 = customerServiceClient.GetCustomerByGuid(AUTHKEY, customerGuid1); var customer2 = customerServiceClient.GetCustomerByGuid(AUTHKEY, customerGuid2); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Retrieved Customers!\n"); //Swap CustomerSites var tempCustomerSites = customer1.CustomerSites; customer1.CustomerSites = customer2.CustomerSites; customer2.CustomerSites = tempCustomerSites; List<CustomerPartialEntity> updatedCustomers = new List<CustomerPartialEntity>(); updatedCustomers.Add(customer1); updatedCustomers.Add(customer2); //Save Updated Customers guids = customerServiceClient.SaveCustomers(AUTHKEY, updatedCustomers.ToArray(), null, hasErrors); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(hasErrors + "\n"); if (guids.Count() == customers.Count) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Successfully updated customers.\n"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(guids.Count() + "\n"); } //Close the customer customerServiceClient.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Successfully closed client connection.\n"); //Start Update //customerServiceClient = new CustomerServiceClient(); } catch (FaultException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(string.Format("Failed to insert and update customer. - {0}", ex.Message)); } }
void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var proxy = new CustomerServiceClient(); proxy.GetCustomersCompleted += proxy_GetCustomersCompleted; proxy.GetCustomersAsync(); }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //use the loaded customer object to preserve data signature: Customer customer = this.CurrentCustomer; //update fields: customer.Id = int.Parse(this.txtId.Text); customer.Name = this.txtName.Text; customer.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtStartDate.Text); customer.CreditLimit = Convert.ToSingle(this.txtCreditLimit.Text); BitmapImage image = this.imgLogo.Source as BitmapImage; customer.Logo = BufferFromImage(image); using (CustomerServiceClient serviceClient = new CustomerServiceClient()) { serviceClient.Open(); try { serviceClient.UpdateCustomer(customer); MessageBox.Show("Changes saved"); //reload: this.btnLoad_Click(null, null); } catch (FaultException<NoDataSignature> noSignatureException) { MessageBox.Show("Data signature not found. Changes not saved", "Concurrency Violation"); } catch (FaultException<ConcurrencyViolation> concurrencyViolationException) { MessageBox.Show("Record has been updated by another user. Changes not saved", "Concurrency Violation"); } serviceClient.Close(); } }
public static CustomerServiceClient CreateCustomerServiceClient(this CommerceClients source, string serviceUrl) { var client = new CustomerServiceClient(new Uri(serviceUrl), source.CreateMessageProcessingHandler()); return client; }
public static CustomerServiceClient CreateCustomerServiceClient(this CommerceClients source, string serviceUrl, string appId, string secretKey) { var client = new CustomerServiceClient(new Uri(serviceUrl), appId, secretKey); return client; }