private Guid UpdateContact(CustomerContactModel model)
            var _noteId = SaveNote(model);
            var item    = _contactService.Find(model.ContactID);

            item.FirstName        = model.FirstName;
            item.LastName         = model.LastName;
            item.Title            = model.Title;
            item.ContactType      = model.ContactType;
            item.ContactReference = model.ContactReference;
            item.EmailAddress     = model.EmailAddress;
            item.DDITelephoneNo   = model.DDITelephoneNo;
            item.MobileNo         = model.MobileNo;
            item.NoteID           = _noteId;
            item.ObjectState      = ObjectState.Modified;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// View customer's information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of customer</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ViewDetail(int id = 0)
            crm_Countries        country = null;
            CustomerContactModel model   = null;

            model = _customerService.GetCustomerInfor(id);

            if (model == null)

            country = _countryService.GetCountryById(model.CountryId.HasValue?model.CountryId.Value:0);

            model.CountryName = country == null ? "" : country.CountryName;

 private Guid?SaveNote(CustomerContactModel model)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NoteDescription))
         model.NoteDescription = "?!";  // <--- Paul Edwards
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Notes))
         if (model.NoteID == null || model.NoteID == Guid.Empty)
             model.NoteID = CreateNote(model);
             model.NoteID = UpdateNote(model);
        private Guid CreateContact(CustomerContactModel model)
            var _noteId = SaveNote(model);
            var _obj    = new Contact
                ContactID        = PrimeActs.Service.IDGenerator.NewGuid(_serverCode[0]),
                FirstName        = model.FirstName,
                LastName         = model.LastName,
                Title            = model.Title,
                ContactType      = model.ContactType,
                ContactReference = model.ContactReference,
                EmailAddress     = model.EmailAddress,
                DDITelephoneNo   = model.DDITelephoneNo,
                MobileNo         = model.MobileNo,
                NoteID           = _noteId,
                ObjectState      = ObjectState.Added

예제 #5
        public CustomerContactModel AddCustomerContact(CustomerContactModel recordToAdd)
            using (var model = new gb_ts_stagingEntities())
                var newRecord = new CustomerContact
                    EMail      = recordToAdd.EMail,
                    CustomerId = recordToAdd.CustomerId,
                    Priority   = recordToAdd.Priority,
                    FirstName  = recordToAdd.FirstName ?? "",
                    LastName   = recordToAdd.LastName ?? "",
                    Phones     = recordToAdd.Phones ?? "",
                    Skype      = recordToAdd.Skype ?? "",
                    UserId     = recordToAdd.UserId ?? ""

                recordToAdd.Id = newRecord.Id;

예제 #6
        public CustomerContactModel FindCustomerContactModel(int id, CompanyModel company, int customerId, bool bCreateEmptyIfNotfound = true)
            CustomerContactModel model = null;

            var a = db.FindCustomerContact(id);

            if (a == null)
                if (bCreateEmptyIfNotfound)
                    model = new CustomerContactModel {
                        CompanyId = company.Id, CustomerId = customerId
                model = MapToModel(a);

        public void SetCustomerContactModel(int customerId, CustomerContactModel customerContactModel)
            var settingFactory = new SettingsFactory();

            if (customerContactModel.FirstName != null)
                settingFactory.Set(customerId, "CustomerContactFirstName", customerContactModel.FirstName);

            if (customerContactModel.LastName != null)
                settingFactory.Set(customerId, "CustomerContactLastName", customerContactModel.LastName);

            if (customerContactModel.FromEmailAddress != null)
                settingFactory.Set(customerId, "CustomerContactEMail", customerContactModel.FromEmailAddress);

            if (customerContactModel.PhoneNumber != null)
                settingFactory.Set(customerId, "CustomerContactPhoneNumber", customerContactModel.PhoneNumber);
예제 #8
        private Error BuildRecipientLists(string selectedIds,
                                          CustomerContactModel contact,
                                          CompanyModel company, CustomerModel customer,
                                          bool bSaveAsContact,
                                          List <UserModel> toUsers, List <UserModel> ccUsers)
            // SelectedIds is supplied as a comma separated list:
            //  To:123,CC:-345,To:OTH
            // Where:
            //  A prefix of 'To' denotes a recipient
            //  A prefix of 'Cc' denotes a user to 'cc' to
            //  A positive number represents an id of a CustomerContact record
            //  A negative number represents the id of a User record (multiply it by -1 to get the positive value)
            //  OTH indicates that the details for 'Other User' should be retrieved from parameter: contact

            // The method returns two lists of UserModels, one for 'To' and one for 'cc' recipients.
            var error = new Error();

            var selected = selectedIds.ToLower().Split(',');

            foreach (var recipient in selected)
                var pos = recipient.IndexOf(":");
                if (pos != -1)
                    UserModel user    = null;
                    var       recType = recipient.Substring(0, pos).ToLower();
                    var       recId   = recipient.Substring(pos + 1).ToLower();

                    if (recId == "oth")
                        // New contact
                        if (bSaveAsContact)
                            contact.CompanyId = company.Id;
                            contact.Enabled   = true;
                            error             = CustomerService.InsertOrUpdateCustomerContact(contact, user, "");
                            error = CustomerService.ValidateContactModel(contact);
                        if (error.IsError)
                            user = new UserModel {
                                FirstName = contact.ContactFirstname,
                                LastName  = contact.ContactSurname,
                                EMail     = contact.ContactEmail
                        var id = Convert.ToInt32(recId);
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(id) < 0)
                            // User
                            user = MembershipManagementService.FindUserModel(Math.Abs(id));
                            // Contact
                            var temp = CustomerService.FindCustomerContactModel(id, company, customer, false);
                            if (temp != null)
                                user = new UserModel {
                                    FirstName = temp.ContactFirstname,
                                    LastName  = temp.ContactSurname,
                                    EMail     = temp.ContactEmail
                    if (user != null)
                        if (recType == "to")
        CustomerMarketingModel createCustomerMarketing(int companyId, int customerId, UserModel user, CustomerContactModel contact)
            var group = LookupService.FindMarketingGroupsListModel(companyId, 0, 1, 100, "").Items.First();

            CustomerMarketingModel model = new CustomerMarketingModel {
                CompanyId         = companyId,
                CustomerId        = customerId,
                CustomerContactId = contact.Id,
                ContactName       = (contact.ContactFirstname + " " + contact.ContactSurname).Trim(),
                MarketingGroupId  = group.Id,
                GroupName         = group.MarketingGroupName

            var error = CustomerService.InsertOrUpdateCustomerMarketing(model, user, "");

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

예제 #10
        public IActionResult editcustomer(string cus)
            ViewData["cus_id"] = cus;

            CustomerModel ctm = new CustomerModel();

            ctm.select_customer(" cus_id = '" + cus + "'");
            ViewData["cus_code"]         = ctm.cus_code;
            ViewData["cus_name"]         = ctm.cus_name;
            ViewData["cus_name_contact"] = ctm.cus_name_contact;
            ViewData["cus_trade"]        = ctm.cus_trade;
            ViewData["cus_tax"]          = ctm.cus_tax;

            customerTypeModel ct = new customerTypeModel();

            ViewData["cus_type"] = ct.drop_cus_type_code(ctm.cus_ref_type_id);

            prefixModel px = new prefixModel();

            ViewData["prefix"] = px.drop_prefix(ctm.cus_ref_prefix_id);
            px.select_prefix("prefix_id = '" + ctm.cus_ref_prefix_id + "'");
            ViewData["last_name"] = px.prefix_ending;

            CustomerAddressModel ca = new CustomerAddressModel();

            ca.select_address("add_ref_cus_id = '" + cus + "'");
            ViewData["add_num"]      = ca.add_num;
            ViewData["add_alley"]    = ca.add_alley;
            ViewData["add_road"]     = ca.add_road;
            ViewData["add_postcode"] = ca.add_poscode;
            ViewData["add_status"]   = ca.add_type_status;
            ViewData["add_branch"]   = ca.add_branch;
            ViewData["add_id"]       = ca.add_id;

            provinceModel pv = new provinceModel();
            ampuresModel  am = new ampuresModel();
            districts     dt = new districts();

            ViewData["province"] = pv.drop_province(ca.add_province);
            ViewData["amphur"]   = am.dorp_amphur(ca.add_amphur);
            ViewData["district"] = dt.drop_district(ca.add_district);

            CustomerContactModel c_t = new CustomerContactModel();

            c_t.select_contact("ct_ref_cus_id = '" + cus + "'");
            ViewData["ct_tel"]   = c_t.ct_tel;
            ViewData["ct_fax"]   = c_t.ct_fax;
            ViewData["ct_email"] = c_t.ct_email;
            ViewData["ct_web"]   = c_t.ct_web;
            ViewData["ct_id"]    = c_t.ct_id;

            CustomerCreditModel crd = new CustomerCreditModel();

            crd.select_credit("credit_ref_cus_id = '" + cus + "'");
            ViewData["credit_money"] = crd.credit_money;
            ViewData["credit_id"]    = crd.credit_id;

            conditionPayModel cd = new conditionPayModel();

            ViewData["condition"] = cd.drop_con_pay(crd.credit_ref_condition);

            CustomerLineSaleModel cl = new CustomerLineSaleModel();

            cl.select_cus_line("cs_ref_cus_id = '" + cus + "'");
            ViewData["sale_name"] = cl.cs_sale_name;
            ViewData["sale_id"]   = cl.cs_id;

            lineModel ln = new lineModel();

            ViewData["line"] = ln.drop_line(cl.cs_ref_line_id);

            line_saleModel ls = new line_saleModel();

            ViewData["line_sale"] = ls.drop_line_sale("");

            CustomerTransportModel ts = new CustomerTransportModel();

            ts.select_cus_tran("at_ref_cus_id = '" + cus + "'");
            ViewData["name_ts"]     = ts.at_customer_name;
            ViewData["num_ts"]      = ts.at_num;
            ViewData["alley_ts"]    = ts.at_alley;
            ViewData["road_ts"]     = ts.at_road;
            ViewData["postcode_ts"] = ts.at_postcode;

            ViewData["province_ts"] = pv.drop_province(ts.at_province);
            ViewData["amphur_ts"]   = am.dorp_amphur(ts.at_amphur);
            ViewData["district_ts"] = dt.drop_district(ts.at_district);
            ViewData["ts_id"]       = ts.at_id;

예제 #11
        public IActionResult update_customer(string cus_id, string add_id, string ct_id, string credit_id, string sale_id, string ts_id, string cus_type, string cus_prefix, string cus_name, string cus_lastname, string cus_name_contact, string cus_trade, string cus_tax, string add_num, string add_alley, string add_road, string add_province, string add_amphur, string add_distict, string add_postcode, string add_type_status, string add_branch, string ct_tel, string ct_fax, string ct_email, string ct_web, string credit_money, string credit_condition, string line_sale, string name_sale, string at_customer_name, string at_num, string at_alley, string at_road, string at_province, string at_amphur, string at_district, string at_postcode)
            customerTypeModel c_tp = new customerTypeModel();

            c_tp.type_id = cus_type;

            CustomerModel cus = new CustomerModel();

            cus.cus_id            = cus_id;
            cus.cus_ref_type_id   = c_tp.type_code;
            cus.cus_ref_prefix_id = cus_prefix;
            cus.cus_name          = cus_name;
            cus.cus_name_contact  = cus_name_contact;
            cus.cus_trade         = cus_trade;
            cus.cus_tax           = cus_tax;

            CustomerAddressModel add = new CustomerAddressModel();

            add.add_id          = add_id;
            add.add_num         = add_num;
            add.add_alley       = add_alley;
            add.add_road        = add_road;
            add.add_province    = add_province;
            add.add_amphur      = add_amphur;
            add.add_district    = add_distict;
            add.add_poscode     = add_postcode;
            add.add_type_status = add_type_status;
            add.add_branch      = add_branch;
            add.add_ref_cus_id  = cus_id;

            CustomerContactModel ct = new CustomerContactModel();

            ct.ct_id         = ct_id;
            ct.ct_tel        = ct_tel;
            ct.ct_fax        = ct_fax;
            ct.ct_email      = ct_email;
            ct.ct_web        = ct_web;
            ct.ct_ref_cus_id = cus_id;

            CustomerCreditModel cd = new CustomerCreditModel();

            cd.credit_id            = credit_id;
            cd.credit_money         = credit_money;
            cd.credit_ref_condition = credit_condition;
            cd.credit_ref_cus_id    = cus_id;

            CustomerLineSaleModel ls = new CustomerLineSaleModel();

            ls.cs_id          = sale_id;
            ls.cs_ref_line_id = line_sale;
            ls.cs_sale_name   = name_sale;
            ls.cs_ref_cus_id  = cus_id;

            CustomerTransportModel tp = new CustomerTransportModel();

            tp.at_id            = ts_id;
            tp.at_customer_name = at_customer_name;
            tp.at_num           = at_num;
            tp.at_alley         = at_alley;
            tp.at_road          = at_road;
            tp.at_province      = at_province;
            tp.at_amphur        = at_amphur;
            tp.at_district      = at_district;
            tp.at_postcode      = at_postcode;
            tp.at_ref_cus_id    = cus_id;

            return(RedirectToAction("customer", "Customer", new { add = add.add_id }));
        private IEnumerable <CustomerContactModel> GetAllCustomers()
            var customer_one = new CustomerContactModel
                Id             = 1,
                Title          = "Mr",
                FirstName      = "Omar",
                LastName       = "Itani",
                ContactNumbers = new List <ContactNumberModel>
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "0123456789", NumberActive = true, Type = NumberType.MOBILE
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "3456789012", NumberActive = true, Type = NumberType.WORK
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "6789012345", NumberActive = false, Type = NumberType.HOME
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "8901234567", NumberActive = true, Type = NumberType.OTHER

            var customer_two = new CustomerContactModel
                Id             = 2,
                Title          = "Mrs",
                FirstName      = "Linda",
                LastName       = "Mason",
                ContactNumbers = new List <ContactNumberModel>
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "0123433389", NumberActive = false, Type = NumberType.MOBILE
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "3456555012", NumberActive = false, Type = NumberType.WORK
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "6789999345", NumberActive = false, Type = NumberType.HOME
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "8901234122", NumberActive = true, Type = NumberType.OTHER

            var customer_three = new CustomerContactModel
                Id             = 3,
                Title          = "Mr",
                FirstName      = "Adam",
                LastName       = "Loftus",
                ContactNumbers = new List <ContactNumberModel>
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "0123223389", NumberActive = false, Type = NumberType.MOBILE
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "3454455012", NumberActive = false, Type = NumberType.WORK
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "6889999345", NumberActive = true, Type = NumberType.HOME
                    new ContactNumberModel {
                        Number = "8901234002", NumberActive = true, Type = NumberType.OTHER

            return(new List <CustomerContactModel> {
                customer_one, customer_two, customer_three
예제 #13
 public void MapToEntity(CustomerContactModel model, CustomerContact entity)
     Mapper.Map <CustomerContactModel, CustomerContact>(model, entity);
예제 #14
 public string LockCustomerContact(CustomerContactModel model)
     return(db.LockRecord(typeof(CustomerContact).ToString(), model.Id));
예제 #15
 public CustomerModel(AddressModel address, CustomerContactModel customerContact)
     Address         = address;
     CustomerContact = customerContact;
예제 #16
 public MaintenanceGroupIdentificationModel()
     Status       = new CustomerStatusModel();
     Contact      = new CustomerContactModel();
     Localization = new CustomerLocalizationModel();