예제 #1
 internal void Close()
     // since we handle the doc closing events, it is possible to close a window without having the
     // corresponding entry removed here (if the document is opened in multiple windows). In this case
     // I was once able to produce a situation where the corresponding configTaskPane was removed from
     // customTaskPanes in the background, and when we came here, it crashed. The pane was visible in the window that was closed
     // and was reused in a new window I created. So in order to avoid crashing in this strange
     // situation let's catch the exception.
     // The only way I can think of handlicng this cleanly would be with a window closing event, but I did not find out how to
     // get it (in word)...
     // I could also try to work on open events, but there is no window open event
     // Note that the Document.Close event does not fire at all in case of multiple windows on the same document
     // which is exactly the problem I am trying to address...
         configTaskPane.Visible = false;
     catch   // I do not know which kind of exception is raised in my strange case... We assume it means that everything
             // was already cleaned up.
         logger.Error("Exception when closing a ConfigTaskPane");
예제 #2
        public static void RemoveTaskPane(CustomTaskPane taskPane, CustomTaskPaneCollection customTaskPanes)
            //PLLog.Trace3("Enter", System.Data.Common.PROJECT_NAME);


            //PLLog.Trace3("Exit", System.Data.Common.PROJECT_NAME);
예제 #3
        public void Remove(Guid id, bool savedToDrafts)
            _customTaskPanes = Globals.ThisAddin.GetCustomTaskPaneCollection();

            if (_alertTaskPanes.ContainsKey(id))
                CustomTaskPane ctp;
                _alertTaskPanes.TryRemove(id, out ctp);

            RibbonButton button;
            if (_protectFilesButtons.TryRemove(id, out button))
                button.Click -= OnProtectFilesClick;

            if (!savedToDrafts)
