private static void Main() { var studentStack = new CustomStack<Student>(); studentStack.Push(new Student("Pesho", 22)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Penka", 41)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Gosho", 7)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Kuci", 15)); Console.WriteLine(studentStack.Min().Name); var intStack = new CustomStack<int>(); intStack.Push(4); intStack.Push(5); intStack.Push(14); intStack.Push(42); intStack.Push(455); intStack.Pop(); intStack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine(intStack.Min()); intStack.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(intStack.Count); Console.WriteLine(intStack.IsEmpty); Console.WriteLine(intStack); }
public static void Main() { var stack = new CustomStack<int>(); new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.ForEach(x => stack.Push(x)); while (stack.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop()); } }
public void Push_ToFixedCapacityStack_ShouldResizeCorrectly() { var fixedStack = new CustomStack<string>(2); int expectedCount = 100; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { fixedStack.Push(i.ToString()); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, fixedStack.Count); }
public void CustomStack_StackPushTest() { var actual = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { actual.Push(i); } const int expected = 10; Assert.AreEqual(actual.Count, expected); }
public void Pop_ItemsInStack_ShouldReturnLastPushedItem_ByReference() { var items = new CustomStack<StringBuilder>(); var stringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder("Text"); var stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder("Another text"); items.Push(stringBuilder1); items.Push(stringBuilder2); var builder = items.Pop(); Assert.AreSame(stringBuilder2, builder); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ICustomStack<int> sample = new CustomStack<int>(); sample.Push(1); sample.Push(2); sample.Push(3); Console.WriteLine(sample.Pop() + " pop"); Console.WriteLine(sample.Pop() + " pop"); Console.WriteLine(sample.Peek() + " peek"); Console.WriteLine(sample.Pop() + " pop"); }
public void CustomStack_StackPushTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } int expected = 10; Assert.AreEqual(expected, myStack.Count); }
public static void Main() { CustomStack<int> bsd = new CustomStack<int>(); bsd.Push(5); bsd.Push(3); bsd.Push(1); Console.WriteLine(bsd.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(bsd.Pop()); int[] arr = bsd.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(bsd.Pop()); }
public static void Main() { CustomStack<int> numbers = new CustomStack<int>(); numbers.Push(5); numbers.Push(6); numbers.Push(2); numbers.Push(7); numbers.Push(8); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ",numbers)); Console.WriteLine(numbers.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", numbers)); }
public static void Main() { var stack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { stack.Push(i + 1); } while (stack.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop()); } }
public void CustomStack_CorrectElementPeekTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } int actual = myStack.Peek(); int expected = 9; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void CustomStack_StackCorrectPeekTest() { var mystack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mystack.Push(i); } var actual = mystack.Peek(); var expected = 9; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
static void Main() { var testCustomStack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testCustomStack.Push(i + 1); } Console.WriteLine("Stack size: {0}", testCustomStack.Count); while (testCustomStack.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Stack current top element: {0}", testCustomStack.Pop()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomStack<int> customStack = new CustomStack<int>(); customStack.Push(123); customStack.Push(124); customStack.Push(125); customStack.Push(1251); Console.WriteLine("Stack count: {0}", customStack.Count); int number = customStack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine("Pop an element: {0}", number); Console.WriteLine("Peek element: {0}", customStack.Peek()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var stack = new CustomStack<string>(); stack.Push("pesho"); stack.Push("gosho"); stack.Push("vankata"); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(stack); var popedElement = stack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine(popedElement); Console.WriteLine(stack); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); List<int> actual = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } int[] copy = myStack.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(copy[i]); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomStack<int> stack = new CustomStack<int>(); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(6); stack.Push(11); stack.Push(91); stack.Push(31); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); stack.Push(1001); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); var actual = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } foreach (var item in myStack) { Console.Write(item + " "); } Console.WriteLine(myStack.Count); }
/* Task 12: * Implement the ADT stack as auto-resizable array. * Resize the capacity on demand (when no space is available to add / insert a new element). */ static void Main(string[] args) { var stackArray = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { stackArray.Push(i); } Console.WriteLine("Total Elements Count : {0}", stackArray.Count()); stackArray.Push(999); Console.WriteLine("Total Elements Count : {0}", stackArray.Count()); Console.WriteLine(stackArray.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(stackArray.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(stackArray.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(stackArray.Pop()); Console.WriteLine("Total Elements Count : {0}", stackArray.Count()); }
public void CustomStack_AccurateStackPopTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); List<int> actual = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { actual.Add(myStack.Pop()); } List<int> expected = new List<int>() { 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 }; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public static void Main() { CustomStack <int> stack = new CustomStack <int>(); string line = Console.ReadLine(); while (line != "END") { string[] command = line.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray(); if (command[0] == "Push") { stack.Push(command.Skip(1).Select(x => x.Replace(",", "")).Select(int.Parse).ToArray()); } else if (command[0] == "Pop") { try { stack.Pop(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("No elements"); } } line = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var element in stack) { Console.WriteLine(element); } foreach (var element in stack) { Console.WriteLine(element); } }
static void Main() { string input; var cStack = new CustomStack <string>(); try { while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "END") { var args = input.Split(new[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var command = args[0]; switch (command) { case "Push": var elements = args.Skip(1).ToArray(); cStack.Push(elements); break; case "Pop": cStack.Pop(); break; } } foreach (var item in cStack /*.Reverse()*/) { Console.WriteLine(item); } foreach (var item in cStack /*.Reverse()*/) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("No elements"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (var result in File.ReadLines(args[0]) .Where(line => line != null) .Select(line => line.Split(' ').Select(int.Parse)) .Select( values => { var stack = new CustomStack(); foreach (var value in values) { stack.Push(value); } return(stack); }) .Select(PopAlternate) .Select(values => string.Join(" ", values))) { Console.WriteLine(result); } }
public static void Execute() { BSTree<int> tree = new BSTree<int>(); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(5)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(10)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(8)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(20)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(2)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(100)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(1)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(3)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(80)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(7)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(19)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(9)); tree.Insert(new BSTNode<int>(110)); CustomStack<BSTNode<int>> stack = new CustomStack<BSTNode<int>>(); stack.Push(new linkedNode<BSTNode<int>>(tree.root)); while (stack.head != null) { BSTNode<int> cursor = stack.Pop().Data; if (cursor == null) break; Console.WriteLine(cursor.Data); BSTNode<int> n = cursor.right; if (n != null) stack.Push(new linkedNode<BSTNode<int>>(n)); n = cursor.left; if(n!=null) stack.Push(new linkedNode<BSTNode<int>>(n)); } stack.Traverse(); }
public static void Main() { var myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); string input; while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "END") { string[] tokens = input.Split(", ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string command = tokens[0]; if (command == "Push") { var numbers = tokens.Skip(1).Select(int.Parse).ToList(); foreach (var n in numbers) { myStack.Push(n); } } else { try { myStack.Pop(); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); } } } if (myStack.Any()) { Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, myStack)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, myStack)); } }
static void Main() { CustomStack <int> customStack = new CustomStack <int>(); while (true) { string[] input = Console.ReadLine().Split(" ,".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (input[0] == "END") { break; } if (input[0] == "Pop") { try { customStack.Pop(); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); } } else if (input[0] == "Push") { int[] elementsToPush = input.Skip(1).Select(int.Parse).ToArray(); foreach (int element in elementsToPush) { customStack.Push(element); } } } Print(customStack); Print(customStack); }
static void Main() { var stack = new CustomStack<int>(); var studentStack = new CustomStack<Student>(); studentStack.Push(new Student("Pesho", 12)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Gosho", 22)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Minka", 23)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Stamat", 45)); studentStack.Push(new Student("Kiril", 33)); Console.WriteLine(studentStack.Min().Name); stack.Push(4); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(44); stack.Push(31); stack.Push(12); stack.Push(8); stack.Pop(); stack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine(stack); Console.WriteLine(stack.Count); Console.WriteLine(stack.IsEmpty); Console.WriteLine(stack.Contains(4)); Console.WriteLine(stack.Contains(111)); Console.WriteLine(stack.Min()); stack.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(stack); Console.WriteLine(stack.Count); Console.WriteLine(stack.IsEmpty); }
private static void ParseCommand(string command, CustomStack <int> stack) { var cmdArgs = command .Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var cmdType = cmdArgs[0]; switch (cmdType) { case "Push": var elements = cmdArgs .Skip(1) .Select(el => int.Parse(el .Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0])) .ToArray(); stack.Push(elements); break; case "Pop": stack.Pop(); break; } }
public static void Execute() { CustomStack<string> stack = new CustomStack<string>(); stack.Push(new linkedNode<string>("first")); stack.Push(new linkedNode<string>("second")); stack.Push(new linkedNode<string>("third")); stack.Traverse(); Console.WriteLine("now try to peek"); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek().Data); Console.WriteLine("traverse again"); stack.Traverse(); Console.WriteLine("now try to pop"); Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop().Data); Console.WriteLine("traverse again"); stack.Traverse(); Console.WriteLine("pop two more and traverse again"); stack.Pop(); stack.Pop(); stack.Traverse(); Console.WriteLine("push the items back and traverse again"); stack.Push(new linkedNode<string>("first")); stack.Push(new linkedNode<string>("second")); stack.Push(new linkedNode<string>("third")); stack.Traverse(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomStack <string> theStack = new CustomStack <string>(); string command; while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "END") { string[] commTokens = command.Split(new[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string currentCommand = commTokens[0]; if (currentCommand.Equals("Push")) { theStack.Push(commTokens.Skip(1).ToArray()); } else if (currentCommand.Equals("Pop")) { try { theStack.Pop(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { foreach (var element in theStack) { Console.WriteLine(element); } } }
public void Test1() { //["CustomStack","push","push","pop","push","push","push","increment","increment","pop","pop","pop","pop"] // [[3],[1],[2],[],[2],[3],[4],[5,100],[2,100],[],[],[],[]] //[null,null,null,2,null,null,null,null,null,103,202,201,-1] var stack = new CustomStack(3); stack.Push(1); stack.Push(2); var p_2 = stack.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(2, p_2); stack.Push(2); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(4); stack.Increment(5, 100); stack.Increment(2, 100); var p_103 = stack.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(103, p_103); var p_202 = stack.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(202, p_202); var p_201 = stack.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(201, p_201); var p_minus_1 = stack.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(-1, p_minus_1); }
public static void Main() { var customStack = new CustomStack <int>(); string command; while ((command = Console.ReadLine()) != "END") { var commandParams = command.Split(new[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (commandParams[0] == "Push") { for (int i = 1; i < commandParams.Length; i++) { customStack.Push(int.Parse(commandParams[i])); } } else if (commandParams[0] == "Pop") { if (customStack.Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No elements"); break; } else { customStack.Pop(); } } } if (customStack.Count() != 0) { ForeachTheStack(customStack); ForeachTheStack(customStack); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var stack = new CustomStack<int>(); stack.Push(50); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(56); stack.Push(50); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(56); stack.Push(50); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(56); stack.Push(50); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(56); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); stack.Pop(); var a = stack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine(a); Console.WriteLine(stack.Contains(56)); }
public Engine(IReader reader, IWriter writer) { this.reader = reader; this.writer = writer; stack = new CustomStack <string>(); }
public void PeekShouldThrowWhenStackIsEmpty() { CustomStack <int> stack = new CustomStack <int>(); stack.Peek(); }
public void EmptyHeadTest() { var stack = CustomStack <string> .Empty; AssertThrows <ArgumentNullException>(() => CustomStack <string> .Head(stack)); }
public void EmptyTest() { var stack = CustomStack <string> .Empty; Assert.IsTrue(CustomStack <string> .IsEmpty(stack)); }
public void TestPeek_EmptyStack() { CustomStack <int> stack = new CustomStack <int>(); Assert.AreEqual(4, stack.Peek()); }
static void Main() { try { // استک و صف همزمان Console.WriteLine("queue: "); FifoLifoList <string> fl = new FifoLifoList <string>((int)CollectionNames.Queue); fl.Add("a"); fl.Add("b"); fl.Add("c"); Console.WriteLine(fl.Remove().GetData()); Console.WriteLine(fl.Remove().GetData()); Console.WriteLine("stack: "); // استک و صف همزمان FifoLifoList <string> fl2 = new FifoLifoList <string>((int)CollectionNames.Stack); fl2.Add("a"); fl2.Add("b"); fl2.Add("c"); Console.WriteLine(fl2.Remove().GetData()); Console.WriteLine(fl2.Remove().GetData()); // (استک با پایه آرایه برای سرعت بیشتر (چون ولیو تایپ است Console.WriteLine("ArrayBasedStack: "); ArrayBasedStack <int> arbStack = new ArrayBasedStack <int>(); arbStack.Push(1); arbStack.Push(2); arbStack.Push(3); Console.WriteLine(arbStack.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(arbStack.Pop()); //--------------------------- Console.WriteLine("CustomQueue: "); CustomQueue <string> cq = new CustomQueue <string>(); cq.EnQueue("a"); cq.EnQueue("b"); cq.EnQueue("c"); Console.WriteLine(cq.DeQueue().GetData()); Console.WriteLine(cq.DeQueue().GetData()); cq.Clear(); //Console.WriteLine(cq.DeQueue().Data); Console.WriteLine("CustomStack: "); CustomStack <int> numbers = new CustomStack <int>(); numbers.Push(1); numbers.Push(2); numbers.Push(3); numbers.Push(4); numbers.Push(5); numbers.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("Count of stack is: {0}", numbers.Count()); Console.WriteLine("Popping {0}", numbers.PopData()); Console.WriteLine("Popping {0}", numbers.PopData()); numbers.Clear(); //Console.WriteLine("Popping '{0}'", numbers.Pop2()); //------------------- CustomStack <string> stack = new CustomStack <string>(); stack.Push("first"); stack.Push("second"); stack.Push("third"); Console.WriteLine("\nall data"); stack.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("\nPeek"); Console.WriteLine(stack.PeekFromStack().GetData()); Console.WriteLine("\nPrintAll again"); stack.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("\nnow try to pop"); Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop().GetData()); Console.WriteLine("\nPrintAll again"); stack.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("\nnow try to popping two items "); Console.WriteLine("Popping {0}", stack.Pop().GetData()); Console.WriteLine("Popping {0}", stack.Pop().GetData()); Console.WriteLine("\nPrintAll again"); stack.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("\nPush three item"); stack.Push("first"); stack.Push("second"); stack.Push("third"); stack.PrintAll(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public void CustomStack_NoRemovePeekTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } myStack.Peek(); int expected = 10; Assert.AreEqual(expected, myStack.Count); }
public void CustomStack_StackEmptyPushTest() { var actual = new CustomStack<int>(); actual.Pop(); }
public Engine() { this.isRunning = true; this.customStack = new CustomStack <string>(); }
public void Setup() { _stack = new CustomStack <int>(StackSize); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var binarySearch = new BinarySearch(); int[] searchExpression = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 }; var resultBinarySearch = binarySearch.Find(searchExpression, 4); var funcFibonacci = new FuncFibonacci(); Console.WriteLine("Fibonacci result: "); var result = funcFibonacci.GetSequence(-5); foreach (var s in funcFibonacci.GetSequence(15)) { Console.WriteLine(s); } var stack = new CustomStack <int>(); stack.Push(4); stack.Push(5); var myStackCount = stack.Count; var myStackPeek = stack.Peek(); stack.Pop(); stack.Push(34); var queue = new CustomQueue <int>(); queue.Enqueue(2); queue.Enqueue(3); queue.Enqueue(5); queue.Enqueue(12); var myQueueCount = queue.Count; var peek = queue.Peek(); var deQueue = queue.Dequeue(); var set1 = new CustomSet <int>(); set1.Add(1); set1.Add(2); set1.Add(56); var set2 = new CustomSet <int>(); set2.Add(2); set2.Add(4); set2.Add(6); var difference = set1.Difference(set2); var intersection = set1.Intersection(set2); var union = set1.Union(set2); Console.WriteLine("\nStack:"); foreach (var s in stack) { Console.WriteLine(s); } Console.WriteLine("\nQueue: "); foreach (var s in queue) { Console.WriteLine(s); } Console.WriteLine("\nSet: "); foreach (var s in set1) { Console.WriteLine(s); } Console.ReadLine(); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (ArgumentNullException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine(); } }
public void CreateStack() { stack = CustomStack.Instance; }
public void CustomStack_InvalidEmptyStackPopTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); myStack.Pop(); }
private void Reset() { newEventObservable = new Subject <IEvent>(); allEvents = new CustomStack <IEvent>(); }
public void Push_ArgumentNullException_Test() { CustomStack <string> testStack = new CustomStack <string>(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => testStack.Push(null)); }
private static void NewMethod() { CustomList <Person> people = new CustomList <Person>(); people.Add(Pupil.GeneratePupil()); people.Add(Pupil.GeneratePupil()); people.Add(Pupil.GeneratePupil()); people.Add(Student.GeneratePupil()); people.Add(Student.GeneratePupil()); people.Add(Student.GeneratePupil()); Console.WriteLine(people.Count); foreach (var item in people) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } foreach (var item in people) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } CustomTree tree = new CustomTree(); tree.Add(5); tree.Add(7); tree.Add(3); tree.Add(4); tree.Add(1); tree.Print(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); tree.PrintBfs(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); tree.PrintDfs(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); CustomIdealTree idealTree = new CustomIdealTree(); idealTree.Add(10); idealTree.Add(5); idealTree.Add(6); idealTree.Add(3); idealTree.Add(8); idealTree.Print(); CustomTree transformed = idealTree.TransformToCustomTree(); transformed.Print(); CustomStack <int> customStack = new CustomStack <int>(4, false); customStack.Push(5); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.Push(6); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.Push(7); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.Push(8); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.Push(9); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.ReallocateMemmory(); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.Push(9); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); customStack.Push(9); Console.WriteLine($"Capacity = {customStack.Capacity}"); while (!customStack.IsEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine(customStack.Pop()); } Custom.Collections.JavaList.CustomList <int> list = new Custom.Collections.JavaList.CustomList <int>(); list.InsertFirst(10); list.InsertFirst(13); list.InsertFirst(15); list.InsertFirst(3); list.InsertFirst(17); list.InsertFirst(6); Console.WriteLine(list.ToString()); }
public static void Show() { #region MyRegion { CustomStack <string> stack = new CustomStack <string>(); foreach (var item in "Eleven-Ivy-NE-Hide".Split("-")) { stack.Push(item); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(stack.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop()); } } #endregion #region 双向链表 //1.链表的声明以及节点的定义 LinkedList <string> link = new LinkedList <string>(); //定义链表 LinkedListNode <string> node1 = new LinkedListNode <string>("E1"); //第一个节点 LinkedListNode <string> node2 = new LinkedListNode <string>("E2"); //第二个节点s LinkedListNode <string> node3 = new LinkedListNode <string>("E3"); LinkedListNode <string> node4 = new LinkedListNode <string>("E4"); //2.节点的加入 link.AddFirst(node1); //加入第一个节点 link.AddAfter(node1, node2); link.AddAfter(node2, node3); link.AddAfter(node3, node4); //3.计算包含的数量 Console.WriteLine(link.Count); //4.显示 LinkedListNode <string> current = link.First; while (current != null) { Console.WriteLine(current.Value); current = current.Next; } //5.查找 LinkedListNode <string> temp = link.Find("jiajia2"); if (temp != null) { Console.WriteLine("找到这个节点" + temp.Value); } //6.定位最后节点 temp = link.Last; Console.WriteLine("最后这个节点" + temp.Value); //7.一些删除操作 link.RemoveFirst(); link.Remove("jiajia2"); link.Clear(); #endregion }
public void TestToString_EmptyStack() { CustomStack <int> stack = new CustomStack <int>(); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, stack.ToString()); }
public void Peek_InvalidOperationException_Test() { CustomStack <int> testStack = new CustomStack <int>(); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => testStack.Peek()); }
public CustomStack(CustomStack <T> items) : base(items) { }
public void InitializeStack() { this.stack = new CustomStack<int>(); }
public void NotEmptyTest() { var stack = CustomStack <string> .Cons("Hello", CustomStack <string> .Empty); Assert.IsFalse(CustomStack <string> .IsEmpty(stack)); }
public void CustomStack_ToArrayTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } int[] actual = myStack.ToArray(); int[] expected = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void CustomStack_ContainsFalseTest() { CustomStack<int> myStack = new CustomStack<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { myStack.Push(i); } Assert.IsFalse(myStack.Contains(66)); }
public void TearDown() { stack = null; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // create some test data for the stack and the queue string[] text = new string[3]; text[0] = "De eerste string"; text[1] = "De tweede string"; text[2] = "De derde string"; #region CustomStack test Console.WriteLine("CustomStack test (LIFO)"); // create a stack of the type string CustomStack <string> stack = new CustomStack <string>(); // add the strings to the stack for (int i = 0; i <= text.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { stack.Push(text[i]); } // remove and show the order of removed items for (int i = 0; i <= text.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { Console.WriteLine("- " + stack.Pop()); } #endregion Console.WriteLine(); #region CustomQueue test Console.WriteLine("CustomQueue test (FIFO)"); // create a generic questom queue CustomQueue <string> queue = new CustomQueue <string>(); // add items to the queue for (int i = 0; i <= text.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { queue.EnQueue(text[i]); } // remove the items and show the position for (int i = 0; i <= text.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { Console.WriteLine("- " + queue.Peek()); queue.DeQueue(); } #endregion Console.WriteLine(); #region CustomPriorityQueue test Console.WriteLine("CustomPriorityQueue"); // create a CustomPriorityQueue to simulate a waiting room for patients // where priority 0 is first CustomPriorityQueue waitingRoom = new CustomPriorityQueue(); pqItem[] patients = new pqItem[4]; patients[0].name = "Klaas"; patients[0].priority = 1; patients[1].name = "Gerald"; patients[1].priority = 3; patients[2].name = "Tessa"; patients[2].priority = 0; patients[3].name = "Yvonne"; patients[3].priority = 7; // add all patients to the priority queue for (int i = 0; i <= patients.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { waitingRoom.Enqueue(patients[i]); } // remove patients from waiting list in order of their priority for (int i = 0; i <= patients.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { pqItem patient = (pqItem)waitingRoom.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine(patient.priority + ": " +; } #endregion Console.ReadKey(); }
public void InitCustomStack() { this.customStack = new CustomStack <int>(); }