예제 #1
    //List<int> leftPos = new List<int>();
    //List<int> rightPos = new List<int>();
    //float buildingFallVelocity = 10;

    //// to allow use of coroutines in non-monobehavior scripts
    //public void StartShootTimer()
    //	StartCoroutine("ShootTimer");

    //IEnumerator ShootTimer()
    //	if(!player.canShoot)
    //	{
    //		yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.15f);
    //		player.canShoot = true;
    //	}

    void Start()
        Application.targetFrameRate = -1;

        physics    = new CustomPhysics();       // initialize the physics
        rayCast    = new CustomRayCast();
        rayCast.pD = this;
        //explode = new Explode ();
        explode.pD = this;
        //player = new Player (-100, 500); // create the player
        //ourPlayerAnimation.X = player.x;
        //ourPlayerAnimation.Y = player.y;
        //ourPlayerAnimation.Enabled = true;
        //player.pD = this;
        //player.physics = physics;
        //physics.Add (player); // Add player to physics
        //player.targetCamera = Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraFollow>();
        //controls.player = player;

        //controls = new Controls(this, physics);

        //int minX = this.World.Minimum.x;
        //int maxX = this.World.Maximum.x;
        //for (int y = this.World.Minimum.y; y < this.World.Maximum.y; y++)
        //    leftPos.Add(minX);
        //    rightPos.Add(maxX);
예제 #2
 public void Start()
     physics = pD.physics;
     rayCast = pD.rayCast;
     //explode = dT.explode;