public static void Label(Vector3 point, string text) { Vector3 position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(point); GUIStyle style = CustomGUIUtils.GetColorTextStyle(, 14); style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Vector2 sizeOfLabel = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)); Rect rect = new Rect(position.x - (sizeOfLabel.x / 2f), (Screen.height - position.y) - (sizeOfLabel.y / 2f), sizeOfLabel.x, sizeOfLabel.y); GUI.Label(rect, text, style); }
public static void Label(string text, Rect rect, float angle) { //Vector3 position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(point); GUIStyle style = CustomGUIUtils.GetColorTextStyle(, 14); //style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; //Vector2 sizeOfLabel = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)); //Rect rect = new Rect(position.x - (sizeOfLabel.x / 2f), (Screen.height - position.y) - (sizeOfLabel.y / 2f), sizeOfLabel.x, sizeOfLabel.y); //Vector2 pivotPoint = new Vector2(position.x, Screen.height - position.y); //Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); Vector2 pivotPoint = new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, pivotPoint); GUI.Label(rect, text, style); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-angle, pivotPoint); }
public static void ColorPicker(string name, Rect boundingRect, ref float angle, ref float radius, ref float dimm, ref Color color) { // Draw bounding Rectangle Rect newBounds = new Rect(boundingRect); newBounds.height += 70f; newBounds = newBounds.AddFrame(4); GUIAreas.Add(name, newBounds); CustomGUIUtils.DrawFrameBox(newBounds, Color.white, 1f,; CustomGUIUtils.DrawFrameBox(boundingRect, Color.white, 1f,; // Calculate box-values float boxWidth = Mathf.Min(boundingRect.width, boundingRect.height); float boxWidthHalf = boxWidth / 2f; // Draw Color-Wheel GUI.DrawTexture(boundingRect, DefaultIconSet.ColorWheel); // Get old State if (!colorPickers.TryGetValue(name, out currentColorPicker)) { currentColorPicker = new ColorPickerProperties(); //currentColorPicker.pickerXY = new Vector2(boxWidthHalf, boxWidthHalf); colorPickers.Add(name, currentColorPicker); } if (!currentColorPicker.isDragging) { // Calculate Vector for the PickerPosition Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward); Vector3 vect = rotation * Vector3.left; Debug.Log(vect); currentColorPicker.pickerXY = vect.normalized * ((boxWidthHalf / 100) * radius) + boundingRect.Position().Vector3FromVector2XY(); Debug.Log("Calculated Color Picker: " + currentColorPicker.pickerXY); currentColorPicker.dimm = dimm; currentColorPicker.angle = angle; currentColorPicker.radius = radius; } Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition.SwapScreenToWorldPoint(); Vector2 mouseXY = new Vector2(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y); // Draw Picker Rect pickerRect = new Rect( currentColorPicker.pickerXY.x + boundingRect.xMin - 10f, currentColorPicker.pickerXY.y + boundingRect.yMin - 10f, 20f, 20f); GUI.DrawTexture(pickerRect, DefaultIconSet.Location); // Handle Mouse-Input if (pickerRect.Contains(Input.mousePosition.SwapScreenToWorldPoint()) && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { currentColorPicker.isDragging = true; } else if (currentColorPicker.isDragging && Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { // Set Color-Picker Position currentColorPicker.pickerXY = mouseXY - boundingRect.Position(); Vector2 direction = mouseXY -; if (mouseXY.y > { angle = 360 - Vector2.Angle(-Vector2.right, direction); } else { angle = Vector2.Angle(-Vector2.right, direction); } float magnitude = direction.magnitude / (boxWidthHalf / 100); radius = Mathf.Clamp(magnitude, 0f, 100f); currentColorPicker.pickerXY = boundingRect.Position() + direction.normalized * Mathf.Clamp(magnitude, 0, boxWidthHalf); currentColorPicker.angle = angle; currentColorPicker.radius = radius; } else if (currentColorPicker.isDragging && Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { currentColorPicker.isDragging = false; } // Calculate Pixel Coordinates of the picker in the ColorWheel Vector2 pixelCoords = new Vector2(); pixelCoords.x = ((float)DefaultIconSet.ColorWheel.width / boxWidth) * currentColorPicker.pickerXY.x; pixelCoords.y = DefaultIconSet.ColorWheel.height - ((float)DefaultIconSet.ColorWheel.height / boxWidth) * currentColorPicker.pickerXY.y; //Debug.Log("pixelcoords: " + pixelCoords); color = DefaultIconSet.ColorWheel.GetPixel((int)pixelCoords.x, (int)pixelCoords.y); // Draw Dimmer-Gradient-Color-View CustomGUIUtils.DrawFrameBox(new Rect(boundingRect.xMin, boundingRect.yMax + 5, boxWidth, 25), color, 1f,; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(boundingRect.xMin, boundingRect.yMax + 5, boxWidth, 25), BlackTransparentGradient); angle = currentColorPicker.angle; radius = currentColorPicker.radius; dimm = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(boundingRect.xMin, boundingRect.yMax + 40f, boxWidth, 20), Mathf.Clamp(currentColorPicker.dimm, 0, 100), 0f, 100f);; currentColorPicker.dimm = dimm; // Draw Dimmer-Label GUIStyle style = CustomGUIUtils.GetColorTextStyle(, 14); style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.Label(new Rect(boundingRect.xMin, boundingRect.yMax + 50f, boxWidth, 20), ((int)dimm).ToString(), style); //Debug.Log(currentColorPicker.pickerXY.ToString() + " angle: " + angle + " r=" + radius + " dimm=" + dimm); colorPickers[name] = currentColorPicker; }