예제 #1
 public override SearchResult<TargetAttributeEntity> SearchTargetAttributes(string name,
     string version,
     string namedProtectionDomain,
     string targetObjectType,
     CustomContext context)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #2
 public override PolicySet FindPolicySet(string namedProtectionDomain,
     string policysetName,
     string policysetVersion,
     ICollection<SearchTarget> searchTargets,
     CustomContext context)
     // it's expected to return new instance instead of one single shared one of PolicySet object
     // since the execution engine modifies it later
     // PolicySet class doesn't support perfect clone or XML serialization/de-serialization
     // so have to construct it from DataSet repeatitively
     return (PolicySet)miConstructPolicySet.Invoke(null, new object[] { dsPolicySet, context });
 public static TValidator ResolveValidator <TChild, TValidator>(this CustomContext context)
     where TValidator : IValidator <TChild>
     return(GetValidatorFactory(context).GetSpecificValidator <TValidator>());
 public static IServiceProvider GetServiceProvider(this CustomContext context)
예제 #5
 public static void Deserialize(TestCustomContext t, IBinaryReader reader, CustomContext context)
     t.Value = context.ValueOverride;
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            char keychar = ' ';

            while (true)
                Console.Write("\r\nEnter key character to count in names: ");
                keychar = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                if (keychar.Equals('q'))

                    // Load source XML into an XPathDocument object instance.
                    XPathDocument xmldoc = new XPathDocument("Tasks.xml");

                    // Create an XPathNavigator from the XPathDocument.
                    XPathNavigator nav = xmldoc.CreateNavigator();

                    //Create argument list and add the parameters.
                    XsltArgumentList varList = new XsltArgumentList();

                    varList.AddParam("charToCount", string.Empty, keychar);

                    // Create an instance of custom XsltContext object.
                    // Pass in the XsltArgumentList object
                    // in which the user-defined variable will be defined.
                    CustomContext context = new CustomContext(new NameTable(), varList);

                    // Add a namespace definition for the namespace prefix that qualifies the
                    // user-defined function name in the query expression.
                    context.AddNamespace("Extensions", "http://xpathExtensions");

                    // Create the XPath expression using extension function to select nodes
                    // that contain 2 occurences of the character entered by user.
                    XPathExpression xpath = XPathExpression.Compile(
                        "/Tasks/Name[Extensions:CountChar(., $charToCount) = 2]");

                    XPathNodeIterator iter = nav.Select(xpath);

                    if (iter.Count.Equals(0))
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\rNo results contain 2 instances of "
                                          + keychar.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\rResults that contain 2 instances of : "
                                          + keychar.ToString());
                        // Iterate over the selected nodes and output the
                        // results filtered by extension function.
                        while (iter.MoveNext())
                catch (Exception ex)
 /// <summary>
 /// When performing validation the <see cref="ExecutionOptions.UserContext"/> instance
 /// will be added to <see cref="ValidationContext.RootContextData"/> with an key of "UserContext".
 /// During validation this instance can be retrieved from <see cref="CustomContext"/> using this method.
 /// </summary>
 public static T UserContext <T>(this CustomContext customContext)
     Guard.AgainstNull(customContext, nameof(customContext));
     return(customContext.ParentContext.UserContext <T>());
예제 #8
        private void ProcessNCSError(Guid paymentId, out bool ErrorIsReceived, out string Message)
            ErrorIsReceived = false;
            var           getPaymentLog = _context.Payment.Find(paymentId);
            int           retry         = 50;
            int           counter       = -50;
            PaymentStatus paymentStatus = null;

            Message = string.Empty;

                //var all = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\tosser\inout\in");
                var all = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\tosser\inout\err");

                if (all.Any())
                    foreach (string filename in all)
                        string      readFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);
                        XmlDocument xmlDoc   = new XmlDocument();

                        var transactionStatusDetails = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("TransactionResponse");

                        using (CustomContext cust = new CustomContext())
                            foreach (XmlNode node in transactionStatusDetails)
                                if (readFile.Contains("PayExcise"))
                                    paymentStatus = new PaymentStatus
                                        CustomsCode      = node["CustomsCode"].InnerText,
                                        CompanyCode      = node["CompanyCode"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentSerial = node["Asmt"]["AssessmentSerial"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentNumber = node["Asmt"]["AssessmentNumber"].InnerText,
                                        Year             = node["Asmt"]["SADYear"].InnerText,
                                        Status           = node["TransactionStatus"].InnerText,
                                        Message          = node["Info"]["Message"].InnerText,
                                        DateCreated      = DateTime.Now,
                                        PaymentLogId     = getPaymentLog.Id,
                                        ErrorCode        = node["Info"]["Message"].Attributes["errorCode"].Value
                                    paymentStatus = new PaymentStatus
                                        CustomsCode      = node["CustomsCode"].InnerText,
                                        DeclarantCode    = node["DeclarantCode"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentSerial = node["SadAsmt"]["SADAssessmentSerial"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentNumber = node["SadAsmt"]["SADAssessmentNumber"].InnerText,
                                        Year             = node["SadAsmt"]["SADYear"].InnerText,
                                        Status           = node["TransactionStatus"].InnerText,
                                        Message          = node["Info"]["Message"].InnerText,
                                        DateCreated      = DateTime.Now,
                                        PaymentLogId     = getPaymentLog.Id,
                                        ErrorCode        = node["Info"]["Message"].Attributes["errorCode"].Value

                                int saveOne = cust.SaveChanges();

                                if (saveOne == 1)
                                    //  await CreditTillAccount(getPaymentLog.Amount, _dutyConfig.SuspenseAccount, getPaymentLog.PaymentReference);
                                    counter         = 0;
                                    ErrorIsReceived = counter == 0;


                                    Message = paymentStatus.Message;
                                    Log.Information("Error received");
                                    getPaymentLog.StatusId            = (int)TransactionStatus.Completed;
                                    getPaymentLog.TransactionStatusId = (int)TransactionStatus.Pending;
                counter = (counter == 0 ? counter : counter += 1); retry = counter;
            }while (retry != 0);
 private void Given_shared_value_is_5(CustomContext ctx)
     ctx.Shared = 5;
예제 #10
 public static void AddNoContentError(this CustomContext context, string propertyName, string errorMessage)
     AddHttpResponseError(context, "204", propertyName, errorMessage);
예제 #11
 public static void AddBadRequestError(this CustomContext context, string propertyName, string errorMessage)
     AddHttpResponseError(context, "400", propertyName, errorMessage);
예제 #12
        private void ProcessIndex(XPathNavigator indexNode, CustomContext context,
                                  IDictionary <string, object> globalData)
            MemoryIndexedDocumentSource   memorySource   = null;
            DatabaseIndexedDocumentSource databaseSource = null;

            // get the name of the index
            string name = indexNode.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new BuildComponentException("Each index must have a unique name.");

            // get the xpath for value nodes
            string valueXPath = indexNode.GetAttribute("value", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueXPath))
                WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each index element must have a value attribute containing an XPath that describes index entries.");

            // get the xpath for keys (relative to value nodes)
            string keyXPath = indexNode.GetAttribute("key", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyXPath))
                WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each index element must have a key attribute containing an XPath (relative to the value XPath) that evaluates to the entry key.");

            // get the cache size
            int    cache      = 10;
            string cacheValue = indexNode.GetAttribute("cache", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheValue))
                cache = Convert.ToInt32(cacheValue);

            // create the index
            memorySource = new MemoryIndexedDocumentSource(_component,
                                                           keyXPath, valueXPath, context, cache);

            // search the data directories for entries
            XPathNodeIterator dataNodes = indexNode.Select("data");

            foreach (XPathNavigator dataNode in dataNodes)
                string baseValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("base", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseValue))
                    baseValue = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(baseValue);

                bool   recurse      = false;
                string recurseValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("recurse", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(recurseValue))
                    recurse = Convert.ToBoolean(recurseValue);

                bool   warnOverride = true;
                string warningValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("warnOverride", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(warningValue))
                    warnOverride = Convert.ToBoolean(warningValue);

                // get the files
                string files = dataNode.GetAttribute("files", String.Empty);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(files))
                    WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each data element must have a files attribute specifying which files to index.");
                // if ((files == null) || (files.Length == 0)) throw new BuildComponentException("When instantiating a CopyFromDirectory component, you must specify a directory path using the files attribute.");
                files = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(files);

                WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                                 "Searching for files that match '{0}'.", files));

                memorySource.AddDocuments(baseValue, files, recurse,
                                          false, warnOverride);

            WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                             "Indexed {0} elements in {1} files.",
                             memorySource.Count, memorySource.DocumentCount));

            globalData.Add(name, this);
            _documentSources[name] = new IndexedDocumentSources(_component,
                                                                databaseSource, memorySource);
예제 #13
        private void ProcessCommentsIndex(XPathNavigator indexNode, CustomContext context,
                                          IDictionary <string, object> globalData)
            MemoryIndexedDocumentSource   memorySource   = null;
            DatabaseIndexedDocumentSource databaseSource = null;

            // get the name of the index
            string name = indexNode.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new BuildComponentException("Each index must have a unique name.");

            // get the xpath for value nodes
            string valueXPath = indexNode.GetAttribute("value", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueXPath))
                WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each index element must have a value attribute containing an XPath that describes index entries.");

            // get the xpath for keys (relative to value nodes)
            string keyXPath = indexNode.GetAttribute("key", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyXPath))
                WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each index element must have a key attribute containing an XPath (relative to the value XPath) that evaluates to the entry key.");

            // get the cache size
            int    cache      = 10;
            string cacheValue = indexNode.GetAttribute("cache", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheValue))
                cache = Convert.ToInt32(cacheValue);

            HashSet <string> sourceDirs = new HashSet <string>(

            // create the index
            memorySource = new MemoryIndexedDocumentSource(_component,
                                                           keyXPath, valueXPath, context, cache);

            // Search for the persistent data sources for entries...
            XPathNodeIterator sourcesNodes = indexNode.Select("sources");

            foreach (XPathNavigator sourcesNode in sourcesNodes)
                DataSources dataSources = new DataSources(false, sourcesNode);
                if (dataSources.IsValid)
                    // Currently, database is supported for systems only...
                    if (!dataSources.IsSystem && !dataSources.IsDatabase)
                        dataSources = null;
                    dataSources = null;

                if (dataSources != null && dataSources.Exists)
                    if (databaseSource == null)
                        databaseSource = new DatabaseIndexedDocumentSource(
                            _component, keyXPath, valueXPath, context, cache, true);

                    if (!databaseSource.IsInitialized)

                        databaseSource.Initialize(dataSources.OutputDir, false);
                        DatabaseIndexedDocument document =
                            new DatabaseIndexedDocument(true, false,

                        if (document.Exists)


            // search the data directories for entries
            XPathNodeIterator dataNodes = indexNode.Select("data");

            foreach (XPathNavigator dataNode in dataNodes)
                string baseValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("base", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseValue))
                    baseValue = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(baseValue);

                bool   isSystem    = false;
                string systemValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("system", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemValue))
                    isSystem = Convert.ToBoolean(systemValue);

                bool   recurse      = false;
                string recurseValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("recurse", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(recurseValue))
                    recurse = Convert.ToBoolean(recurseValue);

                bool   warnOverride = true;
                string warningValue = dataNode.GetAttribute("warnOverride", String.Empty);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(warningValue))
                    warnOverride = Convert.ToBoolean(warningValue);

                // get the files
                string files = dataNode.GetAttribute("files", String.Empty);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(files))
                    WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each data element must have a files attribute specifying which files to index.");
                // if ((files == null) || (files.Length == 0)) throw new BuildComponentException("When instantiating a CopyFromDirectory component, you must specify a directory path using the files attribute.");
                files = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(files);

                WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                                 "Searching for files that match '{0}'.", files));

                if (isSystem && sourceDirs.Count != 0 &&
                    // For consistent, we make sure all directory paths
                    // end with backslash...
                    string sourceDir = String.Copy(baseValue);
                    if (!sourceDir.EndsWith("\\"))
                        sourceDir += "\\";

                    // If included already in the persistent sources, we
                    // will not load it into memory...
                    if (sourceDirs.Contains(sourceDir))

                memorySource.AddDocuments(baseValue, files, recurse,
                                          true, warnOverride);

            WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                             "Indexed {0} elements in {1} files.",
                             memorySource.Count, memorySource.DocumentCount));

            globalData.Add(name, this);
            _documentSources[name] = new IndexedDocumentSources(_component,
                                                                databaseSource, memorySource);
예제 #14
 public BaseRepository(CustomContext context)
     _context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
        //  {
        //    "nameid": "admin", 帳號
        //    "jti": "2069aa29-d18f-4e1d-8893-8f910a2c656b", jwt的唯一身份標識,主要用來作為一次性token,從而迴避重放攻擊
        //    "ROle": "管理者", 角色
        //    "nbf": 1575292627, 定義在什麼時間之前,該jwt都是不可用的
        //    "exp": 1575294427, 到期時間
        //    "iat": 1575292627, 簽發時間
        //    "iss": "http://www.facebook.com",
        //    "aud": "http://www.facebook.com"
        //  }
        public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, CustomContext DBcontext)
            var Request  = context.Request;
            var Response = context.Response;

            string Path = Request.Path.Value;

            string URLMethod = Request.Method;

            string Token = Request.Headers["Authorization"];

            string secret = this._config["Jwt:Key"];
            var    hs256  = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(secret));

            if (RouteChecked(Path, URLMethod))
                if (Token == "" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token))
                    await BadResponse(Response);
                        var     jwtArr  = Token.Split('.');
                        var     Header  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(Base64UrlEncoder.Decode(jwtArr[0]));
                        var     PayLoad = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(Base64UrlEncoder.Decode(jwtArr[1]));
                        Boolean success = true;
                        success = success && string.Equals(jwtArr[2], Base64UrlEncoder.Encode(hs256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(jwtArr[0], ".", jwtArr[1])))));
                        if (!success)
                            await BadResponse(Response);
                            if (!TimeChecked(PayLoad["iat"].ToString(), PayLoad["exp"].ToString()))
                                await BadResponse(Response);
                                if (!await UserChecked(PayLoad["nameid"].ToString(), DBcontext))
                                    await BadResponse(Response);
                                // else
                                // {
                                //     // string Role = PayLoad["Role"]..ToString();
                                //     //驗證角色權限
                                //     if (!await RolePermissionsChecked(PayLoad["Role"].ToString(), Path, URLMethod, DBcontext))
                                //         await BadResponse(Response);
                                // }
                    catch (Exception e)
                        context.Response.ContentType = "text/html; charset = utf-8";
                        context.Response.StatusCode  = 401;
                        await context.Response.WriteAsync("權限驗證失敗" + "\r\n" + e.ToString(), Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));

                        await Task.CompletedTask;

            await this._next(context);
        public async Task <Boolean> PermissionsChecked(string Role, string FunctionNames, string Actions, CustomContext DBcontext)
            var ROlePermissions = await DBcontext.role_permissions
                                  .Include(r => r.roles)
                                  .Include(p => p.permissions)
                                  .ThenInclude(permissions => permissions.function_names)
                                  .Include(p => p.permissions)
                                  .ThenInclude(permissions => permissions.actions)
                                  .Where(r => r.roles.role == Role && r.permissions.function_names.function_name == FunctionNames && r.permissions.actions.action == Actions)

            if (ROlePermissions.Count() == 0)

 private void Step_checking_shared_value_eq_3(CustomContext ctx)
     Assert.That(ctx.Shared, Is.EqualTo(3));
예제 #18
 public static void AddNoContentError(this CustomContext context, string errorMessage)
     AddNoContentError(context, null, errorMessage);
        public async Task <Boolean> RolePermissionsChecked(string Role, string Path, string URLMethod, CustomContext DBcontext)
            string[] PathDetails   = Path.Split("/");
            string   FunctionNames = "";
            string   Actions       = "";

            #region  人事管理權限
            // 10
            if ((PathDetails[2] == "Permissions" && URLMethod == "GET") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "FunctionNames" && URLMethod == "GET") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Actions" && URLMethod == "GET") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Roles" && URLMethod == "GET") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Users" && URLMethod == "GET"))
                FunctionNames = "HRManage";
                Actions       = "查詢";
            // 5
            if ((PathDetails[2] == "Permissions" && URLMethod == "POST") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "FunctionNames" && URLMethod == "POST") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Actions" && URLMethod == "POST") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Roles" && URLMethod == "POST") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Users" && URLMethod == "POST"))
                FunctionNames = "HRManage";
                Actions       = "新增";
            // 5
            if ((PathDetails[2] == "Permissions" && URLMethod == "PUT") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "FunctionNames" && URLMethod == "PUT") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Actions" && URLMethod == "PUT") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Roles" && URLMethod == "PUT") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Users" && URLMethod == "PUT"))
                FunctionNames = "HRManage";
                Actions       = "修改";
            // 5
            if ((PathDetails[2] == "Permissions" && URLMethod == "DELETE") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "FunctionNames" && URLMethod == "DELETE") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Actions" && URLMethod == "DELETE") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Roles" && URLMethod == "DELETE") ||
                (PathDetails[2] == "Users" && URLMethod == "DELETE"))
                FunctionNames = "HRManage";
                Actions       = "刪除";

            if (!await PermissionsChecked(Role, FunctionNames, Actions, DBcontext))

예제 #20
 public FunctionNamesRepository(CustomContext context) : base(context)
        private async Task BackupSettingsNotConflictWithIdleSchedule(UpdateBackupSettingsCommand command, CustomContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var account = await _context.Set <Account>()
                          .Include(x => x.IdleSchedules)
                          .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == command.AccountId, cancellationToken);

            if (account == null || account.IsDeleted)
                context.AddFailure("Accounts not found");

            var idleSchedules = account.IdleSchedules;
            var backupTimes   = command.Times;

            foreach (var idleSchedule in idleSchedules)
                var from = idleSchedule.StopAt;
                var to   = from.AddHours(idleSchedule.ResumeAfter);

                foreach (var backupTime in backupTimes)
                    if (backupTime <= to && backupTime >= from)
                        context.AddFailure(new ValidationFailure("backupTimes", "Backup time has conflict with idle schedule", backupTime));
        internal static ValidationResult ExecuteChild <TChild>(this CustomContext context, TChild instance, Type validatorType)
            var childValidator = context.ResolveValidator <TChild>(validatorType);

            return(ExecuteChild(context, instance, childValidator));
예제 #23
 public RolePermissionsRepository(CustomContext context) : base(context)
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавляет ошибку в контекст, если существуют другие сборки с таким номером и суффиксом.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="existedBuilds">Список существующих билдлов.</param>
        /// <param name="context"><see cref="CustomContext"/>.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        protected void AddExistBuildsValidationFailure(IEnumerable <BuildReadModel> existedBuilds, CustomContext context)
            var errorMessage = "Builds already exists. Exists builds: " +
                               .Select(x => x.ToString())

            context.AddFailure(new ValidationFailure(typeof(TEvent).Name, errorMessage)
                ErrorCode = ValidatorErrorCodes.ExistSameBuild
예제 #25
 public static void Serialize(TestCustomContext t, IBinaryWriter writer, CustomContext context)
예제 #26
 private void P7BMustBeURL(Command command, CustomContext customContext)
     MustBeURL(command.CRLs, "CRL", customContext);
예제 #27
 public ActionsRepository(CustomContext context) : base(context)
예제 #28
 private void CRLMustBeURL(Command command, CustomContext customContext)
     MustBeURL(command.P7Bs, "P7B", customContext);
 public static IValidatorFactory GetValidatorFactory(this CustomContext context)
예제 #30

        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to write the document to its destination file
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteDocuments()
            foreach (var kv in documentList.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                var document = kv.Value;

                // Set the evaluation context
                CustomContext context = new CustomContext();
                context["key"] = kv.Key;

                XPathExpression xpath = pathExpression.Clone();

                // Evaluate the path
                string path = document.CreateNavigator().Evaluate(xpath).ToString();

                if (basePath != null)
                    path = Path.Combine(basePath, path);

                string targetDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

                if (!Directory.Exists(targetDirectory))

                if (writeXhtmlNamespace)
                    document.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");

                // Save the document
                    // selectExpression determines which nodes get saved. If there is no selectExpression we simply
                    // save the root node as before. If there is a selectExpression, we evaluate the XPath expression
                    // and save the resulting node set. The select expression also enables the "literal-text" processing
                    // instruction, which outputs its content as unescaped text.
                    if (selectExpression == null)
                        using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(path, settings))
                        // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: The separate StreamWriter is used to maintain XML indenting.  Without it
                        // the XmlWriter won't honor our indent settings after plain text nodes have been written.
                        using (StreamWriter output = File.CreateText(path))
                            using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, settings))
                                XPathExpression selectXPath = selectExpression.Clone();

                                XPathNodeIterator ni = document.CreateNavigator().Select(selectExpression);

                                while (ni.MoveNext())
                                    if (ni.Current.NodeType == XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction &&

                    // Raise an event to indicate that a file was created
                    this.OnComponentEvent(new FileCreatedEventArgs(path, true));
                catch (IOException e)
                    this.WriteMessage(kv.Key, MessageLevel.Error, "An access error occurred while attempting to " +
                                      "save to the file '{0}'. The error message is '{1}'", path, e.GetExceptionMessage());
                catch (XmlException e)
                    this.WriteMessage(kv.Key, MessageLevel.Error, "Invalid XML was written to the output " +
                                      "file '{0}'. The error message is '{1}'", path, e.GetExceptionMessage());
예제 #31
파일: test.cs 프로젝트: mono/gert
	static int Main (string[] args)
		// Load source XML into an XPathDocument object instance.
		XPathDocument xmldoc = new XPathDocument ("books.xml");
		// Create an XPathNavigator from the XPathDocument.
		XPathNavigator nav = xmldoc.CreateNavigator ();

		// The user-defined functions in this sample implement equivalents of the frequently-used
		// Left(string,length) and Right(string,length) Visual Basic string functions.

		// Compile two XPath query expressions that use the user-defined XPath functions and a user-defined variable.
		// The compilation step only checks the query expression for correct tokenization. It does not 
		// try to resolve or to verify the definition or validity of the function and the variable names
		// that are used in the query expression.
		XPathExpression expr1 = nav.Compile ("myFuncs:left(string(.),$length)");
		XPathExpression expr2 = nav.Compile ("myFuncs:right(string(.),$length)");

		// Create an instance of an XsltArgumentList object.
		XsltArgumentList varList = new XsltArgumentList ();
		// Add the user-defined variable to the XsltArgumentList object,
		// and then supply a value for it.
		varList.AddParam ("length", "", 5);

		// Create an instance of a custom XsltContext object. This object is used to 
		// resolve the references to the user-defined XPath extension functions and the
		// user-defined variable at execution time. 

		// Notice that in the Ctor, you also pass in the XsltArgumentList object 
		// in which the user-defined variable is defined.
		CustomContext cntxt = new CustomContext (new NameTable (), varList);

		// Add a namespace definition for the ns prefix that qualifies the user-defined 
		// function names in the expr1 and expr2 query expressions.
		cntxt.AddNamespace ("myFuncs", "http://myXPathExtensionFunctions");

		// Associate the custom XsltContext object with the two XPathExpression objects
		// whose query expressions use the custom XPath functions and the custom variable.
		expr1.SetContext (cntxt);
		expr2.SetContext (cntxt);

		XPathNodeIterator iter = nav.Select ("/Books/Title");
		if (iter.Count != 2) {
			Console.WriteLine ("#1");
			return 1;

		iter.MoveNext ();
		nav = iter.Current;
		if (nav.Value != "A Brief History of Time") {
			Console.WriteLine ("#2: " + nav.Value);
			return 1;
		if (((string) (nav.Evaluate (expr1))) != "A Bri") {
			Console.WriteLine ("#3: " + nav.Evaluate (expr1));
			return 1;
		if (((string) (nav.Evaluate (expr2))) != " Time") {
			Console.WriteLine ("#4: " + nav.Evaluate (expr2));
			return 1;

		iter.MoveNext ();
		nav = iter.Current;
		if (nav.Value != "Principle Of Relativity") {
			Console.WriteLine ("#5: " + nav.Value);
			return 1;
		if (((string) (nav.Evaluate (expr1))) != "Princ") {
			Console.WriteLine ("#6: " + nav.Evaluate (expr1));
			return 1;
		if (((string) (nav.Evaluate (expr2))) != "ivity") {
			Console.WriteLine ("#7: " + nav.Evaluate (expr2));
			return 1; 
		return 0;
예제 #32
        protected override string ExecuteCore()
            var policyFilterCondition = GetPolicyFilter(_flights);
            List <MatchedPolicy> matchedPolicies        = Service.PolicyMatch.PolicyMatchServcie.MatchBunk(policyFilterCondition, false, _pnr.Passengers.First().Type, 10).ToList();
            List <MatchedPolicy> matchedSpeciafPolicies = null;

            if ((_policyType & PolicyType.Special) != PolicyType.Special && (_policyType & PolicyType.Team) != PolicyType.Team)
                policyFilterCondition  = GetPolicyFilter(_flights, PolicyType.Special);
                matchedSpeciafPolicies = Service.PolicyMatch.PolicyMatchServcie.MatchBunk(policyFilterCondition, false, _pnr.Passengers.First().Type, 10).ToList();
                if (!matchedPolicies.Any() && !matchedSpeciafPolicies.Any())
                    throw new InterfaceInvokeException("9", "没有找到相关政策");
            if (!matchedPolicies.Any())
                throw new InterfaceInvokeException("9", "没有找到相关政策");
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            PNRImport.GetPolicy(matchedPolicies, matchedSpeciafPolicies, str, _policyType, _flights, InterfaceSetting);
            //if ((_policyType & PolicyType.Special) != PolicyType.Special)
            //    var list = from item in matchedPolicies
            //               let generalPolicy = item.OriginalPolicy as IGeneralPolicy
            //               let regulation = item.OriginalPolicy as IHasRegulation
            //               select new
            //               {
            //                   Id = item.Id,
            //                   Type = item.PolicyType == PolicyType.BargainDefault ? (int)PolicyType.Bargain : item.PolicyType == PolicyType.NormalDefault ? (int)PolicyType.Normal : (int)item.PolicyType,
            //                   Fare = item.ParValue.TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                   Rebate = (item.Commission * 100).TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                   Commission = (item.ParValue - item.SettleAmount).TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                   Amount = item.SettleAmount,
            //                   Ticket = (int)(item.OriginalPolicy == null ? TicketType.BSP : item.OriginalPolicy.TicketType),
            //                   EI = ReplaceEnter((regulation == null ? getEI(_flights) : getProvision(regulation))),
            //                   OfficeNo = item.OriginalPolicy == null && item.NeedAUTH ? item.OfficeNumber : (item.OriginalPolicy != null && item.OriginalPolicy.NeedAUTH ? item.OriginalPolicy.OfficeCode : ""),
            //                   Condition = item.OriginalPolicy == null ? "" : item.OriginalPolicy.Condition,
            //                   Confirm = item.ConfirmResource,
            //                   ChangePNR = generalPolicy == null ? false : generalPolicy.ChangePNR,
            //                   EtdzTime = getTimeRange(item.WorkStart, item.WorkEnd),
            //                   RefundTime = getTimeRange(item.WorkStart, item.WorkEnd),
            //                   ScrapTime = getTimeRange(item.RefundStart, item.RefundEnd),
            //                   EtdzSpeed = item.Speed == null ? 0 : item.Speed.ETDZ / 60,
            //                   RefundSpeed = item.Speed == null ? 0 : item.Speed.Refund / 60
            //               };
            //    foreach (var item in list)
            //    {
            //        str.Append("<policy>");
            //        str.AppendFormat("<id>{0}</id>", item.Id);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<type>{0}</type>", item.Type);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<fare>{0}</fare>", item.Fare);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<rebate>{0}</rebate>", item.Rebate);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<commission>{0}</commission>", item.Commission);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<amount>{0}</amount>", item.Amount);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<ticket>{0}</ticket>", item.Ticket);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<ei>{0}</ei>", item.EI);
            //        //需要授权的office号才有,否则为空字符
            //        str.AppendFormat("<officeNo>{0}</officeNo>", item.OfficeNo);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<condition>{0}</condition>", item.Condition);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<confirm>{0}</confirm>", item.Confirm);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<changePNR>{0}</changePNR>", item.ChangePNR ? 1 : 0);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<etdzTime>{0}</etdzTime>", item.EtdzTime);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<refundTime>{0}</refundTime>", item.RefundTime);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<scrapTime>{0}</scrapTime>", item.ScrapTime);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<etdzSpeed>{0}</etdzSpeed>", item.EtdzSpeed);
            //        str.Append("</policy>");
            //    }
            //    if ((_policyType & PolicyType.Team) != PolicyType.Team)
            //    {
            //        var queryList = from item in matchedSpeciafPolicies
            //                        where item != null && item.OriginalPolicy != null
            //                        let specialPolicy = item.OriginalPolicy as SpecialPolicyInfo
            //                        let specialPolicyInfo = SpecialProductService.Query(specialPolicy.Type)
            //                        select new
            //                        {
            //                            Id = item.Id,
            //                            Type = (int)item.PolicyType,
            //                            Fare = item.ParValue.TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                            Rebate = (item.Commission * 100).TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                            Commission = (item.ParValue - item.SettleAmount).TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                            Amount = item.SettleAmount,
            //                            Ticket = (int)(item.OriginalPolicy == null ? TicketType.BSP : item.OriginalPolicy.TicketType),
            //                            EI = ReplaceEnter(getProvision(item.OriginalPolicy as IHasRegulation)),
            //                            OfficeNo = item.OriginalPolicy == null && item.NeedAUTH ? item.OfficeNumber : (item.OriginalPolicy != null && item.OriginalPolicy.NeedAUTH ? item.OriginalPolicy.OfficeCode : ""),
            //                            Condition = item.OriginalPolicy == null ? "" : item.OriginalPolicy.Condition,
            //                            Confirm = item.ConfirmResource,
            //                            ChangePNR = "0",
            //                            EtdzTime = getTimeRange(item.WorkStart, item.WorkEnd),
            //                            RefundTime = getTimeRange(item.WorkStart, item.WorkEnd),
            //                            ScrapTime = getTimeRange(item.RefundStart, item.RefundEnd),
            //                            EtdzSpeed = item.Speed == null ? 0 : item.Speed.ETDZ / 60,
            //                            RefundSpeed = item.Speed == null ? 0 : item.Speed.Refund / 60
            //                        };
            //        foreach (var item in queryList)
            //        {
            //            str.Append("<policy>");
            //            str.AppendFormat("<id>{0}</id>", item.Id);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<type>{0}</type>", item.Type);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<fare>{0}</fare>", item.Fare);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<rebate>{0}</rebate>", item.Rebate);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<commission>{0}</commission>", item.Commission);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<amount>{0}</amount>", item.Amount);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<ticket>{0}</ticket>", item.Ticket);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<ei>{0}</ei>", item.EI);
            //            //需要授权的office号才有,否则为空字符
            //            str.AppendFormat("<officeNo>{0}</officeNo>", item.OfficeNo);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<condition>{0}</condition>", item.Condition);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<confirm>{0}</confirm>", item.Confirm);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<changePNR>{0}</changePNR>", item.ChangePNR);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<etdzTime>{0}</etdzTime>", item.EtdzTime);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<refundTime>{0}</refundTime>", item.RefundTime);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<scrapTime>{0}</scrapTime>", item.ScrapTime);
            //            str.AppendFormat("<etdzSpeed>{0}</etdzSpeed>", item.EtdzSpeed);
            //            str.Append("</policy>");
            //        }
            //        foreach (var item in matchedSpeciafPolicies)
            //        {
            //            if (!matchedPolicies.Contains(item))
            //            {
            //                matchedPolicies.Add(item);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    var queryList = from item in matchedPolicies
            //                    let specialPolicy = item.OriginalPolicy as SpecialPolicyInfo
            //                    let specialPolicyInfo = SpecialProductService.Query(specialPolicy.Type)
            //                    where item != null && item.OriginalPolicy != null && !specialPolicy.ConfirmResource
            //                    select new
            //                    {
            //                        Id = item.Id,
            //                        Type = (int)item.PolicyType,
            //                        Fare = item.ParValue.TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                        Rebate = (item.Commission * 100).TrimInvaidZero(),
            //                        Commission = 0,
            //                        Amount = item.SettleAmount,
            //                        Ticket = (int)(item.OriginalPolicy == null ? TicketType.BSP : item.OriginalPolicy.TicketType),
            //                        EI = ReplaceEnter(getProvision(item.OriginalPolicy as IHasRegulation)),
            //                        OfficeNo = item.OriginalPolicy == null && item.NeedAUTH ? item.OfficeNumber : (item.OriginalPolicy != null && item.OriginalPolicy.NeedAUTH ? item.OriginalPolicy.OfficeCode : ""),
            //                        Condition = item.OriginalPolicy == null ? "" : item.OriginalPolicy.Condition,
            //                        Confirm = item.ConfirmResource,
            //                        ChangePNR = "0",
            //                        EtdzTime = getTimeRange(item.WorkStart, item.WorkEnd),
            //                        RefundTime = getTimeRange(item.WorkStart, item.WorkEnd),
            //                        ScrapTime = getTimeRange(item.RefundStart, item.RefundEnd),
            //                        EtdzSpeed = item.Speed == null ? 0 : item.Speed.ETDZ / 60,
            //                        RefundSpeed = item.Speed == null ? 0 : item.Speed.Refund / 60,
            //                        OrganizaPolicy = item.OriginalPolicy
            //                    };
            //    foreach (var item in queryList)
            //    {
            //        str.Append("<policy>");
            //        str.AppendFormat("<id>{0}</id>", item.Id);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<type>{0}</type>", item.Type);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<fare>{0}</fare>", item.Fare);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<rebate>{0}</rebate>", item.Rebate);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<commission>{0}</commission>", item.Commission);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<amount>{0}</amount>", item.Amount);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<ticket>{0}</ticket>", item.Ticket);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<ei>{0}</ei>", item.EI);
            //        //需要授权的office号才有,否则为空字符
            //        str.AppendFormat("<officeNo>{0}</officeNo>", item.OfficeNo);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<condition>{0}</condition>", item.Condition);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<confirm>{0}</confirm>", item.Confirm);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<changePNR>{0}</changePNR>", item.ChangePNR);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<etdzTime>{0}</etdzTime>", item.EtdzTime);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<refundTime>{0}</refundTime>", item.RefundTime);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<scrapTime>{0}</scrapTime>", item.ScrapTime);
            //        str.AppendFormat("<etdzSpeed>{0}</etdzSpeed>", item.EtdzSpeed);
            //        str.Append("</policy>");
            //    }
            CustomContext context = CustomContext.NewContext();
            context[_pnr.PnrPair.BPNR + _pnr.PnrPair.PNR] = matchedPolicies;
            str.AppendFormat("<batchNo>{0}</batchNo>", context.Id + "1");

예제 #33

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Initialize(XPathNavigator configuration)
            // Get the context.  This will contain namespaces that prefix the elements to find.
            context = new CustomContext();

            XPathNodeIterator contextNodes = configuration.Select("context");

            foreach(XPathNavigator cn in contextNodes)
                context.AddNamespace(cn.GetAttribute("prefix", String.Empty),
                    cn.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty));

            // Item keys are compared case-insensitively
            content = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            elements = new List<SharedContentElement>();

            // Get the elements to be resolved
            XPathNodeIterator resolve_nodes = configuration.Select("replace");

            foreach(XPathNavigator resolve_node in resolve_nodes)
                // Get the XPath expression used to find the elements to replace
                string path = resolve_node.GetAttribute("elements", String.Empty);

                // If not defined, assume include and includeAttribute are to be replaced
                    path = "//include | //includeAttribute";

                    XPathExpression path_expresion = XPathExpression.Compile(path, context);
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "The elements expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath",

                // Get the XPath expression used to get the item name to insert
                string item = resolve_node.GetAttribute("item", String.Empty);

                    item = "string(@item)";
                    XPathExpression item_expression = XPathExpression.Compile(item, context);
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "The item expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath", item);

                // Get the XPath expression used to find parameter elements
                string parameters = resolve_node.GetAttribute("parameters", String.Empty);

                    parameters = "parameter";

                // Get the XPath expression used to get the attribute name for attribute items
                string attribute = resolve_node.GetAttribute("attribute", String.Empty);

                    attribute = "string(@name)";

                elements.Add(new SharedContentElement(path, item, parameters, attribute, context));

            // If not defined, assume include and includeAttribute are to be replaced using the default names
            if(elements.Count == 0)
                elements.Add(new SharedContentElement("//include | //includeAttribute", "string(@item)",
                    "parameter", "string(@name)", context));

            // Load the content item files
            XPathNodeIterator content_nodes = configuration.Select("content");

            foreach(XPathNavigator content_node in content_nodes)
                string sharedContentFiles = content_node.GetAttribute("file", String.Empty);

                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "The content/@file attribute must specify a path.");


            base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Loaded {0} shared content items.", content.Count);
예제 #34
        void PaymentResponseFinder(PaymentLog PaymentLog, out bool ResponseReceived, out string Message, string assessmentType)
            int           retry         = 50;
            PaymentStatus paymentStatus = null;

            ResponseReceived = false;
            Message          = string.Empty;
            int    counter      = -50;
            string responsePath = assessmentType == "Excise" ? _dutyConfig.ExciseResponsePath : @"C:\tosser\inout\eresponse";

                var all = Directory.GetFiles(responsePath);
                if (all.Any())
                    foreach (string filename in all)
                        string      readFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);
                        XmlDocument xmlDoc   = new XmlDocument();

                        var transactionStatusDetails = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("TransactionResponse");

                        using (CustomContext cust = new CustomContext())
                            foreach (XmlNode node in transactionStatusDetails)
                                if (readFile.Contains("PayExcise"))
                                    paymentStatus = new PaymentStatus
                                        CustomsCode      = node["CustomsCode"].InnerText,
                                        CompanyCode      = node["CompanyCode"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentSerial = node["Asmt"]["AssessmentSerial"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentNumber = node["Asmt"]["AssessmentNumber"].InnerText,
                                        Year             = node["Asmt"]["SADYear"].InnerText,
                                        Status           = node["TransactionStatus"].InnerText,
                                        Message          = node["Info"]["Message"].InnerText,
                                        DateCreated      = DateTime.Now,
                                        PaymentLogId     = PaymentLog.Id
                                    paymentStatus = new PaymentStatus
                                        CustomsCode      = node["CustomsCode"].InnerText,
                                        DeclarantCode    = node["DeclarantCode"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentSerial = node["SadAsmt"]["SADAssessmentSerial"].InnerText,
                                        AssessmentNumber = node["SadAsmt"]["SADAssessmentNumber"].InnerText,
                                        Year             = node["SadAsmt"]["SADYear"].InnerText,
                                        Status           = node["TransactionStatus"].InnerText,
                                        Message          = node["Info"]["Message"].InnerText,
                                        DateCreated      = DateTime.Now,
                                        PaymentLogId     = PaymentLog.Id

                                int saveOne = cust.SaveChanges();

                                if (saveOne == 1)
                                    Task.Run(() => CreditTillAccount(PaymentLog.Amount, _dutyConfig.SuspenseAccount, PaymentLog.PaymentReference));
                                    // retry = 0;
                                    counter          = 0;
                                    ResponseReceived = (counter == 0);
                                    Message          = paymentStatus.Message;

                                    cleaner.DeleteFile(assessmentType == "Excise" ? _dutyConfig.ExciseResponsePath : @"C:\tosser\inout\eresponse");

                                    Log.Information("Updation transaction status");
                                    PaymentLog.StatusId            = (int)TransactionStatus.Completed;
                                    PaymentLog.TransactionStatusId = (int)TransactionStatus.Completed;
                                    //return Ok(new { Status = HttpStatusCode.OK, Message = $"Transaction completed: NCS Message - {paymentStatus?.Message}" });
                counter = (counter == 0 ? counter : counter += 1); retry = counter;
            }while (retry != 0);
 private void Then_shared_value_is_passed_to_second_step_and_still_match_5(CustomContext ctx)
     Assert.That(ctx.Shared, Is.EqualTo(5));
예제 #36
 public PaymentController(ICustomDutyClient client, DutyConfig dutyConfig, CustomContext context)
     _client     = client;
     _dutyConfig = dutyConfig;
     _context    = context;
예제 #37

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Initialize(XPathNavigator configuration)
            MessageLevel level;
            bool isAttribute, ignoreCase;

            // Set up the context
            this.Context = new CustomContext();

            XPathNodeIterator contextNodes = configuration.Select("context");

            foreach(XPathNavigator contextNode in contextNodes)
                this.Context.AddNamespace(contextNode.GetAttribute("prefix", String.Empty),
                    contextNode.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty));

            // Set up the indices
            XPathNodeIterator indexNodes = configuration.Select("index");

            foreach(XPathNavigator indexNode in indexNodes)
                // Create the index
                IndexedCache index = this.CreateIndex(indexNode);
                base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Diagnostic, "Loading {0} index", index.Name);

                DateTime startLoad = DateTime.Now;
                // Search the data directories for entries
                XPathNodeIterator dataNodes = indexNode.Select("data");

                foreach(XPathNavigator dataNode in dataNodes)

                // Getting the count from a database cache can be expensive so only report it if it will be seen
                if(base.BuildAssembler.VerbosityLevel == MessageLevel.Info)
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Indexed {0} elements", index.Count);
                TimeSpan loadTime = (DateTime.Now - startLoad);
                base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Diagnostic, "Load time: {0} seconds", loadTime.TotalSeconds);
                BuildComponentCore.Data.Add(index.Name, index);

            // Get the copy commands
            XPathNodeIterator copyNodes = configuration.Select("copy");

            foreach(XPathNavigator copyNode in copyNodes)
                string sourceName = copyNode.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);

                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each copy command must specify an index to copy from");

                string keyXPath = copyNode.GetAttribute("key", String.Empty);

                    keyXPath = "string($key)";

                string sourceXPath = copyNode.GetAttribute("source", String.Empty);

                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "When instantiating a CopyFromIndex component, you " +
                        "must specify a source XPath format using the source attribute");

                string targetXPath = copyNode.GetAttribute("target", String.Empty);

                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "When instantiating a CopyFromIndex component, you " +
                        "must specify a target XPath format using the target attribute");

                isAttribute = ignoreCase = false;

                string boolValue = copyNode.GetAttribute("attribute", String.Empty);

                if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boolValue) && !Boolean.TryParse(boolValue, out isAttribute))
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "The 'attribute' attribute value is not a valid Boolean");

                boolValue = copyNode.GetAttribute("ignoreCase", String.Empty);

                if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boolValue) && !Boolean.TryParse(boolValue, out ignoreCase))
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "The ignoreCase attribute value is not a valid Boolean");

                IndexedCache index = (IndexedCache)BuildComponentCore.Data[sourceName];

                CopyFromIndexCommand copyCommand = new CopyFromIndexCommand(this, index, keyXPath, sourceXPath,
                    targetXPath, isAttribute, ignoreCase);

                string messageLevel = copyNode.GetAttribute("missing-entry", String.Empty);

                    if(Enum.TryParse<MessageLevel>(messageLevel, true, out level))
                        copyCommand.MissingEntry = level;
                        base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "'{0}' is not a message level.", messageLevel);

                messageLevel = copyNode.GetAttribute("missing-source", String.Empty);

                    if(Enum.TryParse<MessageLevel>(messageLevel, true, out level))
                        copyCommand.MissingSource = level;
                        base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "'{0}' is not a message level.", messageLevel);

                messageLevel = copyNode.GetAttribute("missing-target", String.Empty);

                    if(Enum.TryParse<MessageLevel>(messageLevel, true, out level))
                        copyCommand.MissingTarget = level;
                        base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "'{0}' is not a message level.", messageLevel);


            XPathNodeIterator componentNodes = configuration.Select("components/component");

            foreach(XPathNavigator componentNode in componentNodes)
                // Get the ID of the copy component
                string id = componentNode.GetAttribute("id", String.Empty);

                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each copy component element must have an id attribute");

                var copyComponentFactory = copyComponentFactories.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Metadata.Id == id);

                if(copyComponentFactory == null)
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "A copy component with the ID '{0}' could not be found", id);

                    var copyComponent = copyComponentFactory.Value.Create(this);

                    copyComponent.Initialize(componentNode.Clone(), BuildComponentCore.Data);
                catch(Exception ex)
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "An error occurred while attempting to instantiate " +
                        "the '{0}' copy component. The error message is: {1}{2}", id, ex.Message,
                        ex.InnerException != null ? "\r\n" + ex.InnerException.Message : String.Empty);

            if(components.Count != 0)
                base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Loaded {0} copy components", components.Count);
 private static void CreateFailuresInContext(IEnumerable <ValidationErrorDetail> errs, CustomContext context)
     foreach (var error in errs)
         context.AddFailure(error.Field, error.ErrorMessage);