public async Task RemoveCommandAsync( [Summary("vim2meta")] CustomCmd command) { await _dbCustomCmds.DeleteOneAsync(command); await Context.ReplyAsync("You have successfully deleted this command."); }
public async Task ModifyCommandAsync( [Summary("vim2meta")] CustomCmd command, [Summary("RETARD THAT'S AS BLIND AS ME GRAN")][Remainder][MaxLength(Config.MAX_CMD_LENGTH)] CmdResponse response = null) { await _dbCustomCmds.UpdateAsync(command, x => x.Response = response.Value); await Context.ReplyAsync("You have successfully updated this command."); }
public async Task AddCommandAsync( [Summary("retarded")][UniqueCustomCmd] string name, [Summary("VIM2META LOL DUDE IS THICC AS BALLS")][Remainder][MaxLength(Config.MAX_CMD_LENGTH)] CmdResponse response) { var newCmd = new CustomCmd(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id, name.ToLower(), response.Value); await _dbCustomCmds.InsertOneAsync(newCmd); await Context.ReplyAsync("You have successfully added a new custom command."); }
private void RefreshCustomList() { CustomListBox.Items.Clear(); CustomCmd.CommandText = "SELECT Item FROM CustomList"; reader = CustomCmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { CustomListBox.Items.Add(reader["Item"].ToString()); } reader.Close(); }
private void AddCustomRecord(string obj) { CustomCmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(Item) FROM CustomList WHERE Item = '" + obj + "'"; long i = (long)CustomCmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (i == 0) { CustomCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO CustomList (Item) VALUES ('" + obj + "')"; CustomCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); CustomListBox.Items.Add(CustomAdderText.Text); CustomAdderText.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("既に追加されている要素です。"); } }
//接続 private void ConnectDB() { if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\\GalaxySoftware\\wcatManager\\DataLists\\PlayerList.db")) { TeamCon = new SQLiteConnection(TeamDBPath); TeamCon.Open(); TeamCmd = TeamCon.CreateCommand(); } else { TeamCon = new SQLiteConnection(TeamDBPath); TeamCon.Open(); TeamCmd = TeamCon.CreateCommand(); TeamCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE PlayerList (id integer primary key, Player varchar)"; TeamCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\\GalaxySoftware\\wcatManager\\DataLists\\CustomList.db")) { CustomCon = new SQLiteConnection(CustomDBPath); CustomCon.Open(); CustomCmd = CustomCon.CreateCommand(); } else { CustomCon = new SQLiteConnection(CustomDBPath); CustomCon.Open(); CustomCmd = CustomCon.CreateCommand(); CustomCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE CustomList (id integer primary key, Item varchar)"; CustomCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } BindCon = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + @"DataLists\\SpecifiedBindList.db"); BindCon.Open(); BindCmd = BindCon.CreateCommand(); JobCon = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + @"DataLists\\JobList.db"); JobCon.Open(); JobCmd = JobCon.CreateCommand(); TypeCon = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + @"DataLists\\TypeList.db"); TypeCon.Open(); TypeCmd = TypeCon.CreateCommand(); MapCon = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + @"DataLists\\MapList.db"); MapCon.Open(); MapCmd = MapCon.CreateCommand(); }
public async Task CmdInfoAsync( [Summary("command")] CustomCmd cmd) { var elems = new List <(string, string)>() { ("Response", cmd.Response), ("Uses", cmd.Uses.ToString()), ("Created At", cmd.Timestamp.ToString("f")), }; var creator = await Context.Client.GetUserAsync(cmd.OwnerId); if (creator != null) { elems.Insert(0, ("Creator", creator.ToString())); } await Context.SendAsync(string.Join("\n", elems.Select(x => $"{x.Item1.Bold()}: {x.Item2}")), cmd.Name.UpperFirstChar()); }
private void RemoveCustomRecord(string obj) { CustomCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM CustomList WHERE Item = '" + obj + "'"; CustomCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); RefreshCustomList(); }