예제 #1
 private static extern int mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags);
예제 #2
 int INativeLibraryFacade.mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags)
     return FallbackLibraryFacade.mdb_cursor_del(cursor, flags);
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete current key/data pair.
 /// This function deletes the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="option">Options for this operation. This parameter must be set to 0 or one of the values described here.
 ///     MDB_NODUPDATA - delete all of the data items for the current key. This flag may only be specified if the database was opened with MDB_DUPSORT.</param>
 private void Delete(CursorDeleteOption option)
     mdb_cursor_del(_handle, option);
예제 #4
 //TODO: tests
 public void Delete(CursorDeleteOption option)
     Native.Execute(lib => lib.mdb_cursor_del(_handle, option));
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete current key/data pair.
 /// This function deletes the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="option">Options for this operation. This parameter must be set to 0 or one of the values described here.
 ///     MDB_NODUPDATA - delete all of the data items for the current key. This flag may only be specified if the database was opened with MDB_DUPSORT.</param>
 private MDBResultCode Delete(CursorDeleteOption option)
     return(mdb_cursor_del(_handle, option));
예제 #6
 public static extern int mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags);
예제 #7
 public static int mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags)
     return check(LmdbMethods.mdb_cursor_del(cursor, flags));
예제 #8
 //TODO: tests
 public void Delete(CursorDeleteOption option)
     NativeMethods.Execute(lib => lib.mdb_cursor_del(_handle, option));
예제 #9
 public static int mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags)
     return(check(LmdbMethods.mdb_cursor_del(cursor, flags)));
예제 #10
 public static extern MDBResultCode mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags);
예제 #11
 //TODO: tests
 public void Delete(CursorDeleteOption option)
     Native.Execute(() => Native.mdb_cursor_del(_handle, option));
예제 #12
 public static extern int mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags); //OK
 int INativeLibraryFacade.mdb_cursor_del(IntPtr cursor, CursorDeleteOption flags)
     return(FallbackLibraryFacade.mdb_cursor_del(cursor, flags));