private void PopulateProductDropDown()
            // Get the data from the BLL
            var controller = new ProductController();
            var data       = controller.ListProducts();

            // Use the data in the DropDownList control
            CurrentProducts.DataSource     = data;                        // supplies all the data to the control
            CurrentProducts.DataTextField  = nameof(Product.ProductName); // identify which property will be used to display text
            CurrentProducts.DataValueField = nameof(Product.ProductID);   // identify which property will be associated with the value of the <option> element

            // Insert an item at the top to be our "placeholder" for the <select> tag
            CurrentProducts.Items.Insert(0, "[select a product]");
예제 #2
    private void PopulateProductsDropDown()
        // We can populate some controls such as DropDownLists with data
        // Populate CurrentProducts with all the products in the database
        InventoryPurchasingController controller = new InventoryPurchasingController();
        // controller is a NorthwindController object
        List <Product> products = controller.ListAllProducts();

        // products is a List<Product> object
        CurrentProducts.DataSource = products;
        // CurrentProducts is a DropDownList
        CurrentProducts.DataTextField  = "ProductName"; // The property of the Product class to display
        CurrentProducts.DataValueField = "ProductID";
        CurrentProducts.DataBind();                     // Populate the DropDownList
        CurrentProducts.Items.Insert(0, "[select a product]");