public void LoadPlugins() { if (Fougerite.Config.GetBoolValue("Engines", "EnableCSharp")) { foreach (string name in GetPluginNames()) { LoadPlugin(name); } List <Module> OrderedModuleSelector = new List <Module>(); foreach (var x in PluginLoader.GetInstance().Plugins.Values) { CSPlugin plugin = x as CSPlugin; if (plugin != null) { OrderedModuleSelector.Add(plugin.Engine); } } OrderedModuleSelector = OrderedModuleSelector.OrderBy(x => x.Order).ToList(); foreach (Module CurrentModule in OrderedModuleSelector) { try { CurrentModule.Initialize(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken modules better stop the entire server init. Logger.LogError(string.Format( "[CSharpPlugin] Module \"{0}\" has thrown an exception during initialization. {1}", CurrentModule.Name, ex)); } //Logger.Log(string.Format( // "[CSharpPlugin] Module {0} v{1} (by {2}) initiated.", CurrentModule.Name, CurrentModule.Version, CurrentModule.Author)); } Hooks.ModulesLoaded(); } else { Logger.LogDebug("[CSharpPluginLoader] C# plugins are disabled in Fougerite.cfg."); } }
internal static void LoadModules() { Logger.Log("[Modules] Loading modules..."); string IgnoredPluginsFilePath = Path.Combine(ModulesFolder, "ignoredmodules.txt"); List <string> IgnoredModules = new List <string>(); if (File.Exists(IgnoredPluginsFilePath)) { IgnoredModules.AddRange(File.ReadAllLines(IgnoredPluginsFilePath)); } DirectoryInfo[] DirectoryInfos = new DirectoryInfo(ModulesFolder).GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo DirInfo in DirectoryInfos) { FileInfo FileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(DirInfo.FullName, DirInfo.Name + ".dll")); if (!FileInfo.Exists) { continue; } if (Array.IndexOf(Config.FougeriteConfig.EnumSection("Modules"), DirInfo.Name) == -1) { Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("[Modules] {0} is not configured to be loaded.", DirInfo.Name)); continue; } Logger.LogDebug("[Modules] Module Found: " + FileInfo.Name); string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileInfo.Name); if (IgnoredModules.Contains(FileNameWithoutExtension)) { Logger.LogWarning(string.Format("[Modules] {0} was ignored from being loaded.", FileNameWithoutExtension)); continue; } try { Logger.LogDebug("[Modules] Loading assembly: " + FileInfo.Name); Assembly Assembly; // The plugin assembly might have been resolved by another plugin assembly already, so no use to // load it again, but we do still have to verify it and create plugin instances. if (!LoadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(FileNameWithoutExtension, out Assembly)) { Assembly = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(FileInfo.FullName)); LoadedAssemblies.Add(FileNameWithoutExtension, Assembly); } foreach (Type Type in Assembly.GetExportedTypes()) { if (!Type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Module)) || !Type.IsPublic || Type.IsAbstract) { continue; } Logger.LogDebug("[Modules] Checked " + Type.FullName); Module PluginInstance = null; try { PluginInstance = (Module)Activator.CreateInstance(Type); Logger.LogDebug("[Modules] Instance created: " + Type.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken plugins better stop the entire server init. Logger.LogError(string.Format("[Modules] Could not create an instance of plugin class \"{0}\". {1}", Type.FullName, ex)); } if (PluginInstance != null) { ModuleContainer Container = new ModuleContainer(PluginInstance); Container.Plugin.ModuleFolder = Path.Combine(PublicFolder, Config.GetValue("Modules", DirInfo.Name).TrimStart(new char[] { '\\', '/' }).Trim()); Modules.Add(Container); GlobalPluginCollector.GetPluginCollector().AddPlugin(Container.Plugin.Name, Container, "C#"); Logger.LogDebug("[Modules] Module added: " + FileInfo.Name); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken assemblies better stop the entire server init. Logger.LogError(string.Format("[Modules] Failed to load assembly \"{0}\". {1}", FileInfo.Name, ex)); } } IOrderedEnumerable <ModuleContainer> OrderedModuleSelector = from x in Plugins orderby x.Plugin.Order, x.Plugin.Name select x; foreach (ModuleContainer CurrentModule in OrderedModuleSelector) { try { CurrentModule.Initialize(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Broken modules better stop the entire server init. Logger.LogError(string.Format( "[Modules] Module \"{0}\" has thrown an exception during initialization. {1}", CurrentModule.Plugin.Name, ex)); } Logger.Log(string.Format( "[Modules] Module {0} v{1} (by {2}) initiated.", CurrentModule.Plugin.Name, CurrentModule.Plugin.Version, CurrentModule.Plugin.Author)); } Hooks.ModulesLoaded(); }