static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 2) { string arg1 = args[0].ToLower(); string arg2 = args[1].ToLower(); using (WebClient W = new WebClient()) { W.DownloadFile("", @"C:\Users\maksy\OneDrive\Документы\2.2 курс\Petrovich\"); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"C:\Users\maksy\OneDrive\Документы\2.2 курс\Petrovich\"))) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Open(@"C:\Users\maksy\OneDrive\Документы\2.2 курс\Petrovich\RpmCompare-LIGHT.txt", FileMode.Create))) { string CurLine; string[] split; int counter; bool cheker1; bool cheker2; string ls; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { cheker1 = false; cheker2 = false; counter = 0; CurLine = sr.ReadLine(); split = CurLine.Split(new String[] { "\t", " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string s in split) { ls = s.ToLower(); if (ls.Contains(arg1) || (counter == 0 && ls.StartsWith("#"))) { cheker1 = true; } else if (ls.Contains("=")) { cheker2 = true; } counter++; } if (cheker1) { } else if (cheker2) { sw.WriteLine(arg2); } else { sw.WriteLine(CurLine); } } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("SYNTAX: SysProga1.exe <Arg1> <Arg2>"); } }
public static void LoadConfig() { if (File.Exists("IRCStatistician.conf")) { AppLog.WriteLine(1, "STATUS", "Loading configuration from IRCStatistician.conf"); string CurLine; StreamReader ConfigFile = new StreamReader("IRCStatistician.conf"); while ((CurLine = ConfigFile.ReadLine()) != null) { if (CurLine.Substring(0, 1) != "#") { string[] CurLineSplit = CurLine.Split(new char[1] { '=' }, 2); AppLog.WriteLine(4, "CONFIG", "Configuration Option: " + CurLineSplit[0] + " = " + CurLineSplit[1]); switch (CurLineSplit[0].ToLower()) { case "sqlserverhost": m_SQLServerHost = CurLineSplit[1]; break; case "sqlserverport": m_SQLServerPort = Convert.ToInt32(CurLineSplit[1]); break; case "sqlusername": m_SQLUsername = CurLineSplit[1]; break; case "sqlpassword": m_SQLPassword = CurLineSplit[1]; break; case "sqldatabase": m_SQLDatabase = CurLineSplit[1]; break; case "sqltableprefix": m_SQLTablePrefix = CurLineSplit[1]; break; case "resolution": m_Resolution = Convert.ToInt32(CurLineSplit[1]); break; default: AppLog.WriteLine(1, "ERROR", "Unknown Configuration Option: " + CurLineSplit[0] + " = " + CurLineSplit[1]); break; } } } } else { AppLog.WriteLine(1, "ERROR", "No Configuration File Found. Did you copy IRCStatistician.sample.conf and change the settings?"); } }
public void ProcessLog(string Data) { TextReader LogTextReader = new StringReader(Data); string CurLine; int i = 0; DateTime StartOfDay = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime Timestamp = DateTime.MinValue; while ((CurLine = LogTextReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (CurLine.Substring(0, 1) == "#") { if (CurLine.Substring(0, 15) == "# Opened (UTC):") { string DayStr = CurLine.Substring(16); StartOfDay = Convert.ToDateTime(DayStr.Substring(0, DayStr.IndexOf(' '))); } // Is a comment } else { string TimeNum = CurLine.Substring(0, CurLine.IndexOf(' ')); Timestamp = StartOfDay.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(TimeNum)); // The will return the number of whole Config.Resolution chunks that have passed since Jan 1 2014. uint TimeframeID = (uint)(((Timestamp - new DateTime(2014, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds) / Config.Resolution); CurLine = CurLine.Substring(TimeNum.Length + 1); if (CurLine.Substring(0, 1) == ":") { CurLine = CurLine.Substring(1); string[] ParameterSplit = CurLine.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), 3, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Sender Sender = IRCFunctions.ParseSender(ParameterSplit[0]); string Command = ParameterSplit[1]; string Parameters = ParameterSplit[2]; Network.Parse(Timestamp, TimeframeID, Sender, Command, Parameters); } else if (CurLine.Substring(0, 4) == "PING") { // Do anything here? } else { AppLog.WriteLine(5, "DEBUG", "Unknown Line Format: " + CurLine); } } i++; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please supply input file"); return; } StreamReader InputFile = new StreamReader(args[0]); StreamWriter OutputFile1 = new StreamWriter(@"Output1.txt"); StreamWriter OutputFile2 = new StreamWriter(@"Output2.txt"); string CurLine; while ((CurLine = InputFile.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] b = { "a", "a" }; if (CurLine.Contains(':')) { b = CurLine.Split(':'); } else if (CurLine.Contains(';')) { b = CurLine.Split(';'); } try { OutputFile1.WriteLine(b[1]); OutputFile2.WriteLine(b[0]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(CurLine); Console.WriteLine(ex); } } OutputFile1.Close(); OutputFile2.Close(); InputFile.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Done Splitting!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------- // запись Tsv-текста в файл public bool SaveToFile(string FileName) { int I; bool ContainsEmpty; string CurLine; string[] Columns; if (FileName == null) { return(false); } if ((Tsv == null) || (Tsv.Length == 0)) { return(false); } string[] Lines = Tsv.ToString().Split(CCommon.Chr(13)); if (Lines == null) { return(false); } if (Lines.Length == 0) { return(false); } bool Result = false; CTextWriter TextWriter = new CTextWriter(); if (!TextWriter.Create(FileName, CAbc.CHARSET_WINDOWS)) { return(false); } for (I = 0; I < Lines.Length; I++) { Result = true; CurLine = Lines[I].Replace(CAbc.BIG_UKR_I, "I").Replace(CAbc.SMALL_UKR_I, "i").Trim(); if (CurLine.Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } ContainsEmpty = true; Columns = CurLine.Split(CCommon.Chr(9)); if (Columns == null) { ContainsEmpty = true; // есть пустые ячейки ? } else if (Columns.Length < 2) { ContainsEmpty = true; } else { foreach (string Item in Columns) { if (Item.Trim().Length != 0) { ContainsEmpty = false; } } } if (!ContainsEmpty) { if (!TextWriter.Add(CurLine + CAbc.CRLF)) { Result = false; } } } TextWriter.Close(); return(Result); }
private void RunModel() { string CurLine; string[] Fields; int Frame = 0; string Delims = " "; char[] FieldDelims = Delims.ToCharArray(); bool Once = true; btnRun.Enabled = false; btnStop.Enabled = true; udFrameCount.Enabled = false; menuModelRun.Enabled = false; mRunning = false; sbTextPanel.Text = "Running"; Log("Starting simulation"); Log("Current path is: " + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); Log("Module directory: \"" + ModuleDirectory + "\""); Log("Input directory: \"" + InputDirectory + "\""); Log("Output directory: \"" + OutputDirectory + "\""); Log("Model configuration: \"" + DiagramFile + "\""); Log("Module parameters: \"" + ParameterFile + "\""); Log("Beginning simulation\n"); while (true) { CurLine = mExecutionProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); if ((CurLine != null) && (CurLine.IndexOf("Error") > 0)) { Log(CurLine); } else { if ((CurLine != null) && (CurLine.StartsWith(" Starting Frame "))) { Fields = CurLine.Split(FieldDelims); Frame = Int32.Parse(Fields[Fields.Length - 1]); progressBar.Value = Frame; sbTextPanel.Text = "Running: Frame " + Frame.ToString() + "/" + mFrameCount.Value.ToString(); } } if (Frame < 2) { Log(CurLine); } else { if (Once) { Once = false; Log("Simulation running, please wait"); } } if (mExecutionProcess.HasExited) { break; } } progressBar.Value = progressBar.Maximum; progressBar.Visible = false; if (mExecutionProcess.ExitCode != 0) { Log("Simulation completed with errors"); } else { Log("Simulation complete"); } Log("Ready"); btnRun.Enabled = true; btnStop.Enabled = false; btnAbort.Enabled = false; udFrameCount.Enabled = true; UpdateStatusDisplay(); udFrameCount.Focus(); mRunning = false; menuModelRun.Enabled = true; if (RunningFromCommandLineInput) { Application.Exit(); } }