예제 #1
파일: Sugarcane.cs 프로젝트: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Sugar_harvests this instance.
        /// </summary>
        void sugar_harvest()
            //*+  Purpose
            //*       Report occurence of harvest and the current status of specific
            //*       variables.

            //*+  Mission Statement
            //*     Occurance of harvest

            //*+  Changes
            //*     070495 nih taken from template
            //*     191099 jngh changed to sugar_Send_Crop_Chopped_Event
            //*     101100 dph  added eventInterface parameter to crop_root_incorp

            double l_biomass_dead;          //! above ground dead plant wt (kg/ha)
            double l_biomass_green;         //! above ground green plant wt (kg/ha)
            double l_biomass_senesced;      //! above ground senesced plant wt (kg/ha)
            string l_cultivar_ratoon;
            double l_dm;                    //! above ground total dry matter (kg/ha)
            double l_leaf_no;               //! total leaf number
            double l_N_dead;                //! above ground dead plant N (kg/ha)
            double l_N_green;               //! above ground green plant N (kg/ha)
            double l_N_senesced;            //! above ground senesced plant N (kg/ha)
            double l_N_total;               //! total gross nitrogen content (kg/ha)
            int l_phase;                 //! phenological phase number
            double l_si1;                   //! mean water stress type 1
            double l_si2;                   //! mean water stress type 2
            double l_si4;                   //! mean nitrogen stress type 1
            double l_dm_root;               //! (g/m^2)
            double l_N_root;                //! (g/m^2)
            double l_dm_residue;            //! (g/m^2)
            double l_N_residue;             //! (g/m^2)
            double[] l_dlt_dm_crop = new double[max_part]; //! change in crop dry matter (kg/ha)
            double[] l_dlt_dm_N = new double[max_part];   //! N content of dry matter change (kg/ha)
            double[] l_fraction_to_Residue = new double[max_part];   //! fraction sent to residue (0-1)

            int l_hold_ratoon_no;
            double l_hold_dm_root;
            double l_hold_n_root;
            int l_hold_num_layers;
            double l_hold_root_depth;
            double[] l_hold_root_length = new double[max_layer];

            //! crop harvested. Report status

            if (Harvesting != null)
                Harvesting.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            l_biomass_green = (SumArray(g_dm_green, max_part) - g_dm_green[root]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;

            l_biomass_senesced = (SumArray(g_dm_senesced, max_part) - g_dm_senesced[root]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;

            l_biomass_dead = (SumArray(g_dm_dead, max_part) - g_dm_dead[root]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;

            l_dm = (l_biomass_green + l_biomass_senesced + l_biomass_dead);

            l_leaf_no = sum_between_zb(zb(emerg), zb(now), g_leaf_no_zb);

            l_N_green = (SumArray(g_n_green, max_part) - g_n_green[root]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;

            l_N_senesced = (SumArray(g_n_senesced, max_part) - g_n_senesced[root]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;

            l_N_dead = (SumArray(g_n_dead, max_part) - g_n_dead[root]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;

            l_N_total = l_N_green + l_N_senesced + l_N_dead;

            //Summary.WriteMessage(this, );
            //Summary.WriteMessage(this, );

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,4}", " flowering day  = ", g_isdate));
            //write (string, '(a,i4)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,6:F3}", " maximum lai =", g_lai_max));
            //write (string, '(a,f6.3)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,10:F1}", " total above ground biomass (kg/ha) =", l_dm));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.1)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,10:F1}", " (green + senesced) above ground biomass (kg/ha) =", l_biomass_green + l_biomass_senesced));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.1)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,10:F1}", " green above ground biomass (kg/ha) =", l_biomass_green));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.1)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this,string.Format( "{0}{1,10:F1}", " senesced above ground biomass (kg/ha) =", l_biomass_senesced));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.1)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,10:F1}", " dead above ground biomass (kg/ha) =", l_biomass_dead));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.1)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,6:F1}", " number of leaves =", l_leaf_no));
            //write (string, '(a,f6.1)')

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,10:F2}{2}{3}{4,10:F2}", " total N content (kg/ha) =", l_N_total, "    ", " senesced N content (kg/ha) =", l_N_senesced));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.2,t40,a,f10.2)')
            //sv- to compensate for t40 (tab to column 40) I just added four spaces. (26 + 10 = 36) + 4 = 40

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,10:F2}{2}{3}{4,10:F2}", " green N content (kg/ha) =", l_N_green, "    ", " dead N content (kg/ha) =", l_N_dead));
            //write (string, '(a,f10.2,t40,a,f10.2)')
            //sv- to compensate for t40 (tab to column 40) I just added two spaces. (26 + 10 = 36) + 4 = 40

            for (l_phase = zb(emerg_to_begcane); l_phase <= zb(flowering_to_crop_end); l_phase++)
                l_si1 = MathUtilities.Divide(g_cswd_photo[l_phase], g_days_tot[l_phase], 0.0);
                l_si2 = MathUtilities.Divide(g_cswd_expansion[l_phase], g_days_tot[l_phase], 0.0);
                l_si4 = MathUtilities.Divide(g_cnd_photo[l_phase], g_days_tot[l_phase], 0.0);

                //Summary.WriteMessage(this, );
                //Summary.WriteMessage(this, );

                Summary.WriteMessage(this, " stress indices for " + crop.stage_names[l_phase]);

                Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,16:E2}{2}{3,16:E2}", " water stress 1 =", l_si1, "   nitrogen stress 1 =", l_si4));
                //write (string,'(2(a, g16.7e2))')

                Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,16:E2}", " water stress 2 =", l_si2));
                //write (string,'(a, g16.7e2)')

            //! the following is a copy/adaption of sugar_end_crop

            if (g_crop_status != crop_out)
                //! report

                //! now do post harvest processes

                l_dm_root = g_dm_green[root] * crop.root_die_back_fr + g_dm_dead[root] + g_dm_senesced[root];

                l_N_root = g_n_green[root] * crop.root_die_back_fr + g_n_dead[root] + g_n_senesced[root];

                //! put stover into surface residue

                //Dry Matter

                l_dm_residue = (SumArray(g_dm_green, max_part) - g_dm_green[root] - g_dm_green[sstem] - g_dm_green[sucrose]) //stem and surose goes to the mill not to residue
                            + (SumArray(g_dm_senesced, max_part) - g_dm_senesced[root])
                            + (SumArray(g_dm_dead, max_part) - g_dm_dead[root]);

                for (int p = 0; p < max_part; p++)
                    l_dlt_dm_crop[p] = (g_dm_green[p] + g_dm_senesced[p] + g_dm_dead[p]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;
                l_dlt_dm_crop[root] = l_dm_root * gm2kg / sm2ha;


                l_N_residue = (SumArray(g_n_green, max_part) - g_n_green[root] - g_n_green[sstem] - g_n_green[sucrose])  //stem and surose goes to the mill not to residue
                            + (SumArray(g_n_senesced, max_part) - g_n_senesced[root])
                            + (SumArray(g_n_dead, max_part) - g_n_dead[root]);

                for (int p = 0; p < max_part; p++)
                    l_dlt_dm_N[p] = (g_n_green[p] + g_n_senesced[p] + g_n_dead[p]) * gm2kg / sm2ha;
                l_dlt_dm_N[root] = l_N_root * gm2kg / sm2ha;

                //TODO: put this back in. Better then below where you refer to "straw".
                //Console.WriteLine(                         "          Organic matter from crop:-      Leaves&Cabbage to surface residue      Roots to soil FOM");
                //Console.WriteLine("{0}{1,22:F1}{2,44:F3}", "                          DM (kg/ha) =", (l_dm_residue * gm2kg / sm2ha), (l_dm_root * gm2kg / sm2ha));
                //Console.WriteLine("{0}{1,22:F1}{2,44:F3}", "                          N  (kg/ha) =", (l_N_residue * gm2kg / sm2ha), (l_N_root * gm2kg / sm2ha));

                //Console.WriteLine(                         "Organic matter removed from system:-            Stem&Sucrose to mill");
                //Console.WriteLine("{0}{1,22:F1}",          "                         DM (kg/ha) =", (g_dm_green[sstem] + g_dm_green[sucrose]) * gm2kg / sm2ha );
                //Console.WriteLine("{0}{1,22:F1}",          "                         N  (kg/ha) =", (g_n_green[sstem] + g_n_green[sucrose]) * gm2kg / sm2ha);

                string l_40spaces = "                                        ";

                Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1}{2,7:F1}{3}", l_40spaces, "  straw residue =", l_dm_residue * gm2kg / sm2ha, " kg/ha"));
                Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1}{2,6:F1}{3}", l_40spaces, "  straw N = ", l_N_residue * gm2kg / sm2ha, " kg/ha"));
                Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1}{2,6:F1}{3}", l_40spaces, "  root residue = ", l_dm_root * gm2kg / sm2ha, " kg/ha"));
                Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1}{2,6:F1}{3}", l_40spaces, "  root N = ", l_N_root * gm2kg / sm2ha, " kg/ha"));

                //    write (string, '(40x, a, f7.1, a, 3(a, 40x, a, f6.1, a))')
                //:                  '  straw residue ='
                //:                  , dm_residue * gm2kg /sm2ha, ' kg/ha'
                //:                  , new_line
                //:                  , '  straw N = '
                //:                  , N_residue * gm2kg /sm2ha, ' kg/ha'

                //:                  , new_line
                //:                  , '  root residue = '
                //:                  , dm_root * gm2kg /sm2ha, ' kg/ha'
                //:                  , new_line
                //:                  , '  root N = '
                //:                  , N_root * gm2kg /sm2ha, ' kg/ha'

                crop_root_incorp(l_dm_root, l_N_root, dlayer, g_root_length, g_root_depth, crop_type, max_layer);

                for (int p = 0; p < max_part; p++)
                    l_fraction_to_Residue[p] = 1.0;
                l_fraction_to_Residue[root] = 0.0;
                l_fraction_to_Residue[sstem] = 0.0;
                l_fraction_to_Residue[sucrose] = 0.0;

                if (SumArray(l_dlt_dm_crop, max_part) > 0.0)
                    sugar_Send_Crop_Chopped_Event(crop_type, part_name, l_dlt_dm_crop, l_dlt_dm_N, l_fraction_to_Residue);
                    //! no surface residue

                //sv- temporarily store some values
                l_hold_ratoon_no = g_ratoon_no;
                l_hold_dm_root = g_dm_green[root] * (1.0 - crop.root_die_back_fr);
                l_hold_n_root = g_n_green[root] * (1.0 - crop.root_die_back_fr);
                l_hold_num_layers = num_layers;
                l_hold_root_depth = g_root_depth;
                //for (int layer=0; layer < max_layer; layer++)
                for (int layer = 0; layer < g_root_length.Length; layer++)
                    l_hold_root_length[layer] = g_root_length[layer] * (1.0 - crop.root_die_back_fr);

                //sv - zero everything

                //sv- use stored values to set them back
                g_current_stage = (double)sprouting;
                g_ratoon_no = l_hold_ratoon_no + 1;
                g_dm_green[root] = l_hold_dm_root;
                g_n_green[root] = l_hold_n_root;
                //num_layers      = l_hold_num_layers;   //sv- num_layers is not settable.
                g_root_depth = l_hold_root_depth;
                g_plants = g_initial_plant_density;
                //for (int layer=0; layer < max_layer; layer++)
                for (int layer = 0; layer < g_root_length.Length; layer++)
                    g_root_length[layer] = l_hold_root_length[layer];

                //! now update constants if need be  (after havest a plant crop change it to a ratoon crop)

                if (g_ratoon_no == 1)
                    crop = sugar_read_crop_constants("ratoon_crop");

                    l_cultivar_ratoon = g_crop_cultivar + "_ratoon";
                    cult = sugar_read_cultivar_params(l_cultivar_ratoon);
                    //! only need to update constants when we move from a plant crop to a ratoon crop.

예제 #2
파일: Sugarcane.cs 프로젝트: hol353/ApsimX
        //void sugar_start_crop(SowType i_SowData)
        /// <summary>
        /// Sugar_start_crops the specified plants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plants">The plants.</param>
        /// <param name="Ratoon">The ratoon.</param>
        /// <param name="sowing_depth">The sowing_depth.</param>
        /// <param name="Cultivar">The cultivar.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ApsimXException">
        /// \Sugarcane\ was taken out today by \end_crop\ action -
        ///                             + \n
        ///                             +  Unable to accept sow action until the next day.
        /// or
        /// \Sugarcane\  is still in the ground - unable to sow until it is taken out by \end_crop\ action.
        /// </exception>
        void sugar_start_crop(double plants, int Ratoon, double sowing_depth, string Cultivar)
            //*+  Purpose
            //*       Start crop using parameters specified in passed record

            //*+  Mission Statement
            //*     Start the crop based on passed parameters

            //*+  Changes
            //*     041095 nih changed start of ratton crop from emergence to sprouting

            string l_cultivar;           //! name of cultivar
            string l_cultivar_ratoon;    //! name of cultivar ratoon section

            if (g_crop_status == crop_out)

                if (!g_plant_status_out_today)

                    //! request and receive variables from owner-modules
                    //call sugar_get_met_variables ()
                    sugar_get_soil_variables(ref g_no3gsm, ref g_no3gsm_min, ref g_nh4gsm, ref g_nh4gsm_min);

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "Sowing initiate");

                    if (Sowing != null)
                        Sowing.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

                    //g_plants = i_SowData.plants;
                    //g_initial_plant_density = g_plants;
                    //g_ratoon_no = i_SowData.Ratoon;
                    //g_sowing_depth = i_SowData.sowing_depth;
                    //l_cultivar = i_SowData.Cultivar;

                    g_plants = plants;
                    g_initial_plant_density = g_plants;  //save the intial value of plants because as the crop grows g_plants will be modified.
                    g_ratoon_no = Ratoon;
                    g_sowing_depth = sowing_depth;
                    l_cultivar = Cultivar;

                    //! report

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "                 Crop Sowing Data");

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "    ------------------------------------------------");

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "    Sowing  Depth Plants Cultivar");

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "    Day no   mm     m^2    Name   ");

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "    ------------------------------------------------");


                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("{0}{1,7:D}{2,7:F1}{3,7:F1}{4}{5,-10}", "   ", g_day_of_year, g_sowing_depth, g_plants, " ", l_cultivar));  //parameters are zero based.
                    //    write (string, '(3x, i7, 2f7.1, 1x, a10)')
                    //:                   g%day_of_year, g%sowing_depth
                    //:                 , g%Population, cultivar

                    Summary.WriteMessage(this, "    ------------------------------------------------");

                    //! get cultivar parameters

                    if (g_ratoon_no == 0)
                        crop = sugar_read_crop_constants("plant_crop");
                        cult = sugar_read_cultivar_params(l_cultivar);
                        crop = sugar_read_crop_constants("ratoon_crop");

                        l_cultivar_ratoon = l_cultivar + "_ratoon";
                        cult = sugar_read_cultivar_params(l_cultivar_ratoon);

                    //! get root profile parameters

                    sugar_read_root_params();   //different if using (SoilWat or SWIM) or Eo modules in the simulation

                    if (g_ratoon_no == 0)
                        g_current_stage = (double)sowing;
                        g_current_stage = (double)sowing;

                    g_crop_status = crop_alive;
                    g_crop_cultivar = l_cultivar;

                    throw new ApsimXException(this, "\"Sugarcane\" was taken out today by \"end_crop\" action -"
                            + "\n"
                            + " Unable to accept sow action until the next day.");

                throw new ApsimXException(this, "\"Sugarcane\"  is still in the ground - unable to sow until it is taken out by \"end_crop\" action.");