예제 #1
        protected override void beforeWriteNodeLogic(bool Creating, bool OverrideUniqueValidation)
            if (_CswNbtResources.Modules.IsModuleEnabled(CswEnumNbtModuleName.CISPro) &&
                Location.wasAnySubFieldModified() &&
                _CswNbtResources.EditMode != CswEnumNbtNodeEditMode.Add)
                CswNbtNodePropWrapper LocationWrapper = Node.Properties[PropertyName.Location];
                string PrevLocationId = LocationWrapper.GetOriginalPropRowValue(((CswNbtFieldTypeRuleLocation)_CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldTypeRule(LocationWrapper.getFieldTypeValue())).NodeIdSubField.Column);

                CswPrimaryKey PrevLocationPk = null;
                CswPrimaryKey CurrLocationPk = null;
                if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(PrevLocationId))
                    PrevLocationPk = new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(PrevLocationId));
                if (null != Location.SelectedNodeId)
                    CurrLocationPk = Location.SelectedNodeId;
                if (PrevLocationPk != null && PrevLocationPk != CurrLocationPk)
                    //Case 26849 - Executing even if one of the locations is Top or null so that the other location can still be updated
                    CswNbtBatchOpInventoryLevels BatchOp = new CswNbtBatchOpInventoryLevels(_CswNbtResources);
                    BatchOp.makeBatchOp(PrevLocationPk, CurrLocationPk);

            //Case 27495 - Sites can only be at "Top"
            if (NodeType.NodeTypeName == "Site")
                Location.SelectedNodeId = null;
예제 #2

        protected override void beforeDeleteNodeLogic()
            //prevent user from deleting their own user
            if (_CswNbtNode.NodeId == _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.UserId)
                throw (new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You can not delete your own user account.",
                                           "Current user (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username +
                                           ") can not delete own UserClass node."));

            // case 22635 - prevent deleting chemsw admin user
            CswNbtNodePropWrapper UsernamePropWrapper = Node.Properties[PropertyName.Username];

            if (
                    UsernamePropWrapper.NodeTypeProp.getFieldTypeRule().SubFields.Default.Column) == ChemSWAdminUsername &&
                false == (_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser is CswNbtSystemUser))
                throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "The '" + ChemSWAdminUsername + "' user cannot be deleted",
                                          "Current user (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username +
                                          ") attempted to delete the '" + ChemSWAdminUsername + "' user.");

            CswPrimaryKey RoleId = Role.RelatedNodeId;

            if (RoleId != null)
                CswNbtNode RoleNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[RoleId];

                //prevent user from deleting admin if they are not an admin
                if (_RoleNodeObjClass.Administrator.Checked == CswEnumTristate.True &&
                    _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.IsAdministrator() != true)
                    throw (new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning,
                                               "You can not delete administrator accounts because you are not an administrator.",
                                               "Block user account delete because login user (" +
                                               _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") is not an administrator."));

            //case 28010 - delete all view assigned to this user
예제 #3

        protected override void beforeDeleteNodeLogic()
            // Prevent deleting your own role
            if( _CswNbtNode.NodeId == _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.RoleId )
                throw ( new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You can not delete your own role account.", "Current user (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") can not delete own RoleClass node." ) );

            // case 22635 - prevent deleting the chemsw admin role
            CswNbtNodePropWrapper NamePropWrapper = Node.Properties[PropertyName.Name];
            if( NamePropWrapper.GetOriginalPropRowValue( _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldTypeRule( NamePropWrapper.getFieldTypeValue() ).SubFields.Default.Column ) == ChemSWAdminRoleName &&
                false == ( _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser is CswNbtSystemUser ) )
                throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "The '" + ChemSWAdminRoleName + "' role cannot be deleted", "Current user (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to delete the '" + ChemSWAdminRoleName + "' role." );

            //case 28010 - delete all view assigned to this role
            _CswNbtResources.ViewSelect.deleteViewsByRoleId( NodeId );

            //Case 30628 - Delete all PermissionSet nodes assigned to this Role

예제 #4
        protected override void beforeWriteNodeLogic( bool Creating, bool OverrideUniqueValidation )
            // The user cannot change his or her own Administrator privileges.
            if( Administrator.wasAnySubFieldModified() &&
                Administrator.Checked != CswConvert.ToTristate( Administrator.GetOriginalPropRowValue() ) &&
                _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.RoleId == _CswNbtNode.NodeId )
                _CswNbtNode.Properties.clearModifiedFlag();  // prevents multiple error messages from appearing if we attempt to write() again
                throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You may not change your own administrator status", "User (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to edit the Administrator property of their own Role" );

            // case 22512
            // also case 22557 - use the original name, not the new one
            CswNbtNodePropWrapper NamePropWrapper = Node.Properties[PropertyName.Name];
            if( NamePropWrapper.GetOriginalPropRowValue( _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldTypeRule( NamePropWrapper.getFieldTypeValue() ).SubFields.Default.Column ) == ChemSWAdminRoleName &&
                _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.Username != CswNbtObjClassUser.ChemSWAdminUsername &&
                false == ( _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser is CswNbtSystemUser ) )
                throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "The " + ChemSWAdminRoleName + " role cannot be edited", "Current user (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to edit the '" + ChemSWAdminRoleName + "' role." );

            if( NodeTypePermissions.wasAnySubFieldModified( false ) )
                // case 25444 - was it *really* modified?
                CswNbtNodePropWrapper NodeTypePermissionsPropWrapper = Node.Properties[PropertyName.NodeTypePermissions];

                string NodeTypePermissionsOriginalValueStr = NodeTypePermissionsPropWrapper.GetOriginalPropRowValue( CswEnumNbtPropColumn.ClobData );
                CswCommaDelimitedString NodeTypePermissionsOriginalValue = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                NodeTypePermissionsOriginalValue.FromString( NodeTypePermissionsOriginalValueStr );

                if( NodeTypePermissions.Value != NodeTypePermissionsOriginalValue )
                    // Prevent granting permission to Design nodetypes without Design Action permission
                    if( NodeTypePermissions.Gestalt.Contains( "Design" ) &&   // shortcut
                        false == _CswNbtResources.Permit.can( CswEnumNbtActionName.Design, this ) )
                        throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You may not grant access to Design NodeTypes without the Design Action Permission",
                                                   "User (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to grant access to Design NodeTypes on role: " + _CswNbtNode.NodeName );

            // case 22437
            if( ActionPermissions.wasAnySubFieldModified() )
                // case 25444 - was it *really* modified?
                CswNbtNodePropWrapper ActionPermissionsPropWrapper = Node.Properties[PropertyName.ActionPermissions];
                string ActionPermissionsOriginalValueStr = ActionPermissionsPropWrapper.GetOriginalPropRowValue( ( (CswNbtFieldTypeRuleMultiList) _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldTypeRule( ActionPermissionsPropWrapper.getFieldTypeValue() ) ).ValueSubField.Column );
                CswCommaDelimitedString ActionPermissionsOriginalValue = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                ActionPermissionsOriginalValue.FromString( ActionPermissionsOriginalValueStr );

                if( ActionPermissions.Value != ActionPermissionsOriginalValue )
                    // You can never grant your own action permissions
                    if( _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.RoleId == _CswNbtNode.NodeId && this.Name.Text != ChemSWAdminRoleName )
                        // case 26346 - we might be trimming invalid actions out automatically, 
                        // so just throw if an action permissions is being ADDED, not removed
                        bool ActionAdded = false;
                        foreach( string ActionStr in ActionPermissions.Value )
                            if( false == ActionPermissionsOriginalValue.Contains( ActionStr ) )
                                ActionAdded = true;

                        if( ActionAdded )
                            throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You may not grant access to actions for which you have no permissions",
                                "User (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to edit their own action permissions on role: " + _CswNbtNode.NodeName );
                    // You can only grant action permissions on other roles to which you have access
                    foreach( CswNbtAction Action in _CswNbtResources.Actions )
                        if( true == _CswNbtResources.Permit.can( Action, this ) ) // permission is being granted
                            if( ( Action.Name == CswEnumNbtActionName.Design ||
                                  Action.Name == CswEnumNbtActionName.Create_Inspection || //Case 24288
                                  Action.Name == CswEnumNbtActionName.View_Scheduled_Rules ) && //Case 28564
                                _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.Rolename != ChemSWAdminRoleName &&  //Case 28433: chemsw_admin can grant Design to anyone.
                                false == _CswNbtResources.IsSystemUser )
                                // case 23677
                                throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You may not grant access to " + Action.DisplayName + " to this role",
                                    "User (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to grant access to action " + Action.DisplayName + " to role " + _CswNbtNode.NodeName );
                            //Case 29338 - If the Role has no Material NT create permissions, remove the Create Material action permission
                            if( Action.Name == CswEnumNbtActionName.Create_Material )
                                CswNbtMetaDataPropertySet MaterialPS = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getPropertySet( CswEnumNbtPropertySetName.MaterialSet );

                                bool HasOneMaterialCreate = false;
                                foreach( CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass MaterialOc in MaterialPS.getObjectClasses() )
                                    foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeType MaterialNt in MaterialOc.getNodeTypes() )
                                        string NodeTypePermission = MakeNodeTypePermissionValue(
                                            CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.Create );

                                        HasOneMaterialCreate = HasOneMaterialCreate ||
                                                               NodeTypePermissions.CheckValue( NodeTypePermission );
                                if( false == HasOneMaterialCreate )
                                    ActionPermissions.RemoveValue( MakeActionPermissionValue( Action ) );
                            if( false == _CswNbtResources.Permit.can( Action, _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser ) )
                                throw new CswDniException( CswEnumErrorType.Warning, "You may not grant access to actions for which you have no permissions",
                                    "User (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username + ") attempted to grant access to action " + Action.DisplayName + " to role " + _CswNbtNode.NodeName );
                        } // if( true == _CswNbtResources.Permit.can( Action, this ) )
                    } // foreach( string ActionNameString in ActionPermissions.YValues )
                } // if( ActionPermissions.Value != ActionPermissionsOriginalValue )
            } // if( ActionPermissions.getAnySubFieldModified() )