예제 #1
 //public bool IsPropRow( DataRow DataRow ) { return ( _CswNbtNodePropData.Row == DataRow ); }
 /// <summary>
 /// True if the property must must be unique
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsUnique()
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// New Filters to offer, based on Results
        /// </summary>
        public JArray FilterOptions(ICswNbtTree Tree)
            JArray FiltersArr = new JArray();

            bool SingleNodeType = IsSingleNodeType();

            if (false == SingleNodeType)
                // Filter on NodeTypes only
                SortedList <string, NodeTypeEntry> NodeTypeOptions = new SortedList <string, NodeTypeEntry>();
                Int32 ChildCnt = Tree.getChildNodeCount();
                for (Int32 n = 0; n < ChildCnt; n++)
                    CswNbtNodeKey NodeKey = Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition();
                    if (NodeKey != null)
                        CswNbtMetaDataNodeType NodeType = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(NodeKey.NodeTypeId);
                        string LatestName = NodeType.getNodeTypeLatestVersion().NodeTypeName;
                        if (false == NodeTypeOptions.ContainsKey(LatestName))
                            NodeTypeOptions.Add(LatestName, new NodeTypeEntry
                                NodeType   = NodeType,
                                NodeTypeId = NodeType.NodeTypeId,
                                LatestName = LatestName,
                                Count      = 0
                        NodeTypeOptions[LatestName].Count += 1;
                } // for( Int32 n = 0; n < ChildCnt; n++ )

                if (NodeTypeOptions.Keys.Count == 1)
                    if (false == IsSingleNodeType())
                        // If we have uniform results but no nodetype filter applied
                        // add the filter to the filters list for display
                        NodeTypeEntry      entry          = NodeTypeOptions.Values[0];
                        CswNbtSearchFilter NodeTypeFilter = makeFilter(entry.NodeType, entry.Count, false, CswEnumNbtSearchPropOrderSourceType.Unknown);
                    SingleNodeType = true;
                    JArray FilterSet = new JArray();

                    foreach (NodeTypeEntry entry in NodeTypeOptions.Values)
                        CswNbtSearchFilter NodeTypeFilter = makeFilter(entry.NodeType, entry.Count, true, CswEnumNbtSearchPropOrderSourceType.Unknown);
            } // if( false == SingleNodeType )

            if (SingleNodeType)
                // Filter on property values in the results
                Collection <Int32> FilteredPropIds = getFilteredPropIds();
                Dictionary <Int32, Dictionary <string, Int32> > PropCounts = new Dictionary <Int32, Dictionary <string, Int32> >();
                SortedSet <CswNbtSearchPropOrder.SearchOrder>   PropOrder  = new SortedSet <CswNbtSearchPropOrder.SearchOrder>();
                Int32 ChildCnt = Tree.getChildNodeCount();
                for (Int32 n = 0; n < ChildCnt; n++)

                    if (0 == PropOrder.Count)
                        PropOrder = _CswNbtSearchPropOrder.getPropOrderDict(Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition());
                    Collection <CswNbtTreeNodeProp> Props = Tree.getChildNodePropsOfNode();
                    foreach (CswNbtTreeNodeProp Prop in Props)
                        CswNbtMetaDataFieldType FieldType = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldType(Prop.FieldType);
                        if (false == FilteredPropIds.Contains(Prop.NodeTypePropId) && FieldType.Searchable)
                            string Gestalt = Prop.Gestalt;
                            if (Gestalt.Length > 50)
                                Gestalt = Gestalt.Substring(0, 50);

                            if (false == PropCounts.ContainsKey(Prop.NodeTypePropId))
                                PropCounts[Prop.NodeTypePropId] = new Dictionary <string, Int32>();
                            if (false == PropCounts[Prop.NodeTypePropId].ContainsKey(Gestalt))
                                PropCounts[Prop.NodeTypePropId][Gestalt] = 0;
                            PropCounts[Prop.NodeTypePropId][Gestalt] += 1;

                } // for( Int32 n = 0; n < ChildCnt; n++ )

                foreach (Int32 NodeTypePropId in PropCounts.Keys.OrderBy(NodeTypePropId => PropOrder.First(Order => Order.NodeTypePropId == NodeTypePropId).Order))
                    CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp NodeTypeProp = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypePropLatestVersion(NodeTypePropId);
                    if (false == NodeTypeProp.IsUnique())    // case 27649
                        CswNbtSearchPropOrder.SearchOrder order = PropOrder.First(Order => Order.NodeTypePropId == NodeTypePropId);

                        JArray FilterSet = new JArray();

                        // Sort by count descending, then alphabetically by gestalt
                        Dictionary <string, Int32> sortedDict = (from entry
                                                                 in PropCounts[NodeTypePropId]
                                                                 orderby entry.Value descending, entry.Key ascending
                                                                 select entry
                                                                 ).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
                        foreach (string Value in sortedDict.Keys)
                            Int32 Count = sortedDict[Value];
                            CswNbtSearchFilter Filter = makeFilter(NodeTypeProp, Value, Count, true, order.Source);
                    } // if( false == NodeTypeProp.IsUnique() )
                }     // foreach( Int32 NodeTypePropId in PropCounts.Keys.OrderBy( NodeTypePropId => PropOrder.First( Order => Order.NodeTypePropId == NodeTypePropId ).Order ) )
            }         // if( SingleNodeType )

        } // FilterOptions()