예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to process images? Enter Y or N. ");

            string x = Console.ReadLine();

            //Console.WriteLine("Would you like to process nutrition labels?  Enter Y or N. ");

            //string y = Console.ReadLine();

            WebClientUtility WCU = new WebClientUtility();
            CsvLibrary cl = new CsvLibrary();
            XmlUtil xu = new XmlUtil();
            NutritionLabel nl = new NutritionLabel();


            #region CSV Parse
                if(x.Equals("Y")|| x.Equals("y"))

                XDocument testx =  XDocument.Load(@"D:\TestData\samplexml.xml");
                NutritionInfo ni = new NutritionInfo();

                Console.WriteLine("Target CSV File: " + FullFilePath);
                Console.WriteLine("Target Image Directory: " + NewFilePath);

                WCU.GenerateImageFiles(FullFilePath, NewFilePath);

               // Console.WriteLine("Product Count: " + WCU.productimages.Count());
                CsvLibrary.WriteCsv(WCU.productimages, ProductImagePath);

                Console.WriteLine("Images Processed, press Enter to continue.");


                //if(y.Equals("Y")|| (y.Equals("y")))
                //XmlDocument test = new XmlDocument();

                //Console.WriteLine("This is Nut Path: " + NutrientPath);
                //cl.WriteNutritionCsv(NutrientPath, NewNutPath);

                //Console.WriteLine(xu.GetNodeCount(test, "//product"));

             //   XmlNodeList products = XmlUtil.GetNodeList(test, "//product");

             //   List<NutrientUpload> uber = nl.GenerateNutrientList(products);

                //foreach (XmlNode x in products)

                //    Console.WriteLine(x.ChildNodes.Count);
                //    foreach(XmlNode y in x.ChildNodes)
                //    {
                //        Console.Write(y.Name);

                //        if (y.Name.Equals("STOCK_CODE"))
                //        {
                //            Console.WriteLine(y.InnerText);
                //        }

                //    }
                //   // Console.WriteLine(x.SelectSingleNode("//STOCK_CODE").InnerText);
                //   // Console.WriteLine(x.FirstChild.InnerText);

                //List<NutrientUpload> uber = new List<NutrientUpload>();

                //uber.Add(new NutrientUpload { StockCode = "Sylvester", HTML = "Test" });
                //uber.Add(new NutrientUpload { StockCode = "Jack", HTML = "Test" });

                //foreach (NutrientUpload x in uber)
                //    Console.WriteLine(x.StockCode + " " + x.HTML);

                //nl.GenerateNutritionCsv(nl.GenerateNutrientList(products), @"D:\TestData\nutrientupload.csv");

            } catch(Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error has occurred.  Contact developer with the exception: " + ex.Message);

                CsvLibrary.WriteCsv(WCU.skippedrecords, SkippedRecPath);
예제 #2
        public override void Execute()

            string message = "Dania w karcie:\n";
            int    i       = 1;

            foreach (Potrawa p in repository.GetPotrawy())
                message += string.Format("{0}. {1} {2} zł\n", i++, p.Nazwa, p.Cena);

            Console.WriteLine(message + "Wybierz operację: [A]-Dodaj/[D]-Usuń/[I]-Importuj/[E]-Eksportuj,[X]-Wyjdź");
            var operation = Pick.ForceProperKey(new List <ConsoleKey> {
                ConsoleKey.D, ConsoleKey.A, ConsoleKey.I, ConsoleKey.E, ConsoleKey.X


            if (operation == ConsoleKey.E)
                var potrawy = repository.GetPotrawy();
                var export  = new List <List <string> >();
                foreach (var p in potrawy)
                    export.Add(new List <string> {
                        p.Nazwa, string.Format("{0}", p.Cena)
                CsvLibrary.Export(export, "..\\..\\Restauracja_Dania.csv");


            else if (operation == ConsoleKey.I)
                string path = Pick.SelectFile("CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv");
                    var importResult = CsvLibrary.Import(path);
                    foreach (List <string> l in importResult)
                        var cena = double.Parse(l[1]);
                        repository.AddPotrawa(l[0], cena);
                    Console.WriteLine("Pomyślnie zaimportowano dane!");
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Błąd importu!!!");
            else if (operation == ConsoleKey.A)
                Console.WriteLine("Podaj nazwę dania: ");
                var nazwa = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Podaj cenę: ");
                    var cena = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    repository.AddPotrawa(nazwa, cena);
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("Zły format ceny!");
            else if (operation == ConsoleKey.D)
                message += "Wybierz numer z listy: ";
                var pick = Pick.SelectFromList(message, i - 1);

                var potrawy = repository.GetPotrawy();
                repository.DelPotrawa(potrawy[pick - 1].Id_potrawy);