public ActionResult PayPerMembership()
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "premium_membership",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.2,
                period      = "1 MONTH",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    if (!cryptobox.is_processed())
                        ViewBag.Message = "Thank you (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" +
                                          cryptobox.payment_id() + "). We upgraded your membership to Premium";
                        ViewBag.Message = "You have a Premium Membership";
                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();
예제 #2
        private void HashButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CopyHashButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            Cryptobox HashObject = new Cryptobox();

            OutputTextTextbox.Text = HashObject.HashMode(InputTextTextbox.Text, AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());
예제 #3
        public ActionResult Cryptobox(OptionsModel options)
            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

                return(PartialView("Partial/_Cryptobox", model));
        public ActionResult PayPerPost()
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "post1",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "NOEXPIRY",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                string ftitle = Request.Form["ftitle"] ?? "";
                string ftext  = Request.Form["ftext"] ?? "";
                ViewBag.error      = "";
                ViewBag.successful = false;
                ViewBag.ftitle     = ftitle;
                ViewBag.ftext      = ftext;

                if (Request.Form["ftitle"] != null && Request.Form["ftext"] != null)
                    if (ftitle == "")
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>Please enter Title</li>";
                    if (ftext == "")
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>Please enter Text</li>";
                    if (!cryptobox.is_paid())
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>" + cryptobox.coin_name() + "s have not yet been received</li>";
                    if (ViewBag.error != "")
                        ViewBag.error = "<br><ul style='color:#eb4847'>" + ViewBag.error + "</ul>";

                    if (cryptobox.is_paid() && ViewBag.error == "")
                        ViewBag.successful = true;

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult Basic()
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "your_product1_or_signuppage1_etc",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = 2,
                period      = "24 HOUR",
                iframeID    = "",
                language    = "DE"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();
                // A. Process Received Payment
                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    ViewBag.Message = "A. User will see this message during 24 hours after payment has been made!" +
                                      "<br/>" + cryptobox.amount_paid() + " " + cryptobox.coin_label() +
                                      "  received<br/>";
                    // Your code here to handle a successful cryptocoin payment/captcha verification
                    // For example, give user 24 hour access to your member pages

                    // B. One-time Process Received Payment
                    if (!cryptobox.is_processed())
                        ViewBag.Message += "B. User will see this message one time after payment has been made!";
                        // Your code here - for example, publish order number for user
                        // ...

                        // Also you can use is_confirmed() - return true if payment confirmed
                        // Average transaction confirmation time - 10-20min for 6 confirmations

                        // Set Payment Status to Processed

                        // Optional, cryptobox_reset() will delete cookies/sessions with userID and
                        // new cryptobox with new payment amount will be show after page reload.
                        // Cryptobox will recognize user as a new one with new generated userID
                        // cryptobox_reset();
                ViewBag.Message = "The payment has not been made yet";

        public ActionResult PayPerProduct()
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "invoice000383",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "NOEXPIRY",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    if (!cryptobox.is_confirmed())
                        ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() +
                                          "). Awaiting transaction/payment confirmation";
                        if (!cryptobox.is_processed())
                            ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() + "). Payment Confirmed<br/> (User will see this message one time after payment has been made)";
                            ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() + "). Payment Confirmed<br/> (User will see this message during " + options.period + " period after payment has been made)";
                    ViewBag.message = "This invoice has not been paid yet";

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult PayPerJson()
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin/Dogecoin/etc box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin/Dogecoin/etc box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "invoice22",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "NOEXPIRY",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                ViewBag.JsonUrl = cryptobox.cryptobox_json_url();
                ViewBag.Message = "";
                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();
                if (HttpContext.Request.Form["cryptobox_refresh_"] != null)
                    ViewBag.Message = "<div class='gourl_msg'>";
                    if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                        ViewBag.Message += "<div style=\"margin:50px\" class=\"well\"><i class=\"fa fa-info-circle fa-3x fa-pull-left fa-border\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i> " + Controls.localisation[model.language].MsgNotReceived.Replace("%coinName%", model.coinName)
                                           .Replace("%coinNames%", model.coinLabel == "BCH" || model.coinLabel == "DASH" ? model.coinName : model.coinName + "s")
                                           .Replace("%coinLabel%", model.coinLabel) + "</div>";
                    else if (cryptobox.is_processed())
                        ViewBag.Message += "<div style=\"margin:70px\" class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert\"> " + (model.boxType == "paymentbox"
                        ? Controls.localisation[model.language].MsgReceived
                        : Controls.localisation[model.language].MsgReceived2)
                                           .Replace("%coinName%", model.coinName)
                                           .Replace("%coinLabel%", model.coinLabel)
                                           .Replace("%amountPaid%", model.amoutnPaid.ToString()) + "</div>";
                    ViewBag.Message = "</div>";

        public ActionResult PayPerPage()
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "page1",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "24 HOUR",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult PayPerDownload()
            ViewBag.filename = "";
            string       dir     = "protected";
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = "-your public key for Bitcoin box-",
                private_key = "-your private key for Bitcoin box-",
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = Calculator.md5(dir + ViewBag.filename),
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.2,
                period      = "24 HOUR",
                iframeID    = "",
                language    = "EN"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    ViewBag.DownloadLink = "href = " + Url.Action("Download");
                    ViewBag.DownloadLink = "onclick='alert(\"You need to send " + cryptobox.coin_name() +
                                           "s first !\")' href='#a'";

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult PayPerRegistrationMulti()
            string defPaiment = "bitcoin";

            string[] available_payments = new[] { "bitcoin", "dogecoin" };
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > all_keys = new Dictionary
                                                                           <string, IDictionary <string, string> >()
                    "bitcoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Bitcoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Bitcoin box-" }
                    "dogecoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Dogecoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Dogecoin box-" }

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > valuePair in all_keys)
                if (valuePair.Value["public_key"] == null || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == null ||
                    valuePair.Value["public_key"] == "" || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == "")
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your public/private keys for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["public_key"].Contains("PUB"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid public key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["private_key"].Contains("PRV"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrivateKeys"].Contains(valuePair.Value["private_key"]))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in Web.config."

            string       coinName = CryptoHelper.cryptobox_selcoin(available_payments, defPaiment);
            OptionsModel options  = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = all_keys[coinName]["public_key"],
                private_key = all_keys[coinName]["private_key"],
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "signuppage",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "NOEXPIRY",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                ViewBag.Coins   = available_payments;
                ViewBag.DefCoin = defPaiment;
                ViewBag.DefLang = options.language;

                string fname     = Request.Form["fname"] ?? "";
                string femail    = Request.Form["femail"] ?? "";
                string fpassword = Request.Form["fpassword"] ?? "";
                ViewBag.error      = "";
                ViewBag.successful = false;
                ViewBag.fname      = fname;
                ViewBag.femail     = femail;
                ViewBag.fpassword  = fpassword;

                if (Request.Form["fname"] != null && Request.Form["fname"] != "")
                    if (fname == "")
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>Please enter Your Name</li>";
                    if (femail == "")
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>Please enter Your Email</li>";
                    if (fpassword == "")
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>Please enter Your Password</li>";
                    if (!cryptobox.is_paid())
                        ViewBag.error += "<li>" + cryptobox.coin_name() + "s have not yet been received</li>";
                    if (ViewBag.error != "")
                        ViewBag.error = "<br><ul style='color:#eb4847'>" + ViewBag.error + "</ul>";

                    if (cryptobox.is_paid() && ViewBag.error == "")
                        ViewBag.successful = true;

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult PayPerProductMulti()
            string defPaiment = "bitcoin";

            string[] available_payments = new[] { "bitcoin", "dogecoin" };
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > all_keys = new Dictionary
                                                                           <string, IDictionary <string, string> >()
                    "bitcoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Bitcoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Bitcoin box-" }
                    "dogecoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Dogecoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Dogecoin box-" }

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > valuePair in all_keys)
                if (valuePair.Value["public_key"] == null || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == null ||
                    valuePair.Value["public_key"] == "" || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == "")
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your public/private keys for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["public_key"].Contains("PUB"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid public key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["private_key"].Contains("PRV"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrivateKeys"].Contains(valuePair.Value["private_key"]))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in Web.config."

            string       coinName = CryptoHelper.cryptobox_selcoin(available_payments, defPaiment);
            OptionsModel options  = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = all_keys[coinName]["public_key"],
                private_key = all_keys[coinName]["private_key"],
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "invoice000383",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "NOEXPIRY",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                ViewBag.Coins   = available_payments;
                ViewBag.DefCoin = defPaiment;
                ViewBag.DefLang = options.language;

                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    if (!cryptobox.is_confirmed())
                        ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() +
                                          "). Awaiting transaction/payment confirmation";
                        if (!cryptobox.is_processed())
                            ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() + "). Payment Confirmed<br/> (User will see this message one time after payment has been made)";
                            ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() + "). Payment Confirmed<br/> (User will see this message during " + options.period + " period after payment has been made)";
                    ViewBag.message = "This invoice has not been paid yet";

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult PayPerPageMulti()
            string defPaiment = "bitcoin";

            string[] available_payments = new[] { "bitcoin", "dogecoin" };
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > all_keys = new Dictionary
                                                                           <string, IDictionary <string, string> >()
                    "bitcoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Bitcoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Bitcoin box-" }
                    "dogecoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Dogecoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Dogecoin box-" }

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > valuePair in all_keys)
                if (valuePair.Value["public_key"] == null || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == null ||
                    valuePair.Value["public_key"] == "" || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == "")
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your public/private keys for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["public_key"].Contains("PUB"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid public key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["private_key"].Contains("PRV"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrivateKeys"].Contains(valuePair.Value["private_key"]))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in Web.config."

            string       coinName = CryptoHelper.cryptobox_selcoin(available_payments, defPaiment);
            OptionsModel options  = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = all_keys[coinName]["public_key"],
                private_key = all_keys[coinName]["private_key"],
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = "page1",
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "24 HOUR",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                if (!cryptobox.is_paid())
                    ViewBag.Coins   = available_payments;
                    ViewBag.DefCoin = defPaiment;
                    ViewBag.DefLang = options.language;

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

예제 #13
        // ################################# Генерирование ключа ################################
        private void KeyCheckButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Cryptobox KeyRandObject = new Cryptobox();

            KeyInputTextTextbox.Text = KeyRandObject.Random(UInt32.Parse("128"));//KeySizeCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString()));
예제 #14
        public ActionResult MakePayment(double cryptoamount)
            var transaction = new CryptoTransaction();
            var account     = new CryptoAccount();
            var accountId   = AccountId();

            transaction.Create(new TransactionVm()
                Status             = TransactionStatus.PENDING,
                Amount             = Convert.ToDecimal(cryptoamount),
                accountId          = accountId,
                CurrencyDomination = "BTC",
                TransactionType    = TransactionTypeStatus.Credit
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = GoUrlKeys.PublicKey,
                private_key = GoUrlKeys.PrivateKey,
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = transaction.savedId.ToString(),
                userID      = UserId(),
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                //amount = 0,
                amountUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(cryptoamount),
                period    = "2 HOUR",
                language  = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    //initiate a pendint transaction

                    if (!cryptobox.is_confirmed())
                        ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() +
                                          "). Awaiting transaction/payment confirmation";
                        if (!cryptobox.is_processed())
                            ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() + "). Payment Confirmed<br/> (User will see this message one time after payment has been made)";
                            transaction.SetStatus(transaction.savedId, TransactionStatus.SUCCESSFUL);
                            ViewBag.message = "Thank you for order (order #" + options.orderID + ", payment #" + cryptobox.payment_id() + "). Payment Confirmed<br/> (User will see this message during " + options.period + " period after payment has been made)";
                            transaction.SetStatus(transaction.savedId, TransactionStatus.INPROGESS);
                    ViewBag.message = "This invoice has not been paid yet";
                    transaction.SetStatus(transaction.savedId, TransactionStatus.PENDING);

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();

        public ActionResult PayPerDownloadMulti()
            ViewBag.filename = "";
            string dir = "protected";

            string defPaiment = "bitcoin";

            string[] available_payments = new[] { "bitcoin", "dogecoin" };
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > all_keys = new Dictionary
                                                                           <string, IDictionary <string, string> >()
                    "bitcoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Bitcoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Bitcoin box-" }
                    "dogecoin", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "public_key", "-your public key for Dogecoin box-" },
                        { "private_key", "-your private key for Dogecoin box-" }

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > valuePair in all_keys)
                if (valuePair.Value["public_key"] == null || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == null ||
                    valuePair.Value["public_key"] == "" || valuePair.Value["private_key"] == "")
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your public/private keys for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["public_key"].Contains("PUB"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid public key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!valuePair.Value["private_key"].Contains("PRV"))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Invalid private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in all_keys variable"
                else if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrivateKeys"].Contains(valuePair.Value["private_key"]))
                        (new ContentResult()
                        Content = "Please add your private key for " + valuePair.Key +
                                  " in Web.config."

            string       coinName = CryptoHelper.cryptobox_selcoin(available_payments, defPaiment);
            OptionsModel options  = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = all_keys[coinName]["public_key"],
                private_key = all_keys[coinName]["private_key"],
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = Calculator.md5(dir + ViewBag.filename),
                userID      = "",
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                amount      = 0,
                amountUSD   = (decimal)0.01,
                period      = "24 HOUR",
                language    = "en"

            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                    ViewBag.DownloadLink = "href = " + Url.Action("Download");
                    ViewBag.DownloadLink = "onclick='alert(\"You need to send " + cryptobox.coin_name() +
                                           "s first !\")' href='#a'";

                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();
                ViewBag.Coins   = available_payments;
                ViewBag.DefCoin = defPaiment;
                ViewBag.DefLang = options.language;

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Шифрование/дешифрование
        /// </summary>
        private void EncryptDecryptButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string AlgName = null;

            CopyEncText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            CopyKeyText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // ################################# Шифрование ################################
            if (EncryptionModeRadioButton.IsChecked == true)
                if (CBCRadioButton.IsChecked == true)
                    AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_CBC_PKCS7";
                    CopyIVText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_ECB_PKCS7";

                    Cryptobox EncObject = new Cryptobox();
                    if (AlgName.Contains("RC4"))
                        AlgName = "RC4";
                    OutputTextTextbox.Text = EncObject.EncryptMode(InputTextTextbox.Text, KeyInputTextTextbox.Text, AlgName, IVInputTextTextbox.Text, "256");//KeySizeCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());
                    AlgName = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string ErrorMessage = ex.Message;

                    var DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Ой");

                    if (ErrorMessage.Contains("Value does not fall"))
                        DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Указанная длина ключа не подходит для алгоритма", "Ой");

            // ################################# Дешифрование ################################
                if (CBCRadioButton.IsChecked == true)
                    AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_CBC_PKCS7";
                    CopyIVText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_ECB_PKCS7";

                    Cryptobox DecObject = new Cryptobox();
                    if (AlgName.Contains("RC4"))
                        AlgName = "RC4";

                    OutputTextTextbox.Text = DecObject.DecrypMode(InputTextTextbox.Text, KeyInputTextTextbox.Text, AlgName, IVInputTextTextbox.Text, "256");//;KeySizeCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());
                    AlgName = null;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    string ErrorMessage = exception.Message;
                    // ################################# Обработчики ошибок дешифрования ################################
                    var DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Ой");

                    if (ErrorMessage.Contains("0x80070017"))
                        DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Неправильный ключ", "Ой");
                    else if (ErrorMessage.Contains("Плохие данные"))
                        DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Вы пытаетесь расшифровать не зашифрованный текст", "Ой");
                    else if (ErrorMessage.Contains("буфер не подходит"))
                        DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Введите вектор инициализации IV", "Ой");
                    else if (ErrorMessage.Contains("Value does not fall"))
                        DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Указанная длина ключа не подходит для алгоритма", "Ой");

                        DialogMessage = new MessageDialog(ErrorMessage, "Ой");

예제 #17
        // ################################# Генерирование IV ################################
        private void IVCheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Cryptobox IVRandObject = new Cryptobox();

            IVInputTextTextbox.Text = IVRandObject.Random(128);
예제 #18
 // ################################# Генерирование IV ################################
 private void IVCheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Cryptobox IVRandObject = new Cryptobox();
     IVInputTextTextbox.Text = IVRandObject.Random(128);
예제 #19
 // ################################# Генерирование ключа ################################
 private void KeyCheckButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Cryptobox KeyRandObject = new Cryptobox();
     KeyInputTextTextbox.Text = KeyRandObject.Random(UInt32.Parse("128"));//KeySizeCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString()));
예제 #20
        public ActionResult SecuredPayment(double cryptoamount)
            var transaction = new CryptoTransaction();
            var account     = new CryptoAccount();
            var accountId   = AccountId();

            transaction.Create(new TransactionVm()
                Status             = TransactionStatus.PENDING,
                Amount             = Convert.ToDecimal(cryptoamount),
                accountId          = AccountId(),
                CurrencyDomination = "BTC",
                TransactionType    = TransactionTypeStatus.Credit
            OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel()
                public_key  = GoUrlKeys.PublicKey,
                private_key = GoUrlKeys.PrivateKey,
                webdev_key  = "",
                orderID     = transaction.savedId.ToString(),
                userID      = UserId(),
                userFormat  = "COOKIE",
                //amount = 0,
                amountUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(cryptoamount),
                period    = "2 HOUR",
                language  = "en"

            ViewBag.transId = transaction.savedId.ToString();
            using (Cryptobox cryptobox = new Cryptobox(options))
                ViewBag.JsonUrl = cryptobox.cryptobox_json_url();
                ViewBag.Message = "";
                DisplayCryptoboxModel model = cryptobox.GetDisplayCryptoboxModel();
                if (HttpContext.Request.Form["cryptobox_refresh_"] != null)
                    ViewBag.Message = "<div class='gourl_msg'>";
                    if (cryptobox.is_paid())
                        ViewBag.Message +=
                            "<div style=\"margin:50px\" class=\"well\"><i class=\"fa fa-info-circle fa-3x fa-pull-left fa-border\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i> " +
                            Controls.localisation[model.language].MsgNotReceived.Replace("%coinName%", model.coinName)
                                     model.coinLabel == "BCH" || model.coinLabel == "DASH"
                                        ? model.coinName
                                        : model.coinName + "s")
                            .Replace("%coinLabel%", model.coinLabel) + "</div>";
                        transaction.SetStatus(transaction.savedId, TransactionStatus.INPROGESS);
                    else if (cryptobox.is_processed())
                        ViewBag.Message += "<div style=\"margin:70px\" class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert\"> " +
                                           (model.boxType == "paymentbox"
                                               ? Controls.localisation[model.language].MsgReceived
                                               : Controls.localisation[model.language].MsgReceived2)
                                           .Replace("%coinName%", model.coinName)
                                           .Replace("%coinLabel%", model.coinLabel)
                                           .Replace("%amountPaid%", model.amoutnPaid.ToString()) + "</div>";
                        transaction.SetStatus(transaction.savedId, TransactionStatus.SUCCESSFUL);

                    ViewBag.Message = "</div>";

예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Шифрование/дешифрование
        /// </summary>
        private void EncryptDecryptButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string AlgName = null;

            CopyEncText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            CopyKeyText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // ################################# Шифрование ################################
            if (EncryptionModeRadioButton.IsChecked==true)
            if (CBCRadioButton.IsChecked == true)
                AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_CBC_PKCS7";
                CopyIVText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_ECB_PKCS7";

                Cryptobox EncObject = new Cryptobox();
                if (AlgName.Contains("RC4"))
                    AlgName = "RC4";
                OutputTextTextbox.Text = EncObject.EncryptMode(InputTextTextbox.Text, KeyInputTextTextbox.Text, AlgName, IVInputTextTextbox.Text, "256");//KeySizeCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());
                AlgName = null;
             catch (Exception ex)
               string ErrorMessage = ex.Message;

              var DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Ой");

               if (ErrorMessage.Contains("Value does not fall"))
                 DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Указанная длина ключа не подходит для алгоритма", "Ой");



            // ################################# Дешифрование ################################
            if (CBCRadioButton.IsChecked == true)
                AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_CBC_PKCS7";
                CopyIVText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                AlgName = AlgNameCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() + "_ECB_PKCS7";

                Cryptobox DecObject = new Cryptobox();
                if (AlgName.Contains("RC4"))
                    AlgName = "RC4";

                OutputTextTextbox.Text = DecObject.DecrypMode(InputTextTextbox.Text, KeyInputTextTextbox.Text, AlgName, IVInputTextTextbox.Text, "256");//;KeySizeCombobox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());
                AlgName = null;

            catch (Exception exception)
                string ErrorMessage=exception.Message;
                // ################################# Обработчики ошибок дешифрования ################################
                var DialogMessage=new MessageDialog("Ой");

                if (ErrorMessage.Contains("0x80070017"))
                    DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Неправильный ключ", "Ой");

                else if (ErrorMessage.Contains("Плохие данные"))
                    DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Вы пытаетесь расшифровать не зашифрованный текст", "Ой");

                else if (ErrorMessage.Contains("буфер не подходит"))
                    DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Введите вектор инициализации IV", "Ой");

                else if (ErrorMessage.Contains("Value does not fall"))
                    DialogMessage = new MessageDialog("Указанная длина ключа не подходит для алгоритма", "Ой");


                    DialogMessage = new MessageDialog(ErrorMessage, "Ой");

