예제 #1
        static void EstimateCrushing(cpBody body, cpArbiter arb, ref CrushingContext context)
            cpVect j = arb.TotalImpulse();

            context.magnitudeSum += (float)cpVect.cpvlength(j);
            context.vectorSum     = cpVect.cpvadd(context.vectorSum, j);
예제 #2
        public override void Update(float dt)
            SetSubTitle("Place objects on the scale to weigh them. The ball marks the shapes it's sitting on.\n");

            // Sum the total impulse applied to the scale from all collision pairs in the contact graph.
            // If your compiler supports blocks, your life is a little easier.
            // You can use the "Block" versions of the functions without needing the callbacks above.
            cpVect impulseSum = cpVect.Zero;

                (a, o) => ScaleIterator(scaleStaticBody, a, ref impulseSum)
                , null);

            // Force is the impulse divided by the timestep.
            float force = cpVect.cpvlength(impulseSum) / dt;

            // Weight can be found similarly from the gravity vector.
            cpVect g      = space.GetGravity();       // cpSpaceGetGravity();
            float  weight = cpVect.cpvdot(g, impulseSum) / (cpVect.cpvlengthsq(g) * dt);

            SetSubTitle(string.Format("Total force: {0}, Total weight: {1}. ", force, weight));

            // Highlight and count the number of shapes the ball is touching.
            int count = 0;

            ballBody.EachArbiter((a, o) => BallIterator(ballBody, a, ref count), null);
            SetSubTitle(string.Format("The ball is touching {0} shapes.", count));

            CrushingContext crush = new CrushingContext(0.0f, cpVect.Zero);

            ballBody.EachArbiter((a, o) => EstimateCrushing(ballBody, a, ref crush), null);
            float crushForce = (crush.magnitudeSum - cpVect.cpvlength(crush.vectorSum)) * dt;

            if (crushForce > 10.0f)
                SetSubTitle(string.Format("The ball is being crushed. (f: {0})", crushForce));
                SetSubTitle(string.Format("The ball is not being crushed. (f: {0})", crushForce));
