//Row Two  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void buttonRowTwo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Main form
               if (ButtonSelect == 0)

            // FILE TAB - Open production cruise ++++++++++++++
               else if (ButtonSelect == 1)
               //   Create new design database +++++++++++++++++
               //MessageBox.Show("Open Production Not Completed at this Time", "Information");

            // SETUP TAB   Historical Setup +++++++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 2)

               if (prodFile)
                  MessageBox.Show("Production File Found.\nCannot modify cruise design.\n", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
               //MessageBox.Show("Historical Setup", "Information");
               //  Pass in dalPathDesign
               HistoricalSetupWizard hsDlg = new HistoricalSetupWizard(this,canCreateNew);
               hsDlg.Owner = this;

               if (canCreateNew)
                  this.cdDAL = new DAL(dalPathDesign, false);

               buttonSetup.Enabled = true;
               buttonDesign.Enabled = true;
               buttonTools.Enabled = true;

            //DESIGN TAB +++++++++++++++++
               else if (ButtonSelect == 3)
              //MessageBox.Show("Add Additional Samples Selected", "Information");
              Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

              Design_Pages.Processing pDlg = new CruiseDesign.Design_Pages.Processing(this, dalPathCruise, reconExists, prodFile);

              if (errFlag == 1)
                 Cursor.Current = this.Cursor;


              Cursor.Current = this.Cursor;

              ProductionDesign.ProductionDesignMain dmDlg = new CruiseDesign.ProductionDesign.ProductionDesignMain(this);

               //TOOLS TAB ++++++++++++++++++
               else if (ButtonSelect == 4)
              MessageBox.Show("Set Default Directories Selected", "Information");
        //Row One  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void buttonRowOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ButtonSelect == 0)
                //MessageBox.Show("Deleted", "Information");
            // FILE TAB  Open Existing Cruise Design ++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 1)
               // open recon file
               if (openFileDialogDesign.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                  //set title bar with file name
                  Text = openFileDialogDesign.SafeFileName;
                  dalPathDesign = openFileDialogDesign.FileName;
                  // check for design file vs production cruise
                     MessageBox.Show("Open Production Not Completed at this Time", "Information");

                  // does .cruise file exist
                  if (doesFileExist("cruise"))
                     // check for historical design in Sale - Purpose
                     reconExists = true;
                     reconExists = false;
                  canCreateNew = false;

                  if (openDesignFile())
                     buttonSetup.Enabled = true;
                     buttonDesign.Enabled = true;
                     buttonTools.Enabled = true;
                     MessageBox.Show("Unable to open the design file", "Information");

            // SETUP TAB    Setup Using Recon  +++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 2)
               StrataSetupWizard strDlg = new StrataSetupWizard(this, dalPathCruise, reconExists);
               strDlg.Owner = this;

               //        strDlg.dalFile = dalPath;
            //DESIGN TAB    Design Cruise +++++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 3)
               //MessageBox.Show("Design Cruise Selected", "Information");
               Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

               Design_Pages.Processing pDlg = new CruiseDesign.Design_Pages.Processing(this, dalPathCruise, reconExists);

               Cursor.Current = this.Cursor;

               Design_Pages.DesignMain dmDlg = new CruiseDesign.Design_Pages.DesignMain(this, dalPathCruise);

               // call DesignCruiseForm

            //TOOLS TAB  Compare with Production Cruise +++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 4)
               MessageBox.Show("Compare with Production Selected", "Information");
        //Row One  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void buttonRowOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ButtonSelect == 0)
                //MessageBox.Show("Deleted", "Information");
            // FILE TAB  Open Existing Cruise Design ++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 1)
               // open recon file
               if (openFileDialogDesign.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                  //set title bar with file name
                  Text = openFileDialogDesign.SafeFileName;
                  dalPathDesign = openFileDialogDesign.FileName;
                  // check for design file vs production cruise
                  if (Text.Contains(".cruise"))
                     prodFile = true;
                     reconExists = false;
                     canCreateNew = false;
                     // does .cruise file exist
                     if (doesFileExist("cruise"))
                        // check for historical design in Sale - Purpose
                        reconExists = true;
                        reconExists = false;
                     canCreateNew = false;
                     prodFile = false;
                  if (openDesignFile())
                     buttonSetup.Enabled = true;
                     buttonDesign.Enabled = true;
                     buttonTools.Enabled = true;
                     MessageBox.Show("Unable to open the file.", "Information");

            // SETUP TAB    Setup Using Recon  +++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 2)
               if (prodFile)
                  MessageBox.Show("Production File Found.\nNo changes to the current design allowed.\n", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

               StrataSetupWizard strDlg = new StrataSetupWizard(this, dalPathCruise, reconExists, prodFile, canCreateNew);
               strDlg.Owner = this;

               //        strDlg.dalFile = dalPath;

               if (canCreateNew)
                  this.cdDAL = new DAL(dalPathDesign, false);

            //DESIGN TAB    Design Cruise +++++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 3)
               if (prodFile)
                  MessageBox.Show("Production File Found.\nCannot modify selection frequencies.\n", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
               //MessageBox.Show("Design Cruise Selected", "Information");
               Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

               Design_Pages.Processing pDlg = new CruiseDesign.Design_Pages.Processing(this, dalPathCruise, reconExists, prodFile);

               Cursor.Current = this.Cursor;

               Design_Pages.DesignMain dmDlg = new CruiseDesign.Design_Pages.DesignMain(this, dalPathCruise);

               // call DesignCruiseForm

            //TOOLS TAB  Compare with Production Cruise +++++++++++++
            else if (ButtonSelect == 4)
               MessageBox.Show("Compare Production Cruise with Design file./nFuture Enhancement.", "Information");