public ActionResult CrudeAirportLinkEdit( System.Guid airportLinkId ) { CrudeAirportLinkContract contract = new CrudeAirportLinkServiceClient().FetchByAirportLinkId(airportLinkId); ViewBag.AirportId = new SelectList(new CrudeAirportServiceClient().FetchAll(), "AirportId", "AirportName", contract.AirportId ); ViewBag.LinkTypeRcd = new SelectList(new CrudeLinkTypeRefServiceClient().FetchAll(), "LinkTypeRcd", "LinkTypeName", contract.LinkTypeRcd ); ViewBag.DefaultUserName = new CrudeDefaultUserServiceClient().FetchByDefaultUserId(contract.UserId).DefaultUserName; return(View( "~/Views/Crude/Airport/CrudeAirportLink/CrudeAirportLinkEdit.cshtml", contract )); }
// saves the form // links: // docLink: private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var service = new CrudeAirportLinkServiceClient(); try { _contract.AirportId = (Guid)airportPicker.SelectedValue; _contract.LinkTypeRcd = linkTypeRefCombo.Text; _contract.UserId = (Guid)userPicker.SelectedValue; if (_isNew) { service.Insert(_contract); } else { service.Update(_contract); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { service.Close(); } Close(); }
// refresh the grid // links: // docLink: public void RefreshCrudeAirportLink() { var airportLink = new CrudeAirportLinkServiceClient(); try { var bindingSource = new BindingSource(); bindingSource.DataSource = airportLink.FetchWithFilter( Guid.Empty , airportPicker.SelectedValue , linkTypeRefCombo.Text , Guid.Empty , DateTime.MinValue ); dataGridViewCrudeAirportLink.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridViewCrudeAirportLink.DataSource = bindingSource; dataGridViewCrudeAirportLink.AutoResizeColumns(); dataGridViewCrudeAirportLink.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { airportLink.Close(); } }
// shows the form in edit modus // links: // docLink: public void ShowAsEdit(System.Guid airportLinkId) { var service = new CrudeAirportLinkServiceClient(); _isNew = false; try { _contract = service.FetchByAirportLinkId(airportLinkId); airportPicker.SelectedValue = _contract.AirportId; linkTypeRefCombo.Text = _contract.LinkTypeRcd != null ? _contract.LinkTypeRcd : String.Empty; userPicker.SelectedValue = _contract.UserId; _contract.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTimePickerDateTime.Text = _contract.DateTime.ToString(); Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex == null) { } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } finally { service.Close(); } }