예제 #1
        // populate a list of PartitionInfoEx with information about the actual partitions on a DiskDrive
        // pass in an Action that will populate a storage location with the information
        public async Task PopulatePartitionInfoExs(CrudType cRUD, DiskDriveInfoEx diskInfoEx, Action <DiskDriveInfoEx> storePartitionInfoExs)
            Log.Debug($"starting PopulatePartitionInfoExs: cRUD = {cRUD.ToString()}, diskInfoEx = {diskInfoEx.Dump()}");

            // ToDo: Get the list of partitions from the Disk hardware
            await new Task(() => Thread.Sleep(500));
            // Until real partitions are available, mock up the current laptop configuration as of 4/15/19
            // No partitions on drives 0 and 1, and one partition on drive 2, one drive letter E
            var partitionInfoExs = new List <PartitionInfoEx>();

            switch (diskInfoEx.DriveNumber)
            case 2: {
                var partitionInfoEx = new PartitionInfoEx()
                    PartitionDbId = new Id <PartitionInfoEx>(),
                    DriveLetters  = new List <string>()

            // ToDo: see if the disk already has partitions in the DB
            var dBPartitions = new List <PartitionInfoEx>();

            Log.Debug($"leaving PopulatePartitionInfoExs");
예제 #2
        // All of these async method will periodically execute instructions to the underlying database
        //  For that reasons, they all take some optional action parameters

        // populate a list of DiskDriveInfoEx with information about the actual drives connected to the computer
        // pass in an Action that will populate a storage location with the information
        public async Task PopulateDiskInfoExs(IEnumerable <int?> diskNumbers, CrudType cRUD, Action <IEnumerable <DiskDriveInfoEx> > storeDiskInfoExs, Action <DiskDriveInfoEx> storePartitionInfoExs)
            Log.Debug($"starting PopulateDiskInfoExs: cRUD = {cRUD.ToString()}, diskNumbers = {diskNumbers.Dump()}");
            var diskInfoExs = new List <DiskDriveInfoEx>();

            foreach (var d in diskNumbers)
                var diskInfoEx = new DiskDriveInfoEx();
                // ToDo: get from current ComputerInventory
                diskInfoEx.DriveNumber    = d;
                diskInfoEx.DiskDriveMaker = DiskDriveMaker.Generic;                      // ToDo: read disk diskDriveMaker via WMI
                diskInfoEx.DiskDriveType  = DiskDriveType.Generic;                       // ToDo: read disk diskDriveType via WMI
                diskInfoEx.SerialNumber   = "DummyDiskSerialNumber";                     // ToDo: read disk serial number via WMI
                await PopulatePartitionInfoExs(cRUD, diskInfoEx, storePartitionInfoExs); // wait for the


            // Store the information using the Action delegate
            // Todo: see if the DiskDriveMaker and SerialNumber already exist in the DB
            // async (cRUD, diskInfoEx) => { await Task.Yield(); }
            // Task< DiskDriveInfoEx> t = await DBFetch.Invoke(cRUD, diskInfoEx);
            // diskInfoEx = await DBFetch.Invoke(cRUD, diskInfoEx);
            Log.Debug($"leaving PopulateDiskInfoExs");
예제 #3
 // C/R/U/D a list of DiskDriveInfoEx with data in a DB
 // pass in an Action that will interact with the DB
 public async Task DiskInfoExsToDB(List <DiskDriveInfoEx> diskInfoExs, CrudType cRUD, Func <CrudType, DiskDriveInfoEx, Task> interact)
     Log.Debug($"starting DiskInfoExsToDB: cRUD = {cRUD.ToString()}, diskInfoExs = {diskInfoExs.Dump()}");
     foreach (var diskInfoEx in diskInfoExs)
         // invoke the Action delegate to C/R/U/D each DiskDriveInfoEx to the DB
         await interact.Invoke(cRUD, diskInfoEx);
     Log.Debug($"leaving DiskInfoExsToDB");