private void UpdateContent() { ObservableCollection <CrewType> crewTypes = new ObservableCollection <CrewType>(); foreach (var ct in AppData.CrewTypes) { crewTypes.Add(ct); } lvCrewTypes.ItemsSource = crewTypes; if (AppData.Crew.CrewTypeId > 0) { lvCrewTypes.SelectedItem = crewTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == AppData.Crew.CrewTypeId); } if (lvCrewTypes.SelectedItem == null) { lvCrewTypes.SelectedItem = crewTypes[0]; } btnAccept.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (lvCrewTypes.SelectedItem == null) { return; } SelectedCrewType = lvCrewTypes.SelectedItem as CrewType; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => PopupNavigation.Instance.RemovePageAsync(this)); }; }
public static async Task <string> GetCrewTypes() { var res = await ExecuteCommand(ApiCommand.GetCrewTypes, new string[] { }); if (!res.BoolResult) { return(res.ErrorMessage); } try { AppData.CrewTypes = new List <CrewType>(); if ((res.CrewTypes?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && (res.CrewTypes[0]?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { foreach (var apiCrewType in res.CrewTypes[0]) { var crewType = new CrewType { Id = apiCrewType.crewTypeID, Name = apiCrewType.crewTypeName }; AppData.CrewTypes.Add(crewType); } } return(null); } catch (Exception e) { return(MSG_ERROR_INCORRECT_RESPONSE); } }
public static SalaryConfig FromModConfig(CrewType type) { if (type == CrewType.AerospaceWing) { return(FromModConfig(Mod.Config.HiringHall.AerospaceWings)); } else if (type == CrewType.MechTechCrew) { return(FromModConfig(Mod.Config.HiringHall.MechTechCrews)); } else if (type == CrewType.MechWarrior) { return(FromModConfig(Mod.Config.HiringHall.MechWarriors)); } else if (type == CrewType.MedTechCrew) { return(FromModConfig(Mod.Config.HiringHall.MedTechCrews)); } else if (type == CrewType.VehicleCrew) { return(FromModConfig(Mod.Config.HiringHall.VehicleCrews)); } else { return(FromModConfig(Mod.Config.HiringHall.MechWarriors)); } }
public Crew GetFreeCrew(CrewType type) { Crew crew = (Crew)_poolByType[(int)type].GetFreeResource(); crew.transform.localPosition =; return(crew); }
public void TransformCrew(CrewType sourceType, CrewType targetType) { // first use a commander die Crew.First(c => c.Type == CrewType.Commander && c.State == CrewState.Available).State = CrewState.Returning; Crew.First(c => c.Type == sourceType && c.State == CrewState.Available).Type = targetType; string message = $"You used a commander to transform one {sourceType.ToString()} crew member to {targetType.ToString()}. "; _eventManager.Trigger("AppendMessage", new DefaultEvent(message)); }
protected override void Refresh() { CrewInfo info = CrewLibrary.instance.GetRandomInfo(); _crewType = info.model.type; _crewName =; _crewPrice = info.GetRandomPrice(); _crewIcon = info.icon; _flagRenderer.material.SetTexture("Texture2D_D003A093", info.flagIcon); }
public static async Task <string> SetCrewType(CrewType crewType) { var res = await ExecuteCommand(ApiCommand.SetCrewType, new string[] { crewType.Id.ToString() }); if (!res.BoolResult) { return(res.ErrorMessage); } return(null); }
//0= sailor 1= warrior 2= slave 3= passenger 4= navigator 5= auger //A sailor is the base class--no benefits/detriments // --navigators provide maps to different settlements and decrease negative random events // --warriors make sure encounters with pirates or other raiding activities go better in your favor // --slaves have zero clout--few benefits--but they never leave the ship unless they die public CrewMember(int ID, string name, int originCity, int clout, CrewType typeOfCrew, string backgroundInfo, bool isKillable, bool isPartOfMainQuest) { this.ID = ID; = name; this.originCity = originCity; this.clout = clout; this.typeOfCrew = typeOfCrew; this.backgroundInfo = backgroundInfo; this.isKillable = isKillable; this.isPartOfMainQuest = isPartOfMainQuest; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the next task waiting to be completed which corresponds to the same job as the specified CrewType. /// The tasks are ordered by their specified priority, and will be removed from the tasks list after returning. /// If no tasks are waiting to be completed with the given CrewType, null will be return. /// </summary> /// <returns>The task.</returns> /// <param name="type">The CrewType of the task to be fetched.</param> public Task GetTask(CrewType type) { for(int i = 0; i < tasks.Count; i++) { print("Getting tasks: " + i); Task task = tasks[i]; if(task.crewTypes.Contains(CrewType.Anyone) || task.crewTypes.Contains(type)) { print("Return task"); tasks.RemoveAt(i); return task; } } return null; }
private static CrewDetails ReadRoninTags(PilotDef roninDef) { //CrewDetails crewDetails = new CrewDetails(); BAD, SERIALIZATION ONLY! Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Building CrewDetails for Ronin: {roninDef.Description.Name}_{roninDef.GUID}"); CrewType type = CrewType.MechWarrior; FactionValue favored = null, hated = null; int skill = 0, size = 0; SalaryConfig salaryCfg = new SalaryConfig(); bool isFounder = false; foreach (string tag in roninDef.PilotTags) { // Check types if (tag.Equals(ModTags.Tag_CrewType_Aerospace, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found type == Aerospace"); type = CrewType.AerospaceWing; } if (tag.Equals(ModTags.Tag_CrewType_MechTech, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found type == MechTech"); type = CrewType.MechTechCrew; } if (tag.Equals(ModTags.Tag_CrewType_MedTech, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found type == MedTech"); type = CrewType.MedTechCrew; } if (tag.Equals(ModTags.Tag_CU_Vehicle_Crew, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found type == Vehicle"); type = CrewType.VehicleCrew; } // Check factions if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Faction_Favored, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string factionDefId = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Faction_Favored.Length); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found favored faction defId: {factionDefId}"); foreach (FactionValue factionVal in Mod.Config.Attitude.FavoredFactionCandidates) { if (factionVal.FactionDefID.Equals(factionDefId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { favored = factionVal; } } if (favored == null) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write($"Could not map favored factionDefId: {factionDefId} to a configured faction! Skipping!"); } } if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Faction_Hated, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string factionDefId = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Faction_Hated.Length); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found hated faction defId: {factionDefId}"); foreach (FactionValue factionVal in Mod.Config.Attitude.HatedFactionCandidates) { if (factionVal.FactionDefID.Equals(factionDefId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { hated = factionVal; } } if (hated == null) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write($"Could not map hated factionDefId: {factionDefId} to a configured faction! Skipping!"); } } // Check size and skill tags if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Support_Size, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tagS = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Support_Size.Length); try { size = Int32.Parse(tagS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found size: {size}"); } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(e, $"Failed to read size: {tagS} as an integer value, skipping!"); } } if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Support_Skill, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tagS = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Support_Skill.Length); try { skill = Int32.Parse(tagS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found skill: {skill}"); } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(e, $"Failed to read skill: {tagS} as an integer value, skipping!"); } } // Check salary & bonus values if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Salary_Multi, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tagS = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Salary_Multi.Length); try { salaryCfg.Multi = Int32.Parse(tagS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found salaryMulti: {salaryCfg.Multi}"); } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(e, $"Failed to read salaryMulti: {tagS} as an integer value, skipping!"); } } if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Salary_Exp, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tagS = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Salary_Exp.Length); try { salaryCfg.Exponent = float.Parse(tagS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found salaryExp: {salaryCfg.Exponent}"); } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(e, $"Failed to read salaryExp: {tagS} as an integer value, skipping!"); } } if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Salary_Variance, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tagS = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Salary_Variance.Length); try { salaryCfg.Variance = float.Parse(tagS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found salaryVariance: {salaryCfg.Variance}"); } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(e, $"Failed to read salaryVariance: {tagS} as an integer value, skipping!"); } } if (tag.StartsWith(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Bonus_Variance, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string tagS = tag.Substring(ModTags.Tag_Prefix_Ronin_Bonus_Variance.Length); try { salaryCfg.BonusVariance = float.Parse(tagS, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found bonusVariance: {salaryCfg.BonusVariance}"); } catch (Exception e) { Mod.Log.Warn?.Write(e, $"Failed to read bonusVariance: {tagS} as an integer value, skipping!"); } } // Check founder if (tag.Equals(ModTags.Tag_Founder, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" -- found founder tag"); isFounder = true; } } // Normalize size and skill to index values CrewDetails details = new CrewDetails(roninDef, type, favored, hated, size - 1, skill - 1, isFounder, salaryCfg.IsDefault() ? null : salaryCfg); return(details); }
public CrewInfo GetInfo(CrewType type) { return(_infos[(int)type]); }
public CrewDetails(PilotDef pilotDef, CrewType type, FactionValue favoredFaction, FactionValue hatedFaction, int sizeIdx = 0, int skillIdx = 0, bool isFounder = false, SalaryConfig salaryCfg = null) { this.Type = type; this.Size = sizeIdx + 1; this.Skill = skillIdx + 1; this.Attitude = 0; // Calculate value and set required tags CrewOpts config = null; if (IsAerospaceCrew) { Value = Mod.Config.HiringHall.PointsBySkillAndSize.Aerospace[skillIdx][sizeIdx]; config = Mod.Config.HiringHall.AerospaceWings; pilotDef.PilotTags.Add(ModTags.Tag_CrewType_Aerospace); } else if (IsMechTechCrew) { Value = Mod.Config.HiringHall.PointsBySkillAndSize.MechTech[skillIdx][sizeIdx]; config = Mod.Config.HiringHall.MechTechCrews; pilotDef.PilotTags.Add(ModTags.Tag_CrewType_MechTech); } else if (IsMedTechCrew) { Value = Mod.Config.HiringHall.PointsBySkillAndSize.MedTech[skillIdx][sizeIdx]; config = Mod.Config.HiringHall.MedTechCrews; pilotDef.PilotTags.Add(ModTags.Tag_CrewType_MedTech); } else if (IsMechWarrior) { Value = pilotDef.BaseGunnery + pilotDef.BasePiloting + pilotDef.BaseGuts + pilotDef.BaseTactics; config = Mod.Config.HiringHall.MechWarriors; } else if (IsVehicleCrew) { Value = pilotDef.BaseGunnery + pilotDef.BasePiloting + pilotDef.BaseGuts + pilotDef.BaseTactics; config = Mod.Config.HiringHall.VehicleCrews; // Required tags pilotDef.PilotTags.Add(ModTags.Tag_CU_NoMech_Crew); pilotDef.PilotTags.Add(ModTags.Tag_CU_Vehicle_Crew); } if (salaryCfg == null) { this.SalaryConfig = SalaryConfig.FromModConfig(config); } else { this.SalaryConfig = salaryCfg; } // Calculate salary and bonus SalaryHelper.CalcSalary(Value, this.SalaryConfig, out int salary, out int bonus); this.Salary = salary; this.HiringBonus = bonus; // Determine contract length if (pilotDef.IsFree && pilotDef.IsImmortal) { IsPlayer = true; Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Setting expiration and contract term to 0 for player character."); this.ContractTerm = 0; // Free and Immortal = player character this.ExpirationDay = 0; } else if (isFounder) { IsFounder = true; Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Setting expiration and contract term to 0 for founding member."); this.ContractTerm = 0; // Free overhead, not immortal this.ExpirationDay = 0; } else { IsPlayer = false; Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Generating contract length, new expiration day"); this.ContractTerm = CrewHelper.RandomContractLength(config); this.ExpirationDay = ModState.SimGameState.DaysPassed + ContractTerm; } if (favoredFaction != null) { this.FavoredFactionId = (int)favoredFaction.FactionID; } if (hatedFaction != null) { this.HatedFactionId = (int)hatedFaction.FactionID; } this.NextHeadHuntingDay = ModState.SimGameState.DaysPassed; }
public RemoveCrewFromMissionEvent(string threatName, CrewType crewType) { ThreatName = threatName; Type = crewType; }
public void AddCrew(CrewType type, bool doAnim = true) { Crew crew = CrewLibrary.instance.GetFreeCrew(type); _positioner.SetPosition(crew, doAnim); }