public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); graphics.GraphicsProfile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef; Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; IsMouseVisible = true; camera = new Base3DCamera(this, .1f, 2000f); ppManager = new PostProcessingManager(this); GodRays = new CrepuscularRays(this, sunPosition, "Textures/flare", 100, .99f, .99f, .5f, .12f, .25f); ppManager.AddEffect(GodRays); int sqr = 50; //for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++) //{ // float x = MathHelper.Lerp(-sqr, sqr, (float)rnd.NextDouble()); // float y = MathHelper.Lerp(-sqr, sqr, (float)rnd.NextDouble()); // float z = MathHelper.Lerp(-sqr, -sqr * 2, (float)rnd.NextDouble()); // float s = MathHelper.Lerp(.01f, 2, (float)rnd.NextDouble()); // //asteroids.Add(new Base3DModel(this, "Models/asteroid1", "Shaders/ColorDepthRender", "Textures/stone")); // if (rnd.NextDouble() >= .5f) // objects.Add(new Base3DModel(this, "Models/tank", "Shaders/ColorDepthRender")); // else // objects.Add(new Base3DModel(this, "Models/LandShark", "Shaders/ColorDepthRender")); // objects[objects.Count - 1].Position = new Vector3(x, y, z); // objects[objects.Count - 1].Scale = Vector3.One * s; // Components.Add(objects[objects.Count - 1]); // //asteroidsRotDir.Add(asteroidsRotDir.Count, Vector3.Normalize(asteroids[asteroids.Count - 1].Position)); //} objects.Add(new Base3DModel(this, "Models/LandShark", "Shaders/ColorDepthRender")); objects[0].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -100); objects[0].Scale = Vector3.One; Components.Add(objects[0]); }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; IsMouseVisible = true; //graphics.IsFullScreen = true; //graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 900; //graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1440; //graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 900; //graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1600; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 600; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 800; ppm = new PostProcessingManager(this); rays = new CrepuscularRays(this, Vector2.One * .5f, "Textures/flare", 1, .97f, .97f, .5f, .25f); ppm.AddEffect(rays); }
public override void LoadContent() { if (content == null) content = ScreenManager.Game.Content; sky = content.Load<Texture2D>("sky_bg"); ppm = new PostProcessingManager(ScreenManager.Game); rays = new CrepuscularRays(ScreenManager.Game, Vector2.One * .5f, "flare4", 0.35f, .87f, .97f, .3f, .20f); ppm.AddEffect(rays); ScreenManager.Game.Services.AddService(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch.GetType(), ScreenManager.SpriteBatch); UpdateLightSource(); scene = new RenderTarget2D(ScreenManager.Game.GraphicsDevice, ScreenManager.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None); AddBackground("cloud1", 0.5f); AddBackground("midground_grasshill", 0.0f); }
public BaseDeferredRenderGame() : base() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); graphics.PreparingDeviceSettings += new EventHandler <PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs>(graphics_PreparingDeviceSettings); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; inputHandler = new InputHandlerService(this); assetManager = new AssetManager(this); renderer = new DeferredRender(this); rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); //ggr = new GeographicGridRegistrationSystem(this, new Vector3(10, 5, 20), new BoundingBox(-Vector3.One * 2f, Vector3.One * 2f)); ppManager = new PostProcessingManager(this); test = new TesterEffect(this); test.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(test); SSAO = new SSAOEffect(this, .1f, 1f, .5f, 1f); SSAO.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(SSAO); //stHPe = new STHardPointEffect(this, 25, 30, new Color(48, 89, 122)); stHPe = new STHardPointEffect(this, 25, 30, new Color(41, 77, 107), new Color(.125f, .125f, .125f, 1.0f)); stHPe.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(stHPe); sun = new SunEffect(this, SunPosition); sun.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(sun); water = new WaterEffect(this); water.waterHeight = -25f; water.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(water); dof = new DepthOfFieldEffect(this, 5, 30); dof.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(dof); bloom = new BloomEffect(this, 1.25f, 1f, 1f, 1f, .25f, 4f); bloom.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(bloom); haze = new HeatHazeEffect(this, "Textures/bumpmap", false); haze.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(haze); radialBlur = new RadialBlurEffect(this, 0.009f); radialBlur.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(radialBlur); ripple = new RippleEffect(this); ripple.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(ripple); fog = new FogEffect(this, 50, 100, Color.DarkSlateGray); fog.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(fog); godRays = new CrepuscularRays(this, SunPosition, "Textures/flare", 1500, 1f, .99f, 1f, .15f, .25f); //godRays = new CrepuscularRays(this, SunPosition, "Textures/flare", 1500, 1f, .99f, .1f, 0.12f, .25f); godRays.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(godRays); }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; graphics.GraphicsProfile = GraphicsProfile.HiDef; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1920; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 1080; IsMouseVisible = true; kbm = new KeyboardStateManager(this); camera = new Base3DCamera(this, .5f, 20000); camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Components.Add(camera); Services.AddService(typeof(Base3DCamera), camera); skyBox = new BaseSkyBox(this, "Textures/SkyBox/NebulaBlue"); Components.Add(skyBox); bunny = new Base3DObject(this, "Models/bunny", "Shaders/RenderObjectNotTangentsOrTexCoords"); bunny.Position = new Vector3(2, -1.5f, -20); bunny.LightPosition = LightPosition; Components.Add(bunny); cube = new Base3DObject(this, "Models/cube"); cube.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -10); cube.ColorAsset = "Textures/h2mcpCube"; cube.BumpAsset = "Textures/h2mcpCubeNormal"; cube.LightPosition = LightPosition; Components.Add(cube); bunnies = new Base3DObject[10]; for (int s = 0; s < 10; s++) { bunnies[s] = new Base3DObject(this, "Models/Bunny"); bunnies[s].Position = new Vector3(20 + (s * 12), -1.5f, -10 - (s * 12)); bunnies[s].ColorAsset = "Textures/WindmillTopColor"; bunnies[s].BumpAsset = "Textures/WindmillTopNormal"; bunnies[s].LightPosition = LightPosition; Components.Add(bunnies[s]); } landShark = new Base3DObject(this, "Models/landShark"); landShark.Position = new Vector3(-20, 0, -10); landShark.ColorAsset = "Textures/Speeder_diff"; landShark.BumpAsset = "Textures/Speeder_bump"; landShark.LightPosition = LightPosition; Components.Add(landShark); earth = new Base3DObject(this, "Models/sphere"); earth.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -200); earth.ColorAsset = "Textures/Earth_Diffuse"; earth.BumpAsset = "Textures/Earth_NormalMap"; earth.LightPosition = LightPosition; Components.Add(earth); ppManager = new PostProcessingManager(this); fog = new FogEffect(this, 50, 100, Color.DarkSlateGray); fog.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(fog); GodRays = new CrepuscularRays(this, LightPosition, "Textures/flare", 1500, .99f, .99f, .5f, .12f, .25f); GodRays.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(GodRays); sun = new SunEffect(this, LightPosition); sun.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(sun); bloom = new BloomEffect(this, 1.25f, 1f, 1f, 1f, .25f, 4f); bloom.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(bloom); dof = new DepthOfFieldEffect(this, 5, 30); dof.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(dof); haze = new HeatHazeEffect(this, "Textures/bumpmap", false); haze.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(haze); radialBlur = new RadialBlurEffect(this, 0.009f); radialBlur.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(radialBlur); ripple = new RippleEffect(this); ripple.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(ripple); sepia = new SepiaEffect(this); sepia.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(sepia); greyScale = new GreyScaleEffect(this); greyScale.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(greyScale); invert = new InvertColorEffect(this); invert.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(invert); colorFilter = new ColorFilterEffect(this, Color.White, .5f, .5f, .5f); colorFilter.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(colorFilter); bleach = new BleachEffect(this, 1); bleach.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(bleach); scanLines = new ScanLinesEffect(this, .001f, .001f, 128); scanLines.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(scanLines); deRezed = new DeRezedEffect(this, 128); deRezed.Enabled = false; ppManager.AddEffect(deRezed); }
public override void LoadContent() { m_ppm = new PostProcessingManager(ScreenManager.Game, ScreenManager.Camera); m_godRay = new CrepuscularRays(ScreenManager.Game, Vector2.One * 0.5f, "GameSpritesheets/flare3", 2f, 0.97f, 0.97f, 0.5f, 1.25f); m_ppm.AddEffect(m_godRay); m_godRayTexture = new RenderTarget2D(Camera.GraphicsDevice, 1320, 720, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None); m_godRay.lightSource = new Vector2(0.495f, 0.3f); m_bg = new SpriteObj("TitleBG_Sprite"); m_bg.Scale = new Vector2(1320f / m_bg.Width, 720f / m_bg.Height); m_bg.TextureColor = Color.Red; m_hardCoreModeOpacity = 0f; m_logo = new SpriteObj("TitleLogo_Sprite"); m_logo.Position = new Vector2(660f, 360f); m_logo.DropShadow = new Vector2(0f, 5f); m_castle = new SpriteObj("TitleCastle_Sprite"); m_castle.Scale = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_castle.Position = new Vector2(630f, 720 - m_castle.Height / 2); m_smallCloud1 = new SpriteObj("TitleSmallCloud1_Sprite"); m_smallCloud1.Position = new Vector2(660f, 0f); m_smallCloud2 = new SpriteObj("TitleSmallCloud2_Sprite"); m_smallCloud2.Position = m_smallCloud1.Position; m_smallCloud3 = new SpriteObj("TitleSmallCloud3_Sprite"); m_smallCloud3.Position = m_smallCloud1.Position; m_smallCloud4 = new SpriteObj("TitleSmallCloud4_Sprite"); m_smallCloud4.Position = m_smallCloud1.Position; m_smallCloud5 = new SpriteObj("TitleSmallCloud5_Sprite"); m_smallCloud5.Position = m_smallCloud1.Position; m_largeCloud1 = new SpriteObj("TitleLargeCloud1_Sprite"); m_largeCloud1.Position = new Vector2(0f, 720 - m_largeCloud1.Height); m_largeCloud2 = new SpriteObj("TitleLargeCloud2_Sprite"); m_largeCloud2.Position = new Vector2(440f, 720 - m_largeCloud2.Height + 130); m_largeCloud3 = new SpriteObj("TitleLargeCloud1_Sprite"); m_largeCloud3.Position = new Vector2(880f, 720 - m_largeCloud3.Height + 50); m_largeCloud3.Flip = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; m_largeCloud4 = new SpriteObj("TitleLargeCloud2_Sprite"); m_largeCloud4.Position = new Vector2(1320f, 720 - m_largeCloud4.Height); m_largeCloud4.Flip = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; m_titleText = new TextObj(); m_titleText.Font = Game.JunicodeFont; m_titleText.FontSize = 45f; m_titleText.Text = "ROGUE CASTLE"; m_titleText.Position = new Vector2(660f, 60f); m_titleText.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_copyrightText = new TextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_copyrightText.FontSize = 8f; m_copyrightText.Text = "Copyright(C) 2011-2015, Cellar Door Games Inc. Rogue Legacy(TM) is a trademark or registered trademark of Cellar Door Games Inc. All Rights Reserved."; m_copyrightText.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_copyrightText.Position = new Vector2(660f, 720 - m_copyrightText.Height - 10); m_copyrightText.DropShadow = new Vector2(1f, 2f); m_versionNumber = (m_copyrightText.Clone() as TextObj); m_versionNumber.Align = Types.TextAlign.Right; m_versionNumber.FontSize = 8f; m_versionNumber.Position = new Vector2(1305f, 5f); m_versionNumber.Text = "v1.2.0c"; m_pressStartText = new KeyIconTextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_pressStartText.FontSize = 20f; m_pressStartText.Text = "Press Enter to begin"; m_pressStartText.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_pressStartText.Position = new Vector2(660f, 560f); m_pressStartText.DropShadow = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_pressStartText2 = new TextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_pressStartText2.FontSize = 20f; m_pressStartText2.Text = "Press Enter to begin"; m_pressStartText2.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_pressStartText2.Position = m_pressStartText.Position; m_pressStartText2.Y -= m_pressStartText.Height - 5; m_pressStartText2.DropShadow = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_profileCard = new SpriteObj("TitleProfileCard_Sprite"); m_profileCard.OutlineWidth = 2; m_profileCard.Scale = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_profileCard.Position = new Vector2(m_profileCard.Width, 720 - m_profileCard.Height); m_profileCard.ForceDraw = true; m_optionsIcon = new SpriteObj("TitleOptionsIcon_Sprite"); m_optionsIcon.Scale = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_optionsIcon.OutlineWidth = m_profileCard.OutlineWidth; m_optionsIcon.Position = new Vector2(1320 - m_optionsIcon.Width * 2, m_profileCard.Y); m_optionsIcon.ForceDraw = true; m_creditsIcon = new SpriteObj("TitleCreditsIcon_Sprite"); m_creditsIcon.Scale = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_creditsIcon.OutlineWidth = m_profileCard.OutlineWidth; m_creditsIcon.Position = new Vector2(m_optionsIcon.X + 120f, m_profileCard.Y); m_creditsIcon.ForceDraw = true; m_profileCardKey = new KeyIconTextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_profileCardKey.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_profileCardKey.FontSize = 12f; m_profileCardKey.Text = "[Input:" + 7 + "]"; m_profileCardKey.Position = new Vector2(m_profileCard.X, m_profileCard.Bounds.Top - m_profileCardKey.Height - 10); m_profileCardKey.ForceDraw = true; m_optionsKey = new KeyIconTextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_optionsKey.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_optionsKey.FontSize = 12f; m_optionsKey.Text = "[Input:" + 4 + "]"; m_optionsKey.Position = new Vector2(m_optionsIcon.X, m_optionsIcon.Bounds.Top - m_optionsKey.Height - 10); m_optionsKey.ForceDraw = true; m_creditsKey = new KeyIconTextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_creditsKey.Align = Types.TextAlign.Centre; m_creditsKey.FontSize = 12f; m_creditsKey.Text = "[Input:" + 6 + "]"; m_creditsKey.Position = new Vector2(m_creditsIcon.X, m_creditsIcon.Bounds.Top - m_creditsKey.Height - 10); m_creditsKey.ForceDraw = true; m_profileSelectKey = new KeyIconTextObj(Game.JunicodeFont); m_profileSelectKey.Align = Types.TextAlign.Left; m_profileSelectKey.FontSize = 10f; m_profileSelectKey.Text = string.Concat("[Input:", 25, "] to Change Profile (", Game.GameConfig.ProfileSlot, ")"); m_profileSelectKey.Position = new Vector2(30f, 15f); m_profileSelectKey.ForceDraw = true; m_profileSelectKey.DropShadow = new Vector2(2f, 2f); m_crown = new SpriteObj("Crown_Sprite"); m_crown.ForceDraw = true; m_crown.Scale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f); m_crown.Rotation = -30f; m_crown.OutlineWidth = 2; m_dlcIcon = new SpriteObj("MedallionPiece5_Sprite"); m_dlcIcon.Position = new Vector2(950f, 310f); m_dlcIcon.ForceDraw = true; m_dlcIcon.TextureColor = Color.Yellow; base.LoadContent(); }