예제 #1
    void Awake()
        playerGameObject          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        primaryWeaponGameObject   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Primary Weapon");
        secondaryWeaponGameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Secondary Weapon");

        lightningBoltGameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Lightning");
        laserBeamGameObject     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Laser Beam");

        displayManager = DisplayManager.Instance();
        creditManager  = CreditManager.Instance();

        myConfirmAction1 = new UnityAction(UpgradeLightningBolt);
        myConfirmAction2 = new UnityAction(UpgradeChainLightning);
        myConfirmAction3 = new UnityAction(UpgradeCyclonePrimaryWeapon);
        myConfirmAction4 = new UnityAction(UpgradeCycloneSpeed);
        myConfirmAction5 = new UnityAction(UpgradeShipWeapon);
        myConfirmAction6 = new UnityAction(UpgradeEnergyRegeneration);

        originalColor = nextUpgradeCostText.color;

        upgradeButtonCostText(1, maxUpgrade);

        //nextUpgradeCostText.text = upgradeCost.ToString();
예제 #2
 protected virtual void Awake()
     player              = FindObjectOfType <Player>();
     ship                = FindObjectOfType <Ship>();
     creditManager       = CreditManager.Instance();
     soundEffectsManager = SoundEffectsManager.Instance();
예제 #3
 private void Start()
     tutHelpBool                  = true; // To help make the tutorial speech bubble for upgrades come up only once in the level
     creditManager                = CreditManager.Instance();
     cycloneLabelTime             = Time.time + 12f;
     shipHealthAndShieldLabelTime = cycloneLabelTime + 8f;
     tutHelpBool                  = true; // To help make the tutorial speech bubble for upgrades come up only once in the level
     cycloneActive                = true;
     upgradeAndCreditActive       = true;
     shipHealthAndShieldActive    = true;
예제 #4
 void Awake()
     creditManager   = CreditManager.Instance();
     timeTillDestroy = Time.time + timeTillDestroy;