예제 #1
        public IceSkeleton() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <IceSkeleton>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Ice Skeleton Weapon",
                Speed        = 35,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x1C5,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #2
        public Brigand() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <Brigand>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new Cutlass
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Brigand1 Weapon",
                Speed        = 30,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x168,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #3
        public BoneKnight() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <BoneKnight>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Bone Knight Weapon",
                Speed        = 45,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x1C6,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #4
        public RadiantWisp() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <RadiantWisp>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Radiant Wisp Weapon",
                Speed        = 35,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x1D5,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #5
        public SoulSlayer() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <SoulSlayer>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Soul Slayer Weapon",
                Speed        = 65,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x25F,
                MissSound    = 0x169,
                MaxRange     = 5
예제 #6
        public TerathanStriker() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <TerathanStriker>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Terathan Drone Weapon",
                Speed        = 43,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x252,
                MissSound    = 0x253
예제 #7
        public OrcishLord() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <OrcishLord>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Orc Lord Weapon",
                Speed        = 55,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x23D,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #8
        public AirElemental() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <AirElemental>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Air Elemental Weapon",
                Speed        = 50,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x10A,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #9
        public Gazer() : base(CreatureProperties.Get<Gazer>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable = false,
                Name = "Gazer Weapon",
                Speed = 30,
                Skill = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints = 250,
                HitSound = 0x17C,
                MissSound = 0x239
예제 #10
        public DarklingSlime() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <DarklingSlime>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Darkling Slime Weapon",
                Speed        = 35,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x1CB,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #11
        public FrenziedPoisonOstard() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <FrenziedPoisonOstard>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Scorp Weapon",
                Speed        = 30,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x190,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #12
        public RabidRabbit() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <RabidRabbit>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Rabid Rabbit Weapon",
                Speed        = 30,
                Skill        = SkillName.Fencing,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x1CB,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #13
        public Harpy() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <Harpy>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Harpy Weapon",
                Speed        = 65,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x195,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #14
        public EvilCodexDamnorum() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <EvilCodexDamnorum>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Evil Codex Damnorum Weapon",
                Speed        = 30,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x263,
                MissSound    = 0x264
예제 #15
        public Troll() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <Troll>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Troll3 Weapon",
                Speed        = 25,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x1D0,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #16
        public SkeletalWarrior() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <SkeletalWarrior>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Skeletal Warrior Weapon",
                Speed        = 40,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x23D,
                MissSound    = 0x239
예제 #17
        public GreaterEvilBookOfEarth() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <GreaterEvilBookOfEarth>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "Evil Book Of The Earth Weapon",
                Speed        = 50,
                Skill        = SkillName.Swords,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x263,
                MissSound    = 0x264
예제 #18
 static OrcCaptain()
     CreatureProperties.Register <OrcCaptain>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = orccaptain,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = orccaptain,
         // Graphic = 0x0ec4 /* Weapon */,
         // HitSound = 0x23D /* Weapon */,
         LootTable = "42",
         // MissSound = 0x239 /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // speech = 6,
         // Speed = 55 /* Weapon */,
         // Swordsmanship = 100,
         // TrueColor = 33784,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 7,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of <random> the Orc Captain",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Orc,
         DamageMax          = 43,
         DamageMin          = 8,
         Dex                  = 190,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.None,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 285,
         Hue                  = 33784,
         Int                  = 40,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 30,
         Name                 = "<random> the Orc Captain",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 90,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Tactics, 100 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 60 }
         StamMaxSeed  = 90,
         Str          = 285,
         VirtualArmor = 30
예제 #19
 static BladeSpirit()
     CreatureProperties.Register <BladeSpirit>(new CreatureProperties
         // CProp_guardkill = 1,
         // DataElementId = bladespirit,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = bladespirit,
         // Graphic = 0x0ec4 /* Weapon */,
         // HitSound = 0x23D /* Weapon */,
         // hostile = 1,
         // MissSound = 0x239 /* Weapon */,
         // script = vortexai,
         // Speed = 20 /* Weapon */,
         // TrueColor = 33784,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* vortexai */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x23e,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of a blade spirit",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Elemental,
         DamageMax          = 8,
         DamageMin          = 2,
         Dex             = 200,
         Female          = false,
         FightMode       = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange      = 1,
         HitsMax         = 200,
         Hue             = 33784,
         Int             = 25,
         ManaMaxSeed     = 0,
         Name            = "a blade spirit",
         PassiveSpeed    = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange = 10,
         Skills          = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Poisoning, 100 },
             { SkillName.Tactics, 50 },
             { SkillName.Macing, 125 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 110 }
         StamMaxSeed  = 50,
         Str          = 200,
         VirtualArmor = 15
예제 #20
 static SnowOrc()
     CreatureProperties.Register <SnowOrc>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = snoworc2,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = snoworc2,
         // Graphic = 0x0ec4 /* Weapon */,
         // HitSound = 0x13C /* Weapon */,
         // hostile = 1,
         LootTable = "43",
         // MissSound = 0x239 /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // Speed = 45 /* Weapon */,
         // TrueColor = 1154,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x29,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of <random> the snow orc",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Orc,
         DamageMax          = 43,
         DamageMin          = 8,
         Dex                  = 135,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 150,
         Hue                  = 1154,
         Int                  = 35,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 0,
         Name                 = "<random> the snow orc",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 95,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 60 },
             { SkillName.Macing, 85 },
             { SkillName.Tactics, 80 }
         StamMaxSeed  = 50,
         Str          = 150,
         VirtualArmor = 25
예제 #21
 static HauntedBlade()
     CreatureProperties.Register <HauntedBlade>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = hauntedblade,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = hauntedblade,
         // HitSound = 0x23C /* Weapon */,
         // hostile = 1,
         // lootgroup = 48,
         // MissSound = 0x23A /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // speech = 6,
         // Speed = 45 /* Weapon */,
         // TrueColor = 0,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x266,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of a haunted blade",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Animated,
         DamageMax          = 17,
         DamageMin          = 5,
         Dex                  = 250,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 180,
         Hue                  = 0,
         Int                  = 35,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 0,
         Name                 = "a haunted blade",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 60,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 60 },
             { SkillName.Macing, 85 },
             { SkillName.Tactics, 90 }
         StamMaxSeed  = 50,
         Str          = 180,
         VirtualArmor = 10
예제 #22
 static Valkerie()
     CreatureProperties.Register <Valkerie>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = valkerie,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = valkerie,
         // Graphic = 0x0ec4 /* Weapon */,
         // HitSound = 0x195 /* Weapon */,
         LootTable = "29",
         // MissSound = 0x239 /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // Speed = 30 /* Weapon */,
         // TrueColor = 148,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysAttackable   = true,
         BaseSoundID        = 402,
         Body               = 0x1e,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of a Valkerie",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Daemon,
         DamageMax          = 24,
         DamageMin          = 4,
         Dex                  = 180,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.None,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 180,
         Hue                  = 148,
         Int                  = 80,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 0,
         Name                 = "a Valkerie",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 100,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Tactics, 90 },
             { SkillName.Macing, 95 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 60 }
         StamMaxSeed  = 70,
         Str          = 180,
         VirtualArmor = 15
예제 #23
 static BewitchedSword()
     CreatureProperties.Register <BewitchedSword>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = bewitchedsword,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = bewitchedsword,
         // HitSound = 0x23C /* Weapon */,
         // hostile = 1,
         LootTable      = "48",
         LootItemChance = 1,
         // MissSound = 0x23A /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // Speed = 25 /* Weapon */,
         // Swordsmanship = 140,
         // TrueColor = 0,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x283,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of a Bewitched Sword",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Animated,
         DamageMax          = 23,
         DamageMin          = 1,
         Dex                  = 110,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 210,
         Hue                  = 0,
         Int                  = 110,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 0,
         Name                 = "a Bewitched Sword",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 94,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Tactics, 100 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 70 }
         StamMaxSeed  = 100,
         Str          = 210,
         VirtualArmor = 35
예제 #24
 static BewitchedGauntlets()
     CreatureProperties.Register <BewitchedGauntlets>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = bewitchedgauntlets,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = bewitchedgauntlets,
         // Graphic = 0x0ec4 /* Weapon */,
         // HitSound = 0x17F /* Weapon */,
         // hostile = 1,
         // lootgroup = 48,
         // MagicItemChance = 1,
         // MissSound = 0x182 /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // Speed = 35 /* Weapon */,
         // TrueColor = 0,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x212,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of Bewitched Gauntlets",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Animated,
         DamageMax          = 36,
         DamageMin          = 6,
         Dex                  = 110,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 210,
         Hue                  = 0,
         Int                  = 110,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 0,
         Name                 = "Bewitched Gauntlets",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 94,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Tactics, 100 },
             { SkillName.Macing, 140 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 70 }
         StamMaxSeed = 100,
         Str         = 210
예제 #25
 static Humuc()
     CreatureProperties.Register <Humuc>(new CreatureProperties
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Familiar,
         InitialInnocent    = true,
         AlwaysMurderer     = false,
         BaseSoundID        = 422,
         CanFly             = true,
         SaySpellMantra     = true,
         Body               = 0x27,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of a totem",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Daemon,
         DamageMax          = 2,
         DamageMin          = 13,
         Dex                  = 100,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 20,
         Hue                  = 746,
         Int                  = 75,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 75,
         MinTameSkill         = 0,
         Name                 = "totem",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.5,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 150,
         StamMaxSeed          = 50,
         Str                  = 200,
         Tamable              = false,
         VirtualArmor         = 100,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Macing, 150 },
             { SkillName.Tactics, 50 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 160 },
             { SkillName.Magery, 75 }
         Resistances = new Dictionary <ElementalType, CreatureProp>
             { ElementalType.MagicImmunity, 8 }
예제 #26
        public Enslaver() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <Enslaver>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new WarHammer
                Movable      = false,
                Hue          = 1162,
                Name         = "Enslavers Weapon",
                Speed        = 51,
                HitSound     = 0x13C,
                MissSound    = 0x234,
                MaxHitPoints = 110,
                HitPoints    = 110,
                Animation    = (WeaponAnimation)0x000b
예제 #27
 static Bandit()
     CreatureProperties.Register <Bandit>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = bandit,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = bandit,
         // Graphic = 0x1440 /* Weapon */,
         // HitSound = 0x168 /* Weapon */,
         LootTable      = "47",
         LootItemChance = 1,
         // MissSound = 0x239 /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // Speed = 30 /* Weapon */,
         // Swordsmanship = 30,
         // TrueColor = 0,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysAttackable   = true,
         Body               = 0x190,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of a bandit",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Human,
         DamageMax          = 50,
         DamageMin          = 5,
         Dex                  = 30,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.None,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 30,
         Hue                  = 0,
         Int                  = 20,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 10,
         Name                 = "a bandit",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 50,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Tactics, 30 },
             { SkillName.Fencing, 30 }
         StamMaxSeed = 30,
         Str         = 30
예제 #28
        public Wraith() : base(CreatureProperties.Get <Wraith>())
            // Add customization here

            AddItem(new SkinningKnife
                Movable      = false,
                Name         = "wraith Weapon",
                Hue          = 1,
                Speed        = 40,
                Skill        = SkillName.Fencing,
                MaxHitPoints = 250,
                HitPoints    = 250,
                HitSound     = 0x283,
                MissSound    = 0x282
예제 #29
 static OrderOfIronFist()
     CreatureProperties.Register <OrderOfIronFist>(new CreatureProperties
         // DataElementId = servantofcain,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = servantofcain,
         // guardignore = 1,
         // HitSound = 0x238 /* Weapon */,
         // hostile = 1,
         // lootgroup = 59,
         // MissSound = 0x233 /* Weapon */,
         // script = killpcs,
         // Speed = 15 /* Weapon */,
         // Swordsmanship = 150,
         // TrueColor = 0,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Melee /* killpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x190,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of <random>, Order of the Iron Fist",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Human,
         DamageMax          = 35,
         DamageMin          = 10,
         Dex             = 300,
         Female          = false,
         FightMode       = FightMode.Aggressor,
         FightRange      = 1,
         HitsMax         = 300,
         Hue             = 0,
         Int             = 210,
         ManaMaxSeed     = 200,
         Name            = "<random>, Order of the Iron Fist",
         PassiveSpeed    = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange = 10,
         Skills          = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.Tactics, 120 },
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 80 }
         StamMaxSeed = 200,
         Str         = 300
예제 #30
 static Archer()
     CreatureProperties.Register <Archer>(new CreatureProperties
         // ammoamount = 30,
         // ammotype = 0xf3f,
         // DataElementId = orcarcher,
         // DataElementType = NpcTemplate,
         // dstart = 10,
         // Equip = arcarcher,
         // hostile = 1,
         LootTable = "52",
         // missileweapon = archer,
         // script = archerkillpcs,
         // speech = 6,
         // TrueColor = 0,
         ActiveSpeed        = 0.2,
         AiType             = AIType.AI_Archer /* archerkillpcs */,
         AlwaysMurderer     = true,
         Body               = 0x11,
         CorpseNameOverride = "corpse of <random> the archer",
         CreatureType       = CreatureType.Orc,
         Dex                  = 180,
         Female               = false,
         FightMode            = FightMode.Closest,
         FightRange           = 1,
         HitsMax              = 170,
         Hue                  = 0,
         Int                  = 35,
         ManaMaxSeed          = 25,
         Name                 = "<random> the archer",
         PassiveSpeed         = 0.4,
         PerceptionRange      = 10,
         ProvokeSkillOverride = 80,
         Skills               = new Dictionary <SkillName, CreatureProp>
             { SkillName.MagicResist, 30 },
             { SkillName.Tactics, 80 },
             { SkillName.Macing, 85 },
             { SkillName.Archery, 85 }
         StamMaxSeed = 80,
         Str         = 170