public void ExtendSnake(Vector2 pos) { print("canPlay: " + canPlay); if (!canPlay) { return; } Vector2 FoundPosition = FindPosition(pos); if (playerRank == 1) { Vector2 firstCheck = new Vector2(19, 35); Vector2 secCheck = new Vector2(20, 35); Vector2 thirdCheck = new Vector2(19, 36); Vector2 fourthCheck = new Vector2(20, 36); if (FoundPosition == firstCheck || FoundPosition == secCheck || FoundPosition == thirdCheck || FoundPosition == fourthCheck) { return; } } else { Vector2 firstCheck = new Vector2(19, 4); Vector2 secCheck = new Vector2(20, 4); Vector2 thirdCheck = new Vector2(19, 3); Vector2 fourthCheck = new Vector2(20, 3); if (FoundPosition == firstCheck || FoundPosition == secCheck || FoundPosition == thirdCheck || FoundPosition == fourthCheck) { return; } } Snake SnakeToAdd = GetSnakeFromPosition(FoundPosition); CreatingSnakes CreatingSnakesToAdd = GetCreatingSnakesFromPosition(FoundPosition); CreatingSnakes CreatingSnakesButTheWhole = GetCreatingSnakesFromPositionButTheWholeOne(FoundPosition); print("ExtendingSnake"); bool goodSnake = true; print("creating snakes values: " + GetCreatingSnakesFromPosition(FoundPosition)); if (CreatingSnakesToAdd != null) { print("creating snakes is null"); } else { print("it is not nullllllsqdqdq"); } //these conditions are used to check if we dont create a tail part on ourselves. if (tailLimit < 5 && !isAnyCreatingSnakesHere(FoundPosition)) { // here maybe replce it by the if ( == "nope") { if (CreatingSnakesList.Count != 0) { return; } print("creating a new creating snake"); //we initalize the snakeLock so they cant move 2 snakes at the same time; if ( != "nope" && snakeLock == null) { if (!IsThisSnakeOurs( { return; } snakeLock =; print("snakeName: " +; } print("snakeToAddName: " + snakeLock); //if there are no creatingSnakes near, we create a new one instead; if (!IsThisSnakeOurs(snakeLock)) { return; } CreatingSnakes newCreatingSnakes = new CreatingSnakes(); = snakeLock; newCreatingSnakes.addCube(FoundPosition, true); CreatingSnakesList.Add(newCreatingSnakes); tailLimit++; canValidate = true; } else { //whenever a creating snake is already created at this pos, this get callled print("a creating snake is already created"); //we need to add this here so it doesnt pick the head of the snake but the one of the Creating Snakes bool crtSnk = false; if ( != "nope") { print("Creating snakes but the whole name is not null"); if (IsAnyCreatingSnakesFromPositionButTheWholeOneBool(FoundPosition)) { print("this shits good fn"); crtSnk = true; } else { print("this shit isnt gooddd"); } } else { print("The name is null"); } if (snakeLock == && crtSnk) { CreatingSnakesToAdd.addCube(FoundPosition, true); tailLimit++; canValidate = true; } } //} } print("taillimit is ok"); }
public void CreateSnake() { Vector3 pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); pos.z = 0; if (FindPosition(pos)[0] == 600) { return; } if (GetSnakesFromStrictPositionButEvenTheDestroyed(FindPosition(pos)).name != "nope") { return; } if (creatingSnake && canPlay) { Vector3 pz = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); bool goodCase = false; int findCaseX = Mathf.RoundToInt(FindPosition(pz)[0]); int findCaseY = Mathf.RoundToInt(FindPosition(pz)[1]); print(playerRank); if (playerRank == 1) { if (findCaseX == 18 && findCaseY == 35) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "a"; } if (findCaseX == 18 && findCaseY == 36) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "b"; } if (findCaseX == 19 && findCaseY == 37) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "c"; } if (findCaseX == 19 && findCaseY == 34) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "d"; } if (findCaseX == 20 && findCaseY == 37) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "e"; } if (findCaseX == 20 && findCaseY == 34) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "f"; } if (findCaseX == 21 && findCaseY == 36) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "g"; } if (findCaseX == 21 && findCaseY == 35) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "h"; } } else if (playerRank == 2) { print("this is player2"); if (findCaseX == 18 && findCaseY == 35 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "i"; } if (findCaseX == 18 && findCaseY == 36 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "j"; } if (findCaseX == 19 && findCaseY == 37 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "k"; } if (findCaseX == 19 && findCaseY == 34 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "l"; } if (findCaseX == 20 && findCaseY == 37 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "m"; } if (findCaseX == 20 && findCaseY == 34 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "n"; } if (findCaseX == 21 && findCaseY == 36 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "o"; } if (findCaseX == 21 && findCaseY == 35 - 32) { goodCase = true; creatingSnakeName = "p"; } } if (!isAnyThingHere(FindPosition(pz))) { print("creating second head"); if (goodCase && snakeLock == null) { Vector2 snakePos = NormalizePosition(FindPosition(pz)); //Create a snake in the list CreatingSnakes, so it can be cancelled before validating the turn CreatingSnakes creatingSnakes = new CreatingSnakes(); = creatingSnakeName; creatingSnakes.addCube(FindPosition(pz), true); print("creating snake's name is " +; CreatingSnakesList.Add(creatingSnakes); canValidate = true; canPlay = false; } } creatingSnake = false; } }