예제 #1
        //public virtual IProp CreateGenFromString(Type typeOfThisProperty,
        //    string value, bool useDefault,
        //    PropNameType propertyName, object extraInfo,
        //    PropStorageStrategyEnum storageStrategy, bool isTypeSolid, PropKindEnum propKind,
        //    Delegate comparer, bool useRefEquality = false, Type itemType = null)
        //    MemConsumptionTracker mct = new MemConsumptionTracker(enabled: false);

        //    if (propKind == PropKindEnum.Prop)
        //    {
        //        CreateScalarProp propCreator = GetPropCreator(typeOfThisProperty);
        //        mct.MeasureAndReport("GetPropCreator", $"for {propertyName}");

        //        // TODO: This is where strings are parsed to create objects of type T.
        //        // TODO: This needs more work, to say the least.

        //        IProp prop = propCreator(this, haveValue: true, value: value, useDefault: useDefault, propertyName: propertyName,
        //            extraInfo: extraInfo, storageStrategy: storageStrategy, isTypeSolid: isTypeSolid,
        //            comparer: comparer, useRefEquality: useRefEquality, getDefaultValFunc: null);

        //        mct.MeasureAndReport("Ran propCreator to get IProp", $"for {propertyName}");

        //        return prop;
        //    }
        //    else if (propKind.IsCollection())
        //    {
        //        CreateCPropFromStringDelegate propCreator = GetCPropFromStringCreator(typeOfThisProperty, itemType);
        //        mct.MeasureAndReport("GetCPropFromStringCreator", $"for {propertyName}");

        //        IProp prop = propCreator(this, value: value, useDefault: useDefault, propertyName: propertyName,
        //            extraInfo: extraInfo, storageStrategy: storageStrategy, isTypeSolid: isTypeSolid,
        //            comparer: comparer, useRefEquality: useRefEquality);

        //        mct.MeasureAndReport("Ran GetCPropFromStringCreator to get IProp", $"for {propertyName}");

        //        return prop;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        throw new InvalidOperationException($"PropKind = {propKind} is not recognized or is not supported.");
        //    }

        public virtual IProp CreateGenWithNoValue(Type typeOfThisProperty,
                                                  PropNameType propertyName, object extraInfo,
                                                  PropStorageStrategyEnum storageStrategy, bool isTypeSolid, PropKindEnum propKind,
                                                  Delegate comparer, bool useRefEquality = false, Type itemType = null)
            MemConsumptionTracker mct = new MemConsumptionTracker(enabled: false);

            if (propKind == PropKindEnum.Prop)
                CreateScalarProp propCreator = GetPropCreator(typeOfThisProperty);
                mct.MeasureAndReport("GetPropCreator", $"for {propertyName}");

                IProp prop = propCreator(this, haveValue: false, value: null, useDefault: false, propertyName: propertyName,
                                         extraInfo: extraInfo, storageStrategy: storageStrategy, isTypeSolid: isTypeSolid,
                                         comparer: comparer, useRefEquality: useRefEquality, getDefaultValFunc: null);

                mct.MeasureAndReport("Ran propCreator to get IProp", $"for {propertyName}");

            else if (propKind.IsCollection())
                CreateCPropWithNoValueDelegate propCreator = GetCPropWithNoValueCreator(typeOfThisProperty, itemType);
                IProp prop = propCreator(this, propertyName: propertyName,
                                         extraInfo: extraInfo, storageStrategy: storageStrategy, isTypeSolid: isTypeSolid,
                                         comparer: comparer, useRefEquality: useRefEquality);

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"PropKind = {propKind} is not recognized or is not supported.");
예제 #2
        //From Object
        //protected virtual CreateDsFromIDoCrudDelegate GetCPropCreator(Type collectionType, Type itemType)
        //    CreateEPropFromObjectDelegate result = DelegateCacheProvider.CreateCPropFromObjectCache.GetOrAdd(new TypePair(collectionType, itemType));
        //    return result;


        #region CollectionViewSource Prop Creation Methods

        //// CollectionViewSource
        //protected virtual CreateCVSPropDelegate GetCVSPropCreator(Type itemType)
        //    CreateCVSPropDelegate result = DelegateCacheProvider.CreateCVSPropCache.GetOrAdd(itemType);
        //    return result;

        //// CollectionView
        //protected virtual CreateCVPropDelegate GetCVPropCreator(Type itemType)
        //    CreateCVPropDelegate result = DelegateCacheProvider.CreateCVPropCache.GetOrAdd(itemType);
        //    return result;


        #region DataSource Creation Methods

        //protected virtual CreateMappedDSPProviderDelegate GetDSPProviderCreator(Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
        //    CreateMappedDSPProviderDelegate result = DelegateCacheProvider.CreateDSPProviderCache.GetOrAdd(new TypePair(sourceType, destinationType));
        //    return result;


        #region Scalar Prop Creation Methods

        // From Object
        protected virtual CreateScalarProp GetPropCreator(Type typeOfThisValue)
            CreateScalarProp result = DelegateCacheProvider.CreateScalarPropCache.GetOrAdd(typeOfThisValue);
