예제 #1
        public async Task <Parcel <Country> > Update(CreateParcel parcel)
            var wrapper = new DataWrapper {
                Parcel = parcel

            return(await Update <Parcel <Country> >(JsonHelper.Serialize(wrapper, DateTimeFormat)));
예제 #2
        public static async Task <Parcel> GetDefaultObject()
            var parameters = new CreateParcel
                Length       = 5,
                Width        = 5,
                Height       = 5,
                DistanceUnit = DistanceUnits.cm,
                Weight       = 2,
                MassUnit     = MassUnits.lb,
                Template     = null,
                Metadata     = "Customer ID 123456"

            return(await GetShippoClient().CreateParcel(parameters));
예제 #3
        public static async Task <Batch> GetDefaultObject()
            // Grab USPS carrier account to get the correct object ID for further testing.
            // This should be changed to be more generic in future versions of this test. In
            // other words, remove the depedence on a USPS carrier account to exist.
            ShippoCollection <CarrierAccount> carrierAccounts = await GetShippoClient().AllCarrierAccounts();

            string defaultCarrierAccount = "";

            foreach (CarrierAccount account in carrierAccounts)
                if (account.Carrier.ToString() == "usps")
                    defaultCarrierAccount = account.ObjectId;

            var addressFrom = CreateAddress.CreateForPurchase("Mr. Hippo", "965 Mission St.", "Ste 201", "SF",
                                                              "CA", "94103", "US", "4151234567", "*****@*****.**");
            var addressTo = CreateAddress.CreateForPurchase("Mrs. Hippo", "965 Missions St.", "Ste 202", "SF",
                                                            "CA", "94103", "US", "4151234568", "*****@*****.**");

            CreateParcel[] parcels       = { CreateParcel.CreateForShipment(5, 5, 5, DistanceUnits.@in, 2, MassUnits.oz) };
            var            shipment      = CreateShipment.CreateForBatch(addressFrom, addressTo, parcels);
            var            batchShipment = CreateBatchShipment.CreateForBatchShipments(defaultCarrierAccount, "usps_priority", shipment);

            var batchShipments = new List <CreateBatchShipment>();


            Batch batch = await GetShippoClient().CreateBatch(new CreateBatch
                DefaultCarrierAccount    = defaultCarrierAccount,
                DefaultServicelevelToken = "usps_priority",
                LabelFiletype            = ShippoEnums.LabelFiletypes.PDF_4x6,
                Metadata       = "BATCH #170",
                BatchShipments = batchShipments

            Assert.AreEqual(ShippoEnums.Statuses.VALIDATING, batch.Status);
예제 #4
        private static async Task RunBatchExample(ShippoClient resource)
            ShippoCollection <CarrierAccount> carrierAccounts = await resource.AllCarrierAccounts();

            string defaultCarrierAccount = "";

            foreach (CarrierAccount account in carrierAccounts)
                if (account.Carrier.ToString() == "usps")
                    defaultCarrierAccount = account.ObjectId;

            var addressFrom = CreateAddress.CreateForPurchase("Mr. Hippo", "965 Mission St.", "Ste 201", "SF",
                                                              "CA", "94103", "US", "4151234567", "*****@*****.**");
            var addressTo = CreateAddress.CreateForPurchase("Mrs. Hippo", "965 Missions St.", "Ste 202", "SF",
                                                            "CA", "94103", "US", "4151234568", "*****@*****.**");

            CreateParcel[] parcels       = { CreateParcel.CreateForShipment(5, 5, 5, DistanceUnits.@in, 2, MassUnits.oz) };
            var            shipment      = CreateShipment.CreateForBatch(addressFrom, addressTo, parcels);
            var            batchShipment = CreateBatchShipment.CreateForBatchShipments(defaultCarrierAccount, "usps_priority", shipment);

            var batchShipments = new List <CreateBatchShipment>();


            Batch batch = await resource.CreateBatch(new CreateBatch
                DefaultCarrierAccount    = defaultCarrierAccount,
                DefaultServicelevelToken = "usps_priority",
                LabelFiletype            = ShippoEnums.LabelFiletypes.PDF_4x6,
                Metadata       = "BATCH #170",
                BatchShipments = batchShipments

            Console.WriteLine("Batch Status = " + batch.Status);
            Console.WriteLine("Metadata = " + batch.Metadata);
예제 #5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // replace with your Shippo Token
            // don't have one? get more info here
            // (https://goshippo.com/docs/#overview)
            var client = new ShippoClient("<YourShippoToken>");

            // to address
            var toAddressTable = new CreateAddress
                Name       = "Mr. Hippo",
                Company    = "Shippo",
                Street1    = "215 Clayton St.",
                City       = "San Francisco",
                State      = "CA",
                PostalCode = "94117",
                Country    = "US",
                Phone      = "+1 555 341 9393",
                Email      = "*****@*****.**"

            // from address
            var fromAddressTable = new CreateAddress
                Name       = "Ms Hippo",
                Company    = "San Diego Zoo",
                Street1    = "2920 Zoo Drive",
                City       = "San Diego",
                State      = "CA",
                PostalCode = "92101",
                Country    = "US",
                Email      = "*****@*****.**",
                Phone      = "+1 619 231 1515",
                Metadata   = "Customer ID 123456"

            // parcel
            var parcelTable = new CreateParcel
                Length       = 5,
                Width        = 5,
                Height       = 5,
                DistanceUnit = DistanceUnits.@in,
                Weight       = 2,
                MassUnit     = MassUnits.lb

            // shipment
            var shipmentTable = new CreateShipment
                AddressTo   = toAddressTable,
                AddressFrom = fromAddressTable,
                Async       = false


            // create Shipment object
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Shipment object..");
            Task.Run(async() =>
                Shipment shipment = await client.CreateShipment(shipmentTable);

                // select desired shipping rate according to your business logic
                // we simply select the first rate in this example
                Rate rate = shipment.Rates[0];

                Console.WriteLine("Getting shipping label..");
                var transactionParameters = new CreateTransaction
                    Rate  = rate.ObjectId,
                    Async = false
                Transaction transaction = await client.CreateTransaction(transactionParameters);

                if (transaction.Status == ShippoEnums.TransactionStatuses.SUCCESS)
                    Console.WriteLine("Label url : " + transaction.LabelURL);
                    Console.WriteLine("Tracking number : " + transaction.TrackingNumber);
                    Console.WriteLine("An Error has occured while generating your label. Messages : " + transaction.Messages);

                await RunBatchExample(client);

                await RunTrackingExample(client);

                Console.WriteLine("\nValidating International Address\n");
                await RunInternationalAddressValidationExample(client);
예제 #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] CreateParcel command)
            await commandDispatcher.DispatchAsync(command);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { id = command.Id }, null));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] CreateParcel command)
            await _parcelService.CreateAsync(command.Id, command.Name, command.SenderId, command.ReceiverId, command.ReceiverAddress);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { id = command.Id }, null));
예제 #8
        public async Task <Parcel> CreateParcel(CreateParcel createParcel)
            string ep = string.Format("{0}/parcels", apiEndpoint);

            return(await this.apiClient.DoRequestAsync <Parcel>(ep, HttpMethod.Post, Serialize(createParcel)));