public void Start() { Console.WriteLine("Press 's' to send lots of commands"); Console.WriteLine("Press 'e' to send a command that will throw an exception."); string cmd; while ((cmd = Console.ReadKey().Key.ToString().ToLower()) != "q") { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); switch (cmd) { case "s": for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { _orderShipping = new CreateOrderShipping { OrderId = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderCountryCode = "IRL", OrderNumber = i }; Bus.Send(_orderShipping); Console.WriteLine("Send a MyOtherCommand message number {2} type: {1} with Id {0}." , _orderShipping.OrderId , _orderShipping.GetType(), i); Console.WriteLine( "=========================================================================="); } break; case "e": var exceptionCommand = new CreateOrderShipping { OrderId = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderCountryCode = "IRL", OrderNumber = 100, ThrowException = true }; Bus.Send(exceptionCommand); Console.WriteLine("Sending a exceptionCommand the will throw, message type: {1} with Id {0}." , exceptionCommand.OrderId, exceptionCommand.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("=========================================================================="); break; } } }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { var host = new Host(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WebServiceIntegration"].ToString()); // pass this command line option to run as a windows service if (args.Contains("--run-as-service")) { using (var windowsService = new WindowsService(host)) { ServiceBase.Run(windowsService); return; } } Console.Title = Host.EndpointName; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => { tcs.SetResult(null); }; IEndpointInstance endpomEndpointInstance = await host.Start(); //await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Press Ctrl+C to exit..."); Console.WriteLine("Press 's' to send lots of commands"); Console.WriteLine("Press 'e' to send a command that will throw an exception."); string cmd; while ((cmd = Console.ReadKey().Key.ToString().ToLower()) != "q") { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); switch (cmd) { case "s": for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { _orderShipping = new CreateOrderShipping { OrderId = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderCountryCode = "IRL", OrderNumber = i }; await endpomEndpointInstance.Send(_orderShipping).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("Send a MyOtherCommand message number {2} type: {1} with Id {0}." , _orderShipping.OrderId , _orderShipping.GetType(), i); Console.WriteLine( "=========================================================================="); } break; case "e": var exceptionCommand = new CreateOrderShipping { OrderId = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderCountryCode = "IRL", OrderNumber = 100, ThrowException = true }; await endpomEndpointInstance.Send(exceptionCommand).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("Sending a exceptionCommand the will throw, message type: {1} with Id {0}." , exceptionCommand.OrderId, exceptionCommand.GetType()); Console.WriteLine("=========================================================================="); break; } Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("Press 's' to send lots of commands"); Console.WriteLine("Press 'e' to send a command that will throw an exception."); } await tcs.Task; await host.Stop(); }