public void CallArtistServiceMethodGetArtists_WhenInvoked() { // Arrange var createService = new Mock <ICreationService>(); var artistService = new Mock <IArtistService>(); var albumService = new Mock <IAlbumService>(); var genreService = new Mock <IGenreService>(); var artist = new Artist() { Name = "Artist Name" }; var artistCollection = new List <Artist>() { artist }; artistService.Setup(x => x.GetArtists()).Returns(() => artistCollection.AsQueryable()); var sut = new CreateController( createService.Object, artistService.Object, albumService.Object, genreService.Object); // Act sut.CreateAlbum(); // Assert artistService.Verify(x => x.GetArtists(), Times.Once); }
public void CallCreateServiceMethodCreateArtistOnce_WhenInvoked() { // Arrange var createService = new Mock <ICreationService>(); var artistService = new Mock <IArtistService>(); var albumService = new Mock <IAlbumService>(); var genreService = new Mock <IGenreService>(); createService.Setup(x => x.CreateArtist(It.IsAny <string>())); var sut = new CreateController( createService.Object, artistService.Object, albumService.Object, genreService.Object); var model = new CreateArtistViewModel() { Name = "Artist Name" }; // Act sut.CreateArtist(model); // Assert createService.Verify(x => x.CreateArtist(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once); }
public CreateControllerTest() { this._serviceProviderMock = new ServiceProviderMock(); this._controller = new CreateController(this._serviceProviderMock.getMock()); this._controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(); this._controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext(); }
public CreateControllerTests() { mediator = A.Fake <IMediator>(); controller = new CreateController(mediator); var movementRulesSummary = new MovementRulesSummary(new List <RuleResult <MovementRules> >()); A.CallTo(() => mediator.SendAsync(A <GetMovementRulesSummary> .Ignored)).Returns(movementRulesSummary); A.CallTo(() => mediator.SendAsync(A <GetShipmentInfo> .Ignored)).Returns(GetShipmentInfo()); }
public void Test_EnsureAuthorised_AllowPublicType() { CreateController controller = new CreateController(); controller.Container = new MockCreateProjection(typeof(MockPublicEntity)); bool isAuthorised = controller.EnsureAuthorised(); Assert.IsTrue(isAuthorised, "Returned false when it should be true."); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the process of creating a new entity without any default values. /// </summary> public virtual void Create() { using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Creating a new entity.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug)) { CheckCreateController(); Create(CreateController.Create()); } }
public void Test_IsController() { ControllerScanner scanner = new ControllerScanner(); CreateController controller = new CreateController(); bool isController = scanner.IsController(controller.GetType()); Assert.IsTrue(isController, "CreateController class is not recognised as a controller as it should be."); }
public void Index_TestIndexView_ViewResult() { //Arrange CreateController controller = new CreateController(); //Act ViewResult result = controller.Index() as ViewResult; //Assert Assert.AreEqual("Index", result.ViewName); }
public void Test_EnsureAuthorised_RestrictUnauthorisedType() { MockRestrictedEntity restrictedEntity = new MockRestrictedEntity(); CreateController controller = new CreateController(); controller.Container = new MockCreateProjection(typeof(MockRestrictedEntity)); bool isAuthorised = controller.EnsureAuthorised(); Assert.IsFalse(isAuthorised, "Returned true when it should have been false."); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the provided entity. /// Note: PrepareSave must be called before using this function. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool Save(IEntity entity) { bool success = false; using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Saving the provided entity.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug)) { if (Page.IsValid) { success = CreateController.Save(entity); } } return(success); }
public void InitializeControllers() { if (Array.IndexOf(Command.AllActions, "Create") > -1) { createController = CreateController.New(this, UniquePropertyName); Controllers.Add(createController); } else { editController = EditController.New(this, UniquePropertyName); Controllers.Add(editController); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the process of creating a new entity using the provided entity as the default field values. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> public virtual void Create(IEntity entity) { using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Preparing a create action.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug)) { CheckCreateController(); DataSource = entity; Form.DataSource = entity; CreateController.Create(entity); DataBind(); } }
public void CallCreateServiceMethodCreateSong_WhenInvoked() { // Arrange var createService = new Mock <ICreationService>(); var artistService = new Mock <IArtistService>(); var albumService = new Mock <IAlbumService>(); var genreService = new Mock <IGenreService>(); createService.Setup(x => x.CreateSong( It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int?>(), It.IsAny <ICollection <string> >(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())); var sut = new CreateController( createService.Object, artistService.Object, albumService.Object, genreService.Object); var model = new CreateSongViewModel() { Title = "Title", Artist = "Artist", Album = "Album", Duration = 5, Genres = new List <string>() { "Genre" }, Lyrics = "Lyrics", VideoUrl = "VideoUrl", }; // Act sut.CreateSong(model); // Assert createService.Verify(x => x.CreateSong( It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <int?>(), It.IsAny <ICollection <string> >(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once); }
private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { //打开日志窗体 logForm log = logForm.InstanceLogForm(); log.Show(); log.Visible = false; //设置数据 CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; List <QuestionaireEntity> dataList = QuestionaireData.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) { CreateController.addController(10, (1 + i) * 35, this, dataList[i]); } }
void onTouchEvent(string obj) { = items.Item.ToString(); if (obj == { if (TouchController.collider.tag != "Utilits") { CreateController.shareCreate().createBuyLevelUp(this); } else { CreateController.shareCreate().createBuyUtilits(this); } } }
public void Test_Create_Parent() { MockProjection projection = new MockProjection(); projection.RequireAuthorisation = false; projection.Command = new CreateComandInfo(typeof(TestArticlePage).Name); TestArticle article = CreateStrategy.New <TestArticle>(false).Create <TestArticle>(); article.ID = Guid.NewGuid(); article.Title = "Test title"; SaveStrategy.New <TestArticle>(false).Save(article); CreateController controller = CreateController.New(projection); Assert.IsTrue(controller is CreateSubEntityController, "Invalid controller type: " + controller.GetType().ToString()); CreateSubEntityController createSubEntityController = (CreateSubEntityController)controller; ISubEntity subEntity = (ISubEntity)createSubEntityController.Create(article.ID, String.Empty); Assert.IsNotNull(subEntity, "No sub entity returned."); Assert.IsTrue((subEntity is TestArticlePage), "Wrong type returned: " + subEntity.GetType().ToString()); Assert.IsNotNull(subEntity.Parent, "No parent assigned to sub entity."); Assert.AreEqual(article.ID.ToString(), subEntity.Parent.ID.ToString(), "Parent ID doesn't match expected."); Assert.AreEqual(1, subEntity.Number, "Sub entity has wrong number."); SaveStrategy.New(subEntity, false).Save(subEntity); ISubEntity subEntity2 = (ISubEntity)createSubEntityController.Create(Guid.Empty, article.UniqueKey); Assert.IsNotNull(subEntity2, "No sub entity returned."); Assert.IsTrue((subEntity2 is TestArticlePage), "Wrong type returned: " + subEntity.GetType().ToString()); Assert.IsNotNull(subEntity2.Parent, "No parent assigned to sub entity."); Assert.AreEqual(article.ID.ToString(), subEntity2.Parent.ID.ToString(), "Parent ID doesn't match expected."); Assert.AreEqual(2, subEntity2.Number, "Sub entity has wrong number."); }
private void CreateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var username = UserLabel.Text; var g = Guid.NewGuid(); var date = dateTimePicker.Value; string GT = GroupTitleTextBox.Text; int duration = Convert.ToInt32(meetingDurationtextBox.Text); string loc = locaitonTextBox.Text; Meeting newMeeting = new Meeting() { Id = g, GroupTitle = GT, MeetingDate = date, MeetingDuration = duration, MeetingLocation = loc, UserN = username }; CreateController create = new CreateController(); create.createMeeting(newMeeting); this.Close(); //then update the caledar on home screen with meeting }
/// <summary> /// Saves the entity from the form. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool Save() { bool success = false; using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Saving the entity from the form.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug)) { if (Page.IsValid) { PrepareSave(); if (DataSource == null) { throw new Exception("DataSource == null. Call PrepareSave()."); } success = CreateController.Save(DataSource); } } return(success); }
public void Forum_CreateController_Index_Post_ShouldCallRedirectToActionWithCorrectRouteParams() { //Arrange var data = new Mock <IUowData>(); var threadRepository = new Mock <IRepository <Thread> >(); var mappingService = new Mock <IMappingService>(); data.Setup(d => d.Threads).Returns(threadRepository.Object); var claim = new Claim("test", "asd-123"); var identity = new Mock <ClaimsIdentity>(); identity.Setup(i => i.FindFirst(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(claim); var principal = new Mock <IPrincipal>(); principal.Setup(p => p.Identity).Returns(identity.Object); var context = new Mock <ControllerContext>(); context.Setup(c => c.HttpContext.User).Returns(principal.Object); mappingService.Setup(m => m.Map <Thread>(It.IsAny <CreateThreadViewModel>())).Returns(new Thread() { Id = 3 }); CreateController controller = new CreateController(data.Object, mappingService.Object) { ControllerContext = context.Object }; var thread = new CreateThreadViewModel(); //Act RedirectToRouteResult redirectResult = controller.Index(thread) as RedirectToRouteResult; //Assert Assert.AreEqual(3, redirectResult.RouteValues["id"]); }
public void Forum_CreateController_Index_Post_ShouldAddInstanceOfAThread() { //Arrange var data = new Mock <IUowData>(); var mappingService = new Mock <IMappingService>(); var threadRepository = new Mock <IRepository <Thread> >(); data.Setup(d => d.Threads).Returns(threadRepository.Object); var claim = new Claim("test", "asd-123"); var identity = new Mock <ClaimsIdentity>(); identity.Setup(i => i.FindFirst(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(claim); var principal = new Mock <IPrincipal>(); principal.Setup(p => p.Identity).Returns(identity.Object); var context = new Mock <ControllerContext>(); context.Setup(c => c.HttpContext.User).Returns(principal.Object); mappingService.Setup(m => m.Map <Thread>(It.IsAny <CreateThreadViewModel>())).Returns(new Thread()); CreateController controller = new CreateController(data.Object, mappingService.Object) { ControllerContext = context.Object }; var thread = new CreateThreadViewModel(); //Act var result = controller.Index(thread) as ViewResult; //Assert threadRepository.Verify(d => d.Add(It.IsAny <Thread>())); }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.Button allBtn = (System.Windows.Forms.Button)sender; if (allBtn.Text.Equals("全部执行")) { allBtn.Enabled = false; //点击了全部执行按钮,便禁用单条执行按钮 overTurnBtnState(false); allBtn.Text = "停止"; //开始执行线程 List <QuestionaireEntity> questionList = QuestionaireData.result; foreach (var q in questionList) { //设置终止线程状态为false q.CloseThread = false; //先判断线程集合中是否有这个线程 if (CreateController.threadDict.ContainsKey(q.SeriaNum)) { //已经有此线程执行了,直接跳过 continue; } //新建刷题线程 Thread thread = new Thread(() => CreateController.exercise(this, q)); //加入到线程集合中 CreateController.threadDict.Add(q.SeriaNum, thread); thread.Name = q.SeriaNum; //启动线程 thread.Start(); } allBtn.Enabled = true; } else { List <QuestionaireEntity> questionList = QuestionaireData.result; foreach (var q in questionList) { //设置终止线程状态为false q.CloseThread = true; } allBtn.Text = "正在停止..."; /** * allBtn.Enabled = false; * //点击了停止 按钮,便停止刷单 * overTurnBtnState(true); * allBtn.Text = "全部执行"; * //关闭所有的线程 * Dictionary<string, Thread>.ValueCollection threads = CreateController.threadDict.Values; * foreach (var th in threads) * { * th.Abort(); * while (th.ThreadState != ThreadState.Aborted) * { * //当调用Abort方法后,如果thread线程的状态不为Aborted,主线程就一直在这里做循环,直到thread线程的状态变为Aborted为止 * Thread.Sleep(100); * } * * } **/ } }
private void Awake() { cc = this; }
void goToSceneStore() { CreateController.shareCreate().createScene(this.nameScene); Destroy(this.gameObject); }
public static void noMoney() { CreateController.shareCreate().createWarningCoin(); }
public void CallAlbumServiceGetAlbumsOnce_WhenInvoked() { // Arrange var createService = new Mock <ICreationService>(); var artistService = new Mock <IArtistService>(); var albumService = new Mock <IAlbumService>(); var genreService = new Mock <IGenreService>(); var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var artist = new Artist() { Name = "Artist Name" }; var album = new Album() { Title = "Album Title" }; var genre = new Genre() { Name = "Genre Name" }; var genres = new List <Genre>() { new Genre() { Name = "Genre Name" } }; var songCollection = new List <Song>() { new Song() { Id = id, Title = "Song Title", Album = album, Artist = artist, Duration = 5, Genres = genres, Lyrics = "Some Lyrics", VideoUrl = "VideoUrl" } }; var artistCollection = new List <Artist>() { artist }; var albumCollection = new List <Album>() { album }; var genreCollection = new List <Genre>() { genre }; genreService.Setup(x => x.GetGenres()).Returns(() => genreCollection.AsQueryable()); albumService.Setup(x => x.GetAlbums()).Returns(() => albumCollection.AsQueryable()); artistService.Setup(x => x.GetArtists()).Returns(() => artistCollection.AsQueryable()); var sut = new CreateController( createService.Object, artistService.Object, albumService.Object, genreService.Object); // Act sut.CreateSong(); // Assert albumService.Verify(x => x.GetAlbums(), Times.Once); }
public ProductServiceCreateTest() { this.controller = new CreateController(); }